The Supreme Sword

Chapter 901: 】Little tiger becomes emperor

【Chapter 901】Little tiger becomes emperor

Covering the Sea Demon Emperor, Xuanying Shuangsha, Qingpeng Demon Emperor... four huge corpses were still falling. ()

It took only three moments from the time when Xuantian took the Emperor-level sword from the corpse of the Sea-covering Demon Emperor to slaying the two evil spirits of the Black Eagle and the Demon Emperor Qingpeng.

The body of the Sea Monster Emperor that fell first had not yet fallen to the ground.


boom! boom! boom! boom!

boom--! boom--!

Seven tremors sounded continuously, and the bodies of the four demon emperors fell to the ground, shaking the mountain.

Dapeng Peak! There are no fewer than a thousand strong monsters!

At this moment, the entire Dapeng Mountain was silent, not even breathing.

All the strong monsters were stunned, and even held their breath.

Even the third-level emperor Tianwu Demon Emperor is no exception.

Xuantian's attack power surpassed their imagination and completely exceeded their imagination.

The Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor, the Qingpeng Demon Emperor, and the Sea Demon Emperor are all the top players in this sea area of ​​tens of millions of miles. Now he is very fortunate that he is not against Xuantian. Otherwise, he must be with the Qingpeng Demon Emperor. , Fate like the Sea Monster Emperor.

He pointed out the way to Central Continent to Xuantian, but instead got the benefits of Xuantian, harvested 10,000 high-grade spirit stones, which gave him the possibility of a breakthrough in cultivation.

"Fortunately! Fortunately! This is the emperor's luck...!" The Tianwu Demon Emperor sighed in his heart.

On Dapeng Mountain, there are over a thousand strong monsters, and there are many emperors.

However, even though he woke up from shock, there were surprises, angers and joys, and his expressions were different, but no one dared to rebuke Xuantian, and no one dared to go up and get close to Xuantian.

They just watched from a distance, and there was always a surprise in their eyes.

There are also some strong monsters who look at the bodies of the Sea-covering Demon Emperor, Qingpeng Demon Emperor, and Xuanying Shuangsha, with a look of desire in their eyes.

They are all the corpses of the third-level monster emperor, and monsters can directly increase their cultivation by devouring the corpses of warriors or monsters. Lower-level monsters can eat the corpses of high-level monsters, which is extremely effective.

If a demon king eats the corpse of the third-level demon emperor, his cultivation level will definitely break through in a short time. In time, all the energy of the third-level demon emperor will be refined, and it may even reach the realm of the third-level demon emperor.

However, if the Demon King wants to eat the Demon King, it is impossible. How can there be such an opportunity?

Generally speaking, low-level monsters cannot eat high-level monsters, unless it is by chance.

Now, there are four third-level demon emperors' corpses in front of them, and of course many demon clan experts are jealous.

However, the jealousy turned jealous, these four third-level demon emperors, which of these four third-level demon emperors, is not a famous person, and there are piles of them under his hands, how could they have their bodies eaten by others.

Besides, Xuantian was still standing above the corpses of the four demon emperors, and no demon clan powerhouse dared to pass.

In the void, Xuantian took away the imperial sword in his hand. The power of the three-turn sword pill was even beyond his expectation. It was indeed terrifying. As soon as the sword came out, it was like cutting a melon. Cutting vegetables, even if the Xuanying Shuangsha teamed up, it could compete with the four-level emperor, and still cut melons and vegetables.

Of course, the combination of Xuanying and Shuangsha is just comparable to the fourth-level emperor. The real fourth-level emperor is definitely stronger than two, and has nothing to do with Xuantian's avenue of suppression, but from killing Xuantian Looking at the situation where the eagles and the evil spirits are like cutting melons and vegetables, Xuantian has great confidence in killing the fourth-level emperor.


It wasn't until Xuantian killed the four third-level demon emperors that the little tiger on his shoulders stood up with some interest and stretched out.

Xuantian patted the little tiger on the shoulder and said, "Don't waste it!"

Little Tiger nodded, and fell down from Xuantian's shoulders. In an instant, his body became larger and was 500 meters long.

Xiaohu's body, among the monster beasts of the same realm, can be regarded as thin. The strength of the monster beast is almost proportional to the body, but there are exceptions, and Xiaohu is the exception.

The five-hundred-meter long body is also very huge, like a small mountain range.

His head was almost the size of a small mountain, and the blood basin opened wide enough to eat a palace.

Xiaohu first fell next to the body of the Sea Monster Emperor, and ate the two halves of his head first.

Little Tiger’s teeth were extremely strong and sharp, and the head of the Sea-Covering Demon Emperor must be very strong, but when the little tiger was bitten, only a creak was heard, and it quickly shattered.

Even the flesh and bones were all chewed up by the little tiger and eaten without wasting at all.

Dapeng Mountain, the powerhouses of the demon races, some were angry, some were envious, and some were a pity, with different expressions.

But they could only watch that Xuantian's strength shook the heart of every monster clan expert, no matter whether he was angry or envious, they did not dare to stop.

Soon, the two dragon heads were eaten by the little tiger, and it came to the huge dragon body.

The nearly 2,000-meter-long Jiao's body was almost a mountain range. In front of the corpse of the Covering Sea Monster Emperor, Xiaohu looked small.

However, Xiaohu was not worried about not being able to eat.

Its claws are sharper than the average imperial sword. With a grasp of the huge tiger claws, the scales of the dragon are shattered, and large chunks of flesh and blood are caught. Then, it bites down and enters into the belly.

After less than a hundred breaths, all the nearly 2,000-meter-long body of the Sea Monster Emperor was eaten by Xiaohu.

Then, Xiaohuyi was not enough, and soon came to the corpse of Qingpeng Demon Emperor.

The two halves of the Qingpeng Demon Emperor were not far apart, and the little tiger was not anorexia at all, even with feathers and claws, quickly ate all of the Qingpeng Demon Emperor's corpse.

Eating and refining, covering the corpses of the Sea Demon Emperor and Qingpeng Demon Emperor, quickly turned into pure energy, this is the instinct of the monster.

And Xiaohu is even more outstanding in refining the flesh and blood of monsters.

Therefore, the corpses of the Sea Covering Demon Emperor and the Qingpeng Demon Emperor were so huge that they were all eaten by the little tiger, and the little tiger didn't feel a little bloated, all turned into pure energy and absorbed.

After eating the Qingpeng Demon Emperor, Xiaohu came to the body of Xuanying Shuangsha again, unceremoniously tore them up, and ate them all in one bite.

In just half an hour, the corpses of the four major and third-level demon emperors all entered Xiaohu's stomach.


After eating the bodies of Xuanying and Shuangsha, Xiaohu finally burped for a long time.

Xuantian stood in the sky, looking at Xiaohu, silently, Xiaohu ate four third-level demon emperors, thoroughly absorbed the energy of refining them, and his cultivation level should have made a breakthrough.

On Dapeng Mountain, all the strong monsters, their eyes are also on Xiaohu.


It didn't take long for the little tiger to roar up to the sky, his voice shaking.

Its body is expanding again at a speed visible to the naked eye, and continues to expand...

The body was originally only 500 meters long, but in the blink of an eye, it became five hundred and ten meters, and in the blink of an eye, it became five hundred and twenty meters...

There was a hint of joy in Xuan Tian's eyes. Sure enough, Xiaohu began to evolve, and his cultivation was about to break through.

When Xuantian arrived in Yunzhou and killed the two emperors of Ghost Yuezong, Xiaohu ate their flesh and blood, and he was already a quasi-demon emperor. Later, in the Danyuan Emperor's mansion, he was full of aura and Xiaohu cultivated for half a year.

Now that he has eaten the flesh and blood of the four major three-level demon emperors at once, it is finally about to usher in a big leap.

If the quasi-demon emperor goes up, it is the demon emperor.

Little Tiger reached the emperor realm earlier than Xuantian and became the demon emperor.

Little Tiger's body is getting bigger quickly, and its breath is setting off turbulent weather. It is also rapidly improving, and its strength is exploding.

Soon, Xiaohu grew to a length of 600 meters, and then, to 610 meters, six hundred and twenty meters...It didn't take long for Xiaohu's body length to exceed 700 meters.

Just now it was only 500 meters long, and now it has grown to 700 meters long. In that little time, the little tiger didn’t know how much flesh and blood he had grown. After eating the flesh and blood of the four major and third-level demon kings, they turned into pure energy absorption. It became Xiaohu's own flesh and blood.

Seven hundred and ten meters...

Seven hundred and twenty meters...


Xiaohu's body grew to more than 830 meters before he stopped.

Its aura and strength have increased more than ten times compared with those in Quasi Demon Emperor.

Xiaohu's cultivation base broke through a big realm and became the emperor.

Compared with the demon emperor, Xiaohu's body is still relatively small, but its strength is far from being comparable to that of a first-level emperor who is a new emperor.

While still in the Quasi Demon King, Xiaohu could easily fight the second-tier emperor, and even the third-tier emperor could fight. Now, the third-tier emperor is definitely not its opponent, even the fourth-tier emperor can Fighting, who wins and who loses, is confirmed by actual combat.

Xiaohu's cultivation base does not have a calamity, and so does Long Ziyan. It is different from Xuantian, other warriors, and the demon emperor who have to go through the sky robbery.

Even ordinary warriors, demon emperors, kings, and emperors, such a major breakthrough in cultivation, will surely be fatal.

"I don't know how long it will take me to become an emperor?" Xuantian said in his heart, looking at the little tiger who had become an emperor.

A king becomes a king and requires a lot of energy accumulation.

Given the number of spirit grasses in Xuan Tian's hands, he could rely on a thousand-year spirit pill and two thousand-year spirit pills. It would take a few months to push the cultivation base up, and he had great hope.

However, Xuantian cultivation does not want to rely entirely on external forces. The cultivation base is consolidated, and it must be completed by self-cultivation, because this is the key to laying a good foundation.

Only after the cultivation base is completely consolidated, it is only necessary to accumulate energy to break through the cultivation base. At this time, the medicine can be used to quickly accumulate and save a lot of time.

The pill cannot be completely relied on, but it cannot be completely abandoned. It must be controlled at a certain level in order to quickly cultivate, and to ensure that the foundation is solid, and the combat power always maintains a leading position in the same realm.

"Huh————!" Xiaohu broke through to become a demon queen, dart into the sky, and quickly shrank and turned into a slap-length kitten, falling on Xuantian's shoulder.

Then, his head moved to Xuantian affectionately.

Xuantian touched Xiaohu's head, a few steps forward, and came outside the formation air shield of Dapeng Mountain.

The monster clan powerhouse suddenly became nervous. With Xuantian's terrifying attack power, Dapeng Mountain's formation air cover might not be able to stop him.

ek chocolate says

The second update is offered, and there will be a third update at 8pm. . .

Oh oh oh,, Xiaohu has become an emperor, is Xuantian still far away? ? ? ? Please drop recommended tickets and monthly tickets. The exciting and refreshing plot will come soon. . . . . . .


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