The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1165: Kill the middle god

Chapter 1165 Killing the Middle God (fourth)

Looking at Cheng Feipeng's corpse, Shen Zhongliu, Blood Scorpion, Wan Feixuan, and Gong Yangzi all showed fear in their eyes. ()

Even Cheng Feipeng died in the hands of Xuantian, and the four of them were even worse than Cheng Feipeng, so they were naturally a dead end.

Xuantian did not rush to do it, but his gaze swept across the four people like a sword, and finally fell on Blood Scorpion, saying: "Blood Scorpion, last time you managed to escape from birth to heaven, why did you continue to come? To die?"

Blood Scorpion is a famous figure in Nanchuan area. I don't know how many people will be frightened when hearing his name, but now, Blood Scorpion himself is frightened.

If he had known that Xuantian was so powerful, how could he come again?

But now it's too late to say anything, he is already here!

Blood Scorpion swallowed his saliva, visualizing the leader of the Blood Raven in his mind, and said: "Xuantian, do you know that the Sect of the Blood Raven is the number one power in Nanchuan, and the leader of the Scorpion, the Old Man of the Blood Raven, is on the Nanchuan master list. Ranked number one, do you really want to teach immortality with the Blood Raven?"

Blood Scorpion talked about the leader of the blood crow, and the three of Shen Zhongliu also calmed down. As the number one existence on the Nanchuan master list, the leader of the blood crow has an unparalleled deterrent in the Nanchuan area.

Xuantian smiled slightly and said, "I'm in this Golden Sands City. I hadn't even heard of the Blood Raven Cult before. It was your Blood Crow Cult who came to force me. Before, the four great families of Sands City forced me, and then the Sands City The four great families are gone, and now it’s the turn of the Blood Raven Sect. Do you think the Blood Raven Sect should also disappear?"

The prestige of the leader of the blood crow is extremely high in the teaching of the blood crow. Seeing Xuantian's words not even the leader of the blood crow, the blood scorpion instinctively gushes out of anger, temporarily dispelling the fear.

Blood Scorpion shouted: "Xuan Tian, ​​I advise you not to do stupid things. The leader of this sect is not something you can contend with. Let the four of us go. There is still room between you and the Blood Crow Sect. , The leader of this religion will not let you go, even if you are in the city of Jinsha, the leader of the religion can easily take your life."

Shen Zhongliu also shouted: "Xuantian, let us leave if we think about it, otherwise...!"


Xuantian laughed and interrupted Shen Zhongliu's words and shouted: "When death is imminent, you still dare to speak wildly in front of me and send you on the road first. I want to see, the leader of the blood crow dare not come to Sands City. Fight with Xuan Mo!"

When the words fell, Xuantian's sword surged into the sky, the power of the saint cauldron in his body exploded, and the divine sword in his hand burst into light.

call out--

Xuantian's figure was like electricity, turned into a golden light and rushed forward, swept across with a sword, killing the three of Blood Scorpion, Wan Feixuan, and Gong Yangzi.

The three blood scorpions looked terrified, and they hurriedly moved the gods. They used the gods to resist them. With a loud sound, the hands of the three of them shook the gods, and at the same time they vomited blood and retreated.

Shen Zhongliu's position was a little farther away from the blood scorpion trio. Seeing Xuantian attacked the blood scorpion trio, he kicked his legs and ejected from his body, rushing out twenty feet away, trying to take the opportunity to escape.

"Since you are here, don't even think about leaving!"

Xuantian yelled, his body soaring into the sky, and he cut off with a sword in the air, and the sword gang exploded for more than thirty feet!

The dazzling Jian Gang split the sky in half and cut it down instantly. Shen Zhongliu was nearly 100 meters away from Xuantian and was still within the attack range of this sword.

Feeling that the terrifying sword power descended from the sky like mountains and seas, Shen Zhongliu's whole body stood upside down with cold hair, and he quickly waved the divine sword in his hand, blocking the top with a sword.


With a loud explosion, Shen Zhongliu was chopped to the ground by Jian Gang, his legs fell on the ground, the soil and rock were cracked, and the ground was shaken and the dust was flying.

Before Shen Zhongliu pulled his legs out of the cracked soil and rock, Xuantian had already landed, with a light touch on his toe, he stepped tens of feet, a sword light broke through the air, and once again killed Shen Zhongliu.

Shen Zhongliu was shocked and swung his sword to resist. With a clang, the middle-grade divine sword bounced back, but the sword beam that Xuantian pierced was undiminished, and the sword pierced Shen Zhongliu's chest.

Jian Gang entered the body, and the terrifying kendo true meaning instantly spread in the body, destroying the vitality in the divine body, and Shen Zhongliu was hit hard in an instant!

Shen Zhong vomited blood, panicked in his eyes, enduring the pain and quickly backed away.


Shen Zhongliu's body had just left the divine sword in Xuan Tian's hand, and Xuan Tian used his left hand to cast Thunder God's fist, which had already blasted over.

Shen Zhongliu was unavoidable. He was hit in the head with a punch, and his entire face was sunken by the punch. The skull instantly shattered, and the godhead in his head was shattered.

Shen Zhongliu collapsed, no anger, and his life was lost.

Among the five great guardians, another mid-level **** fell, and the remaining three were only mid-level gods.

Xuantian killed Shen Zhongliu, but it was only two or three breaths of time. The three blood scorpions who were vomiting blood and retreated by Xuantian's sword had just stabilized their bodies, and when they recovered, they saw this scene.

The great guardian and the second guardian of the late middle gods died in front of the three blood scorpions one after another, which made the three of them even more frightened, looking at Xuantian with horror.

Xuantian killed Cheng Feipeng and Shen Zhongliu in succession, and the three blood scorpions knew that Xuantian would never stop. Although they were frightened, they did not ask for mercy.

Blood Scorpion glanced at the two of them and shouted: "Disperse and flee. No matter who escapes, please ask Master Lord to avenge us!"

Wan Feixuan and Gong Yangzi nodded together, and the two rushed to the left and the right, while the blood scorpion turned directly and fled in the other direction.

"Shen Zhongliu can't escape, let alone the three of you!"

Xuantian snorted softly, jumped up, swept across with a sword, and cut a hundred meters across with the sword!

boom! boom!

Wan Feixuan and Gong Yangzi were hit by the 100-meter Jiangang successively, and suffered heavy injuries. He vomited blood and shot them backward.

Xuantian attacked two swords again, Wan Feixuan and Gong Yangzi went on Huangquan Road one after another, but at this time, the blood scorpion who fled in the opposite direction of Xuantian only escaped less than two hundred meters.

After solving Wan Feixuan and Gong Yangzi, Xuantian's body made a vertical leap, and within a blink of an eye he appeared 100 meters away, another ups and downs, and two blinks followed by more than two hundred meters.

At this time, the blood scorpion flew forward again, but it was less than a hundred meters in between. Xuantian jumped up again, his body exploded forward, and the person was already cut down in midair.

call out--

A sword gang slashed out a hundred meters, and instantly cut to the top of the blood scorpion.

The blood scorpion who was flying had never thought Xuantian would chase him up so quickly, he was chopped up by Jian Gang, and he rushed to the ground, his whole body dripping with blood.

Xuantian came up and down in front of Blood Scorpion, swiped a sword, and the pliers of the artifact in Blood Scorpion's hand flew out with his arm.

Blood Scorpion snorted, but the injuries were too serious, and he just struggled and fell back to the ground.

Xuantian pointed the divine sword at the blood scorpion, Jian Gang spit out, and forced it to his throat, and said, "Tell me, what kind of medicine do you Blood Crow Crow ask me to make?"

The blood scorpion was dying, lethargic, and lost the slightest bit of hardness. Xuantian asked and said, "It is a blood pattern pill, and it needs the middle-grade divine alchemy master to use his own blood as a medicine to refine it. This pill can greatly strengthen the leader's Gang Yuan, allowing the leader to continue to improve his strength.

Xuantian, the leader can no longer obtain the less bloodmarked pill, and his strength has gone further. It is stronger than the average mid-level **** peak. Wait for it. Once we die, it will take a day or two or three to five days later. The leader must go ahead. Come to take your life, you have nowhere to escape, no one in Nanchuan can save you. "

Xuantian was not afraid of the threat of Blood Scorpion, and said: "I wish that the leader of the Blood Crow would not come. It will happen that there will be a peak of the middle **** for a while, and see how strong it is. If I have the opportunity, I will not kill the leader of the Blood Crow. error!"

After the words fell, the sword in his hand was sent forward, and the blood scorpion was killed.

The blood crow taught the five great protectors, all of them were killed by the Xuantian sword.

The attic where Xuantian was located was cut off by a corner, and huge gullies stretched to the distance. They were ten feet short and more than one hundred meters long, and hundreds of meters nearby were a wolf.

Xuantian collected the five great protectors' divine tools and space divine rings. Among the five divine tools, there were two middle-grade divine weapons. The spoils of this battle were extremely rich.

The value of middle-grade artifacts is much more expensive than lower-grade artifacts, and they can't be bought with **** crystals. The four major families in Sands City had hundreds of millions of **** crystals, but there was no middle-grade artifact.

As a swordsman, Shen Zhongliu's middle-grade magic sword was used by Xuantian. As for Cheng Feipeng's middle-grade magic spear, he and three other low-grade artifacts were kept by Xuantian.

Without waiting for Xuan Tian to check the five Space God Rings, Mo Guangchen came to Xuan Tian's side, his eyes were full of shock and shock.

Mo Guangchen looked at a wolf-like ground, and said in shock: "Young Master Xuan, the five guardians of the Blood Raven Cult, were all killed by you. Didn't even escape one?"

Xuantian nodded slightly, and it was obvious that the bodies of the five great guardians were nearby.

Mo Guangchen took a deep breath, and his voice was horrified: "My God, I dare say, this thing will shake the entire Nanchuan Crow Sect, even a few big cities can't help it. The number one force in Nanchuan, the five great guardians are the most powerful beings other than the leader of the Blood Raven. They actually died in Jinsha City. Who can believe it? This news spreads, and even Jinsha City will be famous."

Speaking of the back, Mo Guangchen looked a little excited. As a person in Sands City, the five guardians of the Blood Ravens died in Sands City, and Mo Guangchen felt a sense of pride.

Xuantian was calm, and said, "Don't be too happy. Tonight, the Blood Crow Sect has only come to five protectors, and it's like this. If the Blood Crow leader comes, it will definitely be better than the five protectors. It's even harder to deal with, and it may cost the Mo family even if they fight."

Mo Guangchen was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Master Xuan is sure to deal with the leader of the blood crow?"

Xuantian nodded slightly. Only the combat power he used tonight was enough to fight against the pinnacle of the middle god. If all the power of the seven holy cauldrons broke out, even if the blood crow leader was strong, Xuantian would have the confidence to fight with Yibo. .

Mo Guangchen said: "That's good. I have an excellent friend who died under the leader of the Blood Raven more than 10,000 years ago. If the leader of the Blood Raven can be killed, even if the Mo family is demolished, he will not hesitate !"


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