The Supreme Sword

Chapter 882: Temujin Magic

【Chapter 882】Tiemu true magic power

Many Demon Kings and Demon Kings raised their wine glasses and said: "Respect Qi Shao a cup, I wish Qi Shao can catch the fugitive soon!"

Fan Shaoxiao raised his wine glass and said: "Ben Shao has ordered the Seven Demons to chase down a young man named Xuantian. He is a top peak king. This person has extremely high combat power and killed my demon Guiyue. Two emperors of the sect, one of them is also a second-level emperor, friends of the demon clan, if there is news about Xuantian, please tell it, the demon door must have a great thank you. (

After that, Fan Shaoxiao drank it all in one shot.

However, as soon as Fan Shaoxao said this, many Demon King and Demon King's eyes immediately gave Xuantian a glance.

As for the powerful magic sects, because there was no idea that Xuantian was here in their hearts, even though Xuantian was tens of meters away, they really didn't pay attention.

"The top pinnacle king, kill the emperor, this person's combat power is so terrible...!" A sighing voice sounded, it was the Qingpeng Demon Emperor, his gaze shot towards Xuantian, and he continued: "There is also one here. The top peak kings are also very powerful, and they will fly into the quasi-emperor with a stroke, and their strength should not be worse than the first-level emperor."

Xuantian shook his heart!

The Qingpeng Demon Emperor deliberately involved the topic on him, and he thought it would be difficult for him not to be discovered by the strong magician.

Although he was in the same hall, and sooner or later he was going to be recognized by the strong demon, but when the Qingpeng Demon Emperor deliberately said it, Xuantian still had a anger in his heart.

It's one thing to be recognized, it's another to be pointed out deliberately.

"Oh...! Who is it?" Sure enough, Fan Shaoxiao's eyes lit up and he was very interested in it.

The Qingpeng Demon Emperor did not speak, but his eyes were fixed on Xuantian, and Fan Shaoxao and all the demon masters, Qi Seng looked at Xuantian.

Xuantian's face was calm, and he put down the hand holding the wine glass to cover his face.

Suddenly, there were several exclamations from the strong magician.

"It's him……!"

"It's Xuantian!"

"He is here!"



"Hahahaha...!" Fan Shaoxiao, the seventh master of the magic door, laughed even more. Suddenly he burst out with aura, stood up, his eyes were like swords, staring at Xuantian, and said: "How can I say something? There is nowhere to look for it through the iron boots. It takes no effort to get it! Xuantian, although your combat power is strong, your luck is really pitiful. You will be the one who died in the shortest time under the seven demon hunting orders. Chaser, hahahaha...!"

Huang Tian is Xuantian?

Although many people had this idea in their minds just now, it really became a reality, and the powerful monsters were still shocked and stunned.

The corner of Qingpeng Demon Emperor's mouth curled up, revealing a hint of smile.

However, the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor received Xuan Tian's benefits, but his expression was embarrassed, and he glanced at Xuan Tian and motioned to him to leave.

Tianwuling has a great mountain protection formation. Once it is opened, it will be enough to kill the third-level emperor, and even the fourth-level emperor will suffer. Today, Tianwuling held a birthday banquet to entertain guests from all directions. It was a happy day. Naturally, the mountain protection was not opened. Array.

However, once the conflict arises, Fan Shaoxiao asks Tianwuling to use a large formation to kill Xuantian. Faced with the huge pressure of the magic door, Tianwuling can only do the same.

The strength of the Demon Race is far from that of the Demon Sect. If it is the superior Demon Race imperial rank powers, they don't need to pay attention to the Seven Demon Sects, but Tianwuling can only be regarded as the best in the lower rank among the imperial rank influences.

Only an emperor above level 4 is considered to be a medium-level imperial power, and if an emperor above level 7 is in charge, it is considered a superior imperial power.

The top imperial rank power must have at least a ninth-level emperor, or even a quasi-emperor.

Only the Seventh Shao Fan Shaoxiao came to the magic gate, plus a first-level emperor, and several quasi-emperors and kings.

Xuantian gave Fan Shaoxiao and the first-level emperor a snack, and the rest of the people didn't take it seriously. The Demon Sect wanted to capture him only by these people, it was just a dream.

Xuantian didn't flee immediately, he had already exposed his identity, so he could only face the reality calmly.

He smiled slightly, leaned back on the back of the chair, and glanced at the powerful masters of the magic sect. Then, he settled on the Seventh Shao Fan Shaoxiao and said, "Don't laugh so early, maybe it's your anger. Luck is so poor!"

"Huh————?" Fan Shaoxiao gave a grin.

In the entire hall, the demon king and demon king looked surprised.

The Seven Demon Sect Masters are famous in Yunzhou, whether it is a righteous power or a demon clan force, who doesn't know the prestige of the Demon Sect Seven Masters?

Each of them is a heaven-defying evildoer, with extremely strong combat power, and the weakest can fight across two realms.

Although Fan Shaoxiao is only ranked seventh and is at the bottom, he is the first-level emperor, but his strength is that no one dares to despise him. Even the older third-level emperor has no confidence and can win. Fan Shaoxiao.

However, from what Xuantian said, it seemed that he was not afraid of Fan Shaoxiao at all.

Xuan Tian was the top king of the pinnacle. In the eyes of all the monsters, he was not Fan Shaoxiao's opponent. At this moment, he did not run away, but instead confronted Fan Shaoxiao, which is really surprising.

Fan Shaoxiao’s smile quickly recovered and continued to smile: "Hehe...! I can’t see that you are so confident. Sometimes if you are too confident, you are blind and arrogant. In other words, you are extremely stupid. Do you think you are still alive?"

The corner of Xuan Tian's mouth also curled up, showing a faint smile, and said: "You don't even have confidence, how can you be considered a strong man, Fan Shaoxiao, do you dare to fight with me alone, to fight for life and death!"

Fan Shaoxao squinted his eyes slightly, suddenly murderous, and the corners of his mouth curled up even more. He said: "Just because of this, I will let you know what a dream means, no matter how big a fantasy, no matter how big a dream, In the end, you will wake up. This young master will destroy your confidence little by little, until there is only one expression in your eyes—despair. At that time, this young master will take your life, haha... ...."

"My heart is unshakable, but you have been affected, haha...!

Fan Shaoxiao, your name is exaggerated, but so, how do you want to kill me, what to do with me, you shake yourself, think you can also affect me.

I only have one word for you—kill!

At the fastest speed-kill!

With the strongest attack-kill!

With the most ruthless means-kill!

Fan Shaoxiao, you will definitely die in this battle! Hahaha............! "

Xuantian stood up, the sound was like a sky thunder, a few killing words, shaking the sky, laughing together, his heart was very comfortable.

With laughter, Xuantian's body turned into an electric light, rushed out of the hall, and flew into the high sky outside Tianwuling, shouting: "Fan Shaoxiao, come out and die!"

In the hall, whether it was the king, the quasi-emperor, or the emperor, they were all shocked, and Xuantian's murderous aura made them feel palpitation.

Although the cultivation base is two levels worse than Fan Shaoxiao, Xuantian's aura is unshakable and indestructible, and it is even stronger than Fan Shaoxiao's confidence.

Xuan Tian's heart was comfortable, and his murderous aura rushed into the sky. Fan Shaoxiao seemed to be a strong one, but he was extremely angry in his heart, far less free and easy than Xuantian.

"Seventh Master...! Xuantian killed the second-level emperor, you must be careful!" the first-level emperor of the magic door reminded.

"Huh -!" Fan Shaoxiao snorted and shouted: "If this young man can't deal with a top peak king in a small area, then he has no face to become one of the seven masters of the magic door. You are all watching from below. Xuantian's corpse is broken!"

While talking, Fan Shaoxiao also turned into an afterimage, rushed out of the hall, and flew towards Xuantian.

Xuantian left Tianwuling two hundred miles away. Even though Tianwuling had a large formation to protect the mountain, there was also a range, and it was impossible to cover it here.

Here, Xuantian can fight Fan Shaoxiao let go. If he loses, he can retreat at any time. Even if he is a fourth-level Dacheng emperor, Xuantian is confident to get out, let alone fight Fan Shaoxiao. Up.

"Go and see...!"

In the main hall, all the demon kings, demon kings, and powerful demon gates all rushed out of the hall.

At this time, the birthday banquet of the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor became unimportant. The key was the battle between Xuantian and Fan Shaoxiao.

"Tiemujin Magic Skill——!"

Fan Shaoxiao shouted loudly when he was in the air.

With this drink, his body suddenly changed.

In an instant, his skin became pitch black, his body increased by more than 50 centimeters, and he turned into a giant more than two meters tall.


The void exploded, and Fan Shaoxiao stepped into the sky, stepping out of the sky one after another.

His speed is extremely fast, like a ray of light flashing across the sky, directly rushing towards Xuantian.

Tiemu true magic power is the top emperor level skill of the Tiemu Demon Sect. After it is cast, the whole person will be demonized, and the skin will no longer be human skin, but will become as strong as iron.

Temujin magic power is transmitted from the iron wood demon clan of the demon world. The iron wood demon clan cultivates this kind of exercise. The physique is extremely strong, invulnerable to swords and guns, and difficult to soak in water and fire. Compared with the treasures of the same level, the degree of firmness is not inferior. .

More importantly, Tiemu Zhen's magic arts also have matching martial arts, and when used, they are completely unbreakable in accordance with the firmness of Tiemu's body. It is simply a destructive machine.

call out----!

Seeing Fan Shaoxiao rushing over, Xuan Tian immediately added an emperor-level sword in his hand. With a sword swung out, a flame of sword energy instantly split the void in front of him and slashed towards Fan Shaoxiao.

Fan Shaoxiao turned a blind eye to the Flame Sword He had five fingers, grabbed it straight ahead, and collided with the Flame Sword Qi.

The extremely sharp flame sword aura, unexpectedly failed to break Fan Shaoxiao's pitch-black palm, even the Tier 4 limit flame failed to burn the pitch-black palm.

Bang Bang Bang————!

After several consecutive sounds, the flame sword aura was broken into several pieces, splashed in all directions, and soon turned into nothingness.

"The attack power of this flame sword aura is indeed strong, and the second-level emperor has to retreat, but for Ben Shao, this is tickling, Xuantian, let me see how you block me, haha..."

Although Fan Shaoxiao's body turned into a devil, he still uttered words and laughed.


He blasted towards Xuantian with a fist, and the void suddenly burst, sending out countless shock waves, forming a devastating shock wave, and rushing towards Xuantian frantically.


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