The Supreme Sword

Chapter 947: 】Heroes and villains (supplement 11)

【Chapter 947】Heroes and Villains (Supplement 11)


Seeing the destruction of the whirlpool passage leading to the devil world, all the human experts were relieved in their hearts. ()

After breaking the road between the Demon Realm and the Central Continent, no matter how powerful the Demon Clan was, it would not be able to reach the Central Continent. This was a complete solution to the worries of the future.

Although the human race lost a lot of strong men in this war, the demons suffered even more severe losses.

Therefore, the strong human races who survived are in a good mood.

Compared to the previous three Demon invasions, the loss this time was nothing at all.

For the first three times, the quasi-emperor fell. The ninth-level emperor of the sword emperor family's family head level was even more dangerous. This time, the human quasi-emperor and the ninth-level emperor were not lost.

The reason for all this is naturally Xuantian!

Ordinary people’s emperor robbery cannot threaten the powerful demon clan, even if it is Invincible, Zhanlang... and other enchanting geniuses, emperor robbery is very powerful, but they do not have the treasure to resist thunder robbery. They are all embarrassed, let alone use Chenghuangjie to deal with the demons.

Therefore, to make the demons suffer great damage, only the power of Xuantian as an emperor is large enough, and there is a genius with treasures to resist thunder.

The vortex passage shattered, and Xuantian's emperor's calamity passed the last few waves. The thunder vortex in the sky quickly dissipated, the clouds became invisible, and the sky was clear.

Xuantian was not in a hurry to leave. There were several quasi emperors present, and there were even a dozen emperors above the seventh level. If anyone wanted to disadvantage him, it would not be difficult to catch up to Xuantian with the strength of the quasi emperor.

Xuantian knew that someone would definitely think about his saintly tripod.

But Xuantian was here, and it was safe under everyone's eyes.

He saved the Central Continent human race. Most human race powerhouses are very grateful to him. Although there are many villains in the world, there are many righteous people in their hearts.

As long as there are strong people who are friendly to Xuantian, no one will embarrass Xuantian at this time.

No matter how shameless it is, it is impossible to embarrass Xuantian, the greatest contributor to repelling the demons after the war.

Several quasi-emperors, the heads of the sword family family, appeared in front of Xuantian one after another, and a large number of human experts came to Xuantian.

The vast majority of people are happy with Yan Yue, looking at Xuantian, basically with gratitude in their eyes.

Four quasi emperors walked forward, namely Fengyun Exterminates Demon, Zhan Honggang, Lu Jinsong, and Wei Yide. Fengyun Longcheng of the Fengyun family was very old, and when Fengyun Exterminated Demon came, he left directly.

"Today's battle, thank you little friend Xuantian for your help...!" The four quasi-emperors clasped their fists and thanked Xuantian.

"Thank you little friend Xuantian for your help...!"

"You are really a great hero in Central Continent. If you don't have little friend Xuantian, our human race will be dangerous in this battle. We may be defeated by the Demon Race. The entire Central Continent will be harmed by the Demon Race powerhouse...!"

"Yes, little friend Xuantian is a great hero in Central Continent. This time he has won more than any of the three previous battles against the demons. Some statues should be erected here to commemorate the victory of this war against the demons!"

"Yes...! Put up the statues of the ancestors of Zhunhuang here, as well as the little friend Xuantian, let them stay forever, and let future generations remember their achievements...!"


The strong human race shouted loudly, thank you for your words and my words.

While grateful to Xuantian, he despised Huangfu Liuchan, the quasi-emperor of the Huangfu family.

The other four quasi-emperors of the four quasi-emperor families all appeared, and the two of the Fengyun family were all present, and the future of the quasi-emperor of the Huangfu family was left, and it would take a few days to close the life and death entrance.

What is the entrance to life and death more important than the invasion of the demons? Isn't it a breakthrough to become an emperor? Can you sweep the Quartet in a few days?

Most of the strong human races have a bit of resentment towards the quasi-emperor of the Huangfu family. Moreover, during the war, the Patriarch of the Huangfu family, Huangfu Hongjun, did not exert all his strength, so naturally it was spotted by those who wanted to.

Like Huangfu Bonan, Zhan Dingkun, and Lu Dingxiao, all of them were wounded, and they were fighting desperately with Li Xiao Zhun Demon Emperor, while Huangfu Hongjun and Wei Shilin each had a tie with the eighth-level Demon Emperor.

Because the quasi-emperor Wei Yide came to the Wei family, the resentment in the hearts of the strong human race fell on the Huangfu family.

Of course, these grievances are only in the heart, no one dares to speak out.

"This time the Demon Clan suffered heavy losses, and even the two quasi-devil emperors perished. It was the biggest victory against the Demon Clan in history. It was a great victory. I also agreed to erect a statue here to commemorate this. A great victory, let future generations remember these heroes who made great contributions to the human race!"

Fengyun Bainan walked forward and said loudly.

As the Patriarch of the Central Continent's First Family, what he said was very important. Since Fengyun Bainan also said the same, the erection of the statue is very possible, and the strong human race showed an excited smile.

The Zhan Family Patriarch Zhan Ding Kun also walked forward, saying: "I and Ding Kun also agreed to erect a statue here, and not only to erect the statue, but also to build two monuments, one is a memorial monument. Everyone’s names are engraved on it. One is a monument of heroes to commemorate all the strong men who perished in this battle. They died for defending the human race. Everyone is a human hero."




Cheers among the strong human race, one after another.

Engraving and erecting a monument, leaving a name in history, everyone present has a share, and the strong humans present are not excited.

"Hahaha...!" The four quasi emperors also laughed.

If you leave the monument here, it proves that their achievements have surpassed the ancestors who resisted the demons in the past. As the quasi emperor, they are all happy in their hearts.

"Boy Xuantian, how can you compare with the quasi-emperor predecessors, if all the people who participated in the war are engraved on the stele, and my name is carved on it, there is no need to erect any statues." Xuantian said to the quasi-emperors.

"Little friend Xuantian, you don’t have to humble yourself. If this battle is without you, Huangfu Liu will not show up, and my human race will be defeated. Even if Huang Fu Liu comes, the victory or defeat of this battle is unpredictable. You can easily win the Demon Race, the victory in this battle, you have the greatest credit! You should stand! You should stand!” Fengyun Demon Road.

A red-robed Zhan Honggang said: "Little friend Xuantian is the key to this battle. In my opinion, his statue should be built as the largest and stand in the middle. It's hard to tell whether Zhan Honggang is alive or dead!"

Wei Yide and Lu Jinsong looked at each other and gave the statue of Xuantian Li. They thought they should, but the statue of Xuantian, a younger generation who was erected higher than them, gave them a subtle feeling.

But Xuantian's credit was there, although there was a bit of grudge in his heart, he would naturally not say it.

Even the quasi emperor spoke, and the matter was quickly settled.

Xuantian became the greatest contributor to this battle, and was called the number one hero of the human race by most human race powerhouses.

Although Xuantian didn't care about this title, he knew in his heart that this title represented his great contribution to the Central Continent Human Race. If someone hits his holy cauldron in the future, he has to weigh it.

The murder of human heroes, even the sword emperor family, will be condemned by everyone, and will be resisted by other sword emperor families.

In this way, his security is much greater.

Of course, it's just the safety on the surface, if someone wants to seize his saint cauldron, they may make a move secretly.

Xuantian didn't stay in the hundred thousand mountains for a long time, and chatted with the four quasi-emperors, and then went back to the Xiyang Tower with Yan Gucheng and others.

In this battle, a total of nine emperors came to the Sunset Tower, one was lost, and the king was even more than a dozen.

During the war, human lives are like grass, even if the emperor is dead.

But this battle was always won, and the demon's losses were even more severe. Therefore, everyone's mood was filled with the emotion of victory, and they were more excited.

Along the way, the emperor of the Sunset Tower naturally praised Xuantian's appearance. It didn't take long for him to go out of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Half an hour later, the Sunset City appeared in front of him.

Xuantian, Yan Gucheng and others flew directly into the sunset building next to the sunset city.

Just approaching the sunset city, there are still more than twenty miles away from the sunset tower, and suddenly, a surging terrifying aura rushed out of the sunset tower.


One after another, an old man in Tsing Yi walked out of the sunset city. It seemed that there was a step in the sky, gradually rising, stepping into the sky and walking towards Xuantian and the others.

The old man's hair was slightly white, indicating that he was very old.

"What a powerful aura, it's the emperor Wei!" Xuantian and Yan Gucheng looked at each other. The void around them was very strong, imprisoned, and unable to teleport in the void.

When the strength of the two sides differs too much, and the space of the strong is deep and profound, the void can be directly confined without any formation.

This old man was not one of the five quasi-emperors who participated in the war. If Zhongzhou had no hidden quasi-emperor, then it should be Huangfu Liuchan, the quasi-emperor of the Huangfu family.

The Huangfu family's explanation to the major forces of the human race was that Huangfu Liu explained that he was closing the door to life and death, so he could not come to the war.

However, if the old man in front of him is Huangfu Liuchan, then he is too bastard.

The battlefield of the Hundred Thousand Dashan Mountain was only more than 300,000 miles away from the Sunset Tower. With the speed of the Emperor Zhun, he could rush away in a short time, but he did not show up in the battle with the demons.

The old man in Tsing Yi looked like an eagle, very sharp, staring at Xuantian, and said: "You are Xuantian!"

After that, I added another sentence: "Your cultivation speed is really has become an emperor."

Although this old man in Tsing Yi looked calm and spoke lightly, Xuantian felt very dangerous.

Being targeted by a quasi emperor is very dangerous, extremely dangerous.

By directly using the space secrets, the void can be imprisoned. If a quasi emperor pursues and kills Xuan Tian, ​​the hope of Xuan Tian escape is very slim.

Xuantian also looked at the old man in Tsing Yi and said, "Are you Huangfu Liuchan?"

The old man in Tsing Yi stepped in the void, and every step he fell, the sound was like beating a drum and trembling in the void, and said: "The kid is really rude, the old man doesn't know how many generations you are. Is the name you can call it? I heard that because your human race defeated After the demons, you are now the hero of the human race, haha..., hand over the two saints, and I will spare you the life of the human hero."

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