The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1202: Xuantian will definitely die!

Chapter 1202 Xuantian will definitely die! (First more)

At the moment when Chiyang Sect took the initiative, the four masters of Bliss Hall, White Tiger Mountain, Ice Fire Valley, and Celestial Sect also performed their own unique skills. ()

The Hallmaster of Bliss took out a middle-grade artifact rattle, the **** gang injected into it, and the artifact rattle suddenly bloomed.

Hall Master Bliss waved his hand, the artifact rattle burst out, flew to the sky, trembling violently, shedding a radiance, covering the mysterious sky.

In the area covered by the brilliance of the rattle, a crisp silver bell rang, but outside the area covered by the brilliance, it was silent.

The sound of the ringing bell, not blocked by Gang Yuan, went straight into the soul, causing Xuantian’s godhead to vibrate. Xuantian punched the giant fireball attacked by the Chiyang leader, and felt a shock in his mind because of the sound of the ringing bell. , There was an illusion in front of him, thousands of naked, top-quality beauties appeared all around.

The White Tiger Mountain Master disappeared as soon as he started his hand. His hair was flying and his vigor was surging, like a tiger descending a mountain. On his chest, a tiger-shaped gold medallion bloomed, which was a middle-grade artifact.

"White Tiger Gang Sha!"

The White Tiger Mountain Master shouted, stepped forward, two fists blasted forward, and in an instant a huge white tiger rushed out of him.

The white tiger is a gang evil condensed by the power of the **** gang, which is extremely strong, like a real **** beast, the white tiger, with amazing power, tearing the peak of the middle **** is easy.

Bai Hugang evil skyrocketed and rushed towards Xuantian.

"Two swords of ice and fire!"

The Lord of Ice and Fire Valley shouted at the same time, and he lifted both hands, and an ice sword and a flame sword appeared in his hands at the same time.

The two excalibur swords were both of the middle grade of the gods. With the two middle grade swords in hand, the master of Ice and Fire Valley burst into a terrifying sword power instantly.

The power of the two laws circulated on the ice and fire valley master, his aura was surging to the extreme, his feet hit the ground, and his body rose into the sky like a cannonball.

call out! call out!

With a wave of the two divine swords in the hands of the Master of Ice and Fire Valley, a cold ice sword and a blazing sword appeared at the same time, killing them towards Xuantian at the ultimate speed.

"Central Silkworm Binding Cocoon Technique!"

The Lord of the Celestial Sect, the Lord of the White Tiger Mountain and the Lord of the Ice Fire Valley started at the same time, he shouted and opened his mouth.

Suddenly, a group of white awning silk threads rose into the sky, turned into a large white net, and flew towards Xuantian.

Xuantian had just been stunned by the divine weapon of Hall Master Bliss, and his spirit fell into the illusion. Baihu Mountain Master’s "White Tiger Gang Sha", Ice Fire Valley Master’s "Ice and Fire Double Swords", and Heaven Silkworm Sect Master’s "Sky Silkworm Bound Cocoon Shu' all attacked him.

At this moment.


Suddenly a thunder sound exploded, and Xuantian's whole body glowed with bright electric lights, transforming from the **** of fire to the **** of thunder.

Leiyin is sacred and breaks falsehood.

As soon as the Law of Thunder came out, the spiritual illusion of Hall Master Bliss disappeared instantly.

Seeing the attacks of the other three middle gods peaked, Xuan Tian made a fist with his right hand and blasted out with one punch. In an instant, a thunder fist blasted towards Baihu Gangsha.

At the same time, Xuan Tian stepped on both legs, and the surging wind law surging, Xuan Tian instantly changed direction in the air, avoiding the attack of the Sky Silkworm Binding Art.

The five fingers of the left hand merged, like a sword slashed, a flame sword smashed towards the ice and fire valley master who used the ice and fire double swords to attack.

It's a long story, but it's just a moment.

The Celestial Silkworm binding cocoon technique failed, and the thunder fist struck the White Tiger Gang Sha. The Bai Hu Gang Sha burst instantly and shattered into pieces. The Flame Sword Gang collided with the Ice Sword Gang and the Flame Sword Gang of the Lord of Ice and Fire, and its power was also complete Rolling.


The Master of Ice and Fire Valley felt the two divine swords in his hand shook violently, and almost broke out, his body was hit hard, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body exploded backward.

On the ground, the White Tiger Mountain Lord who attacked the White Tiger Gang Sha also vomited blood at the same time. The White Tiger Gang Sha was connected to his vital energy, powerful, but destroyed, his vital vitality was also damaged.

The five most powerful mid-level gods peaked one after another and jointly attacked Xuantian.

But in the end, Xuantian was very easy to use. He didn't even use the artifact, or dodge, or attacked, and broke the attack of the top five strongest middle gods.

In a blink of an eye, four of the five most powerful mid-level gods were injured, and only the Celestial Sect Master remained intact.

This result horrified the peak of the middle-level gods. If the opponent is a high-level god, it is not difficult to do this, but Xuantian is only the middle-level god.

In the middle stage of a middle-level god, the existence that they don't usually pay attention to, will have the same terrifying power as the upper-level god?

This made the peak of the middle gods feel unbelievable, and at the same time terrified, they were also shocking.


The ground shook and Xuantian landed in front of Youshui Pavilion.

There was a raging fire in Youshui Pavilion here, and the flames swept out, almost covering Xuantian, but Xuantian was in the flame, safe and sound.

Xuantian stepped out of the flames step by step, his eyes sharp, and said: "You have all shown your unique skills to Xuan, now, you are also taking a blow from Xuan!"

When the voice heard, the peaks of the mid-level gods all changed. Xuantian just passively defended and injured four of the five strongest mid-level gods. Now he takes the initiative to make a move. What a terrifying power?

At this moment, the ten peaks of the mid-level gods no longer begged to be able to kill Xuan Tian, ​​but only hoped to be able to compete against Xuan Tian for a while.

The Youshui Pavilion is blazing into the sky. Whether it is the Lin Family or the three high-level gods of the VIP Pavilion, they will notice that they only need to persist until the three high-level gods arrive, and it will be done.

The fire in Youshui Pavilion illuminates the nearby kilometers like day, and in the dark night, you can see the fire here after dozens of hundreds of miles away.

The three high-ranking gods in the VIP Pavilion naturally noticed, and they couldn't help showing their shock.

How powerful are the five most powerful mid-level gods with five ordinary mid-level gods? Going to kill a mid-level **** and making such a big movement is unreasonable.

Liu Jianyuan, Yan Renkuang, and Shan Hongxin glanced at each other, and they all saw surprise and worry in each other's eyes.

Liu Jianyuan said: "It's so difficult to kill a little middle-level **** in the middle stage. Tonight is really evil. The three of us should go and see for ourselves!"

Yan Renkuo frowned slightly and said, "Just for the mid-level god, do we really need our three high-level gods to go there in person?"

Shan Hong said: "According to common sense, it is not necessary, but it is obviously abnormal tonight. The previous eight middle gods went to Youshui Pavilion and disappeared. The second batch went and made such a big The movement.

Now, even if the Lin family wants to pretend they don’t know, it won’t work. In case they intervene for the sake of face, it’s not good. I think we should solve the kid by ourselves, don’t make the Lin family embarrassed! "

Seeing Shan Hongxin also agreed to go, Liu Jianyuan said: "Well, the three of us will condescend and condescend once, and we will see Xuantian for a while, to see how his little middle-level **** is in the middle stage. Big storm."

In the VIP Pavilion, when the three high-ranking gods discussed whether to visit Youshui Pavilion, the three young masters of the Lin family also frowned in the main hall of the Lin family.

The second young master Lin Yang looked very unhappy, and said: "What do their eight major powers do? Dealing with a mid-level god, they made such a big disturbance. If this matter is spread out, it will have a great reputation for my Lin family. influences."

Young Master Lin Guan frowned and said: "It seems that this kid Xuantian is really not easy. However, the more powerful he is, it proves that he is a powerful lone traveler. There is no trouble for him to die in the Lin family. Once he gets older, he must never be allowed to live."

The Third Young Master Lin Hua said: "A mid-level **** is only in the middle stage. No matter how great the skill is, it can still turn the sky upside down. If things are so big, the three high-level gods will definitely take action, and Xuantian will definitely die."

Lin Guan and Lin Yang both nodded, the middle god, unable to compete with the upper god, let alone one is the middle **** of the middle, and the other has three upper gods!

At this time, Lin Lan rushed in and said, "'s not good, the fire in Youshui Pavilion is soaring, and there are still people fighting from a distance. Did the eight major forces learn the news? Deal with Xuantian?"

Lin Hua looked cold, and said, "It's just an accident in Youshui Pavilion, why are you panicking!"

"Uncle, second uncle!"

Lin Lan bowed to Lin Guan and Lin Yang, and then said, "Master Xuan is our business partner of the Lin family's 12 billion Shenjing, a guest of the Lin family. He lives in the Lin family now. The Lin family should protect his safety. , In the Lin family mansion, how can you tolerate other forces' murder and arson?"

Lin Hua said, "Youshui Pavilion is located in a remote location. Even if it is burned, it will not affect the rest of the Lin Mansion. Xiaolan, you can leave this matter. Didn’t Xuantian say it a long time ago, he himself Bear the consequences, now the consequences are here, he can only bear it himself!"

Lin Lan anxiously said: "Father, but Young Master Xuan is now in the Lin family. Young Master Xuan is open-minded. He has a business of 12 billion crystals. He didn't even get a middle-grade magic drug, so he took all the crystals. Give it first.

Such a business partner lives in the Lin Mansion, and the Lin Family has the responsibility to protect his safety. The Eight Great Forces murdered and set fire in the Lin Mansion. They hit my Lin family in the face. This did not put my Lin family in their eyes. "

Lin Guan, Lin Yang, and Lin Hua were indifferent to Lin Lan's words.

Lin Lan was shocked when he saw this, and said, "Uncle, Uncle, Father, did you deliberately leak the news of Master Xuan to the eight major forces? This is what you meant, so you can't save you? , I'm Lin Lan to rescue!"

Speaking Lin Lan ran outside the hall.


Lin Hua shouted angrily: "Lin Lan, this is the decision of the three of us, the decision of the Lin family. As a member of the Lin family, dare you to defy?"


Youshui Pavilion.

The flames soared into the sky, and the surrounding area was bright, like daylight.

Xuantian walked out of the flames, and the laws of flame, the laws of thunder, and the laws of the wind flowed around him, like the **** of fire, the **** of thunder, and the **** of wind, and his power was extremely terrifying.

The peaks of the top ten mid-level gods looked stern one by one, fully guarding against Xuantian's upcoming terrifying blow.


Xuantian moved, like an electric light rushing to the peak of the top ten middle gods!


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