The Supreme Sword

Chapter 838: ] Newborn (1)

【Chapter 838】Freshmen (1)

Since Xuantian left and Long Ziyan went to Tianzhou, only Mo Qianji remained the king of Jianzong. ()

And at this moment, Xuan Xiong, Xuan Hong, Huang Yue, Luo Xiaoye.................. and half-step kings have become kings, and there are nearly twenty kings in Jianzong.

Moreover, most of them are the kings of the Ninth Stage Spirit Body, as long as they are not suppressed by the heavens and the earth, under normal circumstances, they can break through to the Sword Emperor in the future, and can live for a thousand years.

Thousand-year life span, this is the ultimate in the world.

For Jianzong and relatives and friends, Xuantian gave them the best conditions and best opportunities, but whether they can become emperors in the future depends on their own efforts.

With a good opportunity, without diligence and cultivation, it is impossible to become an emperor, and even to a certain degree of laziness, it is even difficult to become an emperor.

The Ninth-Rank Spirit Body just has the opportunity to hit a higher realm.

With diligence, hard work, and a little chance, the fifth- and sixth-rank spiritual bodies can become emperors.

In the same way, seventh- and eighth-rank spiritual bodies can also become emperors. Of course, the opportunities required are greater than becoming emperors.

"Brother Tian, ​​you should think more about yourself in the future and find your own opportunities. Now they are all 9th-rank spirit bodies, one grade higher than you." Long Ziyan stood beside Xuantian and said.

Xuantian smiled faintly, and said: "Eight-rank spiritual body may not be impossible to become an emperor. As long as I work hard, there will be hope for becoming an emperor. The key is...! To become a god, you must have a ninth-rank spiritual body, an eight-rank spiritual body No matter how hard I work, no matter how hard I am, I will not be able to become a god. I want to find something that can help me raise my spiritual body to the ninth rank and have the qualifications to become a god."

"What is it?" Long Ziyan asked.

"Wooden sacred cauldron!" Xuantian said, "A treasure of the same level as the chaotic sacred cauldron. There are nine such cauldrons. Each of them has the good fortune of heaven and earth. It is very hopeful to become a **** with a spiritual body."

Xuantian's memory was restored, and he gradually remembered the past, but the memories of Demon Realm and Central Continent were still a little fuzzy, and it might take a little time to sort out.

It is impossible for ordinary people to remember the bits and pieces of the past, but Xuantian is not an ordinary person. His memory of the Demon Realm and Central Continent is more detailed than ordinary people’s memories of the past, but this is not enough. His memory must be bit by bit. Not leaking.

The kings of Jianzong came out in large numbers, the whole family was celebrating, and the news spread, the warriors of the land of China were all shocked.

However, what shocked the Divine Land warriors the most was not the kings of Jianzong who suddenly became kings, but Xuantian, who had disappeared for more than two years and returned to China.

The former Xuantian had already stirred up boundless wind and rain in the land of Shenzhou. Now that he came back, it shocked everyone. Most of the warriors of Shenzhou worshiped Xuantian as a god.

Jianzong was celebrating, and several days passed quickly.

Mo Qianji took two superb king spirit pills from Xuantian and gave them to Xiang Tianxiao and Luo Yuyi who were clearing away the demons in the Eastern Sea.

In addition to Mo Qianji, there are many kings who have left Jianzong to travel around China and enjoy the ability of the king to teleport. In one day, they will cross China and reach overseas. They will have a thorough experience of the lurking demons. Clean.

Xuantian was reunited with his family for seven days. Seven days later, Xuantian brought five daughters Long Ziyan, Aoxuanxuan, Yue Hanxi, Ling Xingyue, and Bai Ling to the old Beichen Pavilion.

Although Xuantian had recovered his memory, he had not yet reached the level of not forgetting every bit, so he decided to walk on the land of Shenzhou and walk around the places he had walked.

Although Beichen Pavilion does not have as many past events as the Tianjian Sect, there are also many memories here, which aroused many forgotten pieces of Xuantian.

After passing the Beichen Pavilion, Xuantian took the five daughters all the way south to the Star City, and then to the west, to the Western Regions Shenxuan City, which was the former site of the Xuan family.

Everything that Xuantian had in the Xuan family when he was a child, all recalled.

"Yin Ji——! I will take your life!" Long Ziyan told Shuotian that when Yin Ji killed his family, he had not recovered his memory. He only knew that Yin Ji was his enemy, but he did not. Too much murder and hatred.

But now, bit by bit in the past, Xuantian's hatred of Yin Ji burned again.

Xuantian remembered every bit of his childhood, but, because there was no memory stimulus from his previous life, Xuantian completely forgot the memory of his previous life.

He didn't remember that he was resurrected for two lives because of Emperor Hades.

From another perspective, Xuantian was completely reborn.

The baggage that Emperor Underworld placed on him was completely abandoned because of his amnesia this time.

In the past, although Xuantian didn't say anything, the Underworld Emperor Jizo was always like a big mountain, pressing on his heart.

Although he deliberately didn't think about it, he always knew in his heart that he was relived two lives because the Emperor Jizo disrupted the rules of the Dao.

Don't think about it, just deceive yourself and others.

This is extremely bad for cultivation and for the state of mind.

Now that Xuantian has completely removed this mountain, his heart is extremely comfortable and he is no longer suppressed by anyone.

All the people who relived the two lives because of Emperor Underworld had acquired the inheritance of the indestructible golden body, and they all had a thorn in their hearts, and Xuantian was the only one to get rid of that thorn.

Xuantian remembers the immortal golden body and the Emperor Underworld's underground storehouse, but the interference of Emperor Underworld and the memory of previous lives have nothing to do with him, and will not affect him in the slightest.

Leaving the Profound City of the Western Regions, Xuantian took the five daughters to the Sitas Desert again. The Flame Mountain was still there, and Xuantian and the Five Daughters joined forces to extinguish the flames of the Flaming Mountain.

The flame here is made by burning the heaven and earth aura of the land of China. Once the flame is extinguished, the aura of heaven and earth will no longer be lost. It will not take long for the concentration of the aura of the land of China to increase greatly. The martial artist under the king will be easy to practice. many.

Possibly, there will also be a situation in China where the half-step king of the Tianzhou is like rain, and among the large number of half-step kings, there will always be someone who will stand out and become king in one fell swoop. The era of the king of the land of China is like a cloud, and it will really come soon.

After passing the Huoyan Mountain, Xuantian turned to the southeast and came to Shengchang City in the Southern Region, and then turned to the northeast to reach Tianhai City in the Eastern Region.

Northeast Battlefield, Overseas Demon Realm, Yin Ming Forbidden Sea, Blood Refining Island, Blood Soul Island............ Chasing the Sun Continent!

Xuantian took the five daughters and walked one place after another. A month later, the six came to Zhuri Continent.

When he reached a place, Xuantian's memory was activated, and the bits and pieces of the past came to mind. Xuantian explained his experience to the five women one by one through oral narration.

Wenren Clan, Demon Spirit Sect, Xintian Kingdom, Shenjiling, Chiyan Mountain............ There are many familiar places on the Sundial Continent.

"There is an old friend here, I don't know how she is now." Xuantian looked at the continent below, recalling what Mr. Shenji had said to him in his mind.

"Old man? Is he still her?" Bai Ling asked the most keenly.

The other four women heard Bai Ling's words, and Qi Shui looked at Xuantian.

Xuantian smiled slightly and said, "You'll know later, come with me!"

Every day the mainland, but a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, from the western coast to Xintian Country, it is only more than 200,000 miles. Xuantian took the five daughters and arrived in about an hour.

Xuantian dissipated his breath, flew to the sky above Xintian Country, and fell slowly.

The powerful breath of the king shocked the warriors in the capital of Xintian. King Xintian quickly came out of the palace with a bunch of soldiers and held his fists against the sky, saying, "I don’t know any distinguished guests come to Xintian, Xiao Wang is very welcome. !"

The person who came was the king, and King Xintian was very respectful.

"It's me, the king, long time no see." Xuantian fell directly in front of King Xintian, and the five women followed.

Seeing Xuantian, King Xintian's pupils suddenly enlarged, and said in surprise, "Is it you?"

A few years ago, Xuantian was still in the Continent of Zhuri Sun, and he was still at the third and fourth level of cultivation. Later, Xuantian’s deeds in the Divine Land also spread to the Continent of Zhuri. However, Xuantian disappeared more than two years ago. Heaven is not a king.

Now more than two years later, Xuantian has not only become a king, but his aura is countless times stronger than ordinary kings, which shocked King Xintian.

Xuantian nodded, and went straight to the topic, and said, "It's me, where is Princess Yingyue?"

King Xintian's face changed slightly, and his tone was a little squeaky: "She...she...she is not here."

"No? Where did you go?" Xuantian sensed that there was something wrong with King Xintian, so he separated a trace of soul thought and rushed directly into King Xintian's eyebrows.

King Xintian's body shield was in vain, and he couldn't even detect Xuantian's soul intrusion.

The cultivation bases of the two are too far apart.

"She...! She ran away from home. Yes, it has been a year since she ran away from home. I don't know where she went." King Xintian said.

"You lied!" Xuantian's soul thought could clearly sense the fluctuation of King Xintian's mind, and the latter lied.

Xuantian opened the emperor's eyes, looked at King Xintian, and said coldly: "To tell the truth, where did Princess Yingyue go? Where did your king-level treasure come from?"

King Xintian hid a gold bracelet in his arms, which is a king-level treasure, which is not in line with common sense.

King Xintian’s expression was horrified. His secret was in front of Xuantian, without any obstacles. He said: "A year ago, a strong man named'Sikongding' came here. He said that he is a son of God and wants to bring Yue'er into a god. Give me a king-level treasure and take Yue'er away."

"God Sikongding?" Xuantian's brow furrowed. Perhaps it was because the divine son Ji Wuye wanted to destroy the sword sect. Xuantian had an instinctive hatred for the divine son. "Princess Yingyue left voluntarily or was forced to leave. Take away."

"I was...taken away by...forced...forced..." King Xinchang said intermittently, and after speaking, he was sweating profusely.

Xuantian's voice was furious: "Just for a king-level treasure, you sold your daughter?"

King Xinchang's face became extremely ugly, and said: "No--, no! He is a son of God, his breath is overwhelming, and his coercion is even more terrifying than you. He wants to take Yue'er away, let alone Xintian country. The warriors of the entire Continent of the Sun cannot stop him.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ek chocolate says

Today, I have at least five changes and three chapters. A total of four chapters are owed, but if the character breaks out in the evening, it may be all paid back.


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