The Supreme Sword

Chapter 663: 】Changsheng Wangxian

【Chapter 663】The King of Longevity Xian (4 more, 900 votes+)

The Chaos Sacred Cauldron was once the property of the Sword God King, and Jian Mo was the sword spirit of the Xuanyuan Excalibur. The Sword God King was dead. Sword Man was naturally very suspicious of the nine holy cauldrons left by the Sword God King. ()

Now Xuantian has successfully refined the Chaos Sacred Cauldron into a thing, and the sound of the sword idiot is naturally extremely excited and cheers freely.

Xuantian looked at the small cauldron in the palm of his hand. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that the small cauldron could be transformed into a huge mountain.

Hearing the voice of sword infatuation, Xuantian said in his heart: "I said, I want to collect nine sacred cauldrons and avenge the sword **** king. You still don’t believe me. Now the chaotic sacred cauldron is in my hands, and the other eight saints cauldron , I will also find them one by one, hehe... At that time, with nine statues, ascending to the God Realm, all over the world, so that the gods of the heavens who attack the God of Swords will taste the evil results...!"

At this moment, Jian Mo was happy. He did not refute Xuantian’s words and said excitedly: "If you really have such an ability to avenge my master, the great sword idiot is willing to be your sword spirit. If you can find everything in the future Fragments of Xuanyuan Sword, Sword Madness can teach you to recast Xuanyuan Sword. Once in the God Realm, those gods and kings who killed their masters, Sword Madness will also taste their blood...!"

Xuantian smiled slightly and said in his heart: "A word is definite!"

Looking at the chaotic sacred cauldron in his hand, Xuantian continued: "You said that this chaotic saint cauldron, Xiao Neng turned into dust, and might swallow the sun, moon and stars, but it was in my hands, and Xiao Neng could only become about an inch. I have to see how big it can become...!"


Xuantian turned his mind, and threw the chaotic saint cauldron forward...!

The Chaos Sacred Cauldron immediately flew forward and grew sharply!

One inch-one foot-one meter-one zhang-ten zhang-

Within a snap of his fingers, the Chaos Sacred Cauldron became more than thirty feet in size and a hundred meters in height, which was the same size as before.

When it reached the size of a hundred meters, the Chaos Sacred Cauldron no longer grew bigger, as if it had reached its limit.

Xuantian frowned slightly, and said in his heart: "Sword idiot, you said that the chaotic saint cauldron can be transformed into a small dust, divine consciousness is hard to feel, and the power can swallow the stars, and it is vast, but it seems that this effect cannot be achieved in my hands. ——!"

Sword infatuated: "Boy, you don't look at how powerful you are! How powerful you are, how effective you can be. The sacred cauldron of chaos is vast and boundless, even my master, the king of swords, cannot use it. All its power, otherwise, it will not be killed by the gods and kings. Your current cultivation base can turn the chaos holy cauldron into a hundred meters tall, which is already the limit."

Xuantian said in his heart: "So that's the way it is! Now, can this tripod crush the king?"

Sword Infatuation said: "The King Realm is a Martial Venerable. It not only needs to condense the sword soul, but also cast a spiritual body. Hey, a soul thought weighs a million catties, and the physical power is even more powerful. Now you control the chaotic saint cauldron, although It weighs several million catties, but it is impossible to crush the king. However, the half-step king is crushed to death."

Hearing this, Xuantian sighed and felt a pity. If she saw Yin Ji now, how could she escape, and threw the Chaos Sacred Cauldron directly over. The void was sealed, and Yin Ji could not teleport to escape, and she would not be chaotic. The holy cauldron pressed it upright. With the terrifying weight of the chaotic holy cauldron, Xuantian combined with the power of Gang Yuan, absolutely crushed her to pieces.

"Don’t sigh there, boy, with the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, you can’t go anywhere in the world. You can use the Chaos Origin Qi in the Chaos Sacred Cauldron to strengthen your physical body and strengthen your spirit. After your spiritual power is strengthened, even if it is ten thousand Spirit swords, you can also control them. On the sacred cauldron of Chaos, there are the insights of the sword formation carved by my master, all in that sword mark. With your current understanding of kendo, you should be able to comprehend the ten thousand sword formations——!" The sword idiot's voice then rang.

"Ten Thousand Swords Sword Array——?" Xuantian's expression suddenly became a lot of excitement, and said: "I am already half-step invincible with three hundred and sixty swords and sword arrays, and should soon be able to compete with the supreme king. Second, if you cultivate into a ten thousand sword sword formation...! Then I am less than half a step king, do you have any hope of killing the king?"

"Yes--!" Jian Chi's voice was concise, with a firm tone.

When Xuantian heard this, he was energetic and laughed: "I will rush back to Jianzong right now, hahahaha... Not only do I want to strengthen my physical and spiritual power, but my relatives and friends will also be strengthened by the chaos holy cauldron. ."

Jianzhu said: "What you have to do right now is how to deal with a big battle. Someone teleported from the north, and it seems that they didn't borrow the teleport artifact...!"

Xuantian's expression was startled, and said, "I'm teleporting without borrowing the teleporting artifact? Is there a supreme king coming?"

This made Xuantian very surprised. In the land of China, the Supreme King was born in a thousand years. Haven't heard of the birth of the Supreme King yet?

Xuantian's body suddenly turned to the north to look, but he did not see anyone coming. With a move of his heart, the sacred cauldron of Chaos suddenly shrank to the size of an inch and flew into Xuantian's palm.

The sword idiot's spiritual thoughts spread out, enough to reach thousands of miles away. Although there was a little flash of light in the teleportation, it was not strong. After more than a hundred miles, it was basically invisible.

About three hundred miles away from Xuantian’s location, a ray of light shuttled through the void at an extremely fast speed. It jumped for more than 20 miles in an instant, which is longer than the distance that the Tianzhou strong can use to teleport by using the teleport artifact. Much farther.

The teleporter was glowing with red blood. He was a young man about twenty-five and sixteen years old. Wearing a blood-colored robe, he was the King of Longevity who was resurrected by taking the flesh of the blood refiner.

The King of Longevity was going south while devouring the flesh and blood of the monster beast on the seabed, so the speed was a few days slower than that of the strong sword family.

However, the King of Longevity took a few days, and the harvest was huge. He swallowed the flesh and blood of the five half-step Demon Kings, which allowed his strength to recover, much earlier.

Originally, he was resurrected in the body of the blood refiner, and the body of the blood refiner was only the fifth level of cultivation. He wanted to restore the flesh of the blood refiner to the second-grade spiritual body of his previous life to restore his strength to its peak. State, it will take at least two years.

But now just over a year later, the King of Longevity is about to fully recover his strength, 70% to 80% has been restored, although his physical body has not yet reached the level of a second-grade spiritual body, it has basically reached the level of a first-grade spiritual body.

In other words, the strength of the King of Longevity has been restored to the level of the most common king.

But don’t underestimate this most common king. The strength he possesses is very terrifying. It is not comparable to a half-step king. They are two different levels of power. Even the first-grade spirit body is very strong. Heavenly treasures are hard to hurt.

The King of Longevity wanted to continue devouring flesh and blood on the bottom of the sea, and restore his physical body to his limit-the second-stage spirit body, so that his strength would be improved a lot. A powerful physical body can carry a powerful soul. Only when the physical body is restored Limit, his martial soul power can be restored to the limit.

However, today he felt that he was very close to the object that made his heart palpitations, so he rushed over to take a look.

Especially just now, the King of Longevity suddenly felt that the chaotic light in front of him disappeared in an instant, and the breath that made his heart palpitations disappeared in an instant.

That is naturally the moment when the chaotic sacred cauldron was completely refined by Xuantian. The chaotic sacred cauldron has been transformed into something of Xuantian and no longer automatically reveals its aura. Therefore, the chaotic light that soars to the sky and the incomparably powerful and gentle aura , All disappeared.

Xuantian still couldn't control all the power of the Chaos Sacred Cauldron. Even if the Chaos Sacred Cauldron had the intention to make the Chaos Sacred Cauldron emit the chaotic light and the powerful and unmatched aura, it would not achieve the effect that the Chaos Sacred Cauldron automatically emitted just now.

The King of Longevity was surprised in his heart, so he speeded up.

If it is restored to its peak strength, the King of Longevity can teleport for more than 30 miles in an instant, and now he has recovered 70% to 80% of its strength, which is equivalent to the most ordinary king in theory. It can also teleport for more than 20 in an instant. in.

A distance of teleportation can reach hundreds of miles away...

Therefore, the speed of coming is very fast, even if it is thousands of miles apart, it will not take long.

Soon, Xuantian saw a **** light in the distance, jumping to it, and the distance of the teleport was much farther than that of the Tianzhou powerhouse with the help of the three-hole broken air shuttle.

It can be judged that the visitor is not flying with the help of teleporting artifacts, but should be a real supreme king.

Xuantian's spirit increased his vigilance, and at the same time his eyes showed some interest. He wanted to see, who is this supreme king of the Divine Land?

However, when Xuantian saw the figure in the **** rays of light, his expression was shocked. The visitor wore a blood-colored robe, and turned out to be the blood-smelting master who was killed by him in the waters of the Blood Soul Island-Broken Water Flow. .

The blood refining master was only at the fifth level of cultivation in the Heavenly Stage realm, and he was already beheaded by Xuantian. Now he has become the Supreme King. No matter that Xuantian is not shocked, his heart will jump fiercely at this moment, no matter how good his mental quality is.

The sword idiot was much more calm, and his voice sounded in Xuantian's mind: "Boy, don't make a fuss, the person who came here is no longer the one you beheaded, but the soul of a king. ......! This is not a point of soul-mind possession, but the entire soul has entered the body. With the help of this physical body, it is reborn. Compared with the previous strength of the soul-mind of the broken king, I don’t know how much stronger it is."

Seized by the soul of the Supreme King?

Xuantian suddenly thought of a king-the King of Longevity.

The inheritance of the Lord of Blood Refining is the inheritance of the King of Longevity. The teaching of blood refining is also the legacy of the King of Longevity. The soul of the King of Yin and Pluto can remain intact for eight thousand years. The King of Longevity is also the king of evil ways. It may not be without some weirdness. Rebirth method.

Xuantian believes that there is no king in this world, so it is basically certain that the blood refiner was taken away by the King of Longevity.

If Xuantian doesn’t know the future of Yin Mingwang’s soul and has never seen Yin Mingwang’s soul, and the blood refining son is taken away by the king’s soul, it is difficult for Xuantian to guess the longevity king. But now, it is easy. I guessed it.


The fourth one is out!

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--(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian). Your support is my greatest motivation.)


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