The Supreme Sword

Chapter 934: 】Little tiger advances

【Chapter 934】Little tiger advances

Xuantian, Xin Wuxia's face changed at the same time. ()

Zhan Lang even recognized Xuantian's identity.

Xuan Tian was carrying the saint cauldron, and he didn't know Zhanlang's attitude towards the saint cauldron. Now Zhanlang knew his identity, whether he was an enemy or a friend.

"How does Lord Zhan recognize Xuantian?" Xin Wuxia looked surprised.

Zhan Lang smiled and said: "It is only the cultivation base of the Quasi-Emperor, but the combat power is not worse than that of the third-level emperor. The enchanting genius who can leapfrog the challenge like this is one of the few in the world. The Sky Profound Sword four years ago The tower opened, Xuantian broke the record of ten thousand years, and entered the tenth floor. No one knows. I have seen his portrait. Four years have passed. Although his temperament has changed, his appearance has not changed much. Moreover, this place is empty. Imprisoned, but Wei Hailiang is not affected at all. Wei Dongru and Wei Mingbo can also shatter the void and teleport, but the speed is slower, indicating that the strength of the imprisonment void is limited. It should be the Holy Ding imprisoning the void! Although I have not been with Xuantian met, but it was not difficult to guess his identity."

"This..." Xin Wuxia was speechless, and paused: "Zhan Gongzi is very knowledgeable. Based on this inference, you are much better than Wei Zhenyu."

Wei Zhenyu did not see Xuantian's identity.

Seeing Xuantian’s vigilance, Zhanlang smiled and said: “The treasures under the world can be obtained by those who are predestined. If there is no predestined one, those who are strong can obtain it. Xuantian, you have a holy cauldron in your body. There may be many people in the world who will try to seize your sacred cauldron, but I will not fight the waves, and neither will my fighters, so you can rest assured."

Xuantian smiled slightly, and said, "Lord Zhan Lang laughed."

"You are carrying the sacred cauldron and reappearing in the Central Continent. It must be dangerous and you should be vigilant in your heart." Zhan Lang said, "I can recognize you. Although the emperors of the Wei family did not recognize you in person, they will do it afterwards. Guess, you have to be careful. The Wei family is different from my war family. My war family accumulates their own luck and makes peace with others, while the Wei family robs him of his luck and rivals others. If you guess your Identity, will definitely seek to seize the holy tripod."

Xin Wuxia said: "What Lord Zhan said, it is true. Since ancient times, I don’t know how many powers have been robbed of the inheritance by the Wei family. The enemies are all over the world, but the Wei family is strong, and it is in alliance with the Huangfu family, even if the enemies are all over the world. , No one can do anything else."

"Wei Family and Huangfu Family Alliance? Are there alliances against each other among the five super families?" Xuantian asked.

Zhan Lang nodded and said: "On the bright side, everyone is in peace, but in fact, there are constant conflicts and disputes. The Wei family and the Huangfu family are closer. These two families are similar in smell and love to **** him. People’s luck is strong, and our family of warriors is closer to the Fengyun family. Our two big families accumulate their own luck and walk in harmony with others, while the Lu family is in the far east, far away In the central region, there are relatively few interactions with the other four sword emperor families. They don't reach out to the sphere of influence of our four families. They dominate the east, and our four families rarely provoke the Lu family."

Among the five great sword emperor families, the Zhanjia is in the south, the Fengyun family is in the middle, the Wei family is in the north, and the Huangfu family is in the west. But relatively speaking, the Zhanjia, Wei and Huangfu families are all close to the middle.

Zhongzhou is the size, and the central region is the widest. Strictly speaking, the Zhan family, Wei family, Fengyun family, and Huangfu family are all in the central area of ​​Zhongzhou, while the Lu family is in the far east. Very far away, although the territory is relatively small compared to the other four great sword emperor families, they are alone and dominate one side.

In Xuan Tian's mind, he had a superficial understanding of the five great sword emperor families. Relatively speaking, the warriors and the Fengyun family were less threatening to him, while the Wei family and the Huangfu family were more threatening to him. The big family has a precedent for snatching the inheritance of others, maybe they will **** their own saint.

As for the Lu Family, in the far east, they dominate one side. They rarely extend their hands beyond his territory. Whether they are enemies or friends, it is not conclusive now. It can only be seen in the future Lu Family's attitude towards him.

Xuantian held a fist against Zhanlang and said, "Thank you, Lord Zhanlang for reminding you."

Zhanlang waved his hand and said: "You are not welcome. Meeting is a fate. I have met a strange man, a magical calculation, a very mysterious, and you can calculate the past and evolve the future. The strange man said that I will have the opportunity to fight together with you in the future. Your quasi-emperor's cultivation base has been extremely consolidated, not far from becoming an emperor, it seems that the opportunity to fight together is not far away."

"But Mr. Shenji?" Xuantian's eyes suddenly brightened, excitement.

It has been more than four years. At that time, Mr. Shenji had become an emperor and was about to cross the sky. I don't know how he is now?

Zhan Lang shook his head and said, "He is called the secret stick!"

After that, Zhanlang looked at Xin Wuxia and said, "Since the head of Xin has detoxified, then there is no need for my help. Two people, Zhanlang is one step ahead and goodbye!"

Zhanlang left soon, Xin Wuxia also bid farewell to Xuantian and left alone.

Soon, only Xuantian, Geng Yuqing, and Xiaohu were left here.

When Xin Wuxia left, Xiaohu yelled in excitement, and flew over to the bodies of the three emperors of the Wei family. Two fourth-level emperors and one fifth-level emperor, although they were all cut into numbers by the sword formation sword. However, there is still a lot of energy in the body, Xiaohu can refine and absorb.

"That Zhanlang's strength is so strong, it can be compared with the first three young masters of Yunzhou Demon Sect Seventh Master. They are all capable of killing enemies across three realms. Wei Zhenyu is slightly inferior, but it is also very terrifying. The emperor, I’m afraid there are not many who can beat him. Although Zhongzhou has a slightly lower aura concentration than Yunzhou, there are many enchanting geniuses. Along the way, the blood cicada, Wei Zhenyu, and Zhanlang have all been enchanting. Grade genius."

Geng Yuqing exclaimed.

He is from Yunzhou. Although he knows the existence of Zhongzhou, he has never been there. He only knows that Zhongzhou's energy is lower than Yunzhou's. He doesn't know how much it is.

Now that he has encountered successive generations of geniuses with fighting power against the sky, in Geng Yuqing's view, Zhongzhou's luck is also very strong, I am afraid it is not much smaller than Yunzhou.

Xuantian heard the words: "The younger generation geniuses who are as famous as Wei Zhenyu and Zhanlang, there are three in Zhongzhou: Fengyun Invincible, Huangfu First-class, Lu Juechen, these are only the descendants of the human race, like the descendants of the demon race like Master Xuechan Genius, I don’t know if there is a genius. It is said that the Demon Race in the Central Continent is more powerful than the Human Race. I am afraid that the descendants of the Demon Race are not in the minority. Central Continent is really a place of outstanding people."


As the two talked, Xiaohu had eaten all the flesh and blood of Wei Mingbo, Wei Dongyuan, and Wei Weilin. With a loud cry, his body became huge and grew again.

Xiaohu ate a lot of the flesh and blood of the emperor along the way. The Snake Demon Emperor and the Chanjie Demon Emperor are all four-level emperors, Wei Dongyuan and Wei Weilin are four-level emperors, and Wei Mingbo is even a fifth-level emperor. And when in Yunzhou, there were the flesh and blood of emperors such as Yin Shaoqi, Chu Weiyuan, Lou Lidong...

Little Tiger is only the first-level demon emperor. After eating so much flesh and blood of a fourth-level or even fifth-level emperor, even if it has a special physique, it needs to accumulate a lot of energy, and now it has to break through and advance to the second-level demon emperor.

If it were an ordinary Demon Emperor, such as Sanyan followed by Xuantian and had eaten so much flesh and blood of the emperor, I am afraid that he would have broken through to the third level Demon Emperor.

Soon, Xiaohu finished his promotion, and its body grew to a terrifying kilometer long, three to four hundred meters high, and to that point, it was no longer a mountain, but a mountain range.

After the promotion was completed, Xiaohu's body quickly became smaller, with only his palms long, falling on Xuantian's shoulders, arching affectionately towards Xuantian, and let out a ‘huh’ cheer.


In the following days, Xuantian, Geng Yuqing, and Xiaohu continued to head towards Zhongzhou.

Without the demon clan's pursuit, Xuantian didn't have to go on the road day and night, and let Xiaohu fly him every day, Geng Yuqing followed, Xiaohu did not agree to Geng Yuqing sitting on him.

Xuantian sat on Xiaohu, watching "Great Zhoutian Stars and Sword Array" every day, practicing in his heart, and practicing the imperial Yinming Dafa in his spare time.

Day by day, there was no wave on the way, and after ten days, a huge piece of land with no margins in front appeared in Xuantian's sight.

The land of Central Continent has finally arrived.

As soon as Xuantian inquired, this was the Tongzhou Region in the northwestern part of Zhongzhou, while the West Xuanyu was in the west of Zhongzhou. The distance between the two places was more than 20 million miles.

Although Xuantian wanted to meet his acquaintance, he was not in a hurry for a while, just as Yinming Dafa practice reached a critical moment, and soon it was completed, so he continued to let Xiaohu fly him down the coastline of the western part of Central Continent.

A few more days passed.

Xuantian trained the Emperor-level Yinming Dafa to Xiaocheng, and he finally reached the Western Profound Region.

The last time I came from the Demon Realm, it was the Demon Suppressing Tower in the one hundred thousand mountains in the western part of the Western Profound Region. It was not far from the seaside, only more than ten thousand miles.

I remember the news that I heard from the Demon Realm more than four years ago: The space gap between the Central Demon Continent and the Central Continent will expand in a few years, allowing the emperor to pass through.

Now that more than four years have passed, I don't know how long it will be until the crack in space widens?

After another thought, Xuantian became interested in looking at the Demon Suppression Tower.

When he arrived in the Western Profound Region, Xuantian was basically familiar with the journey. After entering the hundred thousand mountains, he soon found the Demon Squad The Demon Squad Tower was still guarded by the Fengyun Family. Xuantian fell outside the Demon Suppressing Tower, and his breath was naturally released. Feng Yunsheng immediately sensed that the emperor came.


As soon as the gate of the Town Demon Tower opened, Feng Yunsheng appeared at the door, looking at the incoming person, his expression suddenly revealed surprise.

It's Xuantian!

Fengyunsheng guards the town magic tower, except for occasional people from the Fengyun family to visit, it is difficult for him to see other people again.

Therefore, more than four years ago, when he saw Xuantian and Mr. Shenji coming from the Demon Realm, he was naturally impressed. Now he saw Xuantian again and saw it at a glance.

More than four years ago, Feng Yunsheng was a quasi emperor, and Xuantian was only a half-step king.

Four years later, Feng Yunsheng was still the quasi-emperor, and Xuantian had already stepped into the realm of quasi-emperor, and his aura was stronger than Fengyunsheng.


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