The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1128: 】The whereabouts of Sikongding

【Chapter 1128】The whereabouts of Sikongding

In response to Xuantian’s request, Tianji Cudgel shrugged and said: "Sikong Ding is a divine son, and his cultivation base is already very high now. The blood of the **** king in his body is getting stronger and stronger, and he has the aura of the wood holy cauldron. Body, I can no longer deduce his whereabouts. (

"Sir, can't even you?" Xuantian was a little surprised.

The Tianji stick nodded and said: "In fact, in the past year or so, Sikongding's whereabouts have been deduced several times. I know that when you leave the top of the Conferred God Pagoda, it must be soaring into the sky. Ding has taken the Sacred Ding of the Wood. A year ago, I could barely figure out his position. However, in the last year, I have been unable to deduce any news about him. It seems that he has also had adventures and his cultivation The closer he is to the god, the stronger the blood of the **** king in his body...!"

Xuantian frowned slightly and said, "I can look for the whereabouts of the yin and yang sacred cauldrons in the future. However, the wooden sacred cauldron must be obtained as soon as possible. The five elements of my body are lack of wood, so I must have the sage of wood. Cauldron, complement my physical attributes, so that I have the hope of ascending to a god. I can also understand the profound meaning to Dzogchen, and may gain insight into the mystery of the holy cauldron."

Tianji Cudgel said: "Sikongding seems to be a very cautious person. Since you became an emperor, you have never come to you again. Obviously, you don't want to steal the chicken or eat the rice, and give the wooden holy cauldron in your hand. After being ruined, it can be concluded that he is definitely not in the sword world, but is cultivating in other mortal worlds. With the speed of your rise, he will definitely avoid you in the future, so that he can take the wood holy cauldron to ascend to the gods, Xuantian , If you want to find Sikongding, you can only find one world by one...!"

The sword idiot's voice sounded at this time: "Xuantian, you are now carrying six sacred cauldrons, and you are very sensitive to other sacred cauldrons. If you are in the same world, you should be able to sense. The search in the world will always sense the wood holy cauldron."

"There are three thousand worlds in the mortal world. If you are looking for one world by one, you are lucky. If you are not lucky, you may not run into it after a few years of searching...!"

Xuantian sighed and said, "However, there is only this stupid way now."

He was right. In the three thousand mortal realms, Xuantian wanted to find one world and one world. It was indeed not an easy task. If Sikongding stayed in one world, Xuantian would find it sooner or later, but if Sikongding was there. It's hard to tell if you can find contacts in different worlds. It's a matter of luck.

If you are lucky, you may find it soon. If you are out of luck, Sikongding just walked through which world, Sikongding came on his back. Then Xuantian searched for other worlds, and there was no figure of Sikongding. Tian went back to the world to search for it again. At this time Sikong Ding left again... and kept missing like this, no matter how fast Xuantian was, he couldn't find Sikong Ding.

Jianzhu said: "It's not too late, Xuantian, at your speed, you don't have to go to the space channel to travel between all realms, you can directly traverse the world, search in different worlds, and you can go now."

Every world is very vast. The spatial passages between all realms are not built by man, but have existed since ancient times. Although it can take more than a dozen breaths, you can shuttle through the spatial passages and reach another world. But there are certain restrictions, that is, one can only travel through the space channel once a day.

At Xuantian's speed, it is possible to traverse more than two worlds in one day. Compared to shuttle space channels, searching once a day is obviously faster.

Xuantian shook his head and said, "Don't worry about it in these two days, wait until Zi Yan breaks through her cultivation base."

After more than a year, Xuan Tiancai met Long Ziyan, so naturally he couldn't leave without saying a word.

Long Ziyan has been in retreat for a whole day. Judging from the current stable state, she has great hopes for breaking through the Seven Star Emperor, and it will probably take one to two days before she can completely break through.

Xuantian, like Tianji Cudgel and Little Tiger, sat down not far from Long Ziyan, waiting for Long Ziyan to break through his cultivation.

Soon, one day passed, Long Ziyan's breath was much stronger than the day before, and it seemed a bit surging. It seemed that the most important moment had been reached, and it was not far from completely breaking through the cultivation base.

"Xuantian, someone has come to the ancient star of the dragon skeleton, come straight here...!" Suddenly, the voice of Jianzhu sounded in Xuantian's mind.

Xuantian stood up immediately, and Jianlun's current spiritual thoughts could reach tens of thousands of miles. If someone came to the ancient star of the dragon skeleton and was still in the starry sky outside the sky and wind, Jianlun would be aware of it.

Seeing Xuantian stand up, Tianji stick and Xiaohu also stood up, and they came to Xuantian's side. Tianji stick said, "What's the matter?"

Xuantian whispered: "Someone is coming."

At this time, someone will come to the Dragon Skeleton Ancient Star, which is indeed a bit weird for them.

"Don't be nervous, it's Chuxue's girl." Jian Chi spoke to Xuantian.

Xuanyuan Chuxue? Xuantian's gaze brightened, he was able to ascend to the ancient tower of Fengshen thanks to Gongyangqiu's help, and Gongyangqiu obeyed Xuanyuan Chuxue's instructions.

Soon, a beautiful woman with white clothes and skin as snow appeared at the far end of the horizon and came quickly.

It was Xuanyuan Chuxue.

Holding a black cat in her arms, Xiaohu flew over with an expression of excitement and joy.

Xuantian motioned to let the secret stick to wait for Long Ziyan, he followed Xiaohu to Xuanyuan Chuxue, and the two met thousands of miles away.

"Girl Xuanyuan...!" Xuan Tian clasped his fists and thanked him, "Thank you for your help, so I can successfully ascend to the top of the Fengshen Pagoda and escape."

When the lazy black cat in Xuanyuan Chuxue's arms saw the little tiger, his gaze was a little bit brighter, and he jumped out of Xuanyuan Chuxue's arms and met with the little tiger. The mother and the two tigers communicated in a low voice.

"Xuantian, if something goes wrong with you, wouldn't all the sacred cauldrons on your body be taken by the people of the Undead King? I won't let this happen, so you don't have to thank me, I just protect the sacred cauldrons That's it."

Xuanyuan Chuxue smiled slightly, waved her hand, and said, "I brought some friends to see you."

Suddenly, five young emperors appeared in front of Xuantian, three of whom Xuantian knew were Yu Feifan, Jiang Yuheng, and Ji Wuye, and there were two other women who were all overwhelmed by the country.

In addition, Xuanyuan Chuxue, the three men and three women, must all be goddess and goddess. Among them, Xuanyuan Chuxue and Yu Feifan are the eight-star emperors, and the other four are all seven-star emperors.

God son and goddess, there is no bottleneck in cultivation, even in the emperor realm, the cultivation is all in the same level. If you have a little adventure, it is easy to break through the cultivation.

Xuantian was fast enough to cultivate in the Emperor Realm, and he could only match Jiang Yuxi and the others, and was still a realm short of Xuanyuan Chuxue and Yu Feifan.

Of course, in terms of combat power, these **** sons and goddesses cannot be compared with Xuantian.

"Brother Yu, Brother Jiang...!" Xuantian smiled and said hello to Feifan Yu and Jiang Yuheng, but ignored Ji Wuye and nodded to the other two women.

"Farewell to the Xuantian brothers. In less than ten years, I did not expect that the Xuantian brothers will rise so fast. It is really beyond our expectations. Haha..., admire, really admire." Yu Feifan and Jiang Yuheng haha Smiled.

They were telling the truth. Although they knew that Xuantian had great potential, they had never expected that they would rise so quickly.

When they met nine years ago, Xuantian's strength was still a bit behind them. Now, Xuantian's strength has far surpassed them.

"Long admiring the big name." The two alluring women clasped their fists.

"Xuantian, Ji Wuye used to offend me so much, I really can't help but apologize to you now."

Ji Wuye stepped forward, clasped her fist and bowed: "I used to have eyes and no beads, but I couldn't see your potential. I thought it was impossible for you to collect Jiuding, so I have resentment towards you, but now these resentments are gone. , Not at all. I only admire you. You can destroy the Great Qin Empire alone and kill multiple nine-star emperors and demigods. All goddesses and goddesses cannot do this. Except for you, I never believe There will be a second person who is qualified to collect Jiuding. Only you can do it. From now on, as long as there is a place where Ji Wuye can help, you can do it, and I hope you can forgive me for my recklessness. ."

Ji Wuye was a little excited, it seemed that he was indeed regretting it.

Xuantian was not an unforgiving person. Although he had contradictions with Ji Wuye, he did not have hatred. Since the other party took the initiative to admit his mistakes, these contradictions would naturally disappear.

Xuantian lifted his hand with one hand and said, "Shenzi Ji, I am a mortal. You question me. It is excusable. I have never blamed you for this. It's just that you have acted on Jianzong in a rage, so I have always I have a grudge against you, but since you said that, everything will naturally disappear. From now on, everyone will be friends. I don't care about the past."

"Thank you Brother Xuantian." Ji Wuye nodded.

Xuantian also nodded looked at Xuanyuan Chuxue, and said, "Miss Xuanyuan, you all know what happened to me yesterday. It seems that you have been to Jianzhou and have been here now. Your speed is very fast."

Xuanyuan Chuxue smiled slightly and said, "No matter how fast you are, I can feel you, but I can't catch up with you. The road you have walked in just half an hour, I use a top treasure to travel through the void, but It took nearly a day to come here, and in front of you, we are not fast at all."

Xuantian said: "You are looking for me so anxiously, is there something serious?"

Xuanyuan Chuxue nodded and said, "Yes, I think your strength can already take the Sacred Wood Cauldron from Sikongding. I'm here to take you to find Sikongding."

Xuantian's eyes suddenly brightened, and said, "Do you know where Sikongding is?"

"That's natural." Xuanyuan Chuxue smiled confidently, and said: "I grabbed a holy cauldron from Changkong Mingyue, and Changkong Mingyue chased me for a long time. I always knew where I was. Nine years ago, I met Sikongding. The hand, naturally, has already dropped something on Sikong Ding. No matter where he is, I know that he is now in the Heavenly Martial Realm."


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