The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1106: ] Xuan-Heaven?

[Chapter 1106] Xuan-Heaven?

The battle for the seven acupoints is mainly the dozen or so teams with the Seven Star Emperor. ()

The rest of the teams are not qualified.

Although there are hundreds of empires in Jianzhou, the strength of these empires is strong and weak.

For powerful ones such as the Great Qin Empire, there are not only nine-star emperors, but even demigods.

And the weak empire, perhaps the strongest in the clan, is only the Seven Star Emperor.

The starry sky of the sword world is endless, and there are rarely nearly a hundred imperial imperial powers gathered together. This starry sky is relatively close to the Qianniu star field, because there are many imperial imperial families stationed on the Qianniu star, and so many emperors have arrived.

Among the dozen or so teams with seven-star emperors, the stronger ones include the Daqin clan, the Da Zhao clan, the Daqi clan, the Duanmu clan, the Song clan, the Da Chu clan, the Dawei clan, the Dawu clan... etc. Eight royal families.

These eight imperial families are all powerful and powerful. There are nine-star emperors or demigods in the clan. Although these nine-star emperors or demigods have not returned to the sword world for a long time, their deterrent power is huge.

"I want one of these seven acupuncture points."

Qin Gui, the seven-star emperor, said, "Moreover, the Zhao clan and Qi clan also want one each."

Qin Gui is the leader of the Qin family's stronghold in Qianniu Star.

Qin Zhenghua’s combat power is at the top level among the eight-star emperors, because there are two types of powers that he has understood to the limit of the ninth order, namely the wood and yin. The highest can only make people comprehend the profound meaning to the ninth-order limit, but cannot reach the tenth-order consummation.

It is not good for Qin Zhenghua to come to the place of Qiqiao Huiyin. It is naturally impossible for him to **** Qin Gui for his grand eight-star emperor, and even if it is only Qin Gui who comes, it is enough to occupy a hole with the face of the great Qin emperor. eye.

Therefore, Qin Zhenghua did not come.

The Great Qin Empire can be regarded as one of the top empires in Jianzhou. There are nine-star emperors and demigods in the clan, and there is also a Qin Undead who has ascended to a **** nine hundred years ago. His name is extremely loud, even in the past. For a hundred years, still Megatron Sword World.

Qin Gui's strength is not the number one among the dozen seven-star emperors here, but he has enough weight to say such things.

Not only ordered one for himself, but also ordered one for the Zhao family and the Qi family.

Recently, the three emperors of the Qin, Zhao, and Qi have joined forces to hunt down Xuantian. Although they have not succeeded, the relationship between the three emperors is closely linked.

The seven-star emperor from the Zhao imperial family, named Zhao Pu, was the leader of the Zhao family’s stronghold in Qianniu Star, while the seven-star emperor from the Qi imperial family was the Qi who chased Xuantian together with Qin Zhenghua and Zhao Kong. Win.

The Qi family’s seven-star emperor on the Qianniu star had, by coincidence, realized the profound meaning of Yin to the ninth-tier peak. Among the seven-star emperors, Qi’s combat power was at the top. This opportunity was given to Qi. Win.

"Yes, I want one from the Zhao family."

"I want one from Qi."

As soon as Qin Gui's voice fell, Zhao Pu and Qi Sheng two seven-star emperors said one after another.

The three imperial clans joined forces, each occupying a hole, and there was no opposition from the other seven-star emperors. It was unwise to offend the three top empires at once.

Of the seven acupuncture points, three of them were determined at once, and there were four acupuncture points left, but there were still five of the powerful imperial family.

There are also several teams with Seven-Star Emperors, and they are not willing to give up their acupuncture points for nothing. Although their empire strength is indeed weaker, the strongest ones on the scene are the Seven-Star Emperors. They are only better than their current strength. Not weaker than the royal family of those five powerful empires.

"There are four points left, I want one from Duanmu clan." said a Seven-Star Emperor.

"Hey...! I also want one from the Chu family."

"I also want one from the Song family."

"We can't be without me, I want one too."


Immediately afterwards, three Seven Star Emperors spoke one after another, and all of a sudden, someone asked for the remaining four points.


A cold snort sounded, and a seven-star emperor looked unhappy and said: "You guys don't put my Wu family in your eyes. My Wu family needs a hole."

"Such a treasure is worth seeing. I, the Zhu family, can't give in, and I have to fight for a hole."

"My Chu family will also fight for...!"

"My Weishi...!"

"My Zhuge...!"


Suddenly, the remaining seven-star emperors all spoke out, all of which refused to give in, and were fighting for the position of the acupoint.

As a result, more than a dozen imperial clans competed, and the emperors in the team spoke to each other, and the scene suddenly became fierce.

Those teams with only six-star emperors just watched, no matter what, they don't have the strength to compete, they can only get some benefits next to the hole.


Seven-star emperor Qin Gui raised an arm and glanced at the arguing emperors. After the emperors looked at him, he said, "I don’t care how you fight, anyway, I’m Qin and Zhao. The Qi family wants one each, and the remaining four, you will discuss it.

After that, Qin Gui looked at the two Seven Star Emperors and continued: "Brother Zhao Pu and Brother Qi Sheng, we each have a hole."

Zhao Pu and Qi Sheng two Seven Star Emperors nodded their heads. Although the rest of the Seven Star Emperors were unwilling, no one said anything.

Not to mention the great strength of the Qin imperial clan, only now that the three imperial clans of Qin, Zhao, and Qi have joined forces, the strength is not weak. The remaining imperial clan does not have the relationship between the three imperial clans of Qin, Zhao, and Qi.

Moreover, in this thousand-niu star field, the Qin clan still has an eight-star emperor who has offended the Qin clan's imperial clan and is absolutely nothing good.

"and many more……!"

However, just when the three emperors Qin Gui, Zhao Pu, and Qi Sheng were about to enter the beam of light and occupy the three acupoints, a voice suddenly sounded.

Although not big, it resounded in the ears of every emperor.

Everyone looked for fame, and saw a two-winged black tiger flying towards here more than a thousand miles away in the sky. On the back of the black tiger, there stood a man and a woman. The men are extremely handsome, and the women are as beautiful as gold. Tong Yunv is average.

It was Xuantian who was speaking, and he didn't stop: "The people of the Qin family, the Zhao family, and the Qi family all get out of me, and Xuanmou wants those three points."


All the emperors were taken aback, their eyes glared, and almost burst their eyes.

Is there a mistake? The emperors looked at Xuantian and Long Ziyan.

The appearance of this man and woman is really hard to find in the world, but the cultivation base is only a four-star emperor. The black tiger at their feet, with a slightly higher cultivation base, is just a five-star demon emperor, but the Qin family There are three seven-star emperors in the Zhao family and Qi family, and there are tens of emperors with four to six stars.

No emperor feels that Xuantian's words are wise, this is almost like death.

Unsurprisingly, the emperors of the Qin family, Zhao family, and Qi family were all furious when they heard the words. A four-star emperor, in the presence of hundreds of emperors, caused the three three emperors to roll, completely looking for death. , The sin is so sinful and unforgivable.

However, one person was surprised, and suddenly exclaimed: "Xuan-Heaven?"

It is the seven emperors who win together.

When Xuantian left the ancient pagoda, he was attacked by Qin Zhenghua, Zhao Kong, and Qi Sheng. Qi Sheng naturally recognized Xuantian.

The emperors of the Qin family, the Zhao family, and the Qi family have all seen the portrait of Xuantian. They were angry just now and did not pay attention to the appearance of Xuantian. Now they heard Qi Sheng exclaimed, this is the only way to pay attention. The visitor is really mysterious. day.

"Wow, it turns out that you are Xuantian, you really have nowhere to look for you to break through the iron boots, it takes no effort, haha...!"

Qin Gui laughed and shouted: "Xuantian, you know that we have been looking for you for a long time, and you are automatically sending you to the door now, really seeking your own death."

Na Qi Sheng came all the way from Jianzhou to search for Xuan Tian. Now that nearly half a year has passed, he has been looking for Xuan Tian’s whereabouts. At first sight, he was indeed a little shocked, but he quickly stabilized his mind. When they met Zhao Pu, another Seven Star Emperor, they both showed joy.

It was indeed an unexpected surprise to meet Xuantian in this place where the seven orifices converge Yin.

"Oh? You three clans have been looking for me?"

Xuantian was also a little surprised. He didn't know that Qin Zhenghua took Zhao Kong and Qi Sheng all the way from the Realm King to the Qianniu Star Territory.

His eyes fell on Qi Sheng, and his voice suddenly became cold: "It was you. You attacked me in Jianzhou. Did you chase me here all the way? Very well, since I met again, then you can save your life, Qin. The clan and the Zhao clan are also at odds with me. Since you all want my fate, you will stay together today."

"Huh! Arrogant!" Qin Gui said disdainfully.

Qi Sheng knew that Xuantian's strength was not weak. When he was in Jianzhou, Xuantian was still a three-star emperor's ultimate cultivation base. A single sword shocked him and Zhao Kong. It was not the power of Xuantian's sword. People can't resist, but there is a terrifying force in them that makes their heart palpitations.

Now Xuantian is the cultivation base of the four-star emperor, and Qi Sheng no longer dare to underestimate him. Suddenly, his aura exploded, and his powerful force burst out, saying: "He is very strong, don't underestimate the enemy, we will go together. Cut the mess quickly, don't let him run away."

The strength of Qin Gui, Zhao Pu, and Qi Sheng were among the first ones. Qi Sheng faced Xuantian so severely, the two of them naturally did not dare to look down on Xuantian too much. After hearing the words, they also exploded, raising their strength to the limit.

In addition, the other emperors of the Qin clan, Zhao clan, and Qi clan also raised their power to the limit one by one. Obviously, they wanted to gang fight against Xuantian and would not give Xuantian any chance of escape.

Looking at all the emperors of the Qin family, Zhao family, and Qi family, Xuantian only sneered. With his current strength, the eight-star emperors can fight against one of them, and the seven-star emperors are no longer in his eyes.

"Little Tiger! I ate them all——!" Xuantian said indifferently.

"Huh--!" Xiaohu let out a long scream of excitement. Although with its current strength, the Seven Star Emperor has no effect on the growth of his cultivation base, but it has a great effect on the consolidation of his cultivation base, and can shorten it to six. The time of the Star Demon Emperor.

As for the other emperors, Quan Dang is an appetizer.

Xuantian's unreliable appearance made the emperors of the three royal families even more angry.


The three seven-star emperors Qin Gui, Zhao Pu, and Qi Sheng shouted at the same time and attacked Xuantian first.


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