The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1118: 】Qin Family

【Chapter 1118】The Qin family must be destroyed


Xuantian's body was as fast as lightning, piercing the void in an instant, leaving an afterimage in the sky. ()

Instead of teleporting, Xuantian used the power of the sacred cauldron of the wind to increase his speed to the limit. In the blink of an eye for nearly two thousand miles, he rushed towards the ancient pagoda.

Seeing Xuantian rushing, Qin Zhengyuan and Qin Zhengxing both showed excitement in their eyes, and at the same time they were very solemn. This was a chance to kill Xuantian, and it was also a chance for Xuantian to escape. As long as Xuantian successfully broke through them Defensively, escaping to the top of the Conferred God Tower, no matter how many strong people come, it is useless.

The emperor’s lifespan was one thousand years old, and Xuantian was still very young. Even though Xuantian could hardly break through the realm by cultivating on the top of the tower, the emperor had already reached the realm of avoiding valleys and could survive by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.

If Xuantian never comes down, and stays on the top of the tower for hundreds of years, will the people who are outside have to wait for hundreds of years?

They are much older than Xuantian, especially Qin Zhengyuan and Qin Zhengxing, both of whom are over nine hundred years old, let alone hundreds of years, when Xuantian stayed on the top of the tower for a hundred years, they both died.

Therefore, Qin Zhengyuan and Qin Zhengxing could not tolerate Xuantian ascending to the top of the tower no matter what.

"All be vigilant, and Xuantian must not be given the slightest chance. As long as he can't get to the top of the Conferred God Tower, he will definitely die." The demigod Qin Zhengyuan suddenly shouted.

As soon as his voice fell, Xuantian was already thousands of miles away in front of the two of them.

The eight strong defenders around the Fengshen Ancient Pagoda are all in the air more than a hundred miles away from the tower, where they can fly.

There is no other emperor on the square around the ancient tower of Fengshen. Obviously they have been driven away by the strongest. There is now a pole formation flag standing on the square, and the formations are deployed. There are defense formations and there are Killing array, there are sleepy arrays.

"Xuantian, these formations can't help the great sword idiot. My spiritual mind has returned to a certain level. The emperor-level formation is like a child's play in my eyes. I will teach you to walk in the formation, like walking on the ground. The key lies in how you break through the defenses of these powerful talents. If the demigod really helps you, you will be safe from breaking through from that side." The sword idiot's voice sounded in Xuantian's ears.

Xuantian nodded secretly and said, "I will play with them first."


Xuantian’s direction suddenly changed. He no longer rushed towards Qin Zhengyuan and Qin Zhengxing, but turned to the right. He appeared thousands of miles away in an instant, and at a turning point, he rushed into the square towards the two nine-star emperors. Rush away.

I saw Xuantian's figure constantly shuttled in the void, changing directions constantly, and his formations were passed through one by one, as if they were not blocked at all.

The two nine-star emperors saw Xuantian rushing, and did not take the initiative to attack, but the aura exploded, and the terrifying emperor's might swept through the nine heavens and ten places. As long as Xuantian was close, they would definitely attack Xuantian the most violent.

However, Xuantian did not really rush over. He was hundreds of miles away from the two nine-star emperors, so he drew back in an instant, causing Qin Zhengyuan and Qin Zhengxing who had rushed over to turn back quickly and return to the direction they were guarding. When one side was empty, Xuantian made an unimpeded breakthrough.

Xuantian flicked a shot to the left, then flew quickly to the right, and came to the direction of the demigod Ram Hill.

Qin Zhengyuan and Qin Zhengxing honestly guarded the direction they guarded. The two nine-star emperors on the right did not dare to chase Xuantian, lest Xuantian would enter the top of the tower from the direction they guarded, and the Qin family would blame the crime. On them.


Xuantian walked against the wind, as fast as lightning, and rushed directly to the demigod Gongyang Hill and another nine-star emperor.

"Hey...!" The nine-star emperor showed a cruel smile.

Four directions, each with two strong defenders, are undoubtedly the most difficult to break through in the two directions with demigod defense, but Xuantian chose this direction to rush, in the eyes of the nine-star emperor, it is undoubtedly tantamount to death.


Xuantian shuttled through the formation area, as if entering the realm of no one, without being blocked by the slightest, quickly approached the Fengshen Ancient Pagoda for five hundred miles, four hundred miles, three hundred miles...

"Xuantian, you are looking for death, hehe...!" The nine-star emperor sneered. He had already raised his power to the limit, and his handprints changed immediately. He wanted to use his martial arts to attack Xuantian.


However, there was one person who shot faster than the nine-star emperor. It was the demigod ram mound next to him, who shot it directly with a palm, hitting the back of the nine-star emperor.

The nine-star emperor never expected that the demigod Gongyangqiu would suddenly attack him, almost defenseless.

With a swish, the nine-star emperor was slapped for hundreds of miles by the palm of the demigod Ram Hill, and the person had already vomited several mouthfuls of blood in the air.

Gong Yangqiu slapped the nine-star emperor with a palm, and flashed his figure and flew away.

Between Xuan Zai and the Conferred God Pagoda, it was immediately unblocked, and no one stopped him.

This Gongyangqiu did not deceive him. It seems that it was indeed the person Xuanyuan Chuxue sent to help him. As a demigod, he helped Xuantian ascend to the top of the tower. Afterwards, he was not afraid of Qin’s revenge. In the mortal world, he was a demigod. Realm, who else would you be afraid of?

With a swish, Xuantian's body dashed across the sky for hundreds of miles, and in an instant rushed into the ancient tower of Fengshen within a hundred miles.

This is an area where flying is forbidden, but Xuantian is the only person who can fly here. The invisible power of time tolerates him and supports him to fly to the top of the tower.

It succeeded!

"Hahahaha...!" Standing in the void hundreds of meters above the Conferred God Pagoda, Xuantian swept his eyes from all directions, staring at Qin Zhengyuan and Qin Zhengxing, and shouted: "The King of Immortality, what can I do? Xuanmou swears here that in one and a half years, the Qin Clan will be destroyed!"

Qin will be destroyed! Qin will be destroyed! Qin will be destroyed!


Xuantian's last sentence uttered almost all of his power and all kinds of profound powers, causing this sentence to reverberate more than ten times before it gradually subsided.

Qin Zhengyuan and Qin Zhengxing looked at Xuantian on the top of the tower in a daze, and were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

Xuantian climbed to the top of the tower so easily, which was beyond their expectations.

At this time, Zhu Xuantian climbed the demigod Ram Hill on the top of the tower, but he had long since disappeared. He left the Conferred God Ancient Pagoda thousands of miles away, and left with a teleport.

Qin Zhengyuan and Qin Zhengxing thought that the people who came to help were all obeyed the orders of the Undead King to kill Xuantian. They didn't expect that one of them had actually come to help Xuantian climb to the top of the tower on purpose.

One move is wrong, and all games are lost.

That Gongyangqiu is also a demigod. Even though Qin Zhengyuan and Qin Zhengxing knew that he had put Xuantian on the top of the Conferred God Pagoda, they could only swallow them in their stomachs if they had suffering. How could they treat the Gongyangqiu?

The other nine-star emperors all stared at Qin Zhengyuan and Qin Zhengxing in a daze, at a loss. The situation now exceeded their expectations.

Qin Zhengyuan watched Xuantian fall to the top of the tower and disappeared from his field of vision, roaring: "Shou! Stay here, wait until this little beast comes out!"

At the top of the Conferred God Pagoda, no one could go up. Xuantian was at the top of the tower, so they could only stare at it, there was no other way except for a word.

Xuantian fell on the top of the tower, but he was calm and relaxed, and his heart was quiet. No one could disturb him here. He could practice without distracting thoughts.

To upgrade his cultivation base, Xuantian has a large number of emperor-level spirit pills and two purple blood true dragon fruits. Here, he is enough to upgrade his cultivation base to seven stars.

To enhance the strength, Xuantian has six sacred cauldrons, and the top of the Conferred God Tower can quickly comprehend the power of various profound meanings. As long as his cultivation reaches the seven, the power of profound meaning can be understood to ten Rank Dzogchen, practiced into the Nine Turns Sword Pill, not to mention.

At that time, his strength will sweep the mortal world.

In the confrontation with the Qin clan, Xuantian has never suffered, but he has always been in a weak position. Once the Qin clan uses all his strength against him, Xuantian can only escape.

However, when Xuantian becomes a Nine Turns Sword Pill, everything will change.

When the time comes, it should be his turn for Xuantian to be strong, and he will show his sword and come to a total break with the Qin clan.

It is said that before Qin Fudie ascends to the God Realm, he has left a deep foundation for the Great Qin Empire, but at that time, no deep foundation will be able to stop Xuantian.

He wanted to kill to the imperial palace of the Great Qin Empire and completely destroy everything that Qin Undead left behind, leaving nothing behind.

His counterattack against the undead king is about to kick off, embarking on the road of counterattack against the gods of heaven, with the sword in his hand, pointing at the gods, against the sky, the king of fighting gods.


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