The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1156: Middle Grade Sword

Chapter 1156


The Lord of the Sands erupted with a terrifying aura, a dull sound was made in his body, and a ring of clouds suddenly appeared in the surrounding void, pushing the airflow away hundreds of meters away!

Yun Huan impacted on the lower gods, some of the lower gods could not even stand steady in the early stage, and retreated again and again, and the lower gods also shook their body in the middle stage and took a small step back. ()

As for the later stage of the lower god, the peak of the lower god, although standing still, he felt the strong wind sweep his face, and instinctively narrowed his eyes.

The aura of the middle **** is so terrifying. The city lord of Jinsha didn't do anything. He just released his cultivation base, and the air around him was like a strong wind, and ordinary lower gods couldn't stand at all.

Among the four great families, the lower gods of the Hu family were stunned, and the lower gods of the other three families were angry, but more excited!

No matter how the four great families are linked together, they are also four different families. Now that Hu Sandao is dead, the Lord of Jinsha is furious and wants to attack Xuantian. While the lower gods of the three major families of Jin, Meng, and Xia are angry at the same time Naturally, there was a little joy.

If Jinsha City Lord can get rid of Xuantian, then the danger of the four great families will naturally disappear. In the eyes of the three major families of Jin, Meng, and Xia, Hu Sandao is worth the death.

In the face of the mid-level **** power that erupted from the Lord of Sands, Xuantian stood in place, half-stepping still, his expression fearless.

call out--

The Lord of the Sands shouted angrily, waved his hand to cut, the gods condensed like a knife, and cut out instantly!

Although this sword was only condensed by Shen Gang, it was far more powerful than a sword made by Hu Sandao, a top powerhouse in the pinnacle of the lower god, with all his strength using an artifact.

The blade light pierced the air, and the speed was extremely fast, like lightning. Compared with Xuantian's sword light like thunder and lightning, its speed was not inferior.

The lower gods who watched the battle secretly palpitated, and the Sands City Lord was just a knife attacked by a casual swipe. He didn't show any real strength at all. It was already so terrifying. Killing the pinnacle of the lower gods would be equally free.

The spectators looked surprised, with different expressions, either sad or happy, but they all wanted to know how Xuantian blocked the sword of the Sands City Lord.

Xuantian Divine Sword was in his hand, and the sword was soaring. Facing the sword of Jinsha City Master waved, Xuantian was not as close to the enemy as the other lower gods thought.

He didn't step back half a step, but the divine sword in his hand suddenly burst into bright sword light, and the sword went to the sky!


The sword light and sword light instantly collided on the top of Xuantian's head, with an explosion!

The sword gang with the power of thunder fell on the top of Xuan Tian's head, and then stopped instantly, unable to move down.

A dazzling sword light ran across the sword beam, like an indestructible wall, no matter how strong the sword pressure above it, how terrifying its power, it could not break through that sword light.


At this moment, I do not know how many lower gods took a breath of air! Look horrified!

They had imagined the countless results of Xuantian blocking this sword, but they never expected that Xuantian would just block the sword of Sands City Lord with such an understatement of the sword, which seemed effortless!

This is a sword attacked by a strong middle-level god. Even the pinnacle of the lower-level gods may die under this sword. Any lower-level **** present on the scene trembles in his heart when he sees this sword. Xuantian is only a lower-level god. In the mid-term, the knife was easily blocked, which is truly amazing and unbelievable.

City Lord of Sands was equally surprised. Xuantian was able to defeat the pinnacle of the top ten lower gods of the four great families. Sands City Lord knew that Xuantian's strength was very strong, but he didn't expect that Xuantian was so strong. ,effortless!

The Gang Yuan in the middle **** is extremely surging and profound, far better than the lower god!

The divine gang inside the main body of Jinsha city circulates, surging out, and injects into the sword gang, making the daogang always strong and always maintaining its terrifying power.

Xuantian also operated the divine gang, poured it into the divine sword in his hand, the sword light was still bright, and there was no weakness.

The knife Gang lasted for nearly ten breaths, and Xuantian used a sword to cross the sky, always holding the knife Gang one foot above his head, no matter how powerful the knife Gang was, it could not fall.

Xuantian’s cultivation base is far different than that of the Jinsha City Lord, but in terms of the strength of the Gang Yuan in his body, it is not inferior. The Seven Ding Sheng Wang Gong is the world-fading technique that Xuantian learned from the seven holy cauldrons. The law rank definitely exceeds the **** rank!

And the Sands City Lord practiced a god-level middle-grade technique, which was far worse than the Qi Ding Sheng Wang Gong!

Seeing that this knife really did not pose any threat to Xuantian, City Lord Jinsha waved his hand after ten breaths, and the knife gang retracted instantly.

The Lord of the Sands looked at Xuantian in amazement, and said, "You have such a powerful and surging Gang Yuan in the middle stage of your subordinate god? What level of exercises are you practicing?"

Xuantian looked at the Jinsha City Lord lightly, and said, "How did the City Lord's concern shift to the cultivation technique of Xuanyou?"

Jinsha City Lord snorted, did not answer this question, and said: "Xuan Tian, ​​do you think that if you block this City Lord with a single knife, you are the enemy of this City Lord? Delusion!

After the words fell, the Lord of Sands raised his right hand, and a magical sword appeared in his hand!

As soon as this sword was released, countless sharp sword auras appeared in the void, making the lower gods fearful!

The sword reveals its sharp edge, sharp, like a cut by a magic weapon, it is hard to imagine how sharp the body of this magic sword is!

Xuantian's gaze was attracted by the magical sword in the hands of Jinsha City Master, his gaze fell on the sword, he tightened slightly, and said, "What a precious sword, this must be a middle-grade magical weapon!"

Xuantian harvested a lot of low-grade artifacts in Feiyun Village, and this was the first time I saw a middle-grade artifact!

With the mid-grade magic sword in hand, the Jinsha City Lord's power is even more fierce. He stabbed the sword, pointed it at Xuantian, and shouted:

"Yes, this sword is a great achievement by the city lord in the army, and the treasure rewarded by the court when I was appointed as the lord of the sands. It is a middle-grade magic sword, Xuantian, your golden body has a strong defense force and can withstand this sword. One cut?"

"If it is in the hands of the upper gods, with the benefit of this knife, it may cause damage to my golden body, city lord, are you...!"

Xuantian said, shook his head, and said, "You are still far away!"

Among the opponents of Jinsha City Lord, the middle-ranking magic sword is extremely fond and extremely confident. Even the most powerful middle-ranking **** would not dare to take the attack from him with his body. To be far away, this makes the Lord of Sands City angry!


The city lord of Jinsha shouted angrily, the mid-grade magic sword in his hand burst into light, and he slashed it at Xuantian, "Dare to look down on this sword, you really do not live or die, let you taste the power of this sword!"

The knife was cut down, and the knife gang was bright. Although the knife gang was only about a foot away from the knife, the knife gang was condensed, and it was not known how powerful it was compared to the ten-zhang knife gang cut by the next god!

The knife gang slashed to the top of Xuantian's head in an instant, and the Xuantian image remained as usual, the divine gang revolving, and the divine body in his hand burst out with a bright light, and a frame was raised above his head!

In an instant, the sword light collided with the sword light, and with a loud explosion, the sword light above Xuan Tian's head was instantly broken!

The magic sword of the mouth was cut off by the middle-grade magic sword in the hands of the Sands City Lord!

The low-grade magic sword continued to chop down with the dazzling blade, and the Jinsha City Master revealed excitement in his eyes, and shouted: "The low-grade magical weapon can't stop this sword, see how your body can stop it!"

All the lower gods watched this scene without turning their eyes, for fear of missing any moment.

The lower gods of the four great aristocratic families, their eyes revealed their brilliance, expecting Xuantian to be split in half by this knife.

Among the lower gods who watched the battle, Mo Guangchen showed a look of worry. He knew that Xuantian's golden body was strong in defense, but at this moment, the Lord of Sands had a middle-grade sword!

A blow made by a middle-level **** with a middle-grade artifact is more than ten times higher than the one attacked by a lower-rank artifact by the pinnacle of a lower god, both in power and sharpness. Mo Guangchen also I'm not sure whether Xuantian can withstand this knife!

It's a long story, but it's a flash!

Before the Lord of Sands finished speaking, he heard a loud clang!

The mid-grade magic knife in his hand was bright, but it stopped on top of Xuantian's head again, and he saw Xuantian's left hand forming a fist, and his forearm crossed his head.

This knife slashed on Xuantian's left forearm, making a loud sound of gold and iron clashing. The Lord of the Sands only felt a terrifying force coming back. However, Xuantian's left forearm, golden light, and There was no damage from this knife.

Xuantian’s golden body was like a whole piece of sacred gold. The horrible power of this sword was instantly transmitted from the golden body to the ground. The sacred stone under his feet instantly shattered, his feet were plunged into the gravel, and Xuantian’s body dropped by more than an inch. .

From the divine stone cracked under Xuan Tian's feet, we can see how terrifying the power of Jinsha City Master's sword is. Unfortunately, such a terrifying knife still failed to injure Xuan Tian. Xuan Tian's golden body was not bad and stronger than the divine stone.

At this moment, whether it was City Lord of Sands or all the lower gods, they looked shocked at this scene, and almost burst their eyes.

How sharp is the mid-level magic knife? It is easy to break through the body of the middle-ranked god, but the sword that Sands City presided over the middle-ranking sword cut through, but even Xuantian's golden body film was not cut. What a terrifying defensive power is this?

Everyone is terrified!

Everyone was in horror, with the exception of Xuantian, who had long known this result!

Just after his left arm blocked the sword of City Lord, his body transferred his power to the ground, and immediately after the divine stone at the sole of his feet broke, Xuantian counterattacked.

Xuantian made a fist with his right hand, and thunder blasted out with a punch!

Thor Fist!

Within the body, the Holy Cauldron of Thunder shook, delivering a terrifying power of thunder, and the power of Xuantian's Law of Thunder exploded. The power of this punch was several times stronger than when dealing with the peak of the lower gods.

This fist blasted on the middle-grade magic sword, and there was a loud sound, the blade shook away, and the middle-grade magic sword bounced upward.

Xuantian stepped forward, turning his left fist into a palm, and slashed down towards the Lord of Jinsha.

A dazzling flame sword gun burst out, slashing the Lord of the Sands!


ps: There is a fourth update tonight!


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