The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1113: 】9 Star Dragon Monster

【Chapter 1113】Nine Star Dragon Demon

The silver sword light slashed out for nearly a hundred miles, and it swept across with one sword. When the sword light passed, the dragon monsters were cut into two pieces and fell from the air. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

The vast majority of dragon monsters are only one star in strength, and for Xuantian, who can kill the eight-star emperor, it is simply vulnerable.


The little tiger is ten miles long, like a mountain range across the sky, its whole body flashes with thunder, and its sound dominates the sky, rushing into the tide of dragon monsters, like a tiger into a flock, sweeping huge tiger claws, a piece of dragon monster is photographed. Shattered, the giant tail swept away, and the void exploded. Countless dragon monsters were all convulsed and shattered instantly.

The celestial stick held the celestial mirror, and the light bloomed, like a full moon hanging high in the sky. The light seemed to contain extremely terrifying power. Wherever it was swept, the dragon demon would be killed one after another, and their bodies would collapse and disappear.

When every dragon demon died, instead, a small air current was absorbed by the mirror of the sky, and passed through the mirror of the sky into the body of the stick of the sky.

"Weird! This dragon monster actually has a trace of magical power in it. It seems that the creature formed by the grievance that the dragon monster died of as a divine dragon is very different from ordinary monsters...!"

The look of the secret stick was slightly surprised, and then he was pleasantly surprised, "Although the power of the secret secret is only a trace, extremely small, but the number of dragon demons is quite large. If you gather less, I will kill more dragon demons. Maybe the cultivation base can quickly break through. Six stars."

The heavenly secret stick was stuck in the realm of the five-star emperor for a while, and the dragon demon on the ancient star of the dragon skeleton had the possibility of making his cultivation breakthrough possible, so he was naturally happy.

On the other side, Long Ziyan was also secretly surprised. She turned into a purple blood dragon. Killing the dragon demon was also a damaging force. Every time a dragon demon was killed, a stream of air flowed into her body.

"Is it the essence of dragon energy? For my dragon bloodline, it is a great tonic. Although the number is very small, there are many dragon monsters. Killing dragon monsters more can absorb dragon energy essence to a certain extent, which is almost equivalent to eating the sky. The treasure of material and earth is enough for my cultivation to break through to five stars, or even stronger."

Long Ziyan was also very excited. She was the inheritor of the dragon blood, and absorbed more dragon energy essence than the heavenly secret stick could absorb the power of heavenly secret.

So many dragon monsters are enough for her cultivation base to break through.

The power of the heavenly secret, the essence of dragon energy, these are different things, absorbed by the heavenly secret stick and Long Ziyan, they have nothing to do with each other, whether they killed the dragon demon or not, they contain these powers, and they are all pulled by the two bodies. It is directly absorbed and converted into pure energy.

Compared with the benefits that Tianji Cudgel and Long Ziyan can gain when killing the Dragon Demon, Xuantian can't absorb any breath that is beneficial to the body.

Xuantian couldn't feel the power of the heavenly mystery, and the pure dragon aura was different from the heaven and earth aura, and Xuantian couldn't absorb it.

Except that Xuantian couldn't get any benefit, even Xiaohu could gain something from these dragon monsters.

I saw the little tiger with a claw, killing a six-star leader of the dragon demon, and then with a big mouth, he bit the dragon head of the dragon demon directly, and only heard a click, the dragon head was bitten to pieces by the little tiger. Eat it directly into the stomach.

The dragon demon is also a monster beast, which the little tiger can swallow, but the body of the dragon demon is as strong as steel and has no nutrition. The dragon head is the essence of life, which can be absorbed by the little tiger.

Little Tiger doesn’t confess to ordinary dragon monsters, and even the leaders below the six-star strength will not eat them. Only the leaders above six-star strength will Xiaohu eat. It seems that the dragon monsters who are too weak have the cultivation base of Xiaohu. The promotion has no effect.

In this way, Xiaohu rushed to kill in the dragon monster tide, specially selecting six-star and seven-star strength dragon monster leaders to kill, and every time they killed one, they would eat their dragon heads.

The secret stick and Long Ziyan, anyway, from every dragon demon, they can absorb the power of the secret and the essence of dragon energy, and let go of their hands and feet to attack, whether it is a normal dragon demon or the leader of the dragon demon, as long as it is in All in front of him were killed.

An extremely harsh voice sounded, and seeing that a hundred thousand dragon monsters could not hold three of them, the leader of the eight-star dragon monsters roared in anger.

call out--

The void shattered, and the Dragon Demon Chief rushed towards Xiaohu in an instant.

Xiaohu specifically seeks to kill the dragon monster leader with six-star and seven-star strength, which arouses the anger of the dragon monster chief.

The two arms of the head of the dragon demon are like two huge black blades, like the top emperor-class treasures, extremely strong and sharp.

With a sweep of his arm, the giant knife cut through the void.


With a loud explosion, the hand knife of the dragon demon chief collided with Xiaohu's claws, and sparks flew in an instant.


Xiaohu was cut dozens of miles away by the Dragon Demon Chief with a hand knife, showing the strength of the Dragon Demon Chief.

"I'll deal with this big guy!"

Xuantian's voice sounded, and a silver sword light came from a distance in an instant, smashing towards the chief of the dragon demon who was about to chase the water tiger.

The head of the dragon demon suddenly trembled, and felt a huge threat from this silver sword light. Its body suddenly retreated, and it smashed the sword dangerously and dangerously, but the silver sword light cut out. Baili smashed many dragon monsters with one sword.

Xuantian walked against the wind, as fast as lightning, and once again slammed towards the chief of the dragon demon.

The silver sword light descended from the sky, splitting the sky in half. The head of the dragon demon was not as fast as Xuantian, and was inevitable, so he could only take the sword of Xuantian.


With a loud bang, the two black blade-like arms were instantly broken, and the attack power of the Eight-turn Sword Pill was terrifying. The chief of the dragon demon was even worse than the eight-star emperor Qin Zhenghua. He was not Xuantian at all. Opponent.

An extremely stern voice came from the head of the dragon demon, and it turned and fled back.

However, no matter how fast Xuantian flees, Xuantian's body is like a gust of wind, followed closely, the silver sword light once again broke through the void, directly from the top of the dragon demon leader's head to the soles of his feet, almost his entire body All split in half.

The sharp sword aura and the terrifying force of death attacked any part of the dragon demon leader in an instant, killing all the vitality, and the dragon demon leader died.

A huge black shadow came quickly, the body of the chief of the dragon demon was still falling, and the dragon head had been snapped down by a huge claw, and then swallowed by the little tiger.

A hundred thousand dragon monsters quickly lost one-third of their lives, and with the death of the dragon monster chief, the group of dragons lost their leaders and was instantly defeated.

Xiaohu swallowed the head of the Dragon Demon Chief, and before he could refining it, he rushed to another Dragon Demon Chief with seven-star strength. Obviously, he wanted to eat enough to attack the Six-Star Demon Emperor's cultivation base.

Tianji Cudgel and Long Ziyan did not spare any effort to slay the ordinary dragon monsters. When the two of them shot, almost dozens of hundreds of dragon monsters died in pieces.

All the dragon demon screamed in horror and fled quickly. They were as fast as lightning, blinking for more than a thousand miles.

However, because the sacred cauldron imprisoned the void, these dragon monsters could not teleport and flee, and the three followed closely, chasing them all the way.

After chasing for half an hour and killing hundreds of thousands of miles ahead, they killed all the dragon monsters.


An extremely harsh scream rang from behind a large mountain in front.

This cry shocked Xuantian and the others, but the sound seemed to contain a terrifying power attack.

"It's such a powerful force. This cry is even more terrifying than the Dragon Demon with eight-star strength. Is there a Dragon Demon who has reached the Nine Star Demon Emperor?

The nine-star demon emperor, this is an extraordinary existence, and the strength of combat power is definitely not comparable to that of the eight-star emperor.

Xuantian can now kill the Eight-Star Emperor, but he is definitely not the opponent of the Nine-Star Emperor.

With the sound of that terrifying cry, there were many weaker voices that continued from behind the big mountain, the voices of the dragon demon.

Even many dragon demons flew into the sky, with thousands of them.

Obviously, there are still many dragon monsters ahead, and there is also a stronger existence than the eight-star strength.

Seeing that the terrifying dragon demon hadn't come out, Xuantian and the three looked at each other, and they all showed curiosity. They all flew forward and Xiaohu quickly followed.

Within a few blinks, a few people flew thousands of miles away, bypassing the mountains, and the vision ahead was a huge valley.

Around the valley, in addition to the huge peak, there are nine small peaks, which are the beginning of the nine mountain ranges, and these nine small peaks are all in the shape of a dragon's head.

It looked like nine dragon heads and a big mountain surrounded this valley.

There are many dragon monsters around the valley, with tens of thousands of them, and thousands more flying in the sky.

But there was only one dragon demon in the huge valley with a radius of tens of miles.

This dragon demon's body is very large, with a height of three hundred feet, which is higher than the smaller mountain peaks next to it. Standing in the valley, it stares fiercely at Xuantian and several people, with serious killing intent. There is a feeling of tearing Xuantian and others to pieces.

However, although this dragon demon had fierce and terrifying eyes, he stood still in the valley without moving a step.

Many dragon demons around looked at Xuantian and the others roaring, but many of them looked into the valley.

"This dragon demon is more powerful than the chief leader just now. Looking at the aura it emits, I am afraid it is really the nine-star demon emperor." Xuantian looked at the huge dragon demon and said.

The nine-star demon emperor, the strength is terrible, the gaze of the three one tiger completely ignored the other dragon demon, they are all fixed on the huge dragon demon in the! "

Suddenly, Long Ziyan exclaimed, pointing to somewhere in the valley and saying: "It's a real dragon fruit, a purple blood real dragon fruit...!"

Xuantian followed the position pointed by Long Ziyan. There was the foot of the Jiuxing Dragon Demon. In the middle of the valley, there was a leafless plant about one meter high with three fruits on it.

Every fruit is twisted and twisted, and it is almost the same as the shape of a dragon.

All three fruits are purple.

Xuantian moved in his heart, telling him instinctively that these three fruits are absolutely extraordinary, they may be treasures of heaven and earth, and he immediately asked: "Purple blood true dragon fruit? What is it?"

Long Ziyan said excitedly: "It is a kind of treasure that I know from the memory of the awakening of my dragon bloodline. It is a treasure of heaven and earth, and it is also a treasure of heaven and earth with a particularly high quality. This nine-star dragon demon may not leave the valley every step of the way, I am afraid it is. I want to wait for the right time to eat these three purple-blooded true dragon fruits so that they can ascend to the realm of God and become a true dragon."


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