The Supreme Sword

Chapter 865: 】Honorable Bharatana

【Chapter 865】The noble Bharatana Mingzi

Heavenly continent, north, Yinming Valley. ()

There are dozens of miles in the Yinming Valley, and dark clouds are shrouded. No matter day and night, spring, summer, autumn and winter, it is always dark here.

It seems that there will never be day and there will never be sunshine.

The wind is whistling here!

Here are howling ghosts!

This is almost a forbidden place for strangers.

However, just in such a gloomy place, deep in the Valley of the Netherworld, there are many human buildings.

These buildings are all made of a kind of pitch-black stone, blending with the gloomy environment, and it is difficult to distinguish unless you look closely.

Here, is a top-ranking king power that is famous in the land of Heaven Continent-Yin Ming Valley.

Now, Yin Ming Valley is no longer a top king-level power. Both quasi-emperors have been beheaded by Xuantian, and the new valley lord Li Feihan is just the top king.

In the largest building in Yinming Valley, there is a huge altar. Li Feihan and dozens of kings of Yinming Valley are sitting around the altar.

This altar is about ten meters in radius, with a big "devil" engraved on it. The gong master of Yinming Valley inherits the Demon Realm. It is called the Demon Dao by the Celestial Continent Warriors, and it has a big connection with the Demon Realm.

There is silence in the hall!

Li Feihan stood up, his position was just above the point of the word "Magic" in Chatan.

Li Feihan lifted his hand, and there was an extra bottle in his hand.

He opened the cap of the bottle and poured it into the upper point of the word ‘magic’.


Suddenly, bright red blood flowed out of the bottle.

It is weird that the bottle is no more than half a foot tall, and the mouth of the bottle is no more than three fingers the size of it. However, the blood poured out of the bottle is pouring like a waterfall.

This bottle is a treasure of space.

It seems to be only one foot high, but the space inside, I don’t know how big it is.

The blood continuously poured down from the treasure bottle, poured into the upper point of the ‘magic’ character, and then flowed down the engraved groove to the entire magic word.

The character "devil" on the altar is carved one foot deep, and each notch is one foot wide, and the length of the top, bottom, left and right sides are all over ten meters. Such a big demon character requires all blood to be poured. I don’t know how much blood is needed. .

I am afraid that the blood in the two large tanks cannot be filled.

However, the blood in the treasure bottle seemed to be endless, and it kept flowing out. It didn't take long before it filled the whole word ‘magic’.

In an instant, the ‘magic’ character seemed to come alive, suddenly emitting a burst of light.

The blood in the treasure bottle hadn't been drained yet, but it seemed that it was enough. Li Feihan put it away, stepped back and sat back where it was.

When Li Feihan sat down, dozens of kings beside the altar began to make mudra in unison.

In an instant, a large amount of black mist poured out from the bodies of the kings, gathering towards the altar in front, and ghosts and ghosts emerged one after another in the black mist.

It is the supreme mastery of Yinminggu————Ghost King Seal!

These dozens of kings induced at the same time, and dozens of ghost ghosts appeared in the black fog. In the end, these dozens of ghost ghosts merged together, standing in the center of the altar, exuding blood-red light, revealing agility. The breath seems to be alive.

"Mortal, why did you call me?" The ghost phantom gradually shrank, and finally turned into a blood-red figure, spitting words.

"Honorable Boluo Su Mingzi, Yin Ming Valley in the Heaven Continent of the Sword Realm, there is something important to report to you!" Li Feihan bowed to the ground, his expression extremely respectful.

The blood-red figure looked at Li Feihan and said, "Say...!"

Li Feihan knocked his head on the ground and said: "Honorable Boluo Su Mingzi, you want us to search for the holy cauldron, and we have a new whereabouts. Xuantian, who is carrying the chaotic holy cauldron, came to Tianzhou, and he gained The second holy cauldron-the holy cauldron of thunder."

"What--? The Lightning Sacred Cauldron also fell on his hands?" The scarlet figure's voice was startled.

Yin Minggu is in the Heaven Continent of the Sword Realm, which separates the two realms from the Demon Realm. It is extremely difficult to communicate. It is only possible to communicate successfully once in a few years. Therefore, some news cannot be passed in time.

Bharatanatyam is the son of the underworld master of the underworld, just like Sikongding, Sikongxiang, Ji Wuye...and other gods descended from the world, Bharatanatyam came from the underworld to the devil world to find the nine saints.

The news of Xuantian's trespassing in the Demon Realm had already been known to Brahma Mingzi, but when he knew it, Xuantian had already returned from the Demon Realm to the Sword Realm and was missing.

Now that I heard about Xuantian's news, even if Bharatsa was a Mingzi, he couldn't help being shocked.

"It's true, the noble Brahma Mingzi, Xuantian's strength is very powerful, and he killed nine quasi-emperors at once. Now no one in Tianzhou can help him. No one dares to take his holy cauldron. However, before There have been several **** sons who have been to Tianzhou. If there is another **** son, I am afraid that they will take both of the two holy cauldrons from Xuantian's hands. If the holy cauldron is in the hands of the **** son, it will be difficult to take it back. You see There is no way to send the emperor to Tianzhou. Tianzhou's luck has changed and can carry the emperor's arrival." Li Feihan respectfully said.

"Oh...! Can the emperor go to Tianzhou?" The blood-clothed figure's voice was overjoyed and said: "I will send the emperor of Yunzhou to come. You will always pay attention to the whereabouts of Xuantian."

Li Feihan said: "Honorable Bharat Saul, Xuantian once sent six emperor pill to the quasi-emperor of Tianzhou. In the near future, six emperors may appear in Tianzhou. Listen to Xuantian's command, Yunzhou emperor is like a cloud. , You can send more."

"Six Emperor Pills? This person really surprised me!" The blood-clothed figure's voice was slightly surprised, and said: "I will send twelve emperors to come, no one can stop me!"

Li Feihan said with joy: "Congratulations to Your Excellency Mingzi for winning the Holy Tripod as soon as possible."


The sword world, China!

Several days have passed since Xuantian's cultivation base broke through to the top pinnacle king.

On the 4th day of April, Xuantian and Long Ziyan bid farewell to everyone, heading to Tianzhou, rushing from Shenzhou to Tianzhou, it takes a while on the journey.

At the end of April, Tianzhou Fire Dragon Cave will begin a period of flame weakness.

Soon, the two came to the barrier between Shenzhou and Tianzhou. Three cracks had been cracked for more than a thousand meters, and the two passed through unimpededly and reached Tianzhou.

It seems that the luck on both sides has changed to the point where the warriors become emperors, and the warriors under the emperor can pass, and even the first-level emperors who have initially become emperors can pass through.

"A lot of powerful auras...!" As soon as he arrived at Tianzhou, Xuantian touched his heart and frowned, "It is the emperor's breath that has been released. There are more than a dozen such tyrannical auras. How is this possible, so In a short period of time, Tianzhou can produce up to six emperors. Could it be that emperors from other regions will arrive?"

Xuantian's strength has already reached the level of the emperor, just as the emperor can feel the aura of the emperor, the emperor can also sense the aura of the emperor.

As long as the emperor's breath is released in the same Tianzhou area, other emperors can sense it, and can sense the direction of the breath.

Xuantian is still in the wilderness, more than 20 million miles away from the heavenly continent, only knowing that those tyrannical auras are coming from the heavenly continent, and it will not be able to accurately sense it.

"Brother Tian, ​​what's the matter?" Seeing Xuantian's expression a little strange, Long Ziyan asked.

Xuantiandao: "It seems that many emperors have come to Tianzhou. I have a hunch that these emperors seem to come for me. To be precise, they should come for the sacred cauldron of chaos and the holy cauldron of thunder."

Xuantian's premonition was not without reason. He was carrying two sacred cauldrons. It was not a secret. Now Tianzhou could accommodate the emperor. If emperors in other regions knew about it, someone would definitely come to **** it.

The treasure that even the son of God is looking for can definitely fascinate anyone.

"Come so fast!" Long Ziyan said in surprise.

Xuantian smiled slightly and said, "The change of luck in Tianzhou is limited, and it cannot accommodate a too powerful emperor. If there is an emperor, it should be a first-level emperor. When I was a top king, the first-level emperor would come. I’m not afraid now, even if the second-level emperor comes, I’m not afraid, let’s go, let’s go to the Fire Dragon Cave, what should we do, if they dare to trouble me, then I will trouble them."

Long Ziyan smiled and nodded, trusting Xuantian's strength very much.

The two teleported quickly and headed towards the heavenly continent.

Now Xuantian's speed is almost faster than that of ordinary emperors. His profound understanding of thunder has reached the fourth-order limit, and his body is indestructible by practicing the golden body. It is also very powerful. He can withstand long-distance void tearing. , Can teleport four or five hundred miles.

Because he was teleporting with Long Ziyan, he was afraid that Long Ziyan would not be able to withstand the power of the long-distance void tearing, he slowed down a bit, and a teleport was three to four hundred miles, and in one day, he walked three million miles. Not to mention.

The distance of the teleportation is closely related to the strength of the physical body. Once the emperor is an emperor, the physical body is the fourth-order spiritual body, which is very strong. Therefore, it is no problem to teleport three or four hundred miles in a blink of an eye.

Xuantian’s current physical body is no worse than the Tier 4 spiritual body of a first-level emperor. Long Ziyan’s body is conceived with the blood of the dragon, with infinite strength, and the physical body is stronger than practicing any physical Dharma is stronger, second only to Xuantian's immortal golden body.

Three days later, Xuantian and Long Ziyan left the animal wasteland for tens of millions of miles.

Xuantian's body stopped suddenly and said, "There is a powerful aura, coming from the direction of Tianzhou to our side, it is an emperor."

The breath of the emperor is more than ten times stronger than that of the quasi emperor, and the breath is released, which is easy to distinguish.

Long Ziyan stopped next to Xuantian and said, "Just an emperor, who can just ask about the situation... Hey, I also sensed the surging aura from the front. I am very familiar with it. There is a dragon aura. Senior Tianyou."

Long Tianyou is also the blood of Shenlong, but the blood is not as strong as Long Ziyan.

People with the blood of Shenlong will have "dragon qi," and those with the blood of Shenlong will feel it.

"It turned out to be him, go! He has become an emperor, and he should know the news of the foreign emperor...!" Xuantian smiled slightly, pulled Long Ziyan up, and teleported away.


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