The Supreme Sword

Chapter 828: ]Blood of the Purple Blood Dragon (2)

[Chapter 828] Purple Blood Dragon Blood (2)

"Long Tianyou, what are you here to join in the fun?" Jian Wuying's voice rang out, a little unhappy, and said: "Could it be that you, an immortal, are also interested in an emperor sword?"

Long Tianyou is very old. When he founded Tianlongmen, he was already the top ultimate king. For example, Longmen has existed for more than a hundred years, and Long Tianyou has been hidden for at least 70 years. ()

The age of Jian Wuying, Yin Huayu, and Mo Lingyou was nearly 150 years old, the younger one, and the older one more than 160 years old, while the age of Long Tianyou should be almost 180 years old.

Although the imperial soldiers are peerless treasures, for the quasi-emperor, it is far less temptation to break through to become an emperor. Once an emperor becomes an emperor, his life will be extended by three hundred years and exceed five hundred years.

By the age of Long Tianyou, he can only live for another twenty to thirty years. It should be all thoughts on how to become an emperor. In the last few decades, he will have a three-hundred-year birthday. Shenbing, it is really difficult for a quasi-emperor to leave.

Jian Wuying left the pass because Jianshang, the master of the sword family, was gradually beheaded by Xuantian, and he knew the identity of Xuantian. Yin Huayu left the pass because Yin Wanluo, the son of the Yinluo Sect Master, was killed by Xuantian. Lingyou left the pass because his descendants were killed by the Quasi Demon Emperor in the Shiling Mountains, and Xuantian was behind the scenes.

The three quasi-emperors Jian Wuying, Yin Huayu, and Mo Lingyou left the customs basically because of the great enmity between their respective forces and Xuantian. Therefore, for Long Tianyou’s motives, Yin Huayu and Mo Lingyou Some do not understand.

Jian Wuying knows Xuantian’s identity, knowing that the chaos sacred cauldron is on Xuantian, and Long Tianyou and Xuantian have no grudges, but they are also out of the gate. This makes Jian Wuying feel a bad feeling in his heart: Does he also know that there is a chaotic cauldron on Xuantian?

Therefore, Jian Wuying's voice was very repulsive, and he didn't like Long Tianyou.

"No, no, no...!" Long Tianyou shook his head as he walked: "I am different from you, and I have no interest in the imperial sword at all. I am interested in the people of Little Friend Tianchen, not even the top The king has the power to slay the Patriarch and the sect-level figure, and can compete with the quasi-emperor. Since the end of the ancient times, there has never been such a character in Tianzhou. I am sure that even in that emperor like a cloud In Dongzhou, it is difficult for a character like Little Friend Tianchen to appear."

Seeing that Long Tianyou was full of praise for Xuantian, the overcast brow furrowed and said: "Long Tianyou, what do you mean?"

Long Tianyou said: "It's not interesting, haha...! I have a hobby, I like to watch the growth of geniuses. My own qualifications are limited and I cannot become an emperor. However, watching a younger generation genius step forward step by step, I finally become The emperor, perhaps, can make up for the shortcomings in my heart."

At this moment, even Mo Lingyou frowned and said, "Long Tianyou, you want to save him from our hands?"

Long Tianyou shrugged, waved his hands, and said, "Are you just seeing it now?"

Yin Huayu and Mo Lingyou almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood, and their eyes suddenly burst into anger, and Jian Wuying, which merged into the void, also let out an angry grunt, venting their dissatisfaction.

"Junior Tianchen, I have seen Senior Tianlongwang!" Seeing that Long Tianyou had come to save him, Xuantian clasped his fist and walked towards Long Tianyou.

"Want to go--! No way--!"

Jian Wuying, Yin Huayu, and Mo Lingyou screamed at the same time.

After finally surrounding Xuan Tian, ​​his heart had a will to kill Xuan Tian, ​​how could he allow Xuan Tian to run away.

Xuantian was over twenty years old, and he was already the ultimate king of Dacheng, and he could compete with the quasi-emperor. With such a performance, no one knew that Xuantian’s future was immeasurable, even the emperors who came out of Tianzhou at the same age Much worse than Xuantian.

Xuantian has already kept saying that in the future, the sword family, the Yin Luozong, and the Dark Moon Sect will be eliminated. Jian Wuying, Yin Huayu, and Mo Lingyou will definitely not let go of Xuantian’s life. They will kill him in Dacheng. In this realm of the ultimate king.

Otherwise, waiting for Xuantian's cultivation to break through another realm, even the Quasi-Emperor would be hardly an opponent, and it would be impossible to kill him.

As soon as Xuantian moved, the three quasi-emperors Jian Wuying, Yin Huayu, and Mo Lingyou shot at the same time to kill Xuantian.


A dragon ring resounded across the sky, and Long Tianyou also made an instant move, a black dragon probing claws, and grabbed Mo Lingyou. A dark dragon claw as big as a kilometer, instantly intercepted Mo Lingyou’s attack. .

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

The sword of the seven shadows broke through the air, and the shadowless seven killed to Xuantian.

The long-distance Wuying Seven Kills, Xuantian did not pay attention to it, the imperial sword in his hand flicked, six indestructible sword auras, a chaotic sword aura suddenly split out, smashing the Wuying Seven Kills into smash, the chaos sword Qi cut out several kilometers in an instant, and went to Jian Wuying.


After Xuantian recovered the six indestructible sword energy, his figure flashed towards Long Tianyou, and at the same time he beckoned to Xiaohu. Xiaohu broke through the rainy Yin's mysterious attack, and quickly rushed back to Xuan. Around the sky.

After just two breaths, the attacks of the three quasi-emperors Jian Wuying, Yin Huayu, and Mo Lingyou were all broken, and Xuantian joined Xiaohu and Long Tianyou.

Long Tianyou opened his mouth and spit out, spinning a ‘black dragon spit out fog’, and a huge dragon head appeared above him, spewing out endless black mist, covering dozens of miles ahead.

This black mist is non-toxic, but it can block the sight and action of the warrior, like a maze. Even Xuantian's emperor's eyes will greatly reduce the effect when looking into the black mist, and can only see more than a thousand meters.

The Black Mist Array is just one shot by Long Tianyou, and the king under the emperor may be trapped for ten days and a half month, but the emperor will not be trapped for long, at most half an hour.

"Jian Wuying, Yin Huayu, Mo Lingyou, I have taken away little friend Tianchen. If you have the ability to kill him, you can come to Tianlongmen to take his life!"

Long Tianyou laughed into the black mist, and then said hello to Xuantian: "Let's go!" Then he flew away like lightning.

Xiaohu sat on Xuantian's shoulders, Xuantian and Long Tianyou walked, and soon joined Long Ziyan and the people of Tianlongmen, without staying, rushed back to Tianlongmen overnight.

There is a real mountain guard formation in Tianlongmen, with clever formations, and Long Tianyou is in charge. Even if the three quasi-emperors of Jian Wuying, Mo Lingyou, and Yin Huayu attack at the same time, they never want to break the formation and enter the Tianlongmen. .

It was lightly bright, and Xuantian and his party rushed to the Tianlong Gate in the mountains.

Knowing that the three quasi-emperors might soon besiege the Tianlongmen, the Tianlongmen master immediately passed the order to activate all the mountain protection formations and prepare to resist the enemy.

Xuantian and Long Ziyan were taken to an attic by the Dragon King Long Tianyou.

"Thank you, senior, for your help!" The return journey was urgent on the road, and Xuantianyu thanked him only when he arrived here.

Long Tianyou looked calm and said: "If you want to thank you, please thank Ziyan. I want to save you, it's all because of her."

Xuantian looked at Long Ziyan, and she was also looking over, showing a sweet smile.

Xuantian Chong Long Ziyan also smiled and nodded, and then asked Long Tianyou: "What is the relationship between Senior and Ziyan?"

Long Tianyou is a person from Tianzhou, and Long Ziyan is a person from Shenzhou, thousands of miles apart, Xuantian really can't think of what the relationship will be.

But Long Tianyou is very good to Long Ziyan. There is no doubt that if there is no extremely important relationship, Long Tianyou will not hesitate to offend the three quasi-emperors of righteous and evil factions just because Long Ziyan wants to save Xuantian. , And rescued Xuantian from their hands.

Long Tianyou said: "We have a common blood line-the blood of Shenlong. I am the blood of the black dragon dragon, and Zi Yan is the true blood of the purple dragon. My blood is not high in concentration, and it is the blood of the dragon and the dragon. It is the pure blood of the Shenlong, the purple blood of the Shenlong, one of the top blood of the Shenlong, only the blood of the five-claw golden dragon and the blood of the mutant blood dragon can be compared."

"The blood of the dragon of purple blood?" Xuantian said in astonishment: "Zi Yan is a person of the Shenzhou, and the senior is a person of the Tianzhou. Is this the inheritor of the blood of the Shenlong available everywhere?"

Long Tianyou nodded and said, "Yes, not only in Shenzhou and Tianzhou, but also in other areas of the sword world, and not only in humans, but also in some monsters...!"

Xuantian said in a puzzled way: "How did this dragon blood come from?"

Long Tianyou said: "This is related to the battle of the gods. I don't know too well. The only thing I know is that the dragons of the gods have been devastated. All kinds of dragon blood spilled into the starry sky and fell into the mortal world. Dragon-blooded humans and monsters have the bloodline of Shenlong. Then, it is passed down from generation to generation. Because the dragon blood is scattered, the concentration of people and monsters with the bloodline of Shenlong is generally very low, but there may also be bloodline reversion. Phenomenon, Zi Yan is the bloodline returning to the ancestors, and is the top bloodline of the dragon ~ As long as the Zilong blood in her body can be fully activated, the bloodline in her body will be fully awakened and the concentration will increase. High, if one day it can reach a certain level, it will be enough to ascend to the God Realm...!"

Seeing Xuantian look suspicious, Long Tianyou explained: "There are memories hidden in the blood of the dragons. As the cultivation base gradually breaks through, the more memories can be stimulated. Regarding the battle of the gods, the destruction of the dragons and the dragon blood spilled over the starry sky. It was the ancestors of the Shenlong bloodline family who knew after their memories were awakened. They recorded their deeds. One after another, the strongmen of the Shenlong bloodline merged the memories of the awakening to come to this conclusion, but they only knew some superficiality. The matter, why the Shenlong clan was hit, and who caused the dragon blood to be spilled across the starry sky is unknown. It may require a new Shenlong blood power to awaken the memory...!"

Xuantian asked: "Zi Yan's bloodline is really that powerful? The Purple Blood Dragon bloodline is the top dragon bloodline? The concentration reaches a certain level, and it can even become a god?"

Long Tianyou nodded and said: "Yes, there is a fire dragon cave in the Tianlong Mountain Range, Zi Yan can activate the blood of Shenlong in it, as long as it activates a little bit, her harvest will be shocking!" (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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