The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1151: Carry the head into the summer house

Chapter 1151

In the hall, there are the remaining lower **** peak powerhouses of the four major families!

In addition to the Patriarch Meng Shiyuan and Hu Sandao, the two big families of Meng and Hu also each have one. ()

The Xia family did not die because of Xia Chongxiao, and there were two other than the owner Xia Chongyun.

Among the four top families, the Jin family has the longest inheritance and the strongest strength. There are four low-level gods peak powers. In addition to the master Jin Dingjiang, there are two more present!

Four great families, a total of 13 low-level gods peak power, three of them fell under Xuantian, and the other ten people all gathered in the Xia family mansion!

All the lower gods at the pinnacle and powerhouse looked angry at this moment, but Xia Chongxiao's momentum was a little cowardly.

Xia Chongxiao witnessed the power of Xuantian with his own eyes. A sword fell, like thunder and lightning, terrifying the world. In Xia Chongxiao's view, this level of strength is no longer the peak of any lower **** can contend!

Xia Chongxiao saw the indignation of the crowd, and he was very likely to reignite war with Xuantian, and said: "My old friends, please calm down first. I have witnessed Xuantian's strength with my own eyes. It is so shocking that we have already sinned. He, if you continue to fight with him, you will suffer a big loss. Let's sit down and have a good talk with him!"

All the lower gods pinnacle looked at Xia Chongxiao with a look of astonishment. Unexpectedly, Xia Chongxiao, a pinnacle powerhouse of the lower gods, and a member of the four great families, could say such a long aspiration to destroy his own power!

Hu Sandao angrily shouted: "Xia Chongxiao, are you scared stupid by Xuantian? No matter how powerful he is, he is only a lower god! Our four great families can't beat Xuantian in this golden sand sky. That little thief!"

Jin Dingjiang also had a tough attitude, saying: "Xia Chongxiao, Xuantian is indeed powerful in defeating the four of you, but our four great families are not vegetarian.

Especially our four great masters, each of which is one of the top masters in the pinnacle of the lower gods, and only with the cooperation of our four great masters, no one of the lower gods can compete.

Not to mention, there are six of you to help each other. Ten of us form the "ten directions of slaying demons". Even the newly promoted middle gods can compete against one or two. Unless the middle **** comes, my four great families can Who are you afraid of? "

Meng Shiyuan also patted the table and shouted: "Yes, in Jinsha City, only others are afraid of my four great families. Xuantian dares to come to Xia's family. He is seeking his own death!"

The three families of Jin, Meng, and Hu all had the pinnacle of the lower gods who died under Xuantian, and they were naturally more angry than the Xia family, and they were intent on killing Xuantian.

Although the members of the Xia family are not as angry as the other three, they have a tough attitude. Xia Chongyun said: "Chongxiao, I know you escaped from Xuantian, and fear him, but our four great families have the strength. You should know how strong you are, why bother with others and destroy your own prestige?"

Xia Chongxiao opened his mouth, but held back. Everyone thought he escaped from Xuantian. Only he knew that he was alive because he abandoned his dignity and begged Xuantian for mercy, otherwise he would have died long ago. Huangquan!

Xia Chongxiao is a powerful lower god, a figure standing on the peak of Jinsha City. When he begged Xuantian for mercy, his life was threatened, and the other was that he and Xuantian were the only ones at that time, so he could abandon his dignity to Xuantian. beg for mercy.

Now, Xia Chongxiao's life is in no danger. Secondly, there are many people present, and there is no face to tell Xuantian for mercy, but if he doesn't say it, everyone thinks that he escaped from Xuantian's hands.

If Xia Chongxiao’s four were wiped out under Xuantian’s army, the four great families would definitely pay more attention to Xuantian, but since Xia Chongxiao can escape from Xuantian, in the eyes of the strong of the four great families, Xuantian also Not so terrible, strong is powerful, but not strong enough to make the four great families bow their heads.

Xia Chongxiao's eyes flickered, and finally he didn't say much. He was indeed afraid of Xuantian, so he was afraid of continuing to be enemies with Xuantian.

However, Xia Chongyun's words also reminded him that the strength of their four great families is equally strong, and it is far from a lower **** who can stand alone!

Xia Chongxiao lived for tens of thousands of years and had seen a middle-level **** fight. He carefully recalled the process of Xuantian's attack. Although swordsmanship was extremely terrifying and far surpassed the peak level of the lower gods, it was comparable to the middle-level gods he had seen. , It seems that it still feels too late!

As long as Xuantian's strength is not completely based on the level of the middle god, then the four great families will have the power to fight together, and there will be no small advantages!

After all, the power of Xuantian is weak, and the family of the four great worlds is more powerful!

Thinking of this in Xia Chongxiao's heart, the fear in Xuantian's heart faded a bit. I am afraid that if it fades, the killing intent will be born. Only he and Xuantian know about Xuantian. If there is a possibility of getting rid of Xuantian. , Xia Chongxiao was still very happy.

Without Xia Chongxiao's objection, the rest of the **** pinnacle powerhouse made a peace, and decided to kill Xuantian at the Xia family while Xuantian took the initiative to visit the door!

Xia Chongyun said: "My Xia Mansion is not the Feiyun Village. As long as Xuantian dares to come, Xia Mansion is his burial place!"


Sands City!

Xuantian rode a beast and wandered the street in front of the mansion of the Xia family, one of the four great families!

Upon returning to Jinsha City, Xuantian came to Xia's house. Mo Guangchen and the eight caravans followed far behind Xuantian.

The four great families have accumulated power in Jinsha City for many years. Xuantian enters the Xia family and may fight again with the four great families. The Mo family does not want to completely tear their faces with the four great families. He did not go with Xuantian, just as a spectator. Follow behind.

This time against the four great families, Xuantian is truly alone!

Shenxing Beast came to the outside of Xia Mansion, Xuantian turned over and landed, raised his right hand, and three heads appeared under his palm!

Three heads, one is Jindingshan, one is Meng Shiqing, and the other is Hu Jiudao!

Holding three heads, Xuantian strode towards Xia Mansion!

Xia Mansion is located on the most prosperous street in North City. Outside of Xia Mansion, there are many lower gods on the street. One person rides a beast to the entrance of Xia Mansion, and then suddenly takes out three human heads. This behavior is immediately attractive. The eyes of many lower gods!

Standing from different angles, the lower gods near Xuantian could see the faces of the three human heads in their hands!

Suddenly, someone shouted in horror:

"Jindingshan? Is that the head of Jindingshan?"

"Hi—that's Meng Shiqing's head!"

"My God, is there a mistake? That head turned out to be the Hu Sandao, the Hu Sandao of the Hu family of the four great families?"


The four great families have dominated Jinsha City for hundreds of thousands of years. Jindingshan, Meng Shiqing, and Hu Sandao, as the lower gods and powerhouses of the four great families, do not know their names and honors in Jinsha City?

Suddenly seeing their heads held in the hands of a lower god, one by one was shocked!

The sound attracted the eyes of more lower gods, and then there were more air-conditioning sounds and exclamations!

Who is this young lower **** in the middle stage?

There was speculation in the hearts of all the lower gods, and they dared to hold the heads of the three lower gods of the four great families, and walked towards the Xia family, one of the four great families. Is this the courage of the bear heart and leopard?

The guards at the gate of the Xia Mansion also noticed Xuantian. Seeing Xuantian walking with the heads of Jin Dingshan, Meng Shiqing, and Hu Sandao, the expressions of the guards of the lower gods changed drastically!

As members of the Xia family, they had long known that Jin Dingshan, Meng Shiqing, and Hu Sandao were dead, and that the people who killed them would come to the Xia Mansion, so the number of guards outside the gate of the Xia Mansion had doubled than usual!

Seeing Xuantian walking along with the heads of the three of them, the guards didn't even know that the young man who was only 16 or 17 years old this year was probably the murderer who killed the three of Jin Dingshan, and his expressions changed drastically!

A guard leader shouted: "Quickly, report to the Patriarch, Xuantian is here!"

A guard of the lower mid-level **** next to him immediately responded, and the guard commander of the late-level lower **** and several other mid-level **** guards continued to guard in front of the gate of the Xia Mansion, watching Xuantian sternly wait!

Xuantian held three human heads in his right hand, striding forward, not rushing, the inheritance in front blocked the door, and did not let his footsteps, but burst out a sharp aura!

Xuantian was like a moving peerless divine sword, with its sharp edges exposed. The guards were rushed by the sword's power, and their expressions changed drastically, showing a look of horror. They backed back and retreated into the Xia Mansion.

Xuantian did not rush forward, walked through the gate, and entered the Xia Mansion.

Someone carried the heads of three lower gods from the four great families and entered the Xia Mansion. This was an anecdote in Jinsha City, and the news spread quickly in Jinsha City like a gust of wind.

The lower gods nearby all gathered to the Xia Family Mansion, looking at the gate of the Xia Mansion, wanting to go in and see the excitement, but frightened by the power of the Xia Family, they dared not move forward.

Mo Guangchen also wanted to know what would happen after Xuantian entered the Xia Mansion. At this moment, the gate of the Xia Mansion was unguarded, and Mo Guangchen went straight forward and walked into it.

Seeing that the Patriarch of the Mo family took the lead into the Xia Mansion, all the lower gods also moved forward and followed in.

The Xia Mansion occupies a vast area, and the entrance is a long walkway, connected to a huge square, and across the square, it is the main hall of the Xia family.

On the Xia Family Square, the lower gods of the four great families of Jin, Meng, Xia, and Hu stood Xia Chongxiao learned that Xuantian entered the mansion, and took the people of the four great families in the square. Get ready!

Xuantian kept walking into the square, watching the large number of lower gods in front of him, and then stopped!

The lower gods of the three families of Jin, Meng, and Hu looked at the three human heads in Xuantian's hands, each with an angry expression, and his eyes were splitting!

Xuantian threw the three heads forward in his hand, swept his gaze over the peak of the other's top ten lower gods, and shouted: "Who is in charge of the four major families, come forward and speak!"

Before the three heads fell, Jin Dingjiang, Meng Shiyuan, and Hu Sandao stepped forward. With a wave of their big hands, the qi surged, and they took one head separately.


"Shi Qing!"

"Old nine!"

The three great masters looked at the head in their hands, and they all cried out with sorrow, blood surging in their bodies, and all of them looked furious, their eyes swept towards Xuantian, murderous.


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