The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1134: 】Wooden Sacred Tripod

【Chapter 1134】The Holy Cauldron of Wood

Xuantian's tone was indifferent, but he revealed a firm killing intent, plus a part of ridicule. ()

"Xuantian, dare to hurt my son. When you ascend to the realm of the gods, this supreme wants you not to survive or to die. You have to think twice about what you want to do!"

At this moment, the void was distorted, and it seemed that a faint ripple was spreading, and a mighty voice resounded in the vast endless starry sky, as if coming from all directions, shaking Xuantian's mind.

No one in the mortal world can make such a mighty voice. The voice came from the gods, and the voice of the gods descended to the world, from the father of Sikong Ding, the **** king Sikong.

Hearing the voice of King Sikong, the frightened Sikongding's eyes revealed the light of hope.

At this moment, the God King Sagong of the God Realm could feel everything that the latter saw and heard through the senses of Sagong Ding. What Xuantian said and the words of God King Sagong could be heard.


Xuantian was not afraid of King Sagong’s warning. Instead, he laughed loudly and said: "Sikong picked up the stars, I have killed the son of the Immortal King Qin Shiyu. He is also squeaky and crooked like you, but, Qin Shiyu is still dead. Do you think that just one sentence can scare me Xuantian? You can see how your son Sikongding died, and remember this feeling, because one day, I will go to the God Realm to find you to calculate the life and death accounts of the Sword God King, and you will, like your son, die under Xuan's sword."


The endless starry sky was stirring, the aura was rolling, and the anger of King Sikong was transmitted to the ordinary world, making the endless starry sky tremble.

"Xuantian, don’t listen to the warning of the undead king. This is the biggest mistake of your life. Now you dare to oppose our **** king Sagong, and you are seeking your own way of death. On the next day, you will ascend into a god, and I, the undead king, and the **** kings of the heavens will be waiting for you. At that time, no one in the sky or the earth will be able to save you. You will definitely die--!"

The voice of King Sikong was almost roaring, and the voice fell back and forth in the starry sky, sounding several times in succession.

"Then we will see the true chapter in the future, but now, your son is bound to die, the wood holy cauldron will fall into the hands of my Xuantian, Sikong picks the stars, you can open your eyes and watch...!"

Xuantian yelled, and stopped talking to Sagong God King. The golden light bloomed all over his body. The five holy cauldrons were also surging and launched the most violent attack on Sikong Ding.

There was a dead gray in the golden sword light, it was Xuantian's power of death to the limit.

Sikongding has a wood sacred cauldron body, which is almost equivalent to practicing the immortal body, and any injury can be instantly recovered.

However, Sikongding could not control the power of the wood holy cauldron. He just gained some fur and could not truly be immortal. Xuantian's power of death would have a tremendous lethality on his life.

Moreover, the invisible strength of the years, Xuantian also destroyed to the limit, not giving Sikong Ding any chance to survive.

Even though the sacred cauldron of the wood is the sacred cauldron of the main life, the people who obtain it can hardly die, but before the power of the sacred cauldron of the wood is fully obtained, the endless power is extremely limited.

Seeing Xuantian's sword light struck, Si Kongding's face suddenly became shocked. The calmness he had previously shown because of hearing the voice of God King Sikong completely disappeared, and even more frightened.

Even the voice of God King Sikong couldn't suppress Xuantian, he knew that this time was definitely a dead end.

However, Ming Zhi was bound to die, and Si Kongding was still attached to life, still resisting.

"Star picker——!"

Sikongding used the god-level martial arts ‘star picker’, one after another, he picked meteorites from the depths of the starry sky and rushed towards Xuantian.

These meteorites have a large diameter of ten thousand feet, which is larger than the sacred cauldron, and their power is indeed quite terrifying.

However, this kind of resistance was somewhat weak compared to Xuantian's violent attack.

The golden sword light was slashed, and all the meteorites were turned into two halves, and then they were cut into pieces by the sharp sword energy.

Moreover, although the size of the sacred cauldron is not as large as the meteorites with a diameter of ten thousand meters, it is far better than that in terms of solidity. With a fierce impact, the sacred cauldron is safe and sound, and the meteorites are all shattered.

In the blink of an eye, all the meteorites were shattered into fragments under Xuantian's violent attack. The golden sword glow and the huge sacred cauldron continuously attacked Sikong Ding.

Bang bang bang bang-

With repeated explosions, Si Kongding was beaten back and forth in the starry sky, and flew out more than a thousand miles in an instant, taking more than ten breaths, and being beaten thousands of miles away.

Xuantian's body followed like a shadow, constantly attacking Sikongding like a storm. The golden sword light containing the power of death broke everything and smashed into Sikongding's body. The invisible power of time took away. Sikongding's birthday year after year.

After more than ten breaths, Sikongding had hit more than ten swords in a row and was hit by the holy cauldron ten times.

Even with the protection of the wood sacred cauldron, his body cannot be fully recovered at this moment, his body is covered with sword marks and blood is flowing.

Moreover, Si Kongding's age has changed from about 20 to about 40, and he has lost a lot of life.


With a loud and explosive sound, Sikongding’s body separated from the wood sacred cauldron in an instant, and shot in different directions. The attack power he withstood was too strong, and the sacred cauldron was beaten out of his body strongly. His control.

"Do not--!"

Sikongding screamed in horror. Without the protection of the wood holy cauldron, he couldn't hold it for an instant under Xuantian's attack.

Although he had the wood holy cauldron, he could not survive, but he could still last for ten breaths. Compared with dying in an instant, living for more than ten breaths was a good thing for Sikongding.

call out--

A golden sword light instantly pierced Sikongding's chest with a touch of dead gray, and then the fierce sword energy exploded and splashed in all directions, directly cutting Sikongding's body into pieces.

Xuantian wouldn't give Sikongding a chance. As soon as the Wooden Sacred Cauldron had retired, Xuantian used his ultimate strength on Sikongding, with a fatal blow, instantly killing Sikongding.


Sikongding's body ruptured, making a loud noise like the sky and the earth. His body protection artifact exploded at this instant, and the ripples of the explosion spread out in a flash. In the blink of an eye, the void in a radius of hundreds of miles collapsed, and then , Is thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles...

However, Xuantian immediately entered the sacred cauldron.

The six tripods and sacred tripods were set together, and the terrifying ripples of destruction impacted on the sacred tripod, unable to vibrate the sacred tripods.

Although the power of the artifact's self-detonation is strong, the holy cauldron is far from comparable to the artifact and is not affected by it.

When the ripples to be destroyed dissipated, Xuantian's body emerged from the sacred cauldron, his figure flashed, and an afterimage passed through the void, before he came to another huge sacred cauldron floating in the void.

This is a blue sacred cauldron, revealing a breath of vitality, it seems that as long as there is a place where this cauldron is, there will be life.

It is the holy cauldron of wood.

As soon as Sikongding died, the wooden sacred cauldron became an unowned thing.

Looking at the sacred wooden cauldron in front of him, Xuantian's eyes revealed great joy.

Xuantian had a feeling that the sacred wooden cauldron in front of him was calling him. Between him and the sacred wooden cauldron, there seemed to be an invisible force pulling it, like positive and negative, yin and yang... He felt his body There are shortcomings, as long as it merges with the Sacred Cauldron of Wood, the shortcomings will be eliminated and become complete.

Suddenly, Xuantian's spiritual power contained and refined the sacred wooden cauldron, and soon he branded his spiritual mark in the sacred wooden cauldron and became the owner of the sacred wooden cauldron.

At the moment of success, Xuantian felt an extremely wonderful feeling in his heart.

It's like, people who have been hungry for many days suddenly eat a delicious meal, and people who have been thirsty for many days suddenly drink an extraordinary Yuqiong Lingye...

For an instant, Xuantian felt that his whole person was about to be sublimated, feeling great satisfaction and excitement.

At the moment when the wood holy cauldron was thoroughly refined, the root of the wood in Xuan Tian's body was finally filled, and the flesh body finally had no shortcomings. Although there was no breakthrough in cultivation, the strength of the flesh body suddenly increased by a large level.

His spiritual body, from the eighth rank to the ninth rank.

In the past, he couldn't feel the profound meaning of wood, and it was difficult to perceive the breath of life. Now he will not at all.

Even in the dark and cold starry sky, Xuantian could feel that the breath of life was everywhere.

Xuantian lifted his palm, and the "Wooden Sacred Cauldron" shrank and fell into the palm of his hand, with an extremely comfortable smile on his face.

"Okay, the wooden sacred cauldron is finally here. I have obtained seven of the nine sacred cauldrons. Only the yin and yang are left. The whereabouts of the sacred wooden cauldron are unknown. At the level of the six sacred cauldrons, fire, wind, thunder, and earth, and the seven sacred cauldrons are integrated, maybe I can sense the position of the yin and yang sacred cauldrons."

Xuantian looked at the sacred wooden cauldron in his hand and said in his heart.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In an instant, six rays of light flew out, and Xuantian took out the six sacred cauldrons of chaos, water, fire, wind, thunder, and earth, and then threw the wooden sacred cauldron out, looking at the seven sacred cauldrons. Arranged neatly in the void ahead, Xuantian is full of ambition and confidence.

"The sacred pot of Yin and the sacred pot of Yang, I will definitely get it, the sages of the nine dings will gather together, and I will definitely worry about the secret of the power of the nine sacred pots...!"

Xuantian swept his arm and put the seven saint cauldrons into his body, looking far away in one direction, his figure flashed and disappeared.

In the Heavenly Martial Realm, somewhere in the starry sky, a void flower is in full bloom.

Around the Void Flower, there stood Long Ziyan, Xuanyuan Chuxue, Jianchi... and others, the emperor on Sikongding’s side, fleeing, dying, dead body was eaten by Xiaohu, what? None remained.

Now that the Void Flower is about to mature, Long Ziyan and others are here, waiting for Xuantian's return.

In this battle, Xiaohu and Jianlun both gained great benefits. Xiaohu not only ate a lot of the bodies of nine-star emperors and demigods, but even the divine body of the battle surging, was eaten by it, and his cultivation level has broken through. , Became an eight-star demon emperor, and there were faint signs of breaking through to the nine-star demon emperor.

The sword madness is the godhead who has swallowed the absolute war Ling. It has not had time to refine it. After he is completely digested, the injury will have a major recovery. At that time, the sword madness, the strength may have to be restored to a godlike existence. .


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