The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1178: You are qualified to leave your name and die

Chapter 1178 You Are Eligible To Leave Your Name And Die (First)

To break through the peaks of the nine middle gods, you must first break the rhythm of their simultaneous attacks. If Xuantian is between the peaks of the nine middle gods and attacks from all directions, he will not be able to converge at one point to fight Xuantian!

Xuantian's indestructible golden body, the divine body is indestructible, as long as the attacks of the nine middle gods are not gathered together, Xuantian can resist part of it with the divine body. ()

Xuantian's tactics were very successful. His flickering blow attracted the attack of the peak of the nine middle gods. When he rushed to the nine, the nine had no time to shoot again.

Xuantian's strength is so terrifying, who would dare to be close by Xuantian, and seeing Xuantian soaring into the sky, the nine people suddenly dodged in different directions.

The nine middle gods were originally gathered together, but at this moment they fell apart.

Upon seeing this, Xuantian raised the corner of his mouth. The power of the seven sacred cauldrons merged into a sword and attacked again, shaking the earth and earth with one sword.

The dazzling Jian Gang pointed directly at the pavilion master of Shifang, Xuantian shouted: "Pavilion master of Shifang, take a certain sword if there is a kind!"

Jian Gang burst out, like thunder and lightning, before the sword Gang, the terrifying kendo true meaning has enveloped the pavilion master of Shifang, and in an instant, the pavilion master of Shifang was like an ice cellar, and a strong life and death crisis enveloped him. .

This sword was too terrifying. When the middle gods gathered together, the nine people were able to fight together and were able to contend. It was not very threatening, but facing the sword of Xuantian alone, it felt completely different.

The Lord of the Shifang Pavilion quickly turned the offensive into the defensive, wielding the sharp spear in his hand tightly.

At the peak of the rest of the middle gods, seeing Xuantian killing the Shifang Pavilion Master, and the Dongchuan City Master, Xichuan City Master, and Beichuan City Master who were on the side of Xuantian with the Shifang Pavilion Master, they quickly shot and helped to resist.

Behind Xuantian, Beichen Liangyuan, Beichen Ryosuke, Beast King Sect Master, Fenglei Gang Master, and Nanchuan City Master cannot attack Xuantian. They cannot help Shifang Pavilion Master to resist. They can only attack directly. Xiang Xuantian.

The attack power of the peak of the middle gods is so terrifying, even the upper gods dare not say that standing still and taking a hard blow with the body of the gods, the five middle gods have joined forces, and the strength is even more terrifying.

Excited rays of light flashed in their eyes, and Xuantian would be killed with this blow!

Xuantian ignored the attack coming from behind, and at this moment his attention was locked on the pavilion master Shifang. The target of this sword was only pavilion master Shifang.


Jian Gang collided with the attacks of Dongchuan City Lord, Xichuan City Lord, and Beichuan City Lord, and there was an explosion!

The nine middle gods' pinnacles combined a blow to be able to contend with Xuantian's shocking sword. Only three people are left to join forces. How can it be blocked?

During the explosion, the three gang lights shattered instantly, and the sword gang attacked by Xuantian was still terrifying, and the sword power was shocking, and he continued to kill the Shifang Pavilion Lord.


With a crisp sound, the sacred spear that the Lord Shifang Pavilion was waving quickly was hit by the bright sword gang, and the sword gang drove straight in, instantly hitting the body of the Shifang Pavilion Lord.


The Lord of the Shifang Pavilion burst back, and a long string of blood shot out from the void.

At the same time as the master of the Shifang Pavilion was in the middle of the sword, behind Xuantian, Beichen Liangfeng and other five middle gods attacked at the same time, hitting Xuantian at the same time.


With a loud explosion, as if a divine weapon collided with an indestructible divine gold, Xuantian's body staggered forward and almost fell to the ground.

Seeing Xuantian's move, the mid-level gods at their peak, their expressions were happy, but in the next instant, the joy on their faces solidified and turned into horror.

I saw Xuantian, who had been hit by the peak of the five middle gods, showed no wounds on his body, nor did he shed a drop of blood.

"How can this be?"

The peaks of the middle gods were extremely horrified, and I couldn't imagine how strong Xuantian's divine body should be, so that he could resist a blow from the peak of the five middle gods without being injured!

Is it possible that Xuantian's golden divine body is really made of divine gold? The peak of the middle gods, there is only such a guess, but this is unheard of!

Xuantian followed the forward pounce, fell to the ground, slapped his palms to the ground, and turned his body upside-down, splitting a sword.

The dazzling sword gun bursts into a burst, and this sword has a stunning power and a peerless horror.

Jian Gang slashed down, the target is Dongchuan City Lord!

The picture of Xuantian's sword hitting the pavilion master of Shifang is vivid, and the strength of the city master of Dongchuan is comparable to that of the pavilion master of Shifang. He knew that it would be difficult to take the sword of Xuantian, and his eyes suddenly showed horror.

Although the Dongchuan City Lord was frightened, his reaction was not slow. Facing Xuantian's sword, he immediately exploded with a strength of twelve points.

On the side, City Lord Xichuan and City Lord Beichuan quickly took action to help City Lord Dongchuan fight against the might of Xuantian Sword.

Behind Xuantian, Beichen Liangyuan, Beichen Ryosuke, Nanchuan City Master, Fenglei Gang Master, and Beastmaster Sect Master, once again made a move and joined forces to attack Xuantian.

They had no time to rescue the city lord of Dongchuan, so they could only storm Xuantian.

Just now they joined forces and failed to injure Xuantian half a point. This angered the five people. This time, Beichen Liangyuan and the five people came with anger, and their attack power was even more terrifying. But if you don't believe Xuantian can still carry it again with a **** body. .

Xuantian once again ignored the attack of the five Beichen Liangyuan in the rear, his gaze fixed on the Dongchuan City Lord. This sword must be called the mainstream blood of Dongchuan City!

The dazzling Jian Gang with all-in-destructive power slashed down, and the attacks of the Dongchuan City Lord, Xichuan City Lord, and Beichuan City Lord were instantly broken by the bright Jian Gang.

Jian Gang slashed down with a sharp sword, and the Dongchuan City Lord looked shocked, and quickly dodged aside, but unfortunately it was not faster than Jian Gang.

As soon as he turned sideways, the dazzling Jian Gang had already been slashed, slashed on the left shoulder of the Dongchuan City Lord, and the entire left arm was instantly cut off.

City Lord Dongchuan let out a scream, his body exploded back and fell to the ground.

Xuantian entered between the peaks of the nine middle gods, and with only two swords, the two peaks of the middle gods were hit hard.

While Xuantian cut off the left arm of the Dongchuan City Master with a sword, his body was again subjected to a terrifying attack from the peak of the five middle gods including Beichen Liangyuan.

This time, Xuantian was directly knocked to the ground by the terrifying power contained in the five attacks, and he rolled a few times on the ground!

Unfortunately, the defensive power of the Immortal Golden Body far exceeded the expectations of the peak of the middle gods, and Xuantian was still unscathed.

Xuantian stood up from the ground, his sharp gaze swept across the five people of Beichen Liangyuan, Beichen Ryosuke, Nanchuan City Master, Fenglei Gang Master, and Beast King Sect Master!

Although Xuantian was not injured, he received two heavy blows from five people in a row. He was also angry and shouted: "Your attack power is like a tickling. You can also try a certain sword!"

When the words fell, Xuantian stepped forward, spanning more than ten meters, and the divine sword in his hand swept out, a bright sword beam exploded and cut across the five Beichen Liangyuan.

Xuantian forcibly carried Beichen Liangyuan's five attacks twice and was unharmed. The result was unexpected and scared them all.

None of their attacks could hurt Xuan Tian, ​​but Xuan Tian's swordsmanship was so terrifying. A single sword could severely inflict them on them. How could you fight this battle?

Faced with an enemy that cannot be hurt, but the enemy can easily hurt them, the Central God Pinnacle is desperate!

Facing Xuantian's sword, the five quickly defended, protecting the body with five gangs.

The dazzling Jian Gang swept over, the five Gang Lights were all shattered, and the five mid-level gods peaks including Beichen Liangyuan, all vomiting blood, and their bodies exploded.

At present, the uninjured peak of the middle **** is left with only City Lord Xichuan and City Lord Beichuan. They looked at Xuantian, but did not dare to do it, and their hearts trembled.

The top ten mid-level gods peaked, the injured were seriously injured, and the ones who were not injured were scared. Xuantian won the battle with one enemy ten!

However, when Xuantian steadily gained the upper hand, suddenly a strong sense of crisis surged in his heart, and suddenly a knife slashed behind him!

It was Beichen Guangying. He had healed his wounds and sacrificed a treasure box, and the treasure box attacked this terrible sword.

The power of this sword gang completely comes from that treasure box, and has nothing to do with Beichen Guangying's strength. It is a protective treasure left by his father, Beichen Liangfeng, which contains several attacks from Beichen Liangfeng.

Beichen Cool Breeze is a high-ranking god, and his strength is a big level higher than the peak of the middle-ranking god, reaching a level that is unimaginable for the middle-ranking god.

How terrible is the sword gang cut by the upper gods?

Even if Xuantian is in the state of immortal golden body, he still has warning signs in his heart.

This sword gang was not only as powerful as lightning, but Xuantian dodged as soon as he felt dangerous, but he was still a minute slower, and was instantly chopped on the back by the sword gang.


With a loud bang, Xuantian shot out immediately, dropping a few drops of golden blood in the void.

The peaks of the middle gods suddenly showed great joy. Seeing Xuantian's consecutive defeat of the top ten middle gods peaks, no one could stop them, but suddenly Liu Anhua was another village, and they saw the hope of killing Xuantian again.

While I was pleasantly surprised, the mid-level gods were a little jealous at the peak. This treasure box could send out attacks at the level of the high-level gods. What a treasure it is, the treasure box in hand can sweep any middle-level god!

The midfielder's mid-level **** pinnacle all admired Beichen Guangying, who had a superior **** father.

Ten feet away, Xuantian who fell to the ground was furious!

He bleeds!

This is the first time he bleeds since he became the sixth level of ‘immortal!

Although the wound was small and the bleeding was very little, it completely angered Xuantian!

Seeing Xuantian being cut out of the treasure box by the sword gang, he was injured and bleeding, Beichen Guangying laughed and shouted: "Xuantian, you are crazy! are crazy! Even if your divine body is stronger , How can I bear the sword gang left by my father God? How does it feel to bleed, haha...!

Beichen Guangying was holding the treasure chest in his hand, and could launch the next attack at any time. With the treasure chest in his hand, he was full of confidence. Even if Xuantian's strength was ten times stronger than him, he was confident to cut it.

Because this is a sword attack left by his father, the "Beichen Cool Wind", a means left by an upper **** to kill a lower god, there is absolutely no problem, Beichen Guangying is extremely confident!

Xuantian's eyes were cold, full of killing intent, and he said coldly: "This is the first bloodshed since Xuanzang's golden body. I swear by my life that you will die today! Say...what is your name? Some blood, you are qualified to leave your name and die!"


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