The Supreme Sword

Chapter 951: 】Level 2 King

【Chapter 951】The second-level emperor

A first-level emperor, trained as a four-turn sword pill, can cross four realms and kill a fifth-level emperor. ()

Xuantian cultivation level will be promoted to the second-level emperor, and Profound Comprehension will increase another realm, and the strength will be increased by a large level, and it will still have the strength to kill the fifth-level emperor.

However, Xuantian’s cultivation base in the second-level emperor was trained into a four-turn sword pill. The fusion of the four powers of the profound meaning and the power of Gangyuan is one step higher than that of the first-level emperor. Strong, I'm afraid it can kill the sixth-level emperor.

Therefore, first break through the cultivation base to the second-level emperor, and then practice the four-turn sword pill to maximize the combat power.

Those who can become an emperor are basically first-class geniuses. It is very difficult to leapfrog one level in the imperial state, especially to challenge four levels.

Only the Nine Turns Sword Pill Technique, the strongest attacking swordsmanship, and the ultimate sword formation among the sword formation masters, can be achieved.

As expected, Xuantian's feeling was not bad. In the past few days, his cultivation level had an opportunity for breakthrough.

On October 12th, on this day, Xuantian's cultivation base made a silent breakthrough and became the second-level emperor.

The test of the rules of heaven has all passed in the king realm. The king realm has only one total calamity. Therefore, Xuantian has become a second-level emperor, and there is no sign that he hides his breath, and no one can see him. The cultivation base has broken through.

Over the past six months, Xuantian has been practicing in the Xiyang Tower in retreat. His reputation has spread throughout the world, and no one in Central Continent knows it.

He believed that as long as Long Ziyan arrived in Central Continent, she would definitely come to look for him. Long Ziyan had no news and Xuantian didn't know where to find it. However, when Long Ziyan arrived in Central Continent, it was very simple to find Xuantian.

However, after half a year, Long Ziyan did not appear.

"Surely something happened in Shenzhou, right?" Xuantian felt a little uneasy.

He is now a second-level emperor, and I am afraid he can't return to Tianzhou and Shenzhou. The world over there can only accommodate the next-level emperor, unless Xuantian can obtain higher-quality undead blood or an immortal god. blood.

"Zi Yan should have become an emperor long ago. If she was still in Shenzhou, even if Yunzhou sent a large number of first-level emperors to go, she would not be her opponent. Besides, Jianzong still has three eyes guardianship, and Tianzhou also has several first-level emperors. If the emperor above Yunzhou Level 2 can't get through, the threat to Tianzhou and Shenzhou is not too great. If Ziyan is in Shenzhou, she should be safe." Xuantian changed his mind.

"For the time being, I should seize the time to cultivate, improve my cultivation, and increase my strength. Huangfu cultivates the immortal body first-class, and I will be able to return to China after taking his undead blood in the future!"

Xuantian regarded Huangfu as a first-class figure and was a must-killer. He had already received news from the two masters of the sword emperor family, Fengyun Bainan and Zhan Dingkun. Li Yifeng died, and Xuantian and Huangfu family would never die.

Becoming a second-level emperor, his spiritual body broke through to the middle of the fourth stage, Xuantian immediately sensed that the limit for the understanding of the profound meaning does not exist anymore. His body is enough for him to understand the power of the higher realm, enough to withstand his powerful thoughts. Repair for.

Xuantian had no palpitations. He took out the Chaos Sacred Cauldron and Thunder Sacred Cauldron to continue to comprehend the power of the profound meaning. Moreover, the speed of refining and absorbing the earth of the Emperor of Hades, the speed of understanding the profound meaning of the earth is not under the profound meaning of chaos and thunder.

The cultivation of the fourth level of the Immortal Golden Body continued. The more the Immortal Golden Body went to the back, the more difficult it was to cultivate. After half a year, Xuantian did not train the fourth level of the Immortal Golden Body.

Once trained, Xuantian’s Gang Yuan is definitely stronger than when the Immortal Golden Body was in the third stage. This is why Xuantian cultivated after placing the four-turn sword pill to the second-level emperor, the power of Gang Yuan. The stronger, the stronger the strength of the profound meaning, the stronger the condensed sword pill. Among them, the most important is the power of the Gang Yuan, because the power of the sword pill is multiplied by the power of the Gang Yuan.

Three-turn sword pill is eight times the power of Gang Yuan, and four-turn sword pill is sixteen times the power of Gang Yuan.

When cultivating the three-turn sword pill, he is the quasi-emperor. When cultivating the four-turn sword pill, he is the second-level emperor. Not to mention the difference between eight times the strength and sixteen times the strength. Xuantian is the quasi-emperor and the second-level emperor. , How big is the difference between the power of Gang Yuan?

Once trained into a four-turn sword pill, the strength of the sword pill is definitely not as simple as doubling the power of a three-turn sword pill, but a terrifying increase of more than a hundred times.

The three-strength sword pill trained in the quasi-emperor's time has the power to kill the fourth-level emperor, and the four-turn sword pill trained by the second-level emperor can kill the sixth-level emperor, just like waiting.

Knowing that Xuantian was practicing in retreat, no one in the Sunset Tower disturbed him, unless Xuantian occasionally showed up by himself, few people could see him.

Not only did Geng Yuqing fabricate many large formations inside and outside of the Sunset Tower, especially Xuantian's residence, but also the arrays. Once someone broke in, Xuantian would know immediately.

At the same time, Xuantian also experimented. When Geng Yuqing opened the formation, Xuantian would not be able to travel a million miles through the gate of space, and would be blocked by the formation gas mask.

Therefore, even though he has an unparalleled speed of one million miles, he is not able to go to the sky and the earth. The formation gas mask can stop him, indicating that it is still dangerous.

Of course, what can stop Xuantian is not the formation of imprisoning the void. The formation of imprisoning the void is similar to the use of space by the strong to imprison it. On the way of space, Xuantian's understanding is much stronger than that of the Emperor Zhun. Only when the gas mask of the formation method was able to block Xuantian.

Moreover, only extremely high-level formations can be blocked. For example, the mountain guard formation before the Sunset Tower cannot stop Xuantian. He comes and goes freely, while the formations laid by Geng Yuqing cannot be passed by Xuantian.

"How long does he plan to hide in the Sunset Tower? Half a year has passed. He plans to hide for a year? Ten years? Or do you want to hide inside forever?"

Xuantian practiced in retreat, which lasted for half a year, but he waited crazy for the Huangfu family who wanted to kill him.

The Sunset Tower and the Fengyun Aristocratic Family form an alliance, and the two major forces are connected by a teleportation formation. If something happens to the Sunset Tower, the Fengyun Aristocratic Family can quickly arrive directly.

Therefore, it is impossible to kill Xuantian in the Sunset Tower.

Even the assassin of Skeleton Valley could not assassinate Xuantian in the Sunset Tower, where there are so many formations that you can't touch them, and attack the Sunset Tower? Huangfu family didn't dare, let alone Skull Valley.

"If you don't wander outside, the most enchanting genius can't grow up quickly. He can't stay in the Sunset Tower all his life and keep people watching. Once Xuantian leaves the Sunset Tower, he will report immediately." Huangfu Hongjun ordered.

The speed of Xuantian's growth was faster than that of the undead emperor thousands of years ago. Although Xuantian cannot shake the Huangfu family, once he becomes an emperor, the Huangfu family will face disaster.

The Huangfu family knew very well that even the Sword Emperor family couldn't compete with how many imperial powers they destroyed after becoming an emperor more than 900 years ago.

Therefore, the Huangfu family was very jealous of Xuantian's potential and must kill Xuantian while growing.


In a certain place in the Central Continent, there are endless mountains, one after another, with lofty mountains everywhere, flying cliffs, and the mountains are steep and rugged.

In this endless mountain, there is an area, with dark clouds all the year round, the whistling wind, and the fog. The emperor enters it, and the line of sight cannot see how far away.

In this area, there is a valley with two rows of skeletons standing at the mouth of the valley. Between the two rows of skeletons, there is a road leading into the valley.

That road is paved with skulls, and I don’t know how many people’s skulls can make this road.

Here, is a famous killer group in Central Continent-Skeleton Valley.

Skeleton Valley is located in the ghost fog and cloud of this endless mountain, it is extremely difficult to find, and there are many formations inside, and the murderous opportunities are unlimited. The ninth-level emperor can come in and get no benefits.

Skeleton Valley has a rule, that is, they will not assassinate the main characters of the five great sword emperor families, so even if the five great sword emperors know that there is a killer organization like Skeleton Valley, but without deep hatred, naturally they will not desperately destroy Skull Valley.

Even if the Emperor Zhun made the move, it was difficult to destroy the Skeleton Valley.

The Huangfu family paid a high price and asked Skull Valley to assassinate Xuantian. Skull Valley took over the business. Their rule was not to assassinate the main characters of the five sword emperor families. Although the Fengyun family protected Xuantian, Xuantian was not the Fengyun family. People, and they are also satisfied with the price paid by the Huangfu family.

In the depths of Skeleton Valley, there is a huge hall of skeletons. In the hall, there are huge seats made of skulls. On the seats sit a powerful person above the emperor.

"The ghost deduces the secret of heaven. Two months later, Xuantian will leave the Sunset Tower and head to the ancient land of Tengjia in the Flame Region. This is an excellent opportunity for assassination." A voice came from the top seat in the center.

On the skeleton seat, there was a figure in black. Like the figures on the other skeleton seats, there was only the outline of the figure, and it was impossible to see the appearance.

"Gu Master, who do we send to kill that kid, Wind and Cloud Dragon City seems to care about him, this old guy hasn't had a long life, if he angers him, he goes crazy to make trouble with Skeleton Valley, it's not good. "A voice came from the skeleton seat next to it.

"Hmm...!" The first Skull Valley Master nodded, and said: "Wind and Cloud Dragon City is indeed difficult to deal but he only said that the elders are enemies with Xuantian by bullying the small. But I didn’t say that the younger generations are also concerned about fighting. Xuantian is the emperor. Compared with the emperor, people under 150 years old can be regarded as ordinary people and under 30 years old. They are all juniors. Then we only send the younger generations under 150 to assassinate. , Bring back the sickle child, and he will lead the team to complete this task."

"Scythe? He became an emperor at the age of forty-three. He was already a fourth-level emperor at the age of fifty-seven. Now at sixty-one, he has the strength to kill a sixth-level emperor. Even a seventh-level emperor can be assassinated. He may be killed by his sword, but he is hopeful of assassinating the five perverted evildoers. With him leading the team, he will be foolproof!"

"Well, sickle will kill Xuantian!"

"There is a sickle and spines, two months later, it is Xuantian's death period...!"


On the skeleton seat, the men in black nodded, admiring the scythe.

Scythe, a shining new star in the Skeleton Valley Killer, although he is not very old, his strength is stronger than many killer elders in the Skeleton Hall.


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