The Supreme Sword

Chapter 942: Xuantian Chenghuang

【Chapter 942】Xuantian becomes emperor

Sunset Tower!

Xuantian, who had swallowed the spirit pills for two thousand years, was rushing through the barrier with all his strength. ()

Suddenly, his eyes opened!

The Sunset Tower is not far from the battlefield of the Shiwan Dashan Mountain. There are countless strong fights, and the entire Central Continent can feel this strong breath. Xuantian is in the Sunset Tower, and it feels particularly strong.

The breath of the demons is slightly different from that of the humans.

Earlier, Xuantian felt that the aura of the human race was strong, and it should be the human race that had the upper hand.

However, suddenly, four terrifying demons aura appeared, and soon the human aura was suppressed.

Although Xuantian was not watching the scene, based on his breath, he knew that the human race was in a bad situation.

According to the normal process, he will not be able to break through until tomorrow at the soonest.

Now the human race is at a disadvantage, until tomorrow, I don't know how many strong people will die, and even the death of the quasi-emperor is possible.

"Can't wait any longer--!" Xuantian stood up.

Since there is a choice, Xuantian will naturally choose to preserve the strength of the human race and the life of the strong human race.

He still has Chenghuang Pill!

Originally, he did not intend to rely on the Emperor Pill to become the emperor, because one Emperor Pill can create an emperor, and the Emperor Pill is a waste to him.

However, in Xuantian's view, at this time, it is worth wasting a Chenghuang Pill!

"Geng Yuqing, you guard the Sunset Tower!" Xuantian confessed to Geng Yuqing, and then took the little tiger out of the Sunset Tower, heading for the Shiwan Dashan Mountain, and quickly.

Xiaohu is a second-level demon emperor with a strong bloodline, and his strength is not inferior to that of a fifth-level emperor.

Moreover, Xiaohu seemed to be born with thunder and lightning, and was not afraid of Xuantian's thunder catastrophe bombardment, while Tianlei was the nemesis of the demons.

As soon as Xuantian's Thunder Tribulation fell, all the quasi-emperors of the demon clan would be damaged. The little tiger roamed like a dragon in the sea in the thunder tribulation. I am afraid that even the demon quasi-emperor could go up and kill.


Xixuanyu, one hundred thousand mountains!

The killing sound shook the sky, the explosion sound came again and again, and all kinds of powerful gongs, all over the world, were everywhere.

Screams rang out all the time.

Either the human race, or the demon race, the strong will fall.

Thousands of emperors on both sides, millions of kings, each with a number of quasi emperors, the battle started, the battlefield spread thousands of miles.

The Mozu has an extra quasi-emperor, which is almost an unstoppable horror existence, causing the kings and emperors of the clan to fall one after another and be at a disadvantage.

The demon army was vigorous, morale was like a rainbow, and the fighting spirit was like a tide, killing the human army in a continuous retreat.

Gradually, the battlefield became farther and farther away from the vortex passage, pushing away from the 100,000 Great Mountains.

Although the Terran army was defeated, it did not escape. The first battle is very important. If you win, you can drive the demons back to the demons and destroy the passages. Although some demons will escape and remain in the Central Continent, they are set off. Can not afford any storm, will soon be wiped out by the human race.

And once the first battle fails, the demon army will continue to come from the demon world, sweeping the middle continent, and the entire middle continent human race will face the danger of extinction.

Therefore, the first battle must not be defeated!

Although temporarily at a disadvantage, the human army has been insisting.

They still have hope!

All major forces have sent kings to go back and invite all the strong men who guard the sect and family to fight to the death against the demons.

Moreover, there is also a quasi-emperor in the human race, that is, Huangfu Liuhan of the Huangfu family.

As long as Huangfu Liuchan appeared to block Li Xiao Zhun Devil, then this battle, the human race still has hope of victory.

Feng Yun Bai Nan resisted Li Xiao Zhun Devil Emperor, and was injured and defeated in one round. The Zhan Family Patriarch Zhan Ding Kun arrived and joined forces with Feng Yun Bai Nan to block Li Xiao's ultimate move.

However, as a quasi-emperor, Li Xiao was so powerful. As he waved his clutches, Fengyun Bainan and Zhan Dingkun joined forces and only resisted a few rounds. Zhan Dingkun also vomited blood and retreated, both of them were injured.

Lu Dingxiao, the head of the Lu family, rushed to it again. The three masters joined forces to stop Li Xiao. The three of them were the top combat power among the ninth-level emperors, but they were also at a disadvantage. Under Li Xiao’s offensive, they kept retreating. I'm afraid it won't last long.

Fengyun Bainan, Zhandingkun, and Lu Dingxiao three nine-level emperors fought against Li Xiao. The ninth-level emperor of the demons had no resistance from the strong human race. They attacked the human king and the emperor, although not like Li Xiao killed like cutting melons and vegetables, but there were few enemies, and the human army was still in defeat.

Both Wei Shilin and Huangfu Hong both focused on self-protection, did not work hard, wandered on the edge of the battlefield, and fought endlessly with two demons of the eighth rank.

In order not to attract more demons over, the two suppressed their strength and happened to be tied with the two eighth-level demons.


Time passed by every minute.

The loss of the strong human race is getting more and more severe.

At this time, the demon king had lost at least one hundred thousand people, and the human king had fallen more than two hundred thousand. The wounded were countless, almost double the casualties of the demon.

As for the emperor, the strength is much stronger than that of the king, and the proportion of deaths is less, but the human emperor has also fallen by hundreds, much more than the demons.

The battle is fierce!

Blood becomes a river, bones become a mountain!

The demon army, killed the human army, retreated thousands of miles, deep into the hundred thousand mountains.

In the mountains, some particularly powerful beast kings did not escape, and they were all alarmed at this moment. These beast kings appeared on the battlefield, regardless of the human race and the demons, and their random attacks made the chaotic battlefield even more disturbed. Tuan cake.

"Why hasn't the quasi-emperor of the Huangfu family appeared yet?"


The strong human race is looking forward to the arrival of Huangfu Liuchan in his heart.

However, as time passed, more and more humans were killed and injured. Every moment, new humans were lost, but Huangfu Liuchan didn't see half of the shadow.

"what is that--?"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

Many strong human races have been paying attention to the eastern sky, looking forward to the arrival of Huangfu Liu.

However, Huangfu Liuchan did not appear, but a huge thunder vortex appeared in the far eastern sky.

Moreover, the huge thunder vortex is moving rapidly towards here.

The battle between the human race and the demon race has spread thousands of miles on the battlefield, and all kinds of gangmans cross the sky and the earth, separated by tens of thousands of miles, Xuantian saw the countless gangmans in the distant battlefield.

A Chenghuang Pill was lowered and immediately melted away. It was absorbed by Xuantian's body, and the spiritual body instantly broke through the last touch of the limit, reaching the early stage of Tier 4.

The spiritual body in the early stage of Tier 4 is the first-level emperor!

Xuantian became an emperor in one fell swoop, and Cheng Huangjie immediately appeared, and a thunder vortex covering hundreds of miles in a radius appeared above his head. The huge vortex and dark clouds covered thousands of miles, making the sky dark.

Once the emperor's robbery appeared, no matter the target fled to the end of the world, it would catch up with the same speed.

Therefore, Xuantian constantly teleported to the battlefield, and the terrifying thunder vortex also moved to the battlefield at the same time.

Tianlei is the nemesis of the demons. A third-level demon emperor is not as good as the first-level emperor to withstand the attacks of the demon. I am afraid that only the fourth-level emperor who belongs to the middle of the imperial realm can compete with the first-level emperor of the human race. Compared with the ability to withstand the lightning attack.

In this way, in Thunder, the advantage of the strong human race is greatly manifested. The strong human race can withstand the same intensity of lightning, but the strong demon can't bear it. Then every strong human race can overcome it in the lightning. Level kill the enemy.

Of course, once the power of Thunder reaches a certain level, whether it is Human or Demon, it will be reduced to ashes under the attack of Thunder.

With the power of Xuantian becoming emperor's calamity, even the human quasi-emperor can hardly resist it. If you want to survive the attack of thunder robbery, you must be at least a human emperor of level seven or more.

In other words, no one of the Demon Race can withstand the attack of Thunder Tribulation, and only the Emperor Zhun can survive the Tribulation. Under the Emperor Zhun, Thunder Tribulation will die when touched.

Xuantian's emperor's robbery surpassed anyone, and it was not much different from the normal emperor's robbery.

Seeing a large area of ​​thunder vortex moving over, the demons who were born with thunder fear suddenly felt shocked in their hearts. It was an instinctive fear.

"It's just the emperor's robbery, and it's not the emperor's robbery. If you panic, all the kings retreat, and the emperor continues to attack." Mingluo Zhun Devil and Fengyun Dragon City shouted loudly during the battle.

His voice spread thousands of miles.

Several other quasi-devil emperors heard the words and shouted these words again. Soon, all the demons in the battlefield for thousands of miles heard.

The devil all retreated backwards.

Several quasi-emperors of the human race also gave orders to let the king retreat and become the emperor. Whether it is the king of the human race or the demon race, they can't compete, and they will die if they touch it.

The human race and demons are mainly due to the large number of kings. Once the king retreats, the battle scenes become clearer. Both sides are the kings. The speed is very fast. In the blink of an eye, it is thousands of meters, thousands of meters, and the battle range is gradually reduced. Controlled within a thousand miles.

The thunder vortex above Xuantian's head came quickly, and after twenty breaths, it moved thousands of miles.

Boom boom boom boom...

The dense thunder and lightning blasted down towards Xuantian one after another. The thunder and lightning were like long snakes and flood dragons. In the blink of an eye, they split hundreds of electric snakes, each of which was 100 meters thick and thousands of feet long. People, let the demon emperor in the distant battle be an instant, those hundreds of electric snakes smashed down, hit Xuantian, and then hit down for thousands of meters. , Because Xuantian was thousands of meters high in the air, the aftermath of the thunder tribulation did not hit the ground.

During the thunder tribulation, Xuantian took both hands, and the thunder sacred cauldron and the chaos sacred cauldron appeared at the same time, like a long whale absorbing water, and a large amount of thunder tribulation electricity was collected into the sacred cauldron.

Xuantian’s body is in harmony with the Holy Cauldron of Thunder. With the power of Thunder Tribulation, he can’t hurt him at all. His whole body was penetrated by Thunder Tribulation, without any damage. On the contrary, Xuantian’s physical body was tempered by Thunder Tribulation to be even stronger. The understanding of the profound meaning of thunder is deeper.

A wave of thunder tribulations dispersed, Xuantian still teleported rapidly in the sky, and the two sacred cauldrons in his hand disappeared. They were only used to collect thunder at the moment the thunder tribulation struck.

The kings of the human race and the demon race are separated by thousands of miles, looking at the terrifying thunder vortex. As for the emperors of the two sides, in the fierce battle, although they also pay attention to the arrival of the thunder vortex, more attention is paid In the current battle.

Before long, Xuantian came to the battlefield.


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