The Supreme Sword

Chapter 822: Reunion with Zi Yan

[Chapter 822] Reunion with Zi Yan (3, make up)

Yin Lianxing and Mo Wubai's faces were gloomy!

"Now let you be arrogant once, when the quasi-emperor arrives, you will die without a place to bury your body, and there will be no name of heaven in the world!" Yinlianxing and Mo Wubai secretly said in their hearts. ()


The two gave orders at the same time, waved their hands, and led the kings of Yin Luozong and Dark Moon Sect away.

The Patriarch of the Cao family followed closely with the king of the Cao family.

Zoroastrianism falls on the top, and the master of Zoroastrianism said to Xuantian: "Tianchen, Zoroastrianism will never be your enemy, and if you have any difficulties, you can ask Zoroastrianism for help. Zoroastrianism will surely keep you safe."

Xuantiandao: "The leader has a good intention in Xia's heart, and there shouldn't be such difficulties in Xia Xia."

"Ha ha ha...! So the best, goodbye——!" The fire worship leader took the king of the fire worship leader and left soon.

The evil faction retreated, and the Sword Family Patriarch was beheaded!

Xuantian's power is more than the first among the younger generation? It is simply sweeping nine heavens and ten earths, and it is invincible.

Except for those quasi-emperors who are hidden from the world, no one in Tianzhou can compare with Xuantian.

However, the power returned to the power. The king of the Righteous Alliance saw that Xuan Tian had gained a lot. Many of those who had planned to establish friendship with him retreated in their hearts, and left the Lin family's birthday banquet.

Although Jian Shangjian is despicable, he is the head of the world's first sword family, and the sword family has two quasi-emperors, more than any top king.

Xuantian beheaded Jian Shangjian, and completely opposed the sword family. No one could guess that Xuantian would bear the anger of the two quasi-emperors of the sword family.

But Jian Shang gradually said that the Quasi-Emperor Jian Wuying was coming from the sword house.

Although Xuantian's power swept across nine heavens and ten territories, it was invincible, but for those quasi-emperors, the heavenly kings were even more afraid.

Not to mention, the sword family has two quasi-emperors.

The two major forces of Feiyunzong and Lianjia left without saying goodbye.

Pavilion Master Piaoxue reminded Xuantian to stay vigilant at all times, the real danger only began, and the birth of the quasi-emperor was a foregone conclusion.

"Quasi emperor————! Come on! Come on! No matter who you are, whoever dares to offend me, either you die or I die!" Xuantian said firmly in his heart.

Parting with the owner of Piaoxue Pavilion, Xuantian returned to his residence, and when he walked outside, his expression changed. There were people in the house.

Xuantian pushed open the door.

"Huh————!" Xiaohu cheered, jumped out and jumped on Xuantian's shoulder.

Xuantian's body, like petrified, stood at the door.

In the room, there is a girl in purple shirt with a slender figure and a perfect face, smiling at him.

Xuantian feels like in a dream!

He had seen this perfect woman in the seemingly awake but not awake period.

When Lin Luofu asked if he wanted to marry her, he also saw this perfect woman.

She fluttered in purple clothes and smiled at her, making him feel extremely comfortable and warm.

Xuantian kept thinking in his heart that if there is such a woman, she must be an extremely important person in his life, otherwise he will not retain some images when he loses his memory.

There really is such a woman in the world!

He is sure! This is not dreaming!

Xuantian stared at Long Ziyan blankly. She was speechless. She felt that the woman in front of her was very familiar. She couldn't help but speed up her heartbeat, and she felt a sense of comfort throughout her body.

However, Xuantian just didn't speak. He wanted to say, but couldn't call her name.

Long Ziyan's face was full of laughter, and he stepped forward to Xuantian.

"Brother Tian--!" Long Ziyan called out softly, but there was excitement in her voice.


There was a buzz in Xuan Tian's mind.

Long Ziyan's voice evoked many memories of Xuantian, and some pictures flashed involuntarily in his mind.

"Zi Yan...?" Xuan Tian said subconsciously.

After talking about Xuantian, he felt surprised, oh..., I didn't know her name just now? Why did you say it all of a sudden?

In his mind, there were scenes of him and Zi Yan together, and some conversations.

She called him Heavenly Brother, and he called her Ziyan.

Xuantian could not completely remember everything he had once and all his experiences with Zi Yan, but as soon as Long Ziyan appeared in front of him and said a word to him, his mind instinctively recalled some past events.

"Brother Tian, ​​do you remember me? I heard that you have amnesia...!" Long Ziyan said in surprise.

Xuantian stunned and said: "Well, I can’t remember what happened before. I have dreamed of you before, but I don’t know who you are. However, when you called me just now, I suddenly remembered that we ...We seem to be familiar."

"Hmm--!" Long Ziyan nodded, she stretched out her slender hand and touched Xuantian's forehead. There was a scar like an earthworm. Long Ziyan said sadly: "God! You must eat it. A lot of suffering."

The jade finger touched his forehead, causing Xuantian's mind to tremble, and bursts of intense familiarity hit his mind.

Xuantian said: "Before I lost my memory, I didn't endure hardship, but I didn't know that, but I was in Tianzhou, except for a coma for a while, I didn't suffer much.

"Come..., I will help you remove the scar!" Long Ziyan pulled Xuantian back into the house.

Soon, a medicine bottle appeared in her hand, and she poured out a pill, and said, "This is Huirong Pill, which can restore your appearance. I will apply the non-marking ointment to your scar...for ten consecutive days. It will allow you to completely restore your previous appearance without leaving a trace."

"You... are you a pill master?" Xuantian's mind had more information.

"Well————!" Long Ziyan said.

Xuantian ate back Rongdan and said, "Zi Yan, tell me about the past...!"

Long Ziyan asked Xuantian to sit on a chair and said, "I will apply medicine to you while telling you...!"

Xiaohu was quite spiritual, and when he saw this, he jumped off Xuantian's shoulder and went to play his own.

Long Ziyan took out some ointment, applied it to the scar on Xuantian’s forehead, and said, “You are the descendant of the Xuan family in the Western Regions of the Divine Region. Your grandfather is called Xuanxiong, and your father is called Xuanhong. Your grandfather took your name. When you were five years old............!"

Long Ziyan naturally knew everything about Xuantian.

"Mystery has seized your father's position and sent someone to chase down your parents, Huang's family... You all escaped all the way... You fled to the Aozhou Shendao Dynasty in the northern part of China...!"

"Remember the first time we met? In the Yinfeng Mountain Range, I was blocked by a few people from the Deng family. You rushed out and killed several warriors from the Deng family...!"

Long Ziyan smiled slightly, her face rose with a touch of red, and said: "This is the first time I have seen you. In fact, you have already seen me. You said to me that I was bathing in the pool, and you were surprised to see it. It's me...!"

See her taking a bath?

Long Ziyan bent over to apply medicine to Xuantian. Xuantian just saw a pair of full ones in front of Xuantian, and saw two slender ones down, and a blood-spitting picture suddenly burst into his mind.

"Huh hiss————!"

Suddenly, the little tiger who was playing on his own side suddenly let out a fierce roar, and his body suddenly grew bigger and became more than three meters long.

The cold hair on Xuan Tian's whole body also stood up suddenly.

The blood spurting picture in the brain is gone!

Someone killed————! Xuantian suddenly reacted.

The assailant shot at a distance, so Xuantian didn't notice that he was under attack.

However, at this moment, he felt the deadly danger, which proved that the strength of the assailants was terrifying.

Xiaohu's reaction was faster than Xuantian's. Just when Xuantian's cold hair stood up, Xiaohu rushed towards the direction behind him.

boom------! There was a huge explosion.

With this flutter, the whole house was shattered.

Xiaohu's two hind legs were still in place, but they had become countless times larger. The two front legs had already threw out three hundred meters away and turned into a huge black tiger.

During this pounce, Xiaohu's claws grabbed forward and smashed a sword gang that had been attacked and killed dozens of miles away.

In the next moment, the little tiger moved forward again and rushed towards the assailant.

Xuantian stood up at once, and flew into the sky with Long Ziyan, only to hear countless wailing sounds, only a horrible crack appeared from a dozen miles away, and it has been cut into Qingshui City. Cut into the Lin family.

This sword almost cut Qingshui City in half, and I don't know how many people were killed by this sword, and how many families were buried by this sword.

At least thousands of people died under this sword.

The crack stopped more than three hundred meters away from Xuantian. It was Xiaohu who blocked Jiangang and continued to attack. Otherwise, the purpose of this sword was Xuantian, and Jiangang would have to cut forward at least three hundred meters.

There are many houses in these three hundred meters. I don't know how many people will be killed with this sword.

This is just the most conservative estimate. This sword came for the child to kill Xuantian. It is impossible to attack Xuantian exactly. It may even cut hundreds of meters forward to prevent Xuantian from retreating and who might be beheaded. More.


A terrible rage surged in Xuan Tian's heart!

This person regarded human lives as grass and mustards, only to slay Xuantian, and with a single sword, thousands of lives were ruined.

And the purpose was just to reduce Xuantian's vigilance, so that he could succeed with a single sword.

Xuantian did not expect that someone would break the city with a single sword to kill him.

The person who came out of the sword was outside the city The closest distance to the city was four miles, but the person who came out of the sword did not shoot out the sword four miles away. This would make Xuantian alert. Instead, he chose to suddenly shoot his sword more than ten miles away.

In the direction of the sword, Xuantian was about nine miles away from the city, and the person who came out of the sword was at least fifteen miles away. There was a forest outside Qingshui city, connected to a small mountain range.

The little tiger jumped into the woods for the first time, its body of more than 300 meters appeared extremely conspicuous.

The vigilance of the monster beast was extremely strong, especially the little tiger. The target of the sword-runner was Xuantian. However, the little tiger was right beside Xuantian, and he felt the fierce murderous aura and reacted very strongly.

"Kill——————!" The murderous value in Xuan Tian's heart was bursting with anger.

"Ziyan, be careful, this person can cut a dozen miles with a single sword, and it can still pose a fatal threat to me, at least a quasi-emperor!" Xuantian said to Long Ziyan's soul, and then his body hurried towards Fly away in the woods. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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