The Supreme Sword

Chapter 620: Thunder broken arm

【Chapter 620】Thunder has broken his arm (three more recommended votes 7)

The weather turned very fast, and soon there was heavy rain and thunderstorms. ()

The thunder smashed from the sky. It was a real sky thunder, with terrifying power. From the initial one after another, slowly, it became one piece after another.

The lightning falling in the sky is strong or weak. The weak is only a heavy lightning, but one or **** are thick and the number is larger, it is a double lightning, half the size of a fist, and the strongest is a triple lightning. The thickness of his arms, accompanied by the explosion of thunder, was shocking.

The strong of the ground-level realm is very strenuous in the face of double thunder and lightning, and may even be smashed to death. The triple-thunder and lightning can even kill the strong of the sky, and the strong of the ground cannot touch it.

Even the three half-step kings, Mo Qianji, Zang Wanjue, and Jian Renchun, who are fighting high in the sky, must choose to dodge when encountering a large number of triple high-grade thunder and lightning at the same time.

However, what Xuantian fears most is thunder and lightning.

He was carrying a Royal Thunder Orb, which was the treasure that the green-haired mummy had always wanted to rob. Xuantian still couldn't judge what level it was, but it was certain that the origin must be extraordinary.

In the thunder and lightning, Xuantian is equivalent to the fish entering the sea, and the dragon travels in the sky, which is extremely comfortable, and the stronger the power of thunder and lightning, the more Xuantian's strength explodes.

The Royal Thunder Orb will absorb the power of thunder, causing Xuantian's combat power to explode crazily.

Xuantian’s strength is stronger than that of the first son, but he suffers from insufficient attack power and cannot reach the level of breaking the rule of the big three. He cannot kill the first son. If there is a strong thunder power for him to absorb, then cut today. Killing the first son is not necessarily impossible.

Therefore, as soon as he saw the thunder and lightning in the sky, Xuantian's expression immediately revealed the color of surprise. However, Xuantian's current strength is already strong to a certain extent, and only by absorbing the triple lightning can it be allowed His combat power increased.

Whether the first son can be killed depends on whether there are too many triple thunder and lightning in this torrential rain. After all, this is not the Thunder Mountain Range, and there is no such thing as the thunder and lightning gathering like the ocean.

If in the Thunder Mountain Range, there are endless three-tier high-grade lightning for Xuantian to absorb, it will be enough to raise his strength to the level of the supreme king, that kind of combat power, let alone kill the first son, even Killing Zang Wanjue and Jian Renchun was easy.

In the sky, the three half-step kings of Mo Qianji, Zang Wanjue, and Jian Renchun are still in fierce fighting. The two sides are inextricably fought. The bright sword gang cuts through the sky, intertwined with the thunder that day, and it is even more spectacular.

Although it was raining heavily, there were not a few warriors watching the battle on Star City. Although those thunder and lightning were powerful, they rarely hit the ground. The thunder and lightning were powerful, but only in an instant, they appeared quickly. It also disappears quickly, so the strong people on the wall of the Star City will basically not be threatened by thunder and lightning.

The only thing that sighed was that the heavy rain started, which blocked the sight of the warriors who watched the war. It’s better for the strong men of the heaven and earth steps. Those warriors of the martial art realm and the innate realm can only see the vast rain ahead. There was light flickering everywhere, but I couldn't see how it was.


There was a thunder and lightning that smashed from above the sky. It didn't disappear instantly in mid-air, but blasted directly to the ground!

It was a triple thunder and lightning, with the thickness of an arm.

The powerhouses of the heavenly realm were all surprised, and the triple thunder and lightning could already threaten their safety.

The strong of the ground level realm shuddered even more. The triple thunder and lightning could not be touched by them, and basically they would be killed by touching them.

Originally, thunder and lightning seldom hit the ground, but that thunder and lightning seemed to be attracted by a certain force, and it directly struck the ground from above the sky. The long electric light was terrifying.

The triple thunder and lightning did not smash into the Star City. The warrior in the city breathed a sigh of relief, but his expression was still shocked.

Because that triple thunder and lightning struck a person straight-Xuantian!

Although Xuantian is powerful, the triple thunder and lightning has a certain lethality against the strong of the sky, no wonder the look of the strong in the crowd is shocked.

However, Xuantian was struck by the triple thunder and lightning, and was not damaged. He still stood steadily, with electric lights on his body.

The powerhouse in the audience only considers Xuantian's strength to be strong, and the triple thunder and lightning just now is just a triple low-grade appearance, which should not cause much harm to him, so he didn't go into it.

Boom boom boom--

In an instant, another piece of thunder struck down from the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Hey...

Suddenly, among the dense thunderbolts, dozens of triple lightning strikes straight down, and there are lightning strikes from the triple low-grade, middle-grade, and high-grade ones, all of which smashed into Xuantian.

"My God--!" Many strong spectators exclaimed.

So many triple lightning smashed, and all of them smashed at one person, enough to smash to death a powerful man in the late stage of the sky.

What did Xuantian do? Was struck by lightning? Even God will destroy him? Several thoughts flashed in the hearts of many strong spectators.

however! When the thunder and lightning in the sky passed, all the strong spectators were dumbfounded, Xuantian still remained undamaged, still standing steadily there.

However, the electric light on his body is more intense. The whole person is like a thunder and lightning in the shape of a human, blasting loudly, exuding terrifying electric light, and his aura and strength... suddenly soared. .

Although it is not like in the thunder sea of ​​thunder mountain range, which caused Xuantian's strength to soar directly to the level of the supreme king, at this moment, Xuantian's strength has also risen to the level of surpassing the tenth strongest. That is terrifying. His aura broke out from him, almost comparable to the three half-step kings fighting in the sky.

"He has the ability to absorb lightning--!"

Many strong spectators exclaimed, one by one was extremely shocked.

But the first young man in the distance was suddenly shocked. He instantly felt a great threat. Without even thinking about it, his body retreated like lightning.

"Hang Tian Ge! Even God will destroy you today, and I will lower the thunder to help Ben take your dog's life!" Xuantian yelled, his body with belching lightning, and three hundred and sixty spirit swords suspended outside his body. The first son chased after him.

Boom boom boom...

Triple lightning strikes constantly in the sky, allowing Xuantian to always maintain a strong strength without deteriorating...

Originally, the first son took advantage of Jian Renchun's appearance and escaped from Xuantian's tyranny. When the three kings fought, he was afraid that Xuantian would come to fight him again, so he stood very far away from Xuantian, more than ten miles.

However, Xuantian’s three hundred and sixty spirit swords suddenly pierced forward at the same point, a space crack came out, and Xuantian stepped in in one step. A large amount of thunder power protected his body and made him He traveled through the void easily without even consuming Gang Yuan.

In an instant, Xuantian traveled through the void for more than ten miles, from the distance of seven or eight kilometers from the first son to less than two kilometers in an instant.

Teleport? Teleport on six days? This time, the strong people who watched the battle almost fell out of shock...

The first son was also frightened in an instant. He cultivated into an immortal body and was never afraid, because he knew that he could not die.

However, Xuantian was suddenly possessed by the power of thunder and teleported through the void, but it gave him a heart of fear that he had been missing for a long time.

"Master, save me--!" The first son raised up to the sky and let out a loud roar!

Zang Wanjue, who was fighting in the high air, heard the call of the first son, and was shocked when he looked down. He saw that Xuantian had turned into a thunder god, and he cut out with a sword, and a terrifying thunder sword gang was cut at the first son. Down, the Thunder Sword Gang was more than 3,000 meters long, and even the strongest of Tian Shi was slashed instantly. Compared with the sword Xuan Tian previously released all the power of thunder, it was more powerful. Even more terrifying.

"Xuantian--you are looking for death!" Zang Wanjue roared, and his body rushed down from the sky like lightning.

It's a pity, it's too late, that terrifying Thunder Sword Gang has already hit the first son!

The first son immediately hugged his head with both hands, and the whole person shrank into a ball. This can greatly enhance the cohesion of the body and make the defense stronger, even if the sword of Xuantian is much stronger than the scary sword just now. , Can't split him in half!

The terrifying Thunder sword gang was cut down, and countless cracks appeared in the body of the first young man, especially the position where the sword front was in the middle, and the body broke open in an instant!

With the experience of the last time, Xuantian did not want to cut the first son in half directly, because the first son hugged the first son into a ball, which is almost impossible, and the first son hugged his head with both hands and wanted to cut with a sword. Head, unless both arms are cut off first!

After weighing one or two, Xuantian immediately made a decision in his heart. The terrifying Thunder Sword Gang did not strike the center of the first son, but at his right shoulder——


Blood spurted wildly, and the root of the first son's right arm broke open in an instant..., at a speed visible to the naked eye, the entire right arm was instantly separated from the body!

Leaving the body, the undead power in the right arm has lost its source, and soon disappeared, shattered under the terrifying sword!


The first son uttered a scream, and his body was smashed for thousands of meters in the blood first part of the immortal body: the flesh and blood heals itself, no matter how serious the injury is, it can be Healed, but the arm was chopped off, and if it was gone, there would be no cure.

Grow an arm again?

Even if the supreme king has his arm broken, it is impossible to grow...

Although the first son had cultivated the immortal body, he was chopped off his right arm by Xuantian's sword, becoming a crippled man!

In the screams of screams, it exploded, and infinite resentment arose in the heart of the first son.

He was beaten by Xuantian before. Although he was extremely embarrassed and lost his face, the first son was only a shame, and he could be recovered by killing Xuantian in the future.

However, losing an arm is to break his foundation, which has a great impact on his strength. In the future, I want to kill Xuantian to wash away the shame, and it is difficult to reach the sky... (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome Your starting point (qidian) your support is my greatest motivation.)


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