The Supreme Sword

Chapter 725: 】Xuan Tian Zhan Tong Yi

[Chapter 725] Xuantian Slashing Child Art (1 more)

Tong Yiyuan thought about it at least a hundred times. Xuantian's shooting methods, including swordsmanship and sword formation, had always thought of such a response in Tong Yi's heart, but suddenly a giant cauldron came rampant, but it was beyond his expectation. ()

The tripod is a holy tripod of chaos, reaching a height of one hundred meters, like a mountain.

The sacred cauldron of Chaos, unknown to the weight of the geometry, rampaged, and that terrifying power was even more terrifying than the attack of the great king.

As soon as the sacred cauldron came out, the confinement in the surrounding void seemed to be much weaker. Although it could not be teleported, the speed of movement was the same as the void outside the Pill Emperor Medicine Garden.

In fact, there is no restriction in the world, it can imprison the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, just because the Chaos Sacred Cauldron is now controlled by Xuantian, and Xuantian's strength is too weak compared to the restriction in the forbidden area in the center of the Pill Emperor Medicine Garden, so it cannot break the Void Instant shift.

If the Chaos Sacred Cauldron controlled independently, in the Pill Emperor Medicine Garden, the void could be broken at any time.

The distance of kilometers is almost instant.

Tong Yi is the ultimate king of Xiaocheng, and, at only 27 years old, is a super genius. With his ability to leapfrog challenges, even the average Dacheng king is not his opponent.

His strength is beyond doubt.

However, in the face of the terrifying impact of the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, Tong Yi was still horrified in his eyes. His combat power was comparable to the average Dacheng King, but his defensive power was not necessarily comparable.

The spiritual body of the Dacheng King has at least reached the second order, while the Xiaocheng Extreme King is the first-order limit. Although it seems that it is only one step away, the gap between the first-order and second-order spiritual bodies is very large. For the first-order difference, the pupil can make up the gap between the several grades.

Second-rank second-rank spiritual bodies are stronger than first-rank fourth- and fifth-rank spiritual bodies.

Tong Yi's body suddenly flashed to the side, able to withstand the impact of the chaotic saint cauldron. His eyes were full of horror and said, "Holy cauldron?"

Hearing this, Xuantian knew that Zhongzhou, like Tianzhou, knew the news of the Nine Sacred Cauldrons, and there must be someone looking for the Sacred Cauldron.

Tong Yi's strength is very powerful. Xuantian uses the Chaos Sacred Cauldron to be determined to kill him, and cannot let him leak the news of the Chaos Sacred Cauldron.


Tong Yi just flashed aside, the Chaos Sacred Cauldron also changed its direction, and once again rushed towards Tong Yi.

Just now, Xuantian was a full kilometer away from Tongyi, but at this moment, it was only a few hundred meters, and the time interval between the collision of the Chaos Sacred Cauldron was even shorter.

Tong Yi couldn't dodge, and blasted out with a punch.


As this punch blasted out, behind him, a huge tiger shadow that was kilometers long suddenly appeared, and it let out a sky-shaking roar, and a terrifying punch, suddenly blasted on the Chaos Sacred Cauldron.

Tong family emperor-level martial arts-Wan Beast Emperor Fist.

Wan Beast Fist is based on the top king-level martial arts created by various beast kings, while Wan Beast Emperor Fist is based on the imperial-level martial arts created by various beast kings. The power is not at the same level.

The chaotic saint cauldron that was as high as a mountain was stopped by Tong Yi's punch, and there was a huge shock.

Xuantian felt the terrifying power of Tong Yi's punch in the Chaos Sacred Cauldron.

However, the power of the Chaos Sacred Cauldron's collision was even more terrifying. In an instant, the giant tiger phantom behind Tong Yi collapsed, and his body suddenly stepped back ten steps with amazement in his eyes.

He blasted with this punch, even if the real mountain in front of him was measured, he would have to blast it with one punch. However, the strength of the Chaos Sacred Cauldron was obviously indestructible, and the terrifying punch blasted on it. No prints.

Huh, hoo, hoo...!

A group of dazzling sword light flew out of the chaos saint cauldron suddenly. It was ten thousand spirit swords, forming a ten thousand swords to kill the king sword array, like a sword rain, stabbing Tong Yi.

Heaven-level high-grade spirit swords form a sword formation, coupled with Xuantian’s vigorous Gangyuan and profound strength, have great damage to the first-order spiritual body, and the child art is not yet a master, and the spiritual body is still the first-tier. Limit, feel a huge threat to the sword formation.

The roar of countless beasts sounded endlessly, and Tong Yi blasted out punch after punch.

In an instant, he was surrounded by terrifying shadows of fists in all directions, blasting his fists in all directions, blasting the sword formations and swords back one by one.

With the use of his Ten Thousand Beast King Fist, endless phantoms of the Beast King appeared around him, such as tigers or leopards, lions or elephants, dragons and giant pythons, Tianpeng mysterious turtles... The monster beast king, evolves one by one.

The terrifying offensive of the Wanjian Sword Array couldn't even get close to his body. One after another, the spirit swords were blown back by the fist.

Xuantian had predicted this result long ago. It was impossible to kill Tong Yi with the Ten Thousand Swords Array.


There was a sound that was almost broken in the void, and the Chaos Sacred Cauldron once again rushed towards Tong Yi.

Tong Yi was fully responding to the attack from the Wanjian Sword Array, and was immediately hit.


Tong Yi's body, like an explosive bomb, was immediately knocked off hundreds of meters.

Whoops whoops whoops——!

That one after another spirit sword, like the return of ten thousand birds, in an instant, all were collected in the chaotic saint cauldron.

Tong Yi’s body was strong. Although he was not injured, he was numb all over by the Chaos Sacred Cauldron. His brows wrinkled. Xuantian was in the Chaos Sacred Cauldron. He could not beat Xuantian at all, but Xuantian treated him. It was the Sacred Cauldron running rampant again, and another attack from the Ten Thousand Swords Sword Formation, both of which made him impossible to defend.

If Xuantian only relied on the sword formation, Tong Yi had yet to display his unique skills, confident that he had the power to kill Xuantian, but never expected that Xuantian would even have a treasure like the holy cauldron. In the cauldron, Xuan Heaven is completely invincible.

Now Tong Yi has shown his defeat, and he will definitely die after a long battle.

Tong Yi suddenly retreated, turned around and fled.

"Just now I told you to roll, you don't roll, now, you can't roll anymore--!"

In the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, Xuantian's voice came out, and with a swish, the Chaos Sacred Cauldron almost pierced through the void at an extremely fast speed, and once again ran into Tong Yi.


Tong Yi was knocked into the air again, and the terrifying impact made him feel as if he was overwhelmed by the river, and his internal organs were not peaceful.

Whoops whoops whoops——!

Following this collision, Wan Jian killed the King Sword Formation, and once again burst out of the Chaos Saint Cauldron.

In the tripod, Xuantian merged his hands, like a sharp sword, stab Tong Yi.

The ten thousand swords and sword formations also merged together in an instant, and the ten thousand spirit swords and swords merged into a huge and extremely terrifying long sword, carrying the endless world and the general momentum, stabling Tong Yi like lightning.

Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo!

The imprisoned void has been pierced one after another, which shows how terrifying the attack power of this sword is.

The giant sword Gangmang stabbed in front of Tong Yi in an instant, which caused the chills on his whole body to explode, his back became cold, and a chill suddenly rushed to the top of his head from the tail, causing him to shiver.

The power of this sword may be a bit inferior to the impact of the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, but when the attack range is concentrated at one point, its destructive power is a hundred times stronger than the Chaos Sacred Cauldron's impact, enough to severely injure Tong Yi.

"Mysterious Turtle Guardian!" Tong Yi shouted loudly. He had just been knocked into the air. Facing this sword, he could not avoid it, but could only resist.

Suddenly, Tong Yi's fists collided with each other, and a strong energy was generated instantly, transforming into a huge mysterious tortoise, covering him.

This is a defensive skill in Wan Beast Emperor's fist. The mysterious tortoise is vigorous, just like a real giant mysterious tortoise, and the tortoise shell on its back is strong and abnormal.

Bo Bo Bo Bo—!

The terrifying sword gang condensed by the sword formation pierced the mysterious turtle's Qi Jin, and instantly pierced the latter, but the speed of advancement also suddenly slowed down.

The mysterious tortoise, which was a thousand meters long, was gradually broken by the sword formation.

Soon, the sword formation Gangmang pierced less than one meter in front of Tong Yi, and the entire mysterious turtle was completely pierced.

However, the sword formation Gang Mang seemed to have used up all its strength, the shining Gang Mang disappeared completely, and the giant sword that was condensed from ten thousand spirit swords collapsed.


As Tong Yi breathed a sigh of relief, the Chaos Sacred Cauldron rushed forward again.


Before Tong Yi could vomit, he was hit by the sacred cauldron and was hit again.

puff--! While still in the air, Tong Yi spit out blood. Just now he blocked the attack of the sword array Gangmang, and almost exhausted his defensive power by Jiangang. Therefore, the impact of the Chaos Sacred Cauldron this time hurt him. It was exceptionally large, and it shocked his inward bowing, causing him to spit out blood and was already injured.

Xuantian hit the sacred cauldron, attacked and killed with the ten thousand sword sword formation, and the children's art was defeated and finally injured.

However, the more terrifying attack was not the attack of the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, but a scorching sun's light that suddenly emerged from the Chaos Sacred Cauldron.

The first style of the Rising Sun Instant Kill Sword-the rising sun.

The light of the scorching sun, like the rising sun, has an unstoppable momentum, and the speed is reaching the extreme.

call out----!

In the blink of an eye, this sword light flashed across the thousand-meter void, passing by Tong Yi's side.

In a hurry, Tong Yi once again used the mysterious tortoise energy, his fists hit his chest, and a huge tortoise shadow enveloped him.

Everything happened too fast, it was unclear whether Xuantian's sword light pierced first, or Tong Yi's mysterious tortoise phantom first appeared. It was impossible to tell whether Tong Yi was stabbed.

"Tong Yi, this is the road of your own choice, a dead end!" Xuantian stood still a kilometer away and said lightly.


The mysterious tortoise phantom in Tong Yi's body suddenly burst like a balloon being pierced by a needle.


A string of blood spurted from Tong Yi's throat.

Xuantian’s sword "Sunrise in the" stabbed him in the throat, slashed across his neck, and cut a huge wound.

In the distance, Xuantian waved his palm at Tong Yi.


The chaos saint cauldron glowed once again, carrying the three profound meanings of chaos, thunder and flame, and rushed towards Tong Yi.

"No————!" Tong Yi looked at the mountain-like chaotic saint cauldron with a horrified expression.


With a loud bang, Tong Yi was knocked into the air again, but this time he was already seriously injured, and his defense was completely reduced to the extreme. Even his spiritual body was cracked, blood was like rain, and he died.


There are two guarantee chapters. If the monthly pass breaks 30, there will be an extra change, if it breaks 60, then add more! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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