The Supreme Sword

Chapter 913: 】 Killing Sikongxiang’s clone

[Chapter 913] Killing Sikongxiang’s clone (three shifts)

The clone of the divine son's void appearance is Lin Jianyun's trump card. ()

The Sikongxiang transformed by the Taoist talisman looks like a real person. If Xuantian hadn't seen him with the Taoist talisman, he would have thought it was Sikongxiang in front of him.

Although Xuantian didn't know why a Dao Talisman could transform into a clone, there is no doubt that the clone of Si Kongxiang was very powerful.

When he practiced this clone, Si Kongxiang was a fourth-level great emperor, and his strength was terrifying. Even the seventh-level top emperor was not his opponent.

However, since it is a Dao clone, then it certainly does not have the full strength of Si Kongxiang.

A clone like this that can be transformed into a Taoist talisman can be handed over to others to use at any time. The true strength is only one percent of Sikongxiang's true body.

However, even if it was one percent of the strength, it was very terrifying. Among the four-level emperors, there was almost invincible existence.

This time the strong from the magic gate, if there is no shamelessness, but only the two fourth-level emperors, Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong, plus four other second-level and third-level emperors, Lin Jianyun will definitely not run away.

Sikongxiang's clone is much stronger than the combination of Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong, even if you add the other four second-level and third-level emperors, there is no fear at all.

Simply put, Sikongxiang's clone is completely comparable to the combination of three powerful fourth-tier emperors.

However, as the fifth master of the Demon Sect, Yin Shaoqi's strength is too strong. It is the existence that can kill the fourth-level emperor. The strength of a person is equivalent to joining forces with three fourth-level emperors and Sikongxiang. almost.

If Lin Jianyun didn't escape, waiting for the mountain guard to break, even if he used Sikongxiang's clone of his hole card, he would not be the opponent of the strong magic door.

Therefore, taking advantage of the Qingyun Sword Sect’s great mountain protection formation, he made a decision to flee from the back mountain, and waited for Yin Shaoqi and others to break the mountain protection formation and destroy the Qingyun Sword faction. Disappeared.

And when Lin Jianyun got the land of the Emperor Yan, he smashed a token that Sikongxiang gave him. This was a transmission signal. Lin Jianyun didn’t know where Sikongxiang was and could not tell at all, but he smashed the token Sikongxiang gave him. Si Kongxiang could sense it and knew that Lin Jianyun was looking for him.

As long as Yan Huangtu can be handed over to Lord Sikongxiang, the son of God, how about the Qingyun Sword Sect being destroyed? As long as the son of God Sikongxiang trains me Lin Jianyun to become the emperor, in the future, I will establish a Qingyun Sword Sect that is ten times larger and a hundred times larger than the present, and an Emperor Qingyun Sword Sect...

Even, I, Lin Jianyun, can follow the son of God Sikongxiang in the future, ascending to a god, immortal.

As long as the accomplishment is completed, as long as I can cast the brilliance of Lin Jianyun in the future, the sacrifice of the Qingyun Sword Sect is worth it, it is worth...


"Lin Jianyun! What's the matter of summoning this son?"

As soon as Sikongxiang's clone came out, he looked at Lin Jianyun and said, since it needs to be practiced into Dao Talisman to save it, it can be seen that Sikongxiang's clone cannot always exist, otherwise there is no need to practice into Dao Talisman, just follow Lin Jianyun.

As Sikongxiang spoke, his gaze fell on Xuantian's body, and his complexion suddenly changed: "Xuan-Heaven?"

When Si Kongxiang handed this avatar Taoist to Lin Jianyun, it was before the battle with Xuantian.

However, the mind of the real body and the clone will be interlinked. Although this clone did not participate in that battle, it also knows.

Seeing Xuantian, Sikongxiang's eyes suddenly burned with an angry flame.

As early as two years ago, Sikongxiang was already a fourth-level Dacheng emperor. A year and a half ago, Sikongxiang went to Shenzhou and fought with Xuantian. As a result, he was severely injured and was almost destroyed by the will of God Emperor and Ming Emperor. kill.

The will of the **** emperor and the underworld emperor is so terrible, even if it is a trace left over for thousands of years, it is unpredictable.

So far, the true body of the **** child Sikongxiang has not recovered from his injuries, and is unable to dispel the terrible fighting rules of the **** emperor and the underworld emperor.

If it is not dispelled for one day, the battle rules left by the Emperor God and Emperor Underworld will be destroyed in Sikongxiang's body. It will take a lot of time to recover.

With Sikongxiang's qualifications, two years have passed, and his cultivation has long since broken through to the fifth-level emperor, but because of this heavy damage, he has not recovered from his injuries, let alone practiced, so he naturally hates Xuantian.

This Sikongxiang's clone is not angry when he sees Xuantian.

"Master God, do you recognize Xuantian?" Lin Jianyun asked in surprise when he saw this.

"Recognized! How can you not recognize it, huh!" Sikongxiang cloned coldly, with a terrifying murderous in his voice, his eyes fell on Lin Jianyun, and said: "You smash the token that this **** son gave you, what is it? Find me?"

Lin Jianyun respectfully said: "Master Huishen, you once asked me to find the land of the Emperor Yan. Recently, I found a lot of it in an ancient relic, which is more than a thousand catties."

Hell’s soil is very scarce, and it is usually calculated by two, and more than one thousand catties is indeed a large number.

No wonder the Demon Sect learned the news, and he did not hesitate to destroy the Azure Cloud Sword Sect, but also to **** it over. So much Hades Earth is enough for the Demon Sect to successfully build the Five Elements Altar. It will not take half a year to open the Demon Realm passage.

The avatar of Sikongxiang suddenly flashed his eyes, and said, "Okay! More than a thousand catties of Hell Emperor's soil is enough for this **** son to achieve great success. Not only can he recover from his injuries, but he can also make rapid progress. Not only can it break through the fifth-level emperor, it can't be used. How long will it take to break through the sixth-level emperor, haha...!"

Excited! Sikongxiang's clone is very excited!

"Sikong Xiang, don't be too happy too early. Although there is a lot of Yan Huangtu, hehe... but you can't get it." Xuantian's voice sounded from the side.

It was like a basin of cold water poured on the head of Si Kongxiang's clone, causing his excitement to cool down a lot.

"My Lord God, Xuantian wants to **** your Hades Land, it is because of him that I invited your clone out!" Lin Jianyun said loudly.

While speaking, Lin Jianyun stepped back, stood behind the avatar of Sikongxiang, and invited the avatar of Sikongxiang out. The matter of dealing with Xuantian was naturally resolved by the avatar of Sikongxiang, so he could just take a look.

Sikongxiang's avatar's murderous aura surged, his eyes fixed on Xuantian, and said: "Last time, this son of God was restricted by heaven and earth, and failed to kill you. Instead, he was injured by heaven and earth. This time, you will have no help from heaven and earth. Killing you is like slaughtering chickens and dogs."

Xuan Tian's ability to leapfrog challenges, Si Kong clearly, is enough to challenge the three realms, just like him.

Now Xuantian is a quasi-emperor, and Sikongxiang's clone is a fourth-level emperor. Even though this clone has only one percent of the true body's strength, it is also the top one among the four-level emperor. The ability to challenge the realm can defeat up to three emperors.

Therefore, Si Kongxiang is very confident, this time killing Xuantian is easy, like slaughtering chickens and dogs.

"Ha ha……!"

Xuantian smiled, with a relaxed expression, and said: "Last time, I had the benefit of heaven and earth. This time, I also had the benefit of others. It's a pity, a pity, Sikongxiang, if your true body is here, I am indeed not you. 'S opponent, but you are just a clone, hehe... or only the life killed by me."

How could Si Kongxiang think that Xuantian had cultivated the technique of the Nine Turns Sword Pill, and became the Three Turns Sword Pill. In the realm of the quasi-emperor, he had the power to challenge the four realms and broke the rules of the great road.

The cultivation base of the quasi-emperor still has the strength to kill the four-level emperor.

The avatar of Sikongxiang's eyes tightened, the murderous intent skyrocketed, and he shot instantly, and shouted at the same time: "That **** son wants to see, how can you kill my avatar, huh!"

One shot is a trick ---water and fire pregnant Jinlian.

Pieces of lotus leaves appeared around Xuantian, ninety-nine-eighty-one pieces.

Each lotus leaf blends with water and fire, and the golden light blooms. It is formed by the fusion of the three profound meanings of water, gold, and fire.

The fusion of the three types of powers is terrifying, and water and fire are ruthless, which is the attribute of the main attack. Gold is a sharp weapon, and it is the attribute of the main attack. The three fusions of water, fire, gold, main attack and main attack are A cutting-edge attack and kill method.

If Sikongxiang's true body used this trick, the top emperor of the seventh level would be strangled into dregs by this water and fire golden lotus.

Last time, Si Kongxiang's cultivation base was restricted, and the power of the trick of water and fire conceiving the golden lotus was not exerted at all.

This time, Si Kongxiang was just a clone, only able to exert one percent of his power.

Only one percent of the power is extremely terrifying. Among the four-tier emperors, they have the top combat power and no one can stop them.

In the face of Sikongxiang, Xuantian used the holy cauldron to protect his body, which was useless. He was able to separate Xuantian from the holy cauldron with a single stroke.

Therefore, the only way to fight Sikong is to compete for strength.

Sikongxiang's water and fire conceived golden lotus, which is a top-notch attack and kill technique.

But Xuantian's Nine Turns Sword Pill technique was the first attack and kill sword technique.

The Three-turn Sword Pill not only combines the power of three types of Profound meaning, but also the power of Xuantian's terrifying Gang Yuan.

The ninety-nine and eighty-one golden lotus leaves, revolving around Xuantian, looked like a lotus in full bloom.

Huh, hoo, hoo...

The golden sword qi of water and fire was produced as the lotus spins, forming a huge vortex inside the lotus.

Any four-level emperor, in the vortex inside this lotus flower, would have to be shattered, even if there is a powerful treasure to protect it, it is useless, Sikong Xiang can use Yin and Yang to separate the warrior from the defense treasure.

Xuantian suddenly surged in the lotus space, and the void in front of him suddenly exploded, and a huge Qi sword was cut out.

The green light instantly shined from Xuantian's dantian, and shot in all directions through Xuantian's body.

The profound meaning of the sword of the three-turn sword pill works.

cut! cut! cut! ...

Xuantian was holding an imperial sword, a series of green swords, and quickly cut out.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of swords were cut out.

It took less than ten blinks of eyes to The huge water and fire golden lotus suddenly glowed with green light, and green swords shone through.

The water and fire golden lotus was smashed by Xuantian strong type.

In terms of attack power, the sword pill technique, the first attack sword technique, is even better.

Sikongxiang's avatar was taken aback and was taken aback.

call out----

A green sword gang completely split the water and fire golden lotus, unabated, and directly cut on the avatar of Sikongxiang.


Sikongxiang's avatar was split in half in the horrified gaze, instantly turned into a cloud of smoke, dissipated invisible, and was instantly wiped out.

ek chocolate says

The third update is that the recommended ticket breaks 1000 votes plus more, brothers, continue to ask for the recommended ticket. . . .


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