The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1092: 】Blood Rebirth

[Chapter 1092] Rebirth from a drop of blood (3 more, plus)

The whole square was silent. ()

Five-star emperors, most of the time, there are very few five-star emperors in Jianzhou. They spend most of their time wandering in the outer starry sky, looking for treasures of heaven and earth, and pursuing a higher martial arts realm.

Generally speaking, the four-star emperor is the strongest combat power among the emperors who often appear in Jianzhou.

However, now three five-star emperors appeared and fought fiercely with one one-star emperor, but the one-star emperor won.

Not only repelled all the three five-star emperors, and caused all three of them to be injured, two of them even screamed inexplicably, and then died.

The emperor is the highest state of the mortal martial artist, everyone is knowledgeable, but at this moment, he can't understand why this is.

Therefore, one by one looked at the corpses of Zhao Nee's prayers, stunned, incredible.


A sudden explosion awakened everyone from the shock.

The source of the sound was that huge array of gas mask, the half-virtual sword idiot made a move.

With a stroke of his two fingers, it was a silky sword light, which immediately hit the weakest part of the formation gas mask. In an instant, the formation gas mask set off a huge wave, and a crack was in it. The sword thread broke open.


Xiaohu suddenly let out a roar that shook the sky, the formation air shield was broken, and the pressure on it suddenly lightened.

During the week, in the purple ball of light, there was also a dragon chanting, and a purple dragon rose into the sky.

boom! boom!

There were two more explosions, and Long Ziyan and Xiaohu attacked from the inside, blasting on the gas mask of the formation.

The formation gas mask of Yingying had appeared, and it exploded amidst the explosion.

"You trash...!" Qin Shiyu roared when the formation was broken, and he immediately roared, "Give it all to me. You can't let them escape. Take them down to the son of God. Qin Shou, you go and deal with them, Xuan. God let me clean up."

Although Xuantian's purple sword light had terrible attack power, Qin Shiyu was not afraid at all.

Qin Shiyu's strength is that he is not afraid of attacks. He has already refined his immortal body to the fifth level-rebirth from a drop of blood.

Even if the body is cut into pieces, it is nothing to him, as long as there is a drop of blood, it can reconsolidate the physical body.

With the strength of his undead divine power and the speed of its recovery, even if Xuantian smashed his body for a few months, he would not die and could continue to be reborn.

In terms of consumption, the immortal body is definitely the first magical skill.

Long Ziyan and Xiaohu were out of trouble, and Jianlun was still there. Xuantian didn't worry about them, even if they went to Qin Shou, a five-star emperor.

Xuantian stared at Qin Shiyu and shouted: "Qin is not dead! I know you can see me through your son's eyes. You killed the sword **** king's blood debt. One day I will repay you. Take it today. Your son’s life, pay interest."

Sword infatuation has been with the sword **** king for hundreds of millions of years. Naturally, he knows that the **** king can see the world through the eyes of his children and tell Xuantian about it.

Therefore, although Xuantian couldn't see the Immortal King, he knew that the Immortal King could definitely hear what he was saying now.

"Xuantian, are looking for death!" Qin Shiyu's chest rose and fell sharply as he roared angrily.

The person Qin Shiyu admires most is his father, Qin Budie, who has ascended from the mortal realm to the **** realm. In just a few hundred years, he has become the supreme one in the **** realm. These deeds, even in the endless history of the gods, are extremely rare.

"kill him--!"

Suddenly, a vast voice sounded, seeming to come from all directions, directly in everyone's ears, hearts, and minds.

The Immortal King used the supremely stalwart power to send a voice from the God Realm. Judging from these words, the Immortal King must be very angry now.

"Aoki God Hand——!"

With a loud shout, Qin Shiyu used a set of martial arts of the gods in an instant, stretching his arms.

The void in front suddenly shattered, and a huge cyan palm appeared, with a height of a thousand feet, with various textures on it, like wood, and grabbed it to Xuantian.

This hand of green wood was stronger than the ‘green dragon wood’ that Qin Nan used to display. This was the palm of the god-level martial arts, capable of crushing everything.

Qin Shiyu's combat power is far above the average five-star emperor, and with this'green wood hand', it is enough to wipe out the five-star emperor.

Because, with the attack power of the five-star emperor, he couldn't break through this **** hand.

Qin Shiyu only needs to wave this divine hand and he can defeat any five-star emperor with absolute power.

The emptiness that had already been imprisoned under the pressure of God Aomu's hand is now being squeezed and made stronger, making Xuantian feel like it is in steel.

"Sword Pill Art-Seventh Rank Purple Pill!"

Xuantian's body burst into purple light in an instant, running the power of the Seven Turns Sword Pill, and the sharp aura was intense in all directions in an instant, and the solid void was cut into the cracks.

The Profound Emperor's sword in his hand was shot with purple light, and Xuantian held the sword in both hands, and instantly cut out a dazzling purple sword light, slashing straight at the green wood **** hand.


The sky-shaking explosion sounded, how terrifying and sharp the attack power of the Seven Turns Sword Pill was, and the green wood **** hand suddenly broke under the sword.

However, after all, it was a god-level martial arts, the giant hand only broke halfway and stopped, and the power of the Seventh Turn Sword Pill could not be broken directly.

The huge green hand paused in the void, and then Qin Shiyu laughed loudly. The cracked place quickly closed, and continued to press against Xuantian: "Haha... Xuantian, you can't break this **** child's hand. You will lose in this battle."

"Break for me--!"

Xuantian yelled, and the Profound Sky Emperor sword in his hand made numerous phantoms, and between his fingers, Xuantian cleaved dozens of purple sword lights continuously.

One after another purple sword light slashed on the huge blue hand. Although one sword could not break open, the blue hand quickly closed, but before the blue hand was completely closed, the second sword was cut down again.

That huge blue hand was breaking, and as the purple sword light continuously cut down, the rupture grew bigger and bigger.

Finally, when the last purple sword light was cut off, the blue hand could no longer be closed. It was completely split and shattered about a hundred meters above Xuan Tian's head.


Xuantian walked against the wind, rushing towards Qin Shiyu as fast as lightning.

call out--

The Emperor Profound Sky Sword in his hand cut out a dazzling purple sword gang, plus Xuantian's forward impact speed, Baili Void was cut into a huge crack in an instant.

Seeing that Xuantian was only a thousand meters away from Qin Shiyu, Qin Shiyu slapped forward with a move of his arm.

A cyan palm print flew out of his palm, and instantly turned into a thousand meters in size, before blocking Xuantian, colliding with the purple sword light.

In the sound of the blast, the giant blue hand suddenly split in half, and the purple sword glow was gone and dissipated instantly.

The bodies of Xuantian and Qin Shiyu were affected by the force of the counter shock, and at the same time they blasted back more than a hundred meters.

"Haha...!" Qin Shiyu laughed, "Xuantian, this **** son used the "Azure Wood God Hand" in an instant. See how many times you can break the **** hand."

Huh hoo hoo...

The Emperor Tianxuan's sword was swung, purple sword lights appeared endlessly, and the giant green wood hand in front of him suddenly shattered.

boom! boom!

Two loud noises came from the front, Qin Shiyu's body instantly retreated a hundred miles, and he patted two palms in succession. The two giant hands of a thousand feet in size grabbed Xuantian.

Although Qin Shiyu has the earth’s sacred cauldron to protect him, when Xuantian is close to him, the immortal golden body has the upper hand. Therefore, Qin Shiyu controls the distance and never allows Xuantian to come close. With the'green wood **** hand', he can shoot to death from a long distance. Xuantian.

Although Xuantian's purple sword light has a strong attack power and is very sharp, but the "Azure Wood God Hand" is a god-level martial arts, which is so easy to break.

Xuan Tian broke open with one hand, Qin Shiyu could attack two hands, Xuan Tian broke with two hands, Qin Shiyu could attack three.

The more'Azure Wood Divine Hands' attacked, the harder Xuan Tian would be able to resist. Sooner or later, one hand would slap Xuan Tian on his body before breaking open.

Then, Qin Shiyu could shoot Xuantian to death with the endless'green wood hand'.

Seeing that two giant hands were suddenly grabbing, Xuantian snorted coldly as he didn't understand Qin Shiyu's thoughts, and the Profound Sky Emperor sword in his hand disappeared.

At the same instant, a bleak broken sword appeared in Xuan Tian's hands.

It's half Xuanyuan sword.

It looked plain and dull, and all the emperors who watched the battle were very surprised when they saw it. Based on the look, this broken sword was a thousand miles worse than the Heavenly Emperor Sword.

But the change that followed made all the emperors stunned.

I saw Xuantian holding the broken sword and slashing forward.

In an instant, a purple light flashed, and the sky-shaking sword rushed in all directions, and the sharp aura even cut the void dozens of miles away.

Xuantian split two swords in succession, as if cutting tofu, the two green wood gods' hands were divided into two.

Xuantian walked against the wind, as fast as lightning, much faster than Qin Shiyu's.

Qin Shiyu's expression was shocked. He didn't expect Xuantian to change his sword, and his attack power would increase so much, breaking his ‘Green Wood God Hand’ easily as normal.

Even the "Azure Wood God Hand" can easily break open, and his earth saint cauldron's defense will definitely not be able to resist, unless he hides in the saint cauldron, but even if he enters the saint cauldron, Xuantian can chase him in. .

Boo——! Boo——! Boo——!

Qin Shiyu shot three hands in a row, and Xuantian's advancing speed remained unabated. With the Xuanyuan Broken Sword in his hand, the giant hand in front of him split into two.

After only three breaths, Xuantian arrived in front of Qin Shiyu.

call out--

Xuanyuan Broken Sword slashed down, all Qin Shiyu's defenses were imaginary. In an instant, Qin Shiyu's body was split into two However, Qin Shiyu did not flow out of blood, and his two halves were quickly removed. Flashed to the side, together.

"Hahaha...!" Qin Shiyu laughed, "You can't kill me!"

"Break for me--!"

Xuantian yelled, and the speed of the sword suddenly increased, Xuanyuan Broken Sword drew countless phantoms, purple sword aura in all directions.

Qin Shiyu's laughing body was instantly slashed with countless swords, and was cut into pieces in an instant.

Finally, there was blood flashing, but it was not absorbed by the heavens and the earth. At the level of blood rebirth, unless it was already dead, every drop of blood was life, and the heavens and the earth could not absorb it.

The splashing blood combined with the broken body in an instant, Qin Shiyu returned to its original shape, unharmed.

Cultivating the immortal body has reached the level of rebirth, even if it wants to die, it can't die.


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