The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1101: 】Thanksgiving

【Chapter 1101】Heavenly Mystery

Sword World Star, Donglai Star. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

Donglai Star is an ordinary life planet in the endless starry sky, the highest can only give birth to a warrior in the royal realm.

Because it is relatively geographically located at the edge of the starry sky of a large inanimate planet, there are very few emperors on Donglai Star.

Sometimes no emperor came to Donglaixing for months or even years.

However, there are some exceptions recently.

Yesterday, two emperors and a demon emperor appeared on Donglai Star, and today, three more emperors came.

The two emperors yesterday were all three-star emperors, and the cultivation base of these three emperors is even more scary today, two seven-star emperors and one eight-star emperor.

Yesterday, the two were not others, but Xuantian and Long Ziyan. Donglai Star was the last life planet they stayed on. From here to the ancient star of Dragon Skeleton, there are still several days away even at the speed of Xuantian. , Are areas of no life planet.

As for the three emperors who came to Donglai Star today, it was naturally Qin Zhenghua, Zhao Kong, and Qi Sheng.

They followed Xuantian all the way, and every life planet had their eyes, ears and eyes. However, since Xuantian appeared on Donglai Star, there has been no news of Xuantian.

In areas where there is no living planet, even if the Qin clan's information network is huge, it is a blind spot, and it is impossible to find Xuantian's whereabouts.


With a palm, Qin Zhenghua smashed a table.

"Where is this kid going? Is he going to reincarnate in a hurry? It's unreasonable that we have been chasing for more than 20 days in a hurry." Qin Zhenghua clenched his fists and said angrily.

Zhao Kong on the side said: "Xuantian has been moving in the same direction, obviously not only to escape our pursuit, it seems that he is moving forward with purpose, and further forward, there is a very large starry sky full of inanimate planet regions. It is difficult to know his whereabouts. Only by knowing his destination can we find him."

"Knowing his destination, it's not easy to say, so many sage wizards have counted, and they can't calculate his whereabouts. Instead, he was backlashed and almost died. There are several holy cauldrons on him, which can blind the heavens." Qi Sheng frowned.

"Several emperors, if you want to count the whereabouts of people, there is a powerful person on Qianniu Star. I heard that he knows everything and knows everything. In the past few years, I have heard a lot of people coming and going to Donglai Star. The emperor talked about that person and seemed to have a very powerful deduction technique."

At this time, standing next to the head, a trembling quasi emperor said.

This is the head of the Qin clan's ears and eyes on Donglai Star, and the quasi-emperor is already the highest cultivation base on Donglai Star.

This quasi-emperor only listened to the rumors of the emperor. He actually heard the character on the Qianniu star in Donglai Star. It can be seen that the fame of that character is indeed not small, otherwise it would not be possible to pass the starry sky.

Although Donglai Star is not far away from Qian Niu Star, even the four-star emperor needs to walk for several days.

Qian Niu Xing is the largest living planet in a huge nearby starry sky. It can give birth to emperors. In addition to the emperors walking in this starry sky, Qian Niu Xing is also regarded as a total station. Therefore, Qian Niu Xing There are so many emperors in the world.

In Jianzhou, it is rare to encounter a five-star emperor, but in Qianniu Star, it is quite common to encounter a seven-star emperor.

The starry sky in the sword world is vast. Qin Zhenghua, Zhao Kong, and Qi Sheng have not been to the starry sky near Qianniu Star for many years, so they don't know the reputation of that arithmetic master.

It’s too difficult for a person’s fame to spread throughout the starry sky. Even if Xuantian makes such a huge disturbance in Jianzhou, many emperors in the starry sky have heard of his deeds. However, if his fame spreads Over the entire starry sky, it must be impossible.

Qin Zhenghua heard what the Emperor Zhun said, his eyes brightened, and said: "There is such a character, what is his name?"

The emperor said: "The little one doesn't know, but those emperors who talk about him all call him ‘Heaven’s fortune’."


The starry sky of the sword world, the thousand-niu star.

Qin Zhenghua, Zhao Kong, and Qi Sheng took only half a day to finish the four-star emperor's journey, which might take several days, and came to Qianniu Star, looking for the ‘Heaven’s Fortune’.

As a huge planet of life, Qian Niu star naturally has a stronghold in the Qin clan, and the leader of the stronghold is a seven-star emperor.

The Zhao family and the Qi family also have strongholds here.

The quasi-emperor of Donglai Xing heard the news of the "Heavenly Mystery". It was six months ago when the three of Qin Zhenghua came to Qianniu Xing to inquire. Fortunately, the "Heavenly Mystery" is still there.

That ‘Heaven’s Fortune’ is a weird person who likes to live alone in the mountains and forests, but does not like to live in the prosperous world.

In a large mountain range of Qianniu Star, there is a beautiful valley with picturesque scenery, where the fog is foggy, the grass is everywhere, and the flowers and trees are lush.

The concentration of aura is much stronger than other places on the Qianniu star. Of course, even so, this concentration of aura is not very useful for the cultivation of the emperor.

The strong on Qianniu star called this valley the ‘Tianji Valley’, and the famous ‘Heaven’s Fortune’ of the Qianniu Star and dozens of life planets in the nearby starry sky lived here.

Deep in the valley, there is a small wooden house. On the green grass in front of the house, sits a young man who looks less than 30 years old.

The young man closed his eyes slightly, the whole person's breath was so refined that it seemed to blend in perfectly with this valley.

Integrating with heaven and earth naturally, this is an extremely high state of enlightenment, which can comprehend the mystery of heaven and earth, and the good fortune of the universe is exactly the art of heaven and earth.

After a while, the young man slowly opened his eyes, with a smile on his mouth.

At this moment, several figures broke through the air and came into the valley. The leader was an Eight-Star Emperor, it was Qin Zhenghua. There were five people behind him, all Seven-Star Emperors.

They are the stronghold leaders of Zhao Kong, Qi Sheng, and the three imperial families of Qin, Zhao, and Qi in Qian Niu Xing.

When the six came to the valley, their eyes focused on the young man on the grass.

Qin Zhenghua's gaze was surprised. This ‘Heaven’s Secret Calculation’ actually looked so young, he thought he was an old man, and the cultivation of ‘Heaven’s Secret Calculations’ was extremely strong, and he was a five-star emperor.

Moreover, Qin Zhenghua could feel that the aura of this'Heavenly Mystery and Divine Calculation' is much stronger than the average five-star emperor, and his true strength is definitely higher than his cultivation base.

"You are the'Heaven's Judgment'? Sure enough, the old man came here and asked you to ask for something." Qin Zhenghua clasped his fists and arched his hands at the young man. Although his tone was a bit blunt, he did so with his cultivation and status. Pie, be regarded as giving a great face to the'Heaven's Fortune'.

The'Heaven's Secret Calculation' smiled slightly, and said, "Today, I have a fascinating feeling. I know that there are distinguished guests from afar. It seems to be everyone.'Heaven's Secret Calculation' is the title of ignorance of the world. In fact, the secret and profound It’s unpredictable, it’s just a little bit of fur, it’s a four-character'Tian Ji Shen Ju', and in the next'Tian Ji Stick', you can just call my name."

"Tianji stick? It seems that you are indeed an expert in the secret line." Qin Zhenghua showed a trace of joy in his eyes.

Tianji stick was slightly surprised in his eyes, and said: "So your Excellency also knows the secret of the heavenly secret? I don't know what happened this time."

"Years ago, there was once a time when an expert who saw the line of the secret of heaven was indeed a great talent, and it was considered a complete plan. With the help of a gentleman, I will have to."

With a smile on his face, Qin Zhenghua sat down cross-legged in front of the secret stick, and said, "Sir, we are looking for a person named'Xuantian'. Can you calculate his whereabouts?"

The corner of the Tianji stick’s mouth suddenly revealed a smile, and said in his heart: "Xuantian now has a lot of luck and has several holy cauldrons. Even if I have such a treasure as the'Tianji Mirror', I can’t calculate him. I want to find He is extremely difficult, but..., you are here, but you have given me a chance to find him. On the day of his luck, if you dare to chase him, you will die by his hands. Then count your death date and location , You should be able to find Xuantian."

"Your honorable name." Tianji Cudgel asked.

"Qin Zhenghua!"

Hearing the words, the Tianji stick nodded, and muttered words in his mouth, his hands knotted the mark of Heaven's secret, and the two qi of Yin and Yang revolved around his handprint.

"The five elements build the world, the yin and yang transform the universe, the wind and thunder spread the sun and the moon, and the chaos and stars become...!"

The secret stick yelled and opened his hands. In an instant, the air in front was torn apart and turned into a starry sky.

One of the stars was shining brightly, and suddenly a word ‘death’ appeared from the star, and a breath of horror and death surged out.

The Tianji stick immediately took the handprint, the word'death' and the breath of silence disappeared, but the starry sky map was preserved.

"Here is the place where your grievances with Xuantian were broken, and the time is half a year from now." Tianji stick pointed to the star and said.

Qin Zhenghua and others stared at the starry sky, the star, and the world changed immediately behind him, and the emperor's law appeared, sensing the position of the star.

Obviously, in the eyes of Qin Zhenghua and others, the word ‘death’ meant the death of Xuan Tian’s fate.

That star is the place where Xuantian shed blood.

The only pity for them is that will take more than half a year from this day. For them who wish to kill Xuantian immediately, this time is indeed too long.

If they knew that more than half a year was the time they were able to survive, they didn't know how they would feel. Presumably, they would definitely not think that this half a year was too long.


Qin Zhenghua was looking for Xuantian's whereabouts, and Xuantian, the party involved, quickly shuttled through the cold and dark void.

Strictly speaking, it is the little tiger that shuttles through the starry sky, while Xuantian is in the chaos holy dwelling, swallowing the emperor-level spirit pill and recovering his physical strength.

One million emperor-level spirit pills, two-thirds of them were consumed by Xuantian and Long Ziyan in four years, but he still had more than 300,000 emperor-level spirit pills.

When Xuantian's body recovered to its peak, the Chaos Sacred Cauldron came out, and Xiaohu stopped and did not walk any more, but let Xiaohu and Long Ziyan both enter the Sacred Cauldron, and he sat cross-legged in the starry sky. Waiting for the arrival of the emperor dragon vein.


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