The Supreme Sword

Chapter 851: ] Cross the robbery! Kill the door!

[Chapter 851] Cross the Tribulation! Kill the door! (Seeking monthly pass)


Cultivation base breakthrough, extremely fun!

After touching the Xiu base barrier, Xuantian felt that a stone was pressed in his heart, and he could not rush out. ()

Now, this feeling has finally disappeared without a trace, and my heart is extremely comfortable.

The cultivation base has gone from the ultimate limit king to the top king, and the spiritual body cultivation base has a big breakthrough, from the second-order limit to the early stage of the third-order.

Xuantian's spirit body is an eighth rank, and every time it breaks through a realm, the strength of the spirit body increases very strongly.

Especially Xuantian has cultivated the Immortal Golden Body, and the higher the cultivation level, the greater the power of the Immortal Golden Body can be exerted.

Immediately the spiritual body cultivation base broke through to the third level, Xuantian clearly felt that the immortal golden body had made a breakthrough in strengthening the Gang Yuan.

In the past, the Immortal Golden Body could only strengthen the Gang Yuan by thirty or forty times, but now it can almost strengthen it by fifty or sixty times.

Originally, the strength of Xuantian's Gang Yuan was greatly increased when the cultivation base broke through. Coupled with the strengthening of the indestructible golden body, Xuantian's physical strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

If it were before, Xuantian's physical body might still be slightly different from the quasi-emperor, but now, there is no difference at all, or even worse.

Because the firmness of the immortal golden body is much stronger than the third-order limit of the quasi-emperor's spiritual body, even an ordinary emperor, in terms of the firmness of the spiritual body, cannot be compared with Xuantian.

Xuantian's eyes suddenly flashed a shining light, and he swept Jian Wuji and Jian Wuying, revealing a death smile, and said: "Sword family, it's time to end--------!"

Jian Wuji's expression was slightly startled. Just now, his sword was upgraded to the emperor level, and Xuantian actually blocked it and was not injured!

This made him frown, which is not a good sign.

"This kid is weird, kill him at the fastest speed, lest Ye Changmeng dreams!" Jian Wuji said coldly.

Jian Wuying nodded, and the two shot at the same time.

The formation air cover splits countless air currents, rushing into the two of them, and the power of Jian Wuji and Jian Wuying have temporarily increased to the level of the emperor.

call out----!

call out----!

The two stabbed a sword at Xuantian at the same time, and in an instant, Jian Gang pierced out twenty miles away, the light glowing brightly, killing Xuan Tian.

"Hahahaha...!" Xuantian was not afraid of the two terrifying swords, but laughed loudly.

In the laughter, it was all disdain for the two.

Xuantian opened his hands, not as if he was resisting, but as if he was enjoying.

Rumble rumbling————!

Right here, a terrifying thunder explosion sounded instantly. Above the sky, there was a huge thunder mountain that suddenly fell down.

This Thunder Mountain is thousands of meters high, and it is all formed by the convergence of lightning. On the Thunder Mountain, there are flowers, plants, trees, insects, fish, birds and beasts condensed by lightning...

A thunder mountain is like a world.

The falling of this Thunder Mountain does not seem to be characteristically fast, but compared with the speed of the falling of this Thunder Mountain, the speed of the entire world seems to have slowed down.

Jian Wuji and Jian Wuying's two sword gangs could not be cut in front of Xuantian.

Above that Thunder Mountain, above the sky, was a huge lightning vortex.

Xuantian cultivation base broke through to the top king, and the terrifying thunder robbery began.

The thunder is like a mountain, falling down, seemingly slow, but in fact it is extremely fast, because when it reaches a certain level, things will be reversed, but it will give people an illusion of slowness.

The target of Lei Jie Da Shan was Xuantian, but he blasted on the sword family's formation air cover first.

The formation gas mask is not a natural item. Under the thunderstorm, any non-natural item will be destroyed.


With a shocking sound, the formation gas mask burst like a bubble in an instant.

The sword family did not know how many kings were using their own strength to control the operation of the formation. At this moment, all of them were vomiting blood and seriously injured, and the kings below Dacheng exploded and died.

The sword family's formation air shield, even the emperor's attack, can stop one or two, and it is basically impossible for the warriors under the emperor to break it.

However, under Xuantian's thunder calamity, it was vulnerable.

Xuantian's thunder robbery is too terrifying.

When he became a king's robbery, the thunder robbery began to contain five layers of thunder and lightning, enough to kill the quasi-emperor, and as his cultivation base became higher and higher, the proportion of the five-layer thunder and lightning in the thunder robbery also increased.

The top king's robbery, the five layers of thunder and lightning have already occupied half of the thunder robbery, and the average emperor, who is struck by the thunder robbery, is an instant spike.


In an instant, this Thunder Tribulation Mountain blasted Xuantian's body, and Jian Wuji and Jian Wuying Jian Gang had just been smashed in front of Xuantian's eyes when they were shattered by the Thunder Tribulation.


Xuantian's whole body was enveloped by lightning, and Yu Leizhu frantically absorbed five layers of thunder and lightning, and Xuantian's strength exploded rapidly.

This time, Thunder Tribulation was a little bit shorter than that of Mr. Shenji, but Xuantian's strength also exploded to the level of a third-level emperor.

The third-level emperor is a small limit emperor, and it is easy to destroy a first-level emperor who has just become an emperor.

With the help of the formation, Jian Wuji and Jian Wuying were just as powerful as the first-level emperor, and now the mountain guard formation was broken by thunder robbery, the strength of the two instantly returned to their original state.

Xuantian's strength soared and became the existence that the two looked up to, but Jian Wuji and Jian Wuying's strength degraded and returned to their original state. The sudden change made the two of them look terrified.

At this moment, the two finally understood that Xuantian's statement about destroying the sword family was not a lie.


For an instant, Jian Wuji and Jian Wuying had the same thought.

However, Xuantian's speed was faster than their thoughts.

The lightning flashed, and Xuantian's figure instantly appeared beside Jian Wuying.


Jian Wuying is a quasi-emperor, with a very strong defensive field, and ordinary emperors cannot teleport to him at all.

But Xuantian's current strength can be compared with a third-level emperor.

In front of the three-level emperor, the defense force field of the quasi emperor is useless.

Xuantian stretched out his palm, and a powerful thunder and lightning on his golden arm pinched Jian Wuying's neck for an instant.

Jian Wuying hides from each other, can't hide it at all, it's too late to resist.

Xuantian pinched him like an ant.

Rumble rumbling————! The second wave of thunder robbery!

"No————!" Jian Wuying shouted in horror.

His eyes did not look at Xuantian, but at the top, and the terrifying thunder tribulation that split from the sky was reflected in his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, Xuantian was enveloped by the thunder robbery, Jian Wuying was struck by the thunder robbery, and was instantly chopped into ashes.

Jian Wuji was no shadow from Jian, about seven or eight miles away, without being struck by the thunder tribulation, and was fleeing quickly at this moment.

Xuantian's strength greatly increased, and the range of the Primordial Chaos Cauldron's imprisonment greatly increased. It confined the void in a radius of twenty miles, and Jian Wuji was only seven or eight miles away from him, so naturally he could not teleport.

"It's your turn----!"

As soon as Xuantian's voice fell, his figure flickered, and he appeared behind Jian Wuji, and Lei Guangshan stretched out his arm, and pinched Jian Wuji in his hand like an ant.


Without waiting for the third wave of Thunder Tribulation, Xuantian squeezed the palm of his hand, and Jian Wuji's neck exploded in an instant, and his head and half of his body were exploded to shreds.

The two quasi-emperors of the sword family were no different from the ants under Xuantian, who was shrouded in the power of thunder robbery.

At this moment, the sword family's horrified shouts were everywhere.

The two quasi-emperor ancestors were easily pinched to death by Xuantian under their noses.

The swordsman martial artist is proud of himself in Tianzhou. When it comes to the swordsman, he always adds a big character to call himself the swordsman.

How did you expect today.

At this moment, the superiority in their hearts was completely shattered, and some were only fear.

The warriors of the sword family screamed and fled to the four directions one by one.

Xuantian's figure flickered, and moved a short distance, and he came to the top of the largest palace under Jianyang Peak. This was the main hall of the Jian family and the central hub.

The kings of the sword family maintain the operation of the mountain guard in this hall.

The kings below Dacheng had already exploded and died, and the kings above Dacheng were all seriously injured.

They had just rushed out of the hall and were preparing to flee, but when Xuantian arrived, they took the thunder and tribulation to the sky.

Rumble rumbling————

The third wave of thunder tribulation smashed, and the king of the sword family was all wiped out.

With a radius of two to three kilometers, all the swordsman warriors were killed under the thunder.

The quasi-emperor sword Wuji, Jian Wuying, and the king of the sword family all died within just a few breaths.

Heavenly Continent's top king rank power-Sword Family, no longer exists!

Xuantian was a teleport again, and came to the dangling Lin Haotian a few people away. With a flick of his finger, a light instantly pierced the ten-mile void, cutting all the ropes of the treasures on them.

Lin Haotian and others were all kings, and they were all out of trouble.

"You save people——!" Xuantian left a word, then teleported and appeared hundreds of miles away.

The top king's robbery should last for a long time, and there is still a long time to come. Xuantian should seize the time to understand the profound meaning of thunder.

For the understanding of the profound meaning of Lei, Xuantian had already reached the end of the early stage of Tier 4, and was only one step away from reaching the peak of Tier 4.

The terrifying thunder robbery struck one after another.

Xuantian flew high in the sky, sitting in the sea of ​​thunder, and comprehending the essence of thunder at all times.

The kings of the sword family are all destroyed, and Lin Haotian and others are the At this moment, they are rescuing the other kings of the Lin family. No one can beat the sword family.

A few days ago, the Lin Family was attacked by the Sword Family. There were hundreds of dead, and blood was flowing into rivers. Now the Sword Family is in trouble, how can the Lin Family not seize the opportunity to avenge.

For a time, the sword family ushered in the end.

In the way of the other, return to the body!

The Lin family was almost destroyed, with countless deaths and injuries. The kings were arrested to the sword family and received inhuman treatment and torture. How could they be merciful to the sword family.

Xuantian's thunder tribulation lasted more than half an hour, and the profound meaning of thunder successfully broke through to the fourth-order peak. He successfully crossed the tribulation, and his strength has made progress.

Even without the help of Thunder Tribulation, Xuantian had the confidence to kill the quasi-emperor at the level of Jian Wuji, his strength was close to the emperor.

After completing the robbery, Xuantian stood up, teleported two times, and returned to the sword house. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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