The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1154: 4 big families bow their heads

The Patriarchs of the Four Great Aristocratic Families are the most powerful existence among the powers of the lower gods!

The blow they made with all their strength was enough to cause heavy losses to the powerhouse who was also the pinnacle of the lower gods, and three combined blows were enough to instantly kill the pinnacle powerhouse of the lower gods!

Xuantian is only in the middle stage of the lower gods, even if the speed is against the sky, the attack power is against the sky, but the body's defense power may not be comparable to the peak power of the lower gods!

Even the power of the lower **** pinnacle will be killed instantly under the attack of Jin Dingjiang, Xia Chongyun, and Meng Shiyuan, let alone Xuantian?

I don't know how many lower gods watched this scene intently, thinking that Xuantian must die!

Only Mo Guangchen saw this scene without the slightest worry in his eyes, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

In Mo Guangchen’s view, Xuantian’s defense power was even more defying than his heaven-defying combat power. Even the next god’s full blow with a divine weapon could not hurt him. Defensive power is simply abnormal!

It's a long story. In fact, Xuantian's sword hit Hu Sandao severely, and then the attacks of Jin Dingjiang, Xia Chongyun, and Meng Shiyuan fell on Xuantian, and the interval between them was less than a second!

The one-foot-high **** seal, with terrifying power, hit Xuantian's body with a loud sound, just like Hong Zhong Dalu.

However, Xuantian's body was not damaged at all, and he didn't even move his steps, but the imprint of the height of the gods shook violently, and instantly bounced back.

The swordsmanship that looked like a little bit of starlight enveloped Xuantian, and Xia Chongyun stabbed several swords in an instant, stabbing Xuantian's head, throat, and dantian, respectively!

However, Xia Chongyun felt that what the sword stabbed was not a human body, but a **** of gold. He could not penetrate the slightest. The counter-shock force from the sword's body made his wrists numb and his body was numb. Back again and again.

That horrible penetrating shot, with a whirring sound, stabbed Xuantian's vest frantically. The explosion sound was like a gold-iron clash, and the magical spear in Meng Shiyuan's hand shook violently. There was a hum, but the tip of the gun was on Xuantian's back, but he couldn't get into the body at all!

The attacks of the three masters all hit Xuantian, but none of them broke through the indestructible golden body, and none of them hurt Xuantian a bit!


The lower gods who were fighting in the square took a breath of air!

The lower gods of the four great families instantly solidified their joyful expressions, their eyes widened, and their joyful expressions instantly turned into horror.

Xuantian actually took the full blow of the three major masters with his physical body. What kind of defense is this?

I'm afraid that even a middle-ranked **** wouldn't dare to use his body to forcefully carry the attack of the three great masters, but Xuantian did it. Not only did he resist it, but he was also unscathed. This was incredible.

"How can this be?!"

Jin Dingjiang, Xia Chongyun, and Meng Shiyuan all exclaimed at the same time, their expressions were astonished, as if they were hell!

Mo Guangchen remembered this look. In Feiyun Village, when Xuantian smashed the Second Village Lord with the attack of the Great Village Lord and the Great Dragon Head, the Great Village Lord and the Great Dragon Head also had the same expression, which he couldn't believe.

Xuantian allowed the lower gods of the four great families to attack, and he couldn't hurt half of the hair, but Xuantian's sword caused Hu Sandao, one of the four great masters, to be severely injured!

This sharp contrast immediately made the lower gods of the four great families feel as cold as ice, like an ice cellar.

Their ambitions, their fierce fighting spirit, their surging blood, cooling down in an instant, facing an enemy who you can’t hurt even a single cold hair, but can easily hit you and kill you, there will be no more in your heart Intent to fight?

Some can only be fear!

At this moment, the people of the four great families looked at Xuantian with fear in their hearts, and their eyes were the windows of their hearts. The fear in their hearts was revealed in their eyes.

Even if it is the peak power of the lower god, looking at Xuantian's eyes, there is panic!

At this moment, they finally understood why Xia Chongxiao was afraid of Xuantian. They were puzzled and angry before, but now they know that facing an invincible enemy, this is a normal reaction!

The lower gods of the four great families were frightened, but Xuantian was angry!

The strength of the three main masters is very strong, far better than the big village master and the big dragon head. Although they can't break the golden defense of Xuantian, but the three attacks fall on the body, there is still a great pain!

A slap can't kill someone, and it's hard to hurt someone, but no one wants to slap someone!

When Xuantian was in the golden body state, it was normal. Other attacks could not hurt him, but it did not mean that he was willing to be attacked. When Xuantian came to Xia Mansion, he originally came with anger. Now, he is even more angry. Sheng!

call out--

Xuantian turned around, swept across with a sword, and the bright sword light instantly cut dozens of feet across, killing Jin Dingjiang, Xia Chongyun, and Meng Shiyuan.

Jin Dingjiang, Xia Chongyun, and Meng Shiyuan were shocked and horrified in their hearts, and their reaction was half a beat slower than usual. Facing the terrifying sword Gang that Xuantian slashed across, they quickly blocked the artifact!

How can you block the power of Xuantian's sword if you stop it in a rush?

clang! clang! clang!

With three explosions, the three of Jin Dingjiang vomited blood at the same time, and blasted back ten feet to the rear!

Four great masters, all injured!

Xia Chongxiao had already retreated to the last of the six lower gods who hadn't been injured, and the other five people saw it and quickly stood in front of the injured four masters.


Seeing that Xuantian was still going to make a move, Jin Dingjiang hurriedly yelled, "Stop Xuan, our four great families have accepted it. You want 100 million crystals, and we will compensate you."

Previously, Xuantian asked the four great families to pay 100 million crystals. In the eyes of the four great families, this is a shame. But now, their minds have changed. They found that 100 million crystals can solve this big problem, which is great. Up!

Although there are indeed a lot of 100 million **** crystals, none of the lower gods of the four great aristocratic families feel that they are not worth it. If they provoke a terrifying enemy like Xuantian, it is simply a great horror. 100 million **** crystals are comparable to the threat of Xuantian , It's not worth mentioning!

Outside the square, the lower gods who watched the battle were shocked. The four great families have stood in the Sands City for hundreds of thousands of years, and have always been high. Today, they bowed their heads to a lower **** in the middle stage. It is an eternal anecdote!

However, all the lower gods had witnessed the horror of Xuantian with their own eyes, and believed that it was a wise move for the four great families to bow their heads and admit their death. Otherwise, with Xuantian's terrifying power, the four great families could be completely destroyed.

Xuantian received his sword power and golden body, his aura became calm, and said, "If it had been before, 100 million **** crystals would have calmed my anger, now my anger is much stronger than when I first entered the Xia Palace, I want to calm down. My anger, one hundred million crystals is not enough!"

People's anger can be divided into high or low levels. For example, when Xuantian first entered the Xia Mansion, he just wanted some blood from the four great families to resolve this grievance, so it was enough to compensate 100 million God Crystals.

The current Xuantian is so angry that he can't wait to demolish the four great families. At this time, he still wants to settle the 100 million crystals? It's not to send a beggar, how easy it is!

The lower gods who watched the battle were a little prosperous. In Jinsha City, the four great families were aloof and domineering. These lower gods were happy to see the four great families suffer.

Jin Dingjiang's face became stiff and said, "Then how much do you think is enough?"

Xuantian said: "With Xuan's ability, earning some crystals is easy. I don't lack crystals at all. But Xuan was really angry. If the compensation is too little, doesn't it seem that Xuan's anger is too easy to settle?

The four great families of you, pay a total of one billion crystals. This will not make people think that Xuan's anger is too cheap, and it will also give you a deep lesson! "

A billion crystals?

Before Xuantian's words were finished, the lower gods of the four great families had almost exploded their eyes.

Ten million crystals are a huge sum of money for the lower gods, and many lower gods do not have a net worth of tens of millions.

One hundred million **** crystals, that is a huge number, very few of the lower gods have such a huge wealth, an ordinary wealthy family, only this wealth.

One billion crystals is a huge sum of money for a wealthy family. The top wealthies can’t make a billion crystals. Even if it is the four major families, all the wealth of a single family is not enough. One billion, it takes all the wealth in the hands of the four great families to make up one billion crystals!

The four great families pooled one billion crystals, an average of 250 million for a family, even for the top giants, this is a hemorrhagic value, which means that most of the wealth in the family will go away!

This still counts all kinds of production in If it is only on Shenjing, 250 million is enough to make the top giants instantly impoverished, and even, it may need to borrow a little, or become a seller Karma can make up 250 million!

Xuantian said that he would pay one billion crystals for compensation. Although it would not kill the four great families, it would be enough to let the four great families bleed and hurt their muscles and bones. In the future, the cultivation resources of the descendants of the family will become a major problem.

After hearing Xuantian's words, the four great masters almost blurted out: "One billion crystals, this is impossible!"

The Jin family is the head of the four great families, and the eyes of the other three major families are on Jin Dingjiang. At this moment, Jin Dingjiang is the backbone of the four great families!

Jin Dingjiang discussed briefly with the other three masters, and said, "Xuantian, after consultation with our four great families, each family can compensate you at most 100 million **** crystals. This is the maximum limit of our compensation. It is impossible to exceed this number. !"

A family pays 100 million yuan, which adds up to 400 million crystals!

The ability to obtain 400 million crystals from the four great families makes all the lower gods excited. In their opinion, the four great families can bleed 400 million crystals. This has been in Sands City for hundreds of thousands of years. Things have never happened before.

Moreover, compared with the lower gods, the 400 million **** crystals are already a huge sum of money. In the eyes of many lower gods, the difference between 400 million **** crystals and one billion **** crystals is not much different, and they are huge wealth that can hardly be spent in a lifetime.

As far as Xuantian is concerned, he can earn back how many **** crystals he has with the chaotic saint cauldron's automatic alchemy ability.

No matter one hundred million **** crystals or one billion **** crystals, Xuantian didn't care about it.

But now this matter is related to his dignity. The four great families offended his dignity. In Xuantian's view, this is a question that does not allow bargaining.

Xuantian said: "One billion crystals, one cannot be less! Otherwise I will tear down the four great families!"

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