The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1184: I buy 100 million and Jiange will win!

Chapter 1184 I buy one billion, Jiange wins! (First more)

Donghae County City is the center of power of the entire Donghae County, where the prefectural palace is located. ()

The Great Han Kingdom is divided into ninety-nine counties. Each county's prefecture has an upper **** sitting in it. Under the upper god, no one dares to make trouble in the county and kill people.

The Donghai County Mansion has a rule that life and death are forbidden in the city. If there are really irreconcilable contradictions or hatreds, they can engage in an appointment to fight in the battle arena of the county city.

The Pharmaceutical Industry Association is composed of twelve pharmaceutical industry chambers of commerce, each of which has a mid-level **** at its peak. The strength is extremely strong, and no one can compete.

It is precisely because of its strong strength that the Pharmaceutical Industry Association has always monopolized the market for the magic medicine Shendan in Wangcheng, Donghai County.

Zhao Leshui sent people and quickly notified the various chambers of commerce of the Pharmaceutical Industry Association. When the chambers of commerce heard the news, they were furious and agreed to go to war in the name of the Pharmaceutical Industry Association and fight against the master of the sword pavilion. In World War I, Jiange was expelled by force.

Jiange, the business is booming, the leader of Blood Crow is buying the magic medicine in the hands of several lower gods, and Zhao Leshui has come outside the Jiange again.

Walking with Zhao Leshui, there was Zhao Donglai, the chairman of the Zhao Family God Medicine Chamber of Commerce, and the two walked into the sword pavilion one after another.

As soon as Zhao Donglai entered the sword pavilion, he shouted and waved his hand: "Master of the sword pavilion, book of engagement!"

call out--

The one-page war book was attached to the gods and shot out like a sharp gods.

Zhao Donglai is a leader in the peak of the middle god. He is powerful and has a very deep body. With a page in his hands, he is also as powerful as a **** soldier.

As soon as he entered the sword pavilion, Zhao Donglai showed his hand and came to disarm.

The leader of the Blood Crow snorted, stepped forward, over several lower gods, forward with his right hand, and stretched out **** and a clip!

The fingertips bloomed like lightning, and the page of the war book that had been shot out was sandwiched between two fingers.

The sharp qi on the battle book collided with the qi on the fingertips of the leader of the blood crow, and failed to damage the leader of the blood crow.

The strength of the leader of the blood crow is the first-rate existence in the peak of the middle god, and it is not weaker than that of Zhao Donglai. This dismissal can not scare him!

Seeing that the leader of the blood crow took the battle script casually, Zhao Donglai narrowed his eyes and knew that the opponent was a master at the peak of the middle god, but he was not afraid.

There are a total of twelve mid-level gods in the Pharmaceutical Industry Association. Zhao Donglai's strength can only be in the middle, and several of them are among the top mid-level gods, and their strength is much stronger than his Zhao Donglai.

Zhao Donglai regards the leader of the blood crow as the master of the sword pavilion. The Xindao Medicine Industry Association can defeat the opponent by mobilizing only one of the strongest of the middle gods. The twelve middle gods can easily crush the opponent. Pressure, Jiange will die!

"Master of the sword pavilion, three days later, our Pharmaceutical Trade Association is waiting for you in the fighting arena. You must either come to fight or close the sword pavilion and get out of Donghai County City!"

Zhao Dong came and shouted, after he stopped paying attention to the leader of the blood crow, he turned and left.

Zhao Leshui raised his fist to the leader of the blood crow, and said: "If there is a kind, don't roll, and fight in the arena in three days!"

The leader of the Blood Crow held the battle book between his two fingers, and the book said: Lord of the sword pavilion, your sword pavilion violates the regulations of the Pharmaceutical Industry Association. Three days later, the Pharmaceutical Industry Association will make an appointment with you to fight the battle arena, within three days. , You go to the Pharmaceutical Industry Association to plead guilty, obey the trial of the Pharmaceutical Industry Association, and give up after an appointment, otherwise, you will go to the battle arena in three days and have a life and death!

The leader of Blood Crow read the content and sneered: "I don't know how high the sky is!"

Several lower gods on the side witnessed the battle of the Medicine Trade Association to Lord Sword. After leaving the sword pavilion, they immediately told the news to the other gods.

Jiange has recently gained fame in Donghae County, which violates the interests of the Pharmaceutical Industry Association. The gods of Donghai County have long known that Jiange and the Pharmaceutical Industry Association will definitely fight.

The news spread, and the gods were immediately excited.

In Donghai County, it has been a long, long time since no force has provoke the Pharmaceutical Association. The gods want to know why the Lord of the sword pavilion dares to confront the Pharmaceutical Association!

The strength of the Pharmaceutical Industry Association is well known to everyone in Donghai County, but the sword pavilion was just established not long ago. No one knows the origin of the master of the sword pavilion.

Xuantian usually cultivated on the third floor of the sword pavilion. The leader of the blood crow was responsible for purchasing the magic medicine. The gods thought that the leader of the blood crow was the master of the sword pavilion and knew that the ‘master of the sword pavilion’ was the pinnacle of the middle god!

In Donghai County, a peak of a mid-level **** is not too strong. The entire Pharmaceutical Industry Association has twelve mid-level **** peaks!

How can a peak of the middle gods be the opponent of the peaks of twelve middle gods?

The gods were not very optimistic about this sudden emergence of the sword pavilion, no one thought that the sword pavilion could compete with the Pharmaceutical Industry Association!

"The quotation is open, and the Pharmaceutical Industry Association challenges Jiange. Three days later, in the fighting arena, you can bet on three markets. First, Jiange will plead with the Pharmaceutical Industry Association within three days. One to one. Second, the Pharmaceutical Industry Association defeated Jiange in the ring three days later, one to one, and thirdly, the Pharmaceutical Association defeated the Pharmaceutical Industry Association in the ring three days later, one to ten!"

Casinos in Donghai County, after learning the news, all started betting on this battle. All major casinos belonged to the gambling industry association, and the opening ratio was uniform.

Judging from the results, the Gambling Association was obviously not optimistic about Jiange's victory over the Pharmaceutical Association, and even gave an odds of one to ten, while the Pharmaceutical Association defeated Jiange with only one to one odds.

Even if the odds of Jiange defeating the Pharmaceutical Industry Association are ten times, there are not many gods who buy Jiange. Most of them choose between the first and second items. They think that Jiange is either an introverted Pharmaceutical Association within three days. Please sin, or be defeated by the Pharmacy Association after three days!

Jiange still buys magic medicine every day.

Because of the challenge three days later, there was a stir in Donghai County City, and more gods knew about the sword pavilion. They all believed that the sword pavilion would be destroyed after three days, and quickly took the magic medicine in their hands to the sword pavilion to sell.

The leader of the Blood Raven heard from the gods who came to sell the magic medicine about the gambling association's gambling, and his eyes suddenly brightened: one to ten, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to earn crystals!

While there were no customers, the leader of the Blood Raven immediately reported the news to Xuantian.

The leader of the Blood Crow said: "By purchasing the lower-grade magical medicine to refine the lower-grade magical pills and then selling them, you can earn a few million crystals a day, but this gambling market, hehe... you can make a lot of billions at once!"

Xuantian nodded slightly and said, "Alright, since the gambling association looks down on me so much, then I really want to buy more for myself! You continue to buy pills, and I will go to major casinos to place bets."

This month, Xuantian earned a lot of magic crystals through alchemy, because there are not many middle-grade magic medicines, and it only costs a small portion to buy middle-grade magic medicines. There are millions of magic crystals left every day, and it takes a month. , Shenjing in his hand is more than 100 million more.

Leaving the sword pavilion, Xuantian disposed of the useless space ring in his hand, as well as the various treasures in it, plus the crystals in his hand, exceeding one billion.

Crystal Palace Casino, one of the top ten casinos in Donghai County, belongs to the Longjia Gambling Chamber of Commerce.

Gambling is a business, whether it is the ordinary world or the gods. As one of the top ten casinos in Donghai County, the Crystal Palace Casino has a large number of customers. There are rich gods who spend a lot of money purely to enjoy the fun of gambling. Ordinary gods who bet on turning over.

Xuantian entered the Crystal Palace Casino and found that the most lively place now was the gambling game between the sword pavilion and the Pharmaceutical Industry Association.

Xuantian was only a middle-level **** in the early stage, and his cultivation was not outstanding in the Crystal Palace. His aura was restrained and looked very ordinary, no gods noticed him.

"Hey, what is the maximum bet you can bet here?" Xuantian asked the Crystal Palace staff who was in charge of the collection before coming to the handicap.

The personnel in charge of collecting bets are not low in cultivation. They are all median gods. This person glanced at Xuantian and was slightly surprised. In the early stage of a median god, he actually asked what the maximum bet was?

He hesitated for a while before he said, "Single player is limited to 100 million crystals!"

There are too many gods who come to the Crystal Palace to bet, and the Crystal Palace is also afraid of an explosion, so it will limit the bet.

The bet limit is only for those extremely wealthy gods. After all, a bet of 100 million **** crystals at a time, even if it is the peak of the middle god, few have such courage.

Xuantian said: "I buy 100 million God Crystals, and Jiange will win!"

As soon as Xuantian's words came out, not only the personnel in the Crystal Palace in front were shocked, but also the many gods nearby.

In the early stage of a mid-level god, he bet 100 million **** crystals?

And, for this billion crystals, or buying Jiange to win?

The gods and spirits shocked Xuantian to bet so many crystals, and shocked Xuantian's eyesight too. They even bought the sword pavilion and won. The billion crystals must have been lost.

Losing 100 million God Crystals at once is too prodigal, right?

It took a while for the personnel of the Crystal Palace to react and said, "Are you right? Betting 100 million Shenjing, sure to buy Jiange to win?"

Xuantian nodded: "It's true!"

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Xuantian took out 100 million crystals and bought Jiange to win.

Until they left the Crystal Palace Casino, the gods were still wondering. Someone even bought 100 million crystals to buy the sword pavilion to win. In the eyes of the gods, this is incredible.

Following the Crystal Palace Palace, Gold Ingot, Shencai Duo...etc., among the top ten casinos in Donghai County, there have been people who bought 100 million Shenjing to win the sword pavilion.

There is no doubt that in the top ten casinos, the people who spend 100 million Shenjing to buy the sword pavilion are undoubtedly Xuantian.

Xuantian spent the billions of crystals on hand, and as long as three days later, he defeated the Pharmaceutical Industry Association, the billions of crystals would be tenfold, turning into 10 billion crystals and returning to his hands.

Divine crystals are common money for the entire God Realm. Not only can they cultivate on their own, but they can also purchase various treasures. Xuantian won't dislike too many divine crystals in his hands.

Three days passed in a hurry, and soon came the day of the battle between the Pharmaceutical Industry Association and Jiange.

During this period of time, Jiange did not petition the Pharmaceutical Trade Association, which means that all the gods who bought this item in the casino lost.

Most of the gods, the drug dealers' association that bought them, won the top. Today they are very excited, looking forward to the battle between the sword pavilion and the medicine dealers' association.


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