The Supreme Sword

Chapter 915: ] Level 4 King? dead!

[Chapter 915] Four-level emperor? dead! (Five more)

Xuantian is good at kendo, and his palm and fist skills are not outstanding. He has only a brute force. Although the palm print is multiplied by the fall, it still poses no threat to the emperor of the magic gate such as Yin Shaoqi. Shattered. ()

As a result, Xuantian's strength suddenly dropped by one point in the hearts of the emperors of the demons.

Yin Shaoqi rushed towards Xuantian, piercing the imperial sword in his hand.

In an instant, a blue sword came out.

This cyan sword gang is different from the normal one, revealing the aura of yin and coldness. As soon as the sword gang appeared, the temperature dropped sharply within a radius of ten miles, and it was very cold.

Yin Mu Qinghan Sword!

From the fusion of the profound meaning of Yin and the profound meaning of wood, and the understanding of the profound meaning of Yin Shaoqi, the profound meaning of Yin has reached the peak of Tier 5, which is slightly inferior to that of the fifth-level emperor, and it also has the realm of the early Tier 5.

This Yinmu Qinghan Sword was much more powerful than Xuantian's Thunderfire Spiral Sword.

Xuantian's Thunder and Fire Spiral Sword, the two profound meanings of thunder and fire, are only in the early stage of the fifth level, and can cut the third-level emperor, but it is difficult to threaten the fourth-level emperor.

And Yin Shaoqi's Yin Mu Qinghan Sword, but even the fourth-level emperor was very jealous.

Faced with Yin Shaoqi's Yin Mu Qinghan Sword, Xuantian's sword aura exploded, like a peerless divine weapon, extremely sharp, green light shot from the dantian to the body, shining everywhere.

call out--

As if the tip of a needle was facing the Maimang, Xuantian also pierced with a sword, and a green sword burst out, stabbing with the Yin Mu Qinghan sword.

broken! broken! broken! broken! broken…………

The destructive power of the Sanzhuan Sword Pill was really strong, and the powerful Yinmu Qinghan Sword suddenly shattered and was broken in the blink of an eye.

However, the Green Sword Gang pierced the Yin Mu Qinghan Sword, and it seemed that its strength was greatly reduced. Chu Weiyuan struck with a sword, and the sword Gang collided with the Green Sword Gang, both of them were shattered.

At this time, Xuantian was like a big Peng volleyed in the sky, fast as lightning, flew over the heads of the eight emperors including Yin Shaoqi, and flew quickly to the distance.

"Hahaha..., Xuantian's strength is really limited, and if I join forces with Five Young Masters, it is enough to kill him!" Chu Weiyuan laughed.

A smile hung on the corner of Yin Shaoqi’s mouth. I heard that Xuantian’s powerful method was the green sword gang, which was extremely sharp and unbreakable, but what I saw right now, although it was stronger than the attack of the fourth-level emperor, But it was too strong, and he still hadn't used powerful methods.

"Elder Geng, you are good at formation, and the elders from Qianhunling continue to attack the Qingyun Sword Sect and seize Yan Huangtu. Elder Chu and Elder Lou, you two will join me in chasing Xuantian!"

Yin Shaoqi yelled, his figure like electricity, chasing Xuantian.

"Yes, Fifth Young Master!" Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong two fourth-level emperors shouted in unison, with expressions of excitement on their faces, murderous, and they chased Xuantian.

Geng Yuqing and the four Qianhunling emperors continued to attack the Qingyun Sword Sect.

"Four people, you continue to attack, I will arrange a formation to assist the four, and break the formation as soon as possible!" Geng Yuqing said, then flew a distance and began to arrange the formation.

In the distance, Xuantian quickly flew to the trapped place under Geng Yuqing's cloth. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he quickly flew past the edge of the formation.

The Yin Shaoqi behind chose to pursue a straight line and rushed directly into the trapped formation.

Suddenly, an array of gas mask appeared, covering a radius of ten miles.

"Stupid formation--?" Yin Shaoqi's expression was suddenly startled, and he slashed above the formation mask.

The formation gas mask was turbulent and shook violently, but it could not be broken by Yin Shaoqi.

Although it was just a trapped formation temporarily set up by Geng Yuqing, it was enough to trap a third-level emperor for more than an hour, and a fourth-level emperor would have to be trapped for at least half an hour.

Although Yin Shaoqi's strength is stronger than the fourth-level emperor, but if he wants to break the formation, he will probably not be able to break it for a while.

"Five Young Masters——!"

"Who laid out this formation?"

Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong saw a formation in front of them, trapping Yin Shaoqi, and at the same time they stopped and shouted.

They were half a beat slower than Yin Shaoqi, dozens of miles away from Yin Shaoqi, so when the formation air cover rose, they did not envelop them.

Ahead, Xuantian stopped escaping, and said with a smile: "Yin Shaoqi, just watch it inside, and wait until I destroy the other Demon Kings, and then I will clean up you."

Then, Xuantian teleported and appeared ten miles in front of Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong. The holy cauldron confined the void and enveloped them.

Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong looked at Xuantian vigilantly, and did not retreat. In their opinion, Xuantian's strength is stronger than a fourth-level emperor, but they may not be as good as two fourth-level emperors joining forces.

"Fifth Young Master, Junior Brother Lou and I will hold on to Xuantian first, and wait for Senior Brother Geng to break the formation, and then take Xuantian Dog's life!" Chu Weiyuan shouted to Yin Shaoqi in the formation.

Yin Shaoqi was trapped in the formation and could hear outside voices, but his voice was blocked by the formation and could not be transmitted outside.

While Chu Weiyuan was speaking, Lou Lidong already yelled to Geng Yuqing in the distance: "Brother Geng, the fifth young master is trapped in the formation, please come and break the formation!"

As a four-level emperor, Lou Lidong yelled out the power of the gang yuan and the profound meaning, and the sound waves formed lines, setting off layers of ripples, and quickly transmitted hundreds of miles away.

However, Geng Yuqing in the distance didn't seem to hear him, he didn't glance at Lou Lidong, and was still setting up the formation.

Xuantian looked at Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong with a smile, and didn't rush to do anything. Now he is in control of the overall situation, waiting for Geng Yuqing to make a thorough decision.

"Brother Geng, Young Master Fifth is trapped, please come and break the formation!" Seeing that Geng Yuqing didn't seem to hear, Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong shouted at the same time.

The two big four-level emperors shouted in unison, not to mention hundreds of miles away, even if they were thousands of miles apart, Geng Yuqing should have heard it.

"Elder Geng, the Fifth Young Master is trapped in the formation, please go and break the formation!" Several emperors in Qianhunling heard them and shouted to Geng Yuqing who was miles away.

Geng Yuqing smiled back and said: "No hurry! No hurry!"

While talking, continue to lay out the formation.

Qingyun Sword Sect, on Lian Yunfeng, the warriors were a little confused.

The Five Young Masters of the Demon Gate, Yin Shaoqi, is obviously the leader of this pedestrian, with the highest status. Now trapped in the formation, Geng Yuqing said he was not in a hurry?

The face of Yin Shaoqi, who was trapped in the formation, changed suddenly, his hearing was so sensitive, even if two or three hundred miles apart, he still heard what Geng Yuqing said.

A bad thought came up from Yin Shaoqi's heart.

Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong also changed their faces at the same time, and Geng Yuqing's reaction was beyond their expectations.

If Geng Yuqing was the same as the previous Geng Yuqing, then he should come to break the formation and save the young wizards right away, and now this reaction... is obviously a bit abnormal.

"Tan Yiyan! Come back all--!" Chu Weiyuan suddenly shouted.

Tan Yiyan is the one with the highest status and the strongest among the four emperors of Qianhunling.

"Go!" The third-level emperor Tan Yiyan waved his arm at the other Qianhunling emperors, and at the same time rose into the sky and flew towards Chu Weiyuan.

"A burst—!" At this moment, Geng Yuqing suddenly shouted.

He pressed his hands on the ground as if he had pulled up a curtain and lifted it toward the sky.


An array gas mask suddenly rose, covering a radius of seven or eight miles.

Except for Tan Yiyan alone in the formation, the other three emperors of Qianhunling were all shrouded in the formation.

"Elder Geng, what is going on?" Tan Yiyan looked shocked.

In the distance, whether it was Yin Shaoqi trapped in the formation, or Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong outside the formation, their expressions changed drastically, and the thought in their hearts came true.

Geng Yuqing, betrayed!

"Tan Yiyan, come back!" Chu Weiyuan shouted.

At this moment, Geng Yuqing had already slashed out to Yijian, the sword's black energy surged, and a demon dragon opened its teeth and danced its claws.

Geng Yuqing's trick is the black mist magic dragon sword, and he wants to kill Tan Yiyan.


"Ha ha ha ha...!" Xuan Tian laughed happily, and Geng Yuqing attacked the Demon Emperor, ignoring Yin Shaoqi being trapped in the formation, and had already made a choice.

Xuantian's breath suddenly became extremely sharp, the surrounding void shattered, and a Qi sword stood forward, cutting the air ten miles away, staring at the two fourth-level emperors, Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong, and said: "It's time for me to shoot."

The vigilance in the eyes of Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong turned into jealousy, and Xuantian's sharp aura was ten times stronger than the previous fight against Yin Shaoqi.

Obviously, Xuantian was deliberately showing weakness just now, and the real combat power was far more than the power of the green sword just now.

"Fifth Young Master, you break the formation as soon as possible, and Junior Brother Lou and I will hold back Xuantian...!"

"Xuantian, do you dare to move one of the five young men's hairs, the Yin Demon Sect will retaliate, and you will have no place to escape in the entire Yunzhou heaven and underground...!"

Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong shouted at the same time.

Xuantian laughed and said: "Hahaha..., I killed the seventh master of the Demon Sect, Fan Shaoxiao, and had already been chased by the Seven Demon's Hunting Order. Will the Demon Sect let me go? What is the difference between killing a Demon Sect, Five Young Masters, Yin Shaoqi? Xuanmou will go to Central Continent in the near future. Can the Demon Sect in Yunzhou not only cover the sky with just one hand, but also manage the Central Continent? If you really have the ability, even go to Central Continent Come chase Xuanmou!"

While talking, Xuantian's surging sword power had already reached its limit.

As soon as he moved, he stepped forward, and it was more than a kilometer away. The imperial sword in his hand swept across, and a green sword burst out, slashing Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong two fourth-level emperors.

The power of this sword was more than ten times stronger than the sword that Xuantian slashed against Yin Shaoqi?

Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong were astonished. Previously guessed that Xuantian might not have used all their strength, but they did not expect that Xuantian's real attack power would reach such a level.

The two have performed their unique sword skills.

Swordsmanship combining the profound meaning of Yin and the profound meaning of gold!

Swordsmanship combining the profound meaning of Yin and the meaning of autumn in the earth!

In an instant, a piece of golden light and a piece of earth-yellow light slashed towards the green sword gun.


The Green Sword Gang was unstoppable The attack of two four-level kings instantly shattered.

Looking at Wei Yuan, Lou Lidong was inexplicably horrified and retreated quickly.

The lightning flashed on Xuantian's body, faster, and one step forward, the green sword gun cut out again.

cut! cut! cut! cut! cut! cut! cut!

With only Seven Swords, two screams sounded, and two fourth-level emperors were killed by the Xuantian Sword.

ek chocolate says

The fifth broke out. . . The recommended ticket breaks 3000 votes plus more. . . . .

Brothers, there is a sixth update tonight, 4000 recommended votes plus update,,, can there be a seventh update, an eighth update, brothers have the final say, please drop the recommended votes, drop 5000 votes, drop 6000 ticket. . . . .


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