The Supreme Sword

Chapter 862: 】Lei Ting Yuan Shen (eight hundred +)

【Chapter 862】Thunder Spirit (800+)


A piece of golden blood swayed out from the Holy Cauldron of Thunder. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

It is the blood of immortality!

Still in mid-air, all the indestructible blood was absorbed by heaven and earth.


A breeze blew across the Tianzhou area, blowing on the body, making people feel extremely warm and comfortable.

In the distance, the eyes of the quasi-emperors all lit up, and they keenly felt that the concentration of heaven and earth aura began to change.

Immediately after the golden blood, Xuantian's figure also flew out of the Sacred Cauldron of Thunder, and collected the Sacred Cauldron of Chaos.

In the distance, the King of Heaven was already dead under the light wave erupted from the bronze mirror.

And the ancient bronze mirror broke through the air and disappeared.

The battle ended, Jian Renhao and Lian Zijun both fell into the hands of Xuantian, while the King of Heaven was backlashed by the rules of heaven and earth, and died of the celestial calamity, which is generally the same as the whereabouts of most of the descendants of Heaven's secret.

The five quasi-emperors Long Tianyou, Qu Qingxiao, Liu Yanchen, Huomofen, and Huo Muchen flew to Xuantian with their respective kings.

The kings of the Yinluo Sect, Dark Moon Sect, Yin Minggu, Feiyun Sect, Lianjia... are all extremely disappointed, and they all teleport away for fear of causing trouble to them after the battle of Xuantian ends. Up.

"Xuantian, you really opened our eyes this time!"

"Congratulations. Congratulations. You got another holy cauldron. I heard that there are nine holy cauldrons of this kind. If you can get one, you have great luck. If you can get two, it is really great luck."

"Yes, there have been a few gods who came to Tianzhou to look for the sacred cauldron. It seems that they don’t even have the sacred cauldron in their hands. Xuantian, if there is a sacred son, they will know about the two saints. But be careful, son of God, their strength is very, very terrifying."


The quasi-emperors were very surprised.

"Thank you for reminding everyone." Xuantian nodded to everyone, and said: "Heavenly Continent Qi Luck is changing, and the concentration of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi will be greatly increased in the future, and the difficulty of martial arts cultivation will be reduced a lot. There should be many kings appearing. And, it won’t be long before there will be emperor luck."

The eyes of the five quasi-emperors Long Tianyou, Qu Qingxiao, Liu Yanchen, Huomofen, and Huo Muchen all brightened, and they exclaimed: "Really? Can you become an emperor?"

Xuantian nodded, and said, "Even if you have the luck to become an emperor, it is still very difficult to become an emperor. You have been kind to Xuanmou. Xuanmou will keep it in your heart. There is nothing to thank you for. , Piaoxue Pavilion and Zoroastrian Pills, please accept them."

While talking, Xuantian took out three medicine bottles and threw them to Long Tianyou, Qu Qingxiao, and Huo Muchen.

Each of the three medicine bottles contained two Chenghuang Pills, which he had prepared early in the morning.

In the past, Tianzhou didn't have the luck to become an emperor. Due to the limitations of heaven and earth, the emperor pill might not be useful. Now, the emperor's luck will change, and the emperor will finally be able to come in handy.

When Xuantian raises the luck of Shenzhou to the point where a martial artist can become an emperor, then the barrier channel between Shenzhou and Tianzhou should be completely opened up.

It is still too early for the king of Sword Sect to become an emperor. When Xuantian goes to Central Continent, if these people have become emperors, they will take care of Sword Sect by reciting the grace of emperor pill granted by him.

"Cheng...Cheng Huang Dan?" Long Tianyou, Qu Qingxiao, and Huo Muchen held the medicine bottle in their hands, and their voices trembled, and they were extremely shocked.

Liu Yanchen and Huomo Fen were also shocked.

The other kings were stunned.

Many people have never heard of "Cheng Huang Dan", but everyone knows Cheng.

In Tianzhou, Chengdu is a priceless treasure, and it can create a king.

Cheng Huang Pill, you know by this name, it should be the same as Cheng, it can create the emperor's pill.

The emperor is just a legend in Tianzhou. How precious is that the elixir that can create the emperor?

Everyone's hearts twitched fiercely.

Xuantian nodded and said: "These are all pill that is refined from a thousand-year-old emperor's spirit grass. Not only can it help the quasi-emperor break through to become an emperor, but it can also improve the quality of the spirit body. It should be at least two More than one grade."

In an instant, everyone's eyes burst into light.

When a warrior becomes a queen, the forged spirit body can only be strengthened by the improvement of the realm, and there is basically no chance to improve the grade. The effect of the Emperor Spirit Pill is enough to make people crazy.

The effect of the Chenghuang Pill is the same as that of the Chengwang Pill, except that it is more advanced and naturally has the effect of strengthening the spiritual body.

"Everyone, if I leave one day, please take care of Shenzhou, which is my hometown." Xuantian said.

The five quasi-emperors were all emotional and unanimously said: "Don't worry, we will protect each other to the death."

Being an emperor can live for five hundred years, they have a hundred percent hope of becoming an emperor, of course they are extremely excited.

Xuantian nodded, and said: "I want to refine the sacred cauldron of thunder, please go back, if those quasi-emperors have dropped any divine weapons, you can find them, I don’t need them, you all Take it away."

The powerhouses were very happy to hear that, those quasi-emperors, but there are a few who use royal-level treasures, can get one, that is priceless.

Soon, Tianlongmen, Piaoxue Pavilion, and Zoroastrianism scoured the things that were dropped by the quasi-emperor and left the place.

Xuantian sat on the sacred cauldron of thunder and began to erase Lian Zijun's brand, and then refining it into a thing.

My eyes closed and opened, and three days passed.

Xuantian successfully refined the Holy Cauldron of Thunder, carved a brand, and established a spiritual connection.

Now, the Lightning Sacred Cauldron is the same as the Chaos Sacred Cauldron. Xuantian held it in his fingers, not feeling heavy, but like a part of his body.

Xuantian stood on the summit of Jianyang Peak, with both hands on the stage, two three-legged ancient tripods appeared in his palm.

"Sword crazy, I have already obtained the second sacred cauldron, if you are awake, you will definitely be very happy now!" Looking at the two holy cauldrons, Xuantian whispered.

"With the first and second sacred cauldrons, presumably, it won't be too far to get the third sacred cauldron!"

"Sword idiot, don't worry, one day, I will collect all the nine saints...!"

"One day, I will ascend to the God Realm and wake you up again. When that happens, I will give you a surprise!"


Now in Tianzhou, Xuantian is worthy of the No. 1 in the world, no warrior, no force, can threaten him.

After refining the Holy Cauldron of Thunder, he practiced in retreat at Jianyang Peak.

The Chaos Sacred Cauldron could allow him to cultivate the Chaos Primordial Spirit. Xuantian believed that the Thunder Sacred Cauldron and the Chaos Sacred Cauldron were both treasures of the same grade, and should also evolve his Thunder Sword Soul.

Yuanshen is a higher-level spiritual form than Wuhun.

If the Thunder Sword Soul can be purchased into the Thunder Primordial God, then Xuantian's Thunder power will be even stronger.

At the summit of Jianyang Peak, the Sacred Ding of Thunder was about three meters high and fell on a flat ground.

Xuantian's body was sitting in the thunder sacred cauldron, and the Thunder Sword Soul flew out from his eyebrows, carefully comprehending the aura of the thunder sacred cauldron.

The profound meaning of thunder in the sacred cauldron of thunder is very broad and profound, and Xuantian can feel it, and the profound meaning of thunder is almost no worse than the effect in thunder.

Strands of thunderous air were absorbed by Thunder Sword Soul and became huge.

Xuantian felt that the Thunder Sword Soul was getting heavier and stronger and stronger, and when he returned to the center of his brows, he squeezed more and more toward the center of the space between the brows.

It can be seen that the power of Thunder Sword Soul is getting stronger and stronger.

Day by day, time passed by in a hurry.

Before I knew it, a month passed.

Thunder Sword Soul has become very heavy, more than ten times more than a month ago.

Over the years, when the Thunder Sword Soul absorbed the energy of the Thunder to a certain extent, finally, there was a qualitative change.

The Thunder Sword Soul, which had grown several times in size, began to disintegrate, transform into a ball of Thunder, and begin to recast its form.

slowly. The group of thunder began to grow up and down, no longer turning into a sword shape, but into a human shape.

The figure became clearer and clearer, exactly the same as the Primordial Primordial Chaos. It was a reduced version of Xuantian. The figure held a long sword in his hand. The lightning flashed like a shrunken Thunder Sword Soul.

The Thunder Soul Soul was forged, and Xuantian could feel his powerful power, which was definitely not comparable to the previous Thunder Sword Soul.

The Primordial Primordial Chaos, who had been occupying the center of the eyebrow space, was squeezed aside at this time, and the Thunder Primordial Spirit approached the center of the eyebrow a lot.

The two primordial spirits are neatly arranged in the center of the eyebrows, one on the left and the other on the right.

And the Flame Sword Soul, even though it was at the same time the Tier 4 peak, was completely squeezed aside.

Xuantian opened his eyes and walked out of the thunder sacred cauldron, feeling the power of the two primordial spirits in his mind, and his heart was surging extremely.

Seeing the endless sky and endless mountains, Xuantian couldn't help but let out a long roar, creating a sense of refreshment that the sky is high and the birds are flying, and the sea is wide and fishy.

"When will I be able to obtain the Holy Cauldron of Fire, haha, evolve the Flame Sword Soul into the flame soul, with the power of the three souls, what kind of power should it be?"

"What if I get other sacred cauldrons? Will there be other primordial spirits in my eyebrows?"

"If all the nine sacred cauldrons fall into my, what kind of scene will it be?"


Xuantian thought of the nine sacred cauldrons flying beside him, and he was extremely happy.

This made him determined: "Nine holy cauldrons, I must find you all, the king of swords, I will definitely fulfill your last wish, understand the mystery of the nine holy cauldrons, and avenge you!"

Xuantian squeezed both fists, and the Chaos Sacred Cauldron and Thunder Sacred Cauldron concealed into his palm, disappearing.

"Time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, five months after leaving China, it's time to return to China to sprinkle undead blood."

Xuantian cast his gaze to the north, where there were his three immortal sword auras, "Before returning to the Shenzhou, first take back the three immortal swords auras, the quasi-demon emperor of the Shiling Mountains, you must have never thought of it, three years Time passes, you are no longer my opponent!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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