The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1099: 】Starry Sky Journey

[Chapter 1099] Starry Sky Journey (3 more calls for recommended tickets)

Xuantian couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the endless starry sky ahead. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

Although he has been here once, this time under the endless starry sky, he still feels small.

In all directions, boundless, it is said that even the nine-star emperor, crossing a boundary, it takes a year.

The speed of the nine-star emperor was more than ten times that of the four-star emperor, and Xuantian could barely contend with the speed of teleportation with the chaos holy cauldron.

In other words, Xuantian wants to cross the sword world now, and needs to walk in the same direction for a year.

And there are three thousand mortal worlds in the mortal world. Even the nine-star emperor can't walk through the three thousand mortal realms in his lifetime.

The starry sky is endless, things can't be distinguished, up and down, in all directions, are endless, the emperor walks in the starry sky, it is easy to get lost.

Of course, the emperor has a solution, every martial artist, and the emperor has the emperor's law, and the law is a starry sky.

In each realm, there is a realm king star, extremely huge, located in the very center of the starry sky, the emperor only needs to leave a spiritual mark on the realm king star, and always sense the direction of the real king star, so he will not get lost.

In addition, the emperor’s dynastic element is in conjunction with the starry sky. Where a person goes, he can sense the position in the dynastic image, so that he knows where he is in the entire starry sky.

After ensuring the direction and then determining the location, naturally you won't get lost in the starry sky.

There are dots of starlight in the starry sky, and every dot of starlight is a star, but it looks as small as a dust because of the distance.

If you look closely, you can see that some stars are bright and even become a round fist, indicating that the distance is close, while some stars are very small and dim, indicating that the distance is far.

Of course, this is not absolute. Maybe a bright star is actually very far away, just because it is big and bright enough, so it looks brighter than the closer one, but the distance between them will not differ too much. far.

Because the stars that can be seen by the eyes are all within a limited range, the entire starry sky is vast and endless, and the eyes cannot see that far away. What they see is only some stars that are short distances relative to the starry sky.

Looking down, under the endless wind, there is a boundless land. Xuantian is still too close to Jiewang Xing to see the edge.

Whoosh whoosh...

Xuantian teleported continuously, teleporting hundreds of times, leaving the world king star tens of billions of miles away.

At this time, the gaze was not completely blocked by Jie Wang Xing. It can be seen that Jie Wang Xing is a huge spherical shape.

Of course, Xuantian was too far away from Jiewang star, and was blocked by the wind outside the sky. Jiewang star looked hazy, but he couldn't see the land of Jiewang star.

Xuantian took a deep look at Jiewangxing. He was born and grown up on this star. A total of thirty-eight years have passed. This time he went to the outer starry sky to find the treasures of heaven and earth, and to improve his cultivation. It was also to inquire about Si Kongding's news, and I was afraid it would take a long time before he might return.

Yu——, taking a long breath, Xuantian retracted his gaze, and a starry sky suddenly turned into a starry sky behind him, with three bright stars floating above his head.

He took out the map again, determined the direction of the ancient star of the dragon skeleton, disappeared in a flash, and teleported away.

In an instant, it teleported hundreds of millions of miles. This speed is really fast on Jiewangxing. It won’t take long to make a circle around Jiewangxing. Then, relative to the vast and endless starry sky, this distance is like The dust is average.

Xuantian looked back occasionally, and the world king star gradually shrank in his eyes. After Xuantian teleported thousands of times and left the world king star for trillions of miles, the world king star also became in Xuantian's eyes. A small star is just slightly shining than other stars.

In the starry sky, it was dark and icy, and only far away could there be stars.

However, the darkness here couldn't stop Xuantian's sight, and the coldness couldn't affect Xuantian's body temperature.

Xuantian was walking in this dark and cold starry sky, and as he teleported hundreds of millions of miles at a time, a few moments later, there was a planet that expanded in his eyes, and then, passed by him, became smaller in his eyes. .

He straddled one planet after another, and kept moving forward in the eternal dark and cold starry sky. Every few hours, Xuantian would take out a map, release the emperor's magic image, sense his position, and determine the direction of his progress.

I don’t know how many times it has teleported, 100,000 times? Still hundreds of thousands of times.

Xuantian has never teleported so continuously, even if it is stronger than him, he feels exhausted, most of his body is consumed and he needs to rest.

Calculating the time, he may have been teleporting continuously for a whole day, the distance spanned is hard to describe with numbers, it is extremely far away.

The time he spanned in one day was equivalent to the distance of a four-star emperor walking in the starry sky for ten days, and Xuantian passed two life planets on the way.

In most places in the starry sky, there is no heaven and earth aura, only near the planet, there is the existence of heaven and earth aura, of course, the strength is different.

Most of the planets above have very few auras, and there are also a small number of planets. Auras can be compared with certain parts of the world king stars, and they are generally major life planets.

However, the starry sky is endless, and there are always some strange places. The concentration of the aura of heaven and earth is particularly rich, much richer than that of the realm kings. Of course, such places are very rare in the starry sky, and you can't find it.

Xuantian took a few emperor-level spirit pills to replenish Gang Yuan, teleported forward for more than an hour, and encountered another life planet.

Some tired Xuantian landed on this life planet called Ur Star, and teleported continuously for more than a full day in the cold and dark starry sky. It was really a bit boring, and I had to rest here.

The aura of heaven and earth on Ur star is slightly stronger than Yunzhou and Zhongzhou. The emperor is like a cloud, and there are a small number of emperors. Of course, as the life planet in the starry sky, there are also some powerful emperors, or as Rest place.

Xuantian found an inn to stay in a certain city, released Long Ziyan and Xiaohu out of the saint tripod and rested for one night.

On the second day, Xuantian's spirits and spirits were restored to the peak, and Long Ziyan and Xiaohu were brought into the saint cauldron, and continued on their way.

Although his speed is equivalent to ten times that of the Four Star Emperor, it will take about a month to reach the ancient dragon skeleton star.

Long Ziyan sensed a trace of dragon energy from that map, and this map was treasured by the Emperor Chiyang. The ancient star of the dragon skeleton may be related to the Shenlong, so Xuantian and Long Ziyan went over to see and see where there is There is no blood of dragons, or treasures of heaven and earth. Generally speaking, places related to dragons are treasures.

Xuantian didn't expect that the fact that he had stayed in Nawuer Star for one night was passed to Qin Zhenghua's ears not long after.

Although it takes a long time for the emperor in the starry sky to shuttle, the voice has a secret method to spread faster. Qin Zhenghua learned that Xuantian had reached the outer starry sky, and immediately took the seven-star emperor Zhao Kong and Qi Sheng, chasing and killing him from the world king. Come.

The seven-star and eight-star emperors, not much worse than Xuantian's speed, arrived at Ur star in about a day.

Xuantian rushed all the way to the ancient star of the dragon skeleton. He would basically rest on a certain life planet if he was tired on the way. The Qin clan’s eyeliner covered the entire planet of life outside the starry sky. Hearing the news, he chased after Xuantian all the way. .

Although there is a dangerous tail behind, Xuantian can be regarded as a fish swimming in the sea and a dragon in the sky. Even if the nine-star emperor comes, it is difficult to cause danger to him. The effort to escape can be regarded as first-class. .

Therefore, even if he knew that it would attract the attention of the Qin clan, Xuantian would not use the Wuxiang Mantra to change his appearance. Now that Xuantian has the strength to fight the Qin clan, he does not need to hide his head and tail.

Day by day passed, and in a blink of an eye, he has been in the starry sky for more than twenty days.

On this day, after Xuantian teleported for more than ten hours continuously, he was a little tired, but through the emperor's law, there was no living planet nearby, Xuantian randomly found a barren planet and stopped.

It seems that there are no living planets in a large area of ​​the dragon skeleton star field, and there are still two or three days away, and there are no living planets to stop on the way.

Non-living planets basically have no heaven and earth aura, and some are very thin, but Xuantian has a large number of emperor-level spirit pills, which can quickly restore physical strength no matter where it is.

The barren planet that Xuantian landed on was much smaller than Realm Kings, and much smaller than ordinary life planets. It was only millions of miles in diameter. Xuantian could move around this planet several times in one breath. Ten circles, the surface of the planet is a very solid rock, all the time, there are fierce winds roaring, and its power is not much different than that of the outer winds outside the kingdom of stars.

In many places, there are big holes, which are not bottomed out, and I don't know how they are formed. The wind blew through those holes and made a huge whining sound.

The environment on this planet is so bad that even the emperor will not stay long and will die, and only the strong at the emperor level can stay.

Xuantian released Long Ziyan and Xiaohu from the sacred cauldron of Chaos. One person and one tiger protected him, while he swallowed dozens of emperor-level spirit pills to restore his physical strength.


The huge howling sound was very sad, like a ghost howl, with some different sounds intertwined in the middle.

Hearing this sound, the little tiger who was not far away from Xuantian suddenly shrugged his back, his body instantly enlarged, and his head was raised.

The demon beast has a keen sense, especially Xiaohu is a four-star demon emperor. It seems that he has noticed something Ziyan stood up when she saw it, and swept her eyes to see if there was any movement.

However, apart from the high and low noises, there seems to be no special place. The starry sky is silent, and there is only the whistling wind on the earth. Otherwise, everything is cold, dark, and dead.


Suddenly, there was an explosion, and the earth shook.

Ten miles away from Xuantian's side, suddenly exploded, and a large and long black shadow suddenly emerged from the ground.

The black image was a snake, it was pitch black, with scales on its body, and its body stretched out for a few miles, and it seemed that it was not at the end.


This monster suddenly made a sound like a roaring wind, which was very ear-piercing. Its huge body suddenly stretched out ten miles, and its head, which was bigger than a thousand-meter mountain, suddenly opened its huge mouth and bit towards Xuantian. Come.


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