The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1174: Obtain Yuqing Purple Spirit Fruit

Chapter 1174 Obtaining Yuqing Purple Spirit Fruit (First)

Xuantian raised his right hand, and the middle-grade divine sword appeared in his hand, exploding with a terrifying sword force. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

Although his speed is faster than other mid-level **** peaks, but under the restriction and suppression of Hexin Island, it is not much faster.

It didn't take much time before the peaks of the other middle gods were about to rush to this place. Xuantian had to hurry up to solve this snake and scorpion demon god, and put seven'Jade Clear Purple Spirit Fruits' into his bag.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

There were five muffled noises in Xuantian's body, and the power of the five holy cauldrons of wind, thunder, water, fire and earth exploded, and a terrifying aura instantly rushed out of Xuantian's body, as if a wild ancient beast awakened.

Feeling Xuantian's fighting spirit, the snake scorpion demon **** was furious, opened his mouth and let out a scream, his body suddenly stretched out, and the scorpion body rushed towards Xuantian like an arrow.

Click ——

The two giant pliers revealed cold light, and cut them fiercely, just like two divine weapons, attacking Xuantian.

One cut towards Xuantian's head and the other towards Xuantian's waist.

"The evil animal suffers death!"

Xuantian yelled, and the mid-grade Divine Sword exploded with a dazzling glow, which was cut with a sword.

Under the suppression of Hexin Island’s ban, Jian Gang only exploded about ten feet. Ten feet of Jian Gang was already big enough. Even if the snakes and scorpion demon gods stretched out, they would not grow much. When the snake's body is twisted, its length is not as good as ten feet. Gang.

The sword was cut down, and the storm surged, and the terrifying sword power instantly condensed in this sword, colliding with the giant pliers of the snake and scorpion monster.


With a loud explosion, the snake and scorpion demon shook fiercely, and the huge body instantly rebounded, and the upper body was shaken back more than ten meters.

The power of Xuantian's sword is too terrifying, far surpassing the strength of the peak of the middle god. Even if the power of this snake and scorpion demon **** is also above the peak of the middle god, he cannot withstand the sword of Xuantian.

The snake scorpion demon **** suffered pain and screamed again. When the upper body bounced back, the lower body swept away.

As soon as the black shadow flickered, a terrifying wind came towards him, and the body of the snake swept across like an artifact spear.

Seeing this scene, Xuantian understood in an instant that he was knocked off a hundred meters before, and it was the sweep of the snake-like demon god's tail.

Although he didn't hurt Xuantian just now, he also made Xuantian dizzy from the fall and suffered a loss!

"Naughty animal, dare to come again!"

Xuantian yelled, and the gods in his body reached the limit, bang! Bang! With two muffled sounds, two more terrifying breaths erupted from Xuan Tian's body.

The power of the Chaos Sacred Cauldron and the Wood Sacred Cauldron also exploded!

The power of the seven saints erupted, Xuantian's strength rose to the limit, the divine sword in his hand was shining brightly, the sword burst shot out ten feet, and it smashed down to face the swept snake.

This sword is too terrifying. The power of the seven holy cauldrons exploded at the same time, shocking the world, crying ghosts, and far from being able to resist the strength of the middle god.

The sword gang cleaved, and the firm snake skin was split by a sword, and the snake body of the snake demon **** instantly turned into two halves.

The snake demon **** screamed, and the two snake bodies twitched violently.

The snake body was severed, and the snake scorpion demon **** was injured not lightly, but it was not a fatal injury. Its snake body has the power of regeneration and can continue to grow new bodies.

As an intransitive monster, the snake and scorpion demon **** was unhuman, fierce and cruel, and the intense pain made it furious, and its eyes turned blood red.

The scorpion body rushed towards Xuantian in an instant, and the two giant pincers burst into glory, and they attacked Xuantian again and again, almost desperately fighting Xuantian.

Xuantian uses the power of the seven holy cauldrons. How terrifying is his strength, and he has an indestructible golden body. He is not afraid of the desperate style of the snake and scorpion monster. The sword in his hand is blooming. Not only does Xuantian not retreat, but instead rushes to the snake and scorpion monster. Up.

Clang clang clang clang...

In an instant, there was a burst of noise, Xuantian and the snakes and scorpion demon gods are playing fast, the swords are vertical and horizontal, continuous, double pincers move together, and there are many phantoms.

In just ten breaths, Xuantian and the snake scorpion demon **** have fought against each other hundreds of times. Xuantian was attacked several times by two giant tongs, and the scorpion snake demon **** was even more attacked by Xuantian a dozen swords.

Xuantian's indestructible golden body is indestructible and unharmed. Although the scorpion body of the snake and scorpion demon **** is draped in solid armor, it cannot withstand the continuous attacks of the middle-grade sword.

After ten breaths of fierce battle, the eyes of the snake and scorpion demon **** showed horror. Its body was full of sword wounds and its armor was broken, making it bloody.

The snake and scorpion demon **** is not high in IQ, but he also knows that his strong armor is strong. Relying on this, the snake and scorpion demon **** is desperate against Xuantian regardless of the pain of the broken body.

As a result, Xuantian was not injured, but it was severely injured, and it was about to endanger its life. How could it not be panicked, and quickly retreated, trying to escape to the Shenquan.

"Monster, where to go!"

Xuantian shouted loudly, stepped forward, his body turned into a golden light, and in an instant, the human sword merged into one, attacking the strongest sword.

The snake and scorpion demon **** rushed out about ten feet, ten meters away from the Shenquan, and Xuantian had already reached this sword.

The resplendent Jian Gang instantly pierced from the scar on the back of the snake and scorpion monster, and the terrifying power instantly penetrated into the body of the snake. damage.

The snake and scorpion demon **** had been hit hard, and this sword made the injury worse. It was a fatal blow. The snake scorpion demon god's sword suddenly screamed and rushed to the front body and fell and hit the ground.

If the snake and scorpion demon **** confronts Xuantian, with its strength far surpassing the peak of the middle god, it is not easy for Xuantian’s sword to severely inflict it, but the snake and scorpion demon **** is escaping, and the rear defends the emptiness. This sword is naturally accurate. Hit the key without error, causing fatal trauma to him.

The snake and scorpion demon **** who fell to the ground twisted violently, and the intense pain made it unable to control its body and twitched instinctively.

call out--

Xuantian slammed out again with a sword, and the dazzling Jian Gang slashed the head of the snake and scorpion monster.

Take advantage of its illness, kill it!

Although the snakes and scorpion monsters moved violently, they were just struggling instinctively. Xuantian's sword was so powerful that it smashed the snakes and scorpion monsters' heads, and his entire head was split apart.

The snake and scorpion demon **** was limp to the ground, leaving only a slight twitch of his body, and his life was not long.

Xuantian no longer paid attention to the snakes and scorpion demon gods, he hurried to the side of the Yuqing Purple Spirit Fruit Tree, and put the divine sword in his hand into the space **** ring.

It didn't take him very long to kill the snake and scorpion demon god. No one else has come here yet. No one is fighting with Xuantian for the seven jade clear purple spirit fruits, naturally all belong to Xuantian.

Xuantian condensed his mind, and lightly took off the Yuqing Purple Spirit Fruit, put it into the utensil, and took in the Space God Ring.




Soon, he picked four in a row. When Xuantian picked the fifth one, he suddenly shouted angrily behind him: "Stop!"

When the words fell, Xuantian sensed a surging sword force surging toward him, and a knife gang instantly slashed for more than ten feet, and slashed towards Xuantian.

The sword is fierce, and the sword pierced through the air. The power is amazing. The person who shot is a middle-aged man, holding a middle-grade artifact sword, and the middle **** is peaking.

The pinnacle of the middle god, in the river area of ​​Jinchuan, is a powerful man standing at the top, slashing with all his strength, the power is extremely terrifying.

Before the sword gang arrived, a fierce aura burst out, which contained a very powerful sword.

Xuantian was picking the Yuqing Purple Spirit Fruit. The knife that came to him was clear to him. He picked the Yuqing Purple Spirit Fruit with his left hand, and he stabbed the middle grade godsword with the head of the sword in his right hand. Out.

The dazzling gang glow exploded, and Xuantian seemed to have an eye in the back of his head. This sword stab was just right, and it collided with the knife gang that had smashed him like a needle's tip against a rose glow.


There was an explosion and the void shook, and the surface of the nearby Shenquan was rushed out of layers of ripples by Qi Jin.

Both Jian Gang and Dao Gang shattered, and the person who came did not retreat for half a step. The sword's momentum changed and another attack came. The sword's momentum was extremely sharp and domineering.

The force of the counter-shock of the first sword caused Xuantian's palm to tremble slightly, and the jade clear purple spirit fruit that was picked off almost slipped, and his heart suddenly became angry.


Xuantian shouted angrily, five sounds in his body continued, and at the same time the power of the five sacred cauldrons exploded, and the strength increased greatly, and once again counterattacked.


There was another explosion, but the result of the match this time has changed a lot.

Xuantian stood still on the spot, but the peak of the middle **** was shaken by the force of the counter-shock for several meters, and after falling to the ground, he retreated several steps to stabilize his body.

At this time, Xuantian stretched out his hand and picked off the sixth jade clear purple spirit fruit, leaving the last one on the tree.

The peak power of the middle **** who was retreated by Xuantian was not any of the masters that the leader of the blood crow introduced to Xuantian. He was obviously not a person from the river region of the river. Xuantian repulsed him with a sword and cleared Yuqing in his hand. The purple spirit fruit was put away and grabbed the seventh one.

Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

The sound of the wind rang, and another mid-level **** peak power rushed.

The first mid-level **** peak powerhouse was repulsed by Xuantian's sword. He saw that Xuantian's cultivation base was the lower god, and his eyes were greatly shocked. He didn't dare to stop Xuantian anymore, and watched Xuantian the last one. The Yuqing Purple Lingguo grabbed it in his hand and put it away.

The two mid-level gods who rushed to the peak were the characters of the Imagawa River Region, one was the city lord of Dongchuan and the other was the city lord of Xichuan.

As soon as they arrived at they saw Xuantian put away a Yuqing Purple Spirit Fruit, and their eyes suddenly fell on the Yuqing Purple Spirit Fruit Tree on the side. There was no fruit on it.

City Lord Dongchuan frowned and said, "Your Excellency, have you swallowed all the jade purple spirit fruits on this tree?"

City Lord Xichuan glanced at the corpse of the snake and scorpion demon **** beside Shenquan, his gaze quickly shifted to Xuantian, and said: "Yuqing purple spirit fruit, you have a share, you want to swallow it alone, your appetite is too big?"

While City Lord Xichuan was talking, another middle **** rushed to the pinnacle, the Shifang Pavilion Lord!

Looking at the momentum present, the Shifang Pavilion Master knew that the lower **** next to the Shenquan should have obtained the Yuqing Purple Spirit Fruit!

Looking at Xuantian, the pavilion master of Shifang frowned, thinking of something: In the early stage of the lower god, wasn't the one who took the blood raven together with the leader of the blood crow?

At that time, those who came to Hexin Island by flying artifacts were at least a mid-level god, but Xuantian was just a lower god, who was very prominent in the team.


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