The Supreme Sword

Chapter 868: 】The battle begins

【Chapter 868】The fierce battle begins

All this happened too fast. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

Whether it was Long Ziyan, Sky Eye, or the emperor of both sides, they all looked stunned.

The emperor of Yunzhou said that he was fast and unparalleled in the world, and asked other emperors to outflank both sides to prevent Xuantian from escaping.

Then, Xuantian made him fast to die, and the other emperors of Yunzhou hadn't started to outflank him.

Then, in the blink of an eye, Xuantian turned into an electric arc and rushed three kilometers away. In this blink of an eye, he sacrificed the Holy Cauldron of Thunder, knocked the Emperor Yunzhou out of the void, and vomited blood.


A thunder sound exploded, causing everyone to recover from their shock.

I saw that a terrifying Thunder Sword Gang was cut out from the Sacred Cauldron of Thunder.

This Jian Gang borrowed the power of the Sacred Cauldron of Thunder, and its power was appalling. As soon as it was cut out, it hit the Yunzhou Emperor who vomited blood and burst back.

A sad scream sounded in the air.

Suddenly blood spattered, deepening the sky, like a river of blood.

The scream was very stern, but very short, and the Yunzhou Emperor was instantly beheaded.

The vitals of the flesh were broken open, especially the head, which was completely cut in half, and the martial soul was instantly cut off and turned into nothingness.

"Roar----!" Three eyes roared cheerfully.

The existence of an emperor who made it feel deeply terrified, under the master's hand, was killed in an instant, causing its soul to have a deep shock, and the master's image became extremely tall in its heart.

The body of the emperor of Yunzhou fell in the air, but the sacred cauldron of Thunder caught up with it, a golden arm stretched out from the sacred cauldron of thunder, grabbed the corpse of the emperor of Yunzhou, and looked at it three times. fling.

"Three eyes, rewarded to you." From the thunder saint cauldron, Xuantian's cold voice came.

Three eyes were in the void, bursting with joy, opened the blood basin, and caught the corpse of the Emperor Yunzhou in one bite. Then, he couldn't bear to bite, and the whole person was swallowed, a drop of blood. There is no overflow.

As far as Sanyan is concerned, any emperor is a supreme pill, a treasure of heaven and earth, and it has a huge effect on its cultivation.

Of course, the monster beast has a huge body, and it is difficult for the quasi-demon emperor to break through to the demon emperor's realm.

However, one will not work, ten will definitely work.

Three eyes and one bite ate the corpse of the Yunzhou Emperor, and looking at the gazes of the other eleven Yunzhou Emperors, there was no fear, replaced by a light of excitement.

If you eat it all, it would be great! Sanyan thought greedily, Sanyan was looking forward to becoming an emperor, and was driven by instinct in his heart.

The other eleven emperors of Yunzhou had their faces changed, and they greatly underestimated Xuantian's strength.

For the first-level emperor, Xuantian actually has the ability to kill, which even the second-level emperor can't do.

In other words, Xuantian was even more terrifying than the second-level emperor.

The sense of superiority in the heart of the Yunzhou emperor has all passed away.

Although the handsome young man in front of him has not yet become an emperor, his strength is more terrifying than any of them, and it is much more terrifying, even the leader with half of his foot in the second-level emperor. , Compared to Xuantian, it is far behind.

Compared with the horror of the Yunzhou emperor, the five emperors of Tianzhou are overjoyed. The strength of Xuantian is even more terrifying than they thought. Moreover, the other twelve emperors have been beheaded, only one is left. Eleven is down.

Each of the five of them held one, and Xuantian only needed to deal with the other six emperors, which was much easier than the seven emperors previously inferred.

The emperor Yunzhou who was the first to take the shot could be said to have been sent to death in vain. Xuantian's emperor's eyes are the nemesis of any hidden deeds.

"Let's go together and break his corpse to pieces!" The leader of the Yunzhou emperor shouted, Xuantian was so powerful, it was the result of a spike to the first emperor, and they didn't care about the emperor's identity. To besiege Xuantian.

With a loud shout from him, all the Yunzhou emperors moved, rushing towards Xuantian in a half arc.

The leader of the Emperor Yunzhou then shouted: "Xuantian, if you dare to escape, this emperor will kill all your relatives and friends. Anyone you know or talked to, the emperor will kill them all. flow."

"Well said, today I want to kill all of you, leaving no one behind!" Xuantian's cold voice came from the thunder sacred cauldron.


Lightning lightning flashed from the holy cauldron of Thunder, and an electric light flashed across the air. He was not afraid of the eleven Yunzhou emperors who had been killed.






The sound of the five killings shook the sky and the earth, and went straight into the sky.

Long Tianyou and the five emperors of Tianzhou moved instantly.

The five people who were able to cultivate to the end of the martial artist in Tianzhou, the quasi-emperor, proved that their aptitudes were very good, at least they were sixth-rank spiritual bodies, and some were even seventh-ranks, but they were limited by the world and could not break through to become emperors.

After the transformation of Chenghuang Dan, their spiritual bodies have been upgraded to one or two grades, at least they are also eighth-grade spiritual bodies, and even more, such as Long Tianyou, which are themselves seventh-grade spiritual bodies, are now even higher. Nine products.

Once an emperor has a strong combat power.

Although they have just become emperors, their strength is not worse than the first-level emperors from Yunzhou.

Of course, most of the first-level emperors from Yunzhou are seventh-rank spiritual bodies. Although the power of the spiritual bodies is not as good as the emperors of the heavenly continent, they are not far behind.

Able to become an emperor, no one is a mediocrity, a sixth-rank spiritual body, although penance cultivation may become an emperor, but the probability is very small, able to become an emperor, basically have a seventh-rank or above spiritual body.

Therefore, even the Ninth-Rank Spirit Body had no absolute advantage in front of the emperor of the same realm.

Long Tianyou and the other five emperors intercepted the next Yunzhou emperor and fought.

The other six Yunzhou emperors, under the leadership of that emperor leader, directly killed Xuantian.

Various imperial martial arts display, that dazzling light, more than ten miles.

Every attack is enough to destroy the mountain and cut the mountain, even the kilometer high mountain will be shattered by this blow.

And this kind of attack, there are six ways, enough to be visible, powerful.

Three first-level emperors work together, and the strength is equivalent to a second-level emperor.

The more first-level emperors join hands, the more terrifying the attack power stacks up.

The six first-level emperors joined forces, and the attack power was superimposed, which was more terrifying than the blow of two second-level emperors.

Multiple first-level emperors work together to have stronger attack power than a second-level emperor. The disadvantage is that the strength is scattered and it is easy to break each one. However, whether the second-level emperor attacks or defends, it is all on one person. Therefore, mysterious Tian would rather fight six first-level emperors than two second-level emperors.

"Thunder robbery transforms into a dragon!"

From the thunder saint cauldron, there was a shout from Xuantian.

In an instant, a dazzling thunder sword burst out of the sacred cauldron of thunder and swept away at the attack of the six first-level emperors.

A dragon rang, shaking the sky and the earth, the Thunder Sword Gang turned into a thunder dragon, which was one or two kilometers long, powerful and powerful, with teeth and claws.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

With six huge explosions, the attacks of the six Yunzhou emperors were immediately dispersed by Thunder Dragon.

Every attack can smash a thousand-meter giant mountain, but it cannot smash the thunder dragon.

It wasn't until all six attacks were dissipated that Thunder Dragon suddenly burst and turned into nothingness.

The attack power of a first-level emperor is far from that of Xuantian, but when the six people work together, they are comparable to the fierce attack of Thunder Tribulation and Transforming Dragon. The power is superimposed, and it is indeed terrifying.

Compared to Xuantian, the six emperors of Yunzhou were even more shocked. The six of them teamed up, and their attack power was superimposed. They were probably the third-level emperor. They could all fight hard, but Xuantian was the top peak king, one person. The attack power has also reached such a terrifying level.

"Ghost Moon Void Slash-Kill!"

"Nine-star thorns-kill!"



The six emperors of Yunzhou yelled in unison, attacking even more sternly and attacking Xuantian.

Xuan Tian already had a rough estimate of the strength of the six people's combined attack, knowing that with his attack power, it was basically impossible to break all the attacks of the six emperors.

It couldn't be broken just now, and now the strength of the six has increased by ten or two percent, and it is even more unbreakable.

However, the attack of six emperors could not be broken at the same time, but if only one was broken, it would be no problem.

"Thunderfire spiral thorn————!"

In the sacred cauldron of thunder, Xuantian shouted, and suddenly, a sword gang of thunder and fire rushed out of the cauldron, and in an instant, a large vortex formed in a radius of ten miles.

A huge force splashed in all directions.

The attack power of the six great emperors was very strong, and they were far from the center of the whirlpool, basically not affected by the splashing power of the whirlpool, and continued to kill Xuantian.

Only the emperor who used the "Nine Stars Lianzhu Spikes" happened to be that Jian Gang and Xuantian's "Thunderfire Spiral Spikes" pierced together like a needle tip to a wheat awn.

This sword-gang move is a combination of mystery and meaning, and its power is not as strong as the'Thunder Tribulation Transforming Dragon', but when it is rotated and pierced a little, its penetration is extremely terrifying.

Even though the Nine Stars Strike is an imperial swordsmanship, one sword stab, like the Nine Stars Strike, will increase strength nine times in the middle, and then reach the peak. A sword stabs the enemy, and the terrifying power will penetrate the enemy. After that, the accumulated nine power explosions were enough to blow the enemy to pieces.

However, in front of the thunderfire spiral thorn the nine-star thorns are much inferior.

In an instant, the nine-star chain of thorns collapsed.

Under the power of that terrifying rotation, Jian Gang instantly dispersed, flying in all directions.

In an instant, the Thunderfire spiral stabbed the Yunzhou Emperor.

And the attacks of the other five emperors all blasted on the sacred cauldron of thunder.

Even that ‘Ghost Moon Void Slash’, like an arc moon falling from the sky, with a tricky angle, it bypassed the wall of the Holy Cauldron of Thunder and slashed directly into the Holy Cauldron from above.

The power of the thunder and fire spiral is too terrifying.

Even if the emperor's spiritual body has reached the initial strength of Tier 4, it is as fragile as tofu in front of the thunder and fire spiral.

A miserable scream sounded, and the thunder and fire spiral pierced the emperor's chest directly, wringing out a head-sized cavity, and the heart and lungs... were directly crushed.


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