The Supreme Sword

Chapter 908: 】Sword sweep 4

【Chapter 908】The sword sweeps the Quartet (3 more)

Those two are the bases of the big formation, and the power of the formation that Geng Yuqing has obtained is mainly drawn from these two bases. ()

Xuantian did not fight Geng Yu recklessly, but attacked two formations, which was tantamount to drawing a salary from the bottom of the tank.

The two formations were the source of the power of Geng Yuqing's formation. Once the two formations were destroyed, the natural power of Geng Yuqing's Qi sword would be greatly weakened.

Xuantian's Jian Gang is fast, accurate, and ruthless!

The Qi sword was cut down, and still in the air, the green sword gun had been cut hundreds of meters, leaving two hundreds of meters long gully on the ground.

Each ravine was more than 100 meters deep, and the two formations were split to shreds by Xuantian in an instant, completely destroyed.

In mid-air, that terrifying Qi sword was like a punctured balloon. Suddenly, its size was sharp and its power was greatly reduced.

The source of the power of the formation was destroyed, and the power of the formation blessed by Geng Yuqing instantly retreated.

The Qi sword he slashed didn't have the power of a half-dot array technique, but only his own power.

This method of gathering energy into an edge is not very powerful.

Xuantian made a fist with his left hand, and his golden fist blasted into the sky.


A fist shook the Qi sword to pieces, and Xuantian's golden arm was safe and sound.

"How is it possible? How does he know the position of the formation base? Could it be... his formation skills are more sophisticated than the emperor? How could this be possible, the emperor has been in the formation for more than two hundred years, How can it be inferior to a younger generation boy? How is this possible?"

Geng Yuqing was shocked, and his eyes were full of incredible colors.

"A coincidence! He must be a coincidence!" Geng Yuqing muttered. He couldn't believe that Xuantian could break his formation, so he had to find an excuse to paralyze himself.

The strong demon cried out in exclamation, while the warriors of the Qingyun Sword Sect were all stunned.

The strong Qingyun Sword Sect who closed his eyes before did not hear the screams, and opened his eyes suddenly, and saw Xuantian standing there safe and sound. The Qi sword that Geng Yuqing cut down just now, I don’t know. There was no trace of the ground under Xuan Tian's feet.

On the contrary, in the distance from the left and right of Xuantian, the ground was split by two cracks. From the trajectory, it was obvious that Xuantian used sword skills to split it.

what happened? Xuantian actually blocked that terrifying Qi sword attack? These strong men feel unbelievable.

Holding an imperial sword with a smile at the corner of his mouth, Xuantian walked forward step by step and said, "Geng Yuqing, your death date is here."

"Xuantian, you are just a coincidence. I have laid a hundred and eight bases for this formation. Let's see how many of them can be found!" Geng Yuqing shouted loudly, suddenly there was an almost transparent emperor in his hand. The sword, the body as fast as lightning, flew to a small mountain several hundred meters high nearby.

Xuantian's figure flew towards the small mountain ridge like lightning, but Xuantian's direction sometimes moved to the left and then to the right, constantly changing and adjusting his direction.

In this formation, there are some trapped formations and killing formations, and Xuantian's emperor's heavenly eyes can see clearly and avoid them one by one.

The imperial sword in Geng Yuqing's hand pointed towards the sky, once again gathered a large amount of the power of the formation, displayed peerless swordsmanship, and killed Xuantian.

This time, it was much more powerful than gathering Qi into a sword.

Xuantian let out a cold voice, and the imperial sword in his hand slashed three swords in succession. The front sword was faster, and once again slashed into the ground in the distance. The third sword was slightly slower by half a beat and directly faced the huge sword. Gang split.

With the explosion sound, the earth was chopped out by Xuantian two hundreds of meters long, and two more formations were destroyed, and the power of Geng Yuqing's sword moves was greatly reduced.


Geng Yuqing’s swordsmanship was instantly broken

The green sword gang slashed straight towards Geng Yuqing. Geng Yuqing felt a chill in her heart and immediately retreated. Fortunately, in the formation, a sword gang smashed in the distance, blocking the green sword gang, making Geng Yu Qing escaped.

However, Xuantian's figure, like a shadow, quickly chased up, breaking the two formations, and the coverage of the formation was empty, and Xuantian needed to dodge less and less places.

call out--

call out--

Before Geng Yuqing could attack, Xuantian made his third move, and once again smashed into two formations hundreds of meters away, making Geng Yuqing unable to borrow, but his heart felt cold. There was a look of horror in his eyes.

Once twice, it was a coincidence.

Three times in a row, the formation base was destroyed accurately. There was only one reason, and Xuantian knew exactly what the formation was.

Geng Yuqing's formation as a reliance was completely imaginary, and it had no effect on Xuantian.

Geng Yuqing retreated as he fought, slowly retreating to the depths of the formation, and Xuantian also pursued all the way, wherever he passed, Jian Gang broke out again and again, and the formation within ten miles was destroyed.

The warriors of the Qingyun Sword Sect had already heard the shaking cheers.

"Kill the dog thief of the demon door!"

"Kill the dog thief of the demon door!"


The cheers were higher than the waves.

Geng Yuqing stepped back, getting closer and closer to the strong magic door, and seeing Xuantian chasing him, all the strong magic doors also showed a look of horror.

Finally, Geng Yuqing retreated to the powerhouse of the Demon Sect. At least twenty or thirty of the formations of the big formation had been destroyed by Xuantian, and a quarter of the entire formation was destroyed.

The formation surrounding the Azure Cloud Sword Sect, the direction Xuantian was in, was completely shattered.

Geng Yuqing looked at Xuantian, without any color of confidence anymore, only horror remained in his eyes, and shouted: "Slay Xuantian, all come to kill Xuantian...!"

He was chased by Xuantian and had nowhere to escape, he could only retreat continuously, and he couldn't even break through the formation area on the left and right.

Now, he has retreated to the powerhouse of the Demon Sect, and then retreated is the mountain guard formation of the Azure Cloud Sword Sect, he has no retreat.

Xuantian's swordsmanship was too terrifying. Geng Yuqing felt a deep threat of death and lost the power of the formation. He absolutely couldn't resist it. Xuantian's attack power was even more terrifying than he thought.

Following Geng Yuqing's order, at least hundreds of powerful magic sects used their unique skills to attack Xuantian to cover Geng Yuqing's retreat.

"Are you looking for death?" Xuantian sneered coldly.

The imperial sword in his hand swept around.


A green sword gang flew across the square, like a round green light, spreading to all directions in an instant.

The profound meaning of the sword of the three-turn sword pill, it is easy to kill the first, second, and third-level emperors, just like cutting melons and vegetables, how can the mere king resist?

The difference between the strength of the two sides is too great, even if the number of kings is hundreds, it is completely incomparable with Xuantian.

The attack of the Demon King was swept away by the green sword light, and it was instantly disintegrated.

But the green Jian Gang was as fast as lightning, and its castration was unabated. In an instant, dozens of kings were all cut off. The rest of the kings escaped because of their different heights in the void. .

"Oh my goodness……!"

Xuantian killed dozens of demon kings with a single sword, and the remaining demon kings were frightened. How could they dare to stop Xuantian, when he saw Xuantian coming, he screamed and turned and ran.

Xuantian's figure was like electricity, and followed Geng Yuqing closely for more than ten miles. On the way, a demon king who did not have long eyes shot at him. He unceremoniously returned a sword and instantly killed him, but chased Geng Yuqing. The speed is unabated.

call out--

call out--

Two green swords cut out again. Geng Yuqing had just arrived in the formation area, and two nearby formations were destroyed by Xuantian. The formation area was empty again, and Geng Yuqing lost the power of the formation. Shrouded.

"Geng Yuqing, you can't escape!" Xuantian yelled, and the figure suddenly drew an arc in the void.

Ghost Moon is moving!

In an instant, Xuantian moved forward for about ten miles, and the surrounding formations were completely destroyed. There was no more formation enveloping him, and Xuantian could travel unimpededly.

Moving forward for ten miles in an instant, although it is not a traversing void teleportation, but the speed is the same as teleportation. Geng Yuqing is about to completely leave the scope of the holy cauldron, but the distance between Xuantian and him suddenly approaches ten miles and suddenly shrinks. At a distance of several miles, Geng Yuqing's desire to teleport away from Xuantian failed.

The imperial sword in Xuantian's hand was slashed vertically with one sword.

There are no fancy moves, some are just fast! fast! fast!

Absolute speed, pure power!

The power of this sword is unbelievable, even a four-tier emperor can hardly resist.

A few miles away, the green sword gang smashed instantly.

"Devil Dragon Slash--!"

Geng Yuqing was unavoidable, and there was no way to hide. The imperial sword in his hand burst out with dark light, and cut it down with a single sword, and a dark magic dragon slashed out along the sword.

Bang bang bang...

The magic dragon sword gang and the green sword gang slashed against each other, the pitch-black magic dragon suddenly turned into two halves, and Geng Yuqing's body was shaken hundreds of meters away.


After spitting out a mouthful of blood, the shirt in front of him was torn open with a long slit, and the blood flowed through.

After the green sword gang broke open the magic dragon sword gang, it still broke his skin and flesh, showing how sharp the sword gang was.

"Go up! Go up! Go up! Give me all, kill Xuantian quickly, the magic door will be rewarded...!" Geng Yuqing screamed with horror in his eyes, "Whoever dares to resist will be punished by skinning cramps. !"

Skinning cramps is a heavy punishment by the magic door, used to execute rebellious personnel or internal traitors.

Although he was terrified of Xuantian, the deterrent effect of the skinning cramp was even greater.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!...!"

Hundreds of Demon Sect Kings killed Xuantian, among them, there was also the Emperor of Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

Hundreds of kings joined forces to strike The attack power is also very powerful, and the kings must retreat and dare not fight hard.

Xuantian's figure flashed, and instantly retreated more than a thousand meters to the side, avoiding most of the attacks, and at the same time the imperial sword in his hand swept out.

call out--

The green sword gang smashed the attack at him in an instant, and at the same time, the screams sounded continuously, and dozens of demon kings died.

Seeing this, Geng Yuqing quickly rushed to the side and flew towards the area covered by the formation in the distance.

"Friends of the Qingyun Sword Sect, what are you waiting for, come out...!" Xuantian shouted.

While talking, holding the Emperor-level sword in both hands, he cut out a bright green sword gang, his body followed the sword gang, and rushed towards a second-level emperor of the Heaven-Splitting Sword Sect.

ek chocolate says

Five more small burst third. . . .


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