The Supreme Sword

Chapter 919: 】6 Turn Tianlun Sword Formation

【Chapter 919】Six-turn Tianlun Sword Formation (two more)

"Sword Emperor?"

Xuantian sighed slightly in his heart!

Once upon a time, he was just a little warrior in the land of Shenzhou, bearing family hatred. At that time, the king was still a legend and only existed in historical records. ()

Time flies, more than ten years have passed, and now he has already broken the legend of the land of China and stood at the pinnacle of the king.

Even, it was only half a step away from the realm of the sword king above the king.

In the Danyuan Emperor’s Mansion, Xuantian practiced for half a year, and coupled with a battle with Yin Shaoqi, every part of his body was constantly strengthened under the impact of power. His cultivation in the quasi-emperor realm was completely Consolidate.

Vaguely, Xuantian could feel that he was very, very close to the Sword Emperor.

At this time, if you swallow a large amount of energy-replenishing elixir, it is very likely that it will break through that boundary and become a true sword king.

Xuantian knew that if he became an emperor, the thunder catastrophe brought down by the rules of the road would definitely be terrifying.

I want to become a king at the beginning, that terrifying thunder robbery can even kill the quasi-emperor.

The thunder tribulation experienced in the king's realm is not as powerful as that time.

Become king, emperor, and emperor!

Every time a great realm jumps, the calamity is the greatest.

Moreover, the stronger the genius, the greater the calamity when the cultivation base breaks through, and Xuantian is the genius among the geniuses, the evildoer among the evildoers, his calamity is so great, not to mention that there is no one before or after, that is also the world. Extremely.

As the cultivation base grows stronger, Xuantian's feeling becomes more sensitive.

He felt that becoming an emperor was a major event, and faintly felt that if he became an emperor, he would definitely influence some major events.

For example, if he becomes an emperor in Yunzhou, of course, he can't just waste it into an emperor. He can take this opportunity to run to the headquarters of the demon sect and let the demon strong taste the taste of his emperor. The door was hit hard.

However, Xuantian is now preparing to go to Central Continent, which is also vast and endless, and the emperor is like a cloud. This time, I don't know what will happen to Central Continent.

Therefore, Xuantian decided that there is no need to rush to become an emperor, and everything will develop naturally and it will be natural.

Unless, encountering a major change, he takes a lot of spirit pills to become the emperor, which is also a big killer.

Judging by the power of Cheng Wang Jie, his Cheng Wang Jie should be avoided by the quasi emperor. This hole card is stronger than any other hole card.

Xuantian calmed his mind, turned his thoughts from the fantasy to his eyes, his eyes swept, and a smile appeared on his face.

I saw that he grabbed out his big hands again and again, and stretched out his palms, and picked up the king-level and king-level spirit swords on the ground in the distance.

A total of 108 spirit swords, of which 36 are imperial spirit swords and 72 are king spirit swords.

At this moment, Xiaohu jumped off Xuantian's shoulder, and flew over the broken bodies of Yin Shaoqi, Chu Weiyuan, and Lou Lidong unceremoniously.

Xuantian was able to cope with the battle just now. The little tiger had been lying on Xuantian's shoulders. It was only slapped big and light, and lying on his shoulders did not affect Xuantian's combat power.

Under normal circumstances, Xiaohu would not attack a battle that Xuantian could handle. Only when Xuantian encountered danger or someone directly attacked it, would it attack the enemy.

It wasn't until Xuantian started to grab the spirit sword that Geng Yuqing, dozens of miles away, woke up from the shock.

"Congratulations, Master, you have won a complete victory. Master, you are really a **** reincarnated, and even the genius of the five young men was killed by you. You are so powerful. The old servant admires him so much that you can only worship the master." Geng Yuqing Flew over, flattering.

"I also congratulate you for making the right choice." Xuantian glanced at Geng Yuqing and smiled slightly.

So far, Xuantian regarded Geng Yuqing as his servant, and he had a foundation of trust.

Tan Yiyan of Qianhunling escaped. News of Geng Yuqing’s betrayal of the Demon Sect will soon spread. This time, the Demon Sect is dead, five young masters, and the elders of the Demon Sect Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong. The Demon Sect will not spare Geng Yuqing anymore, he is already completely opposed to the Demon Sect and is on the same side as Xuantian.

"The master's qualifications are unprecedented. It is even better than the enchanting evildoers of Chengdi in the past. In the future, the master will become the emperor, and the old servant will have a more promising future by following the master." Geng Yuqing respectfully said. .

Xuantian smiled faintly, stopped speaking, and quickly refined all the 108 spirit swords into things.

At this time, the little tiger generals Yin Shaoqi, Chu Weiyuan, and Lou Lidong ate all of them, and came to Xuantian's side, spit out a lot of space rings and space treasures.

The three of them had imperial treasures in their hands. Although some were damaged by Xuantian during the battle, there should still be many precious items in the space treasures.

Of course, what Xuantian cares most is Yin Shaoqi's spatial treasure.

He opened the emperor's heavenly eyes, scanned the many space treasures and space rings, and quickly found out the shabby things.

In a space ring, there is a bookcase with many books on it.

Among them, there are two books that Xuantian wants to find in his heart: "Six Turns of Heavenly Wheel Sword Formation" and "Yin Ming Dafa".

This six-turn sky-wheel sword formation is the sword formation that Yin Shaoqi used just now. It is a very powerful sword formation. If all the formations are deployed with the imperial spirit sword, this formation can easily cross three realms in the imperial realm. Kill the opponent.

As for Yin Ming Dafa, it must be the Emperor Yin Ming Dafa.

Whether it is the Sixth-turn Heaven Wheel Sword Formation or Yin Ming Dafa, it has a big effect on Xuantian.

The King of Yin Ming Dafa, Xuantian has cultivated a long time ago. Although this method is used very little because it harms others and benefits, I have to say that this is a very mysterious technique.

After cultivating the Emperor Level Chapter, he can absorb the cultivation base of the emperor, and Xuantian decided to practice Yinming Dafa with his thoughts that might be useful.

As for the six-turn sky-wheel sword formation, that is even more about cultivation.

Before the king, Xuantian was originally a sword formation master. It was only because spirit swords above the king level were scarce that Xuantian had to give up the sword formation. Now that he has the sword formation cultivation method, there are still many spirit swords. Of course Xuantian has to cultivate.

Although these six-turn heavenly wheel sword formations, even if they were all imperial-level spirit sword formations, are now inferior to the power of three-turn sword pills.

However, when Xuantian became the sword emperor, the power of the six-turn heaven-wheel sword formation was no weaker than the three-turn sword pill.

The power of the sword formation increases as the user's cultivation base increases.

But the sword pill is formed when the sword pill is formed. The strength is fixed. It has nothing to do with the improvement of the cultivation base, the vigorous roots, or the understanding of the profound meaning. If you want to increase your strength, continue to practice and condense new sword pill talents. can.

Therefore, the three-turn sword pill can now kill the fourth-level emperor, and when the Xuantian becomes an emperor, the power of the three-turn sword pill will not change, because the profound meaning of the sword has not improved.

Although the sword pill is a fusion of the power of Gang Yuan and the power of Profound meaning, once it condenses into a pill, it is an independent existence.

The sword formation increases in power as the user's cultivation level increases. The power of the sword pill is only increased by the skill of the sword pill, and it has no direct relationship with the cultivation level.

Although the power of the three-turn sword pill is not impressive until Xuantian becomes the queen, it does not mean that the sword pill technique has fallen. Xuantian can practice the four-turn sword pill, and there are five and six turns behind... Nine-turned sword pill, even if Xuantian cultivates to the nine-star sword emperor, the technique of sword pill is the first attack sword technique, and never lags behind.

The sword formation master is the ultimate existence among the swordsmen. The most powerful sword formation can break the rules of the Dao and kill the enemy beyond the four realms, and the sword pill technique can also.

The sword pill art can be compared with the most powerful sword formation, enough to see that the name of the first attack sword art is by no means a false statement.

After checking all the space items, Xuantian harvested more than 20 spirit swords in another space ring. Among them, nine king-level spirit swords, seventeen king-level spirit swords, and the rest, for Xuantian is basically useless.

"Geng Yuqing, Tan Yiyan escaped, how soon can I find a helper and come again?" Xuantian asked.

Geng Yuqing said: "Thousand Soul Ridge is the closest great power of the Demon Sect. It will take at least four days for Tan Yiyan to come back and forth. However, when Yin Shaoqi and others arrived, Qianhunling learned the news. I don’t know if reinforcements will be sent in advance."

Xuantian said: "A thousand miles away from the Qingyun Sword Sect, we will arrange the formation. We will stay here for two days. We will leave when the strong from Bixia Palace arrives."

"Master, the people of the Qingyun Sword Sect don't miss your kindness, so why protect them?" Geng Yuqing said in a puzzled way.

Xuantian Dao: "The Qingyun Sword sends hundreds of thousands of martial artists. How can we use a small number of ungrateful people to determine the character of everyone. Besides, I do what Xuantian wants to do. Is it because others do not care about kindness? It’s affected, and I have gained a set of sword formation techniques. It happened to be cultivating in these two days, so let’s live here for two days."

"Yes, master!" Geng Yuqing said.

When the two figures flashed, they disappeared into the sight of the strong Qingyun Sword faction.

No one knew that Xuantian and Geng Yuqing had arrived at a mountain about a thousand miles away from Lian Yunfeng.

Xuantian sat on a piece of bluestone and watched the "Six Turns Heavenly Wheel Sword Array", while Geng Yuqing set up the formation around the mountain.

Whether it is cultivating sword skills, techniques, or sword formations, Xuantian likes to understand the theory first, see it thoroughly, and understand the principles, so that when you practice, you can get twice the result with half the Throughout the day, Xuantian watched "Six Turns of the Heavenly Wheel Sword Array" ten times, and every time he reads it, his comprehension will be deeper, especially as he goes to the back, he has a deeper comprehension.

Although Xuantian hadn't started to practice the sword formation, in his heart, he had practiced the sword formation thousands of times, and finally, it was complete.

On the second day, Xuantian put away the secrets of the sword formation and began to practice.


One hundred and eight spirit swords flew out and revolved around Xuantian.

The six-turn sky-wheel sword formation is based on six spirit swords. Then, thirty-six spirit swords are used as an array base. To lay this sword formation, at least thirty-six spirit swords are needed.

After that, you can increase the number of formations based on the number of spirit swords and the spiritual power of the warrior. The more formations, the stronger the power.

According to the record of the sword formation secret book, in theory, the sword formation can hold up to nine formations.


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