The Supreme Sword

Chapter 981: 】Tianxuan Emperor Sword

【Chapter 981】Sky Profound Emperor Sword

The sword emperor is the highest realm of the mortal martial artist and the last step for a mortal to become a god. He is very powerful. ()

Their weapons, unlike other weapons that can be easily created, not only require precious and rare materials, but also require a long time to sacrifice and refine.

Therefore, although the ancestors of the five great sword emperors have all had sword emperors, none of them have left the emperor-level gods.

Compared with the emperor, the emperor-level magic weapon has a much greater power bonus than the imperial-level magic weapon to the king, and the king-level magic weapon to the heavenly warrior.

The **** son came from the **** realm. Although he had a **** weapon on his body, the cultivation base of the emperor realm could not exert the power of the **** weapon. The emperor **** weapon was the highest weapon that the emperor could control.

For example, Sikongxiang, the magical tool on his body, travels countless hundreds of millions of miles in the void, but his current cultivation base is too low, let alone countless hundreds of millions of miles, he can't even travel through the void for a million miles, only able to display the instinct of the artifact Some effects.

The strength of Sikongxiang is not much different from that of Xuantian. Xuantian cultivates an immortal golden body, a strong body, and a vigorous gang. There are four types of profound meanings that have reached the sixth-order peak. He was weaker than Sikongxiang, and Xuantian had such a powerful killer move as the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, which greatly increased his combat power.

However, Xuantian still felt a little threatened to Sikongxiang, and now he finally understood where the threat was, it was the emperor-level **** soldier in Sikongxiang's hand.

Xuantian’s immortal golden body is now stronger than the top imperial treasures, but it still can’t be compared with the emperor-level gods. Even if the golden body covers the area, it uses the emperor-level with the strength of Sikongxiang. Magic soldiers can destroy.

Originally, the strength of the two was similar, but Si Kongxiang possessed an emperor-level divine weapon. Although he hadn't reached the point where he could fight beyond the four realms, his strength exceeded the limit of a seventh-level emperor, a little bit higher than Xuantian.

It's just a little bit taller, and coupled with the emperor-level divine soldiers in his hands, Sikong poses no small threat to Xuantian's life.

Clang clang clang clang clang...

Xuantian placed his hands in the formation, pulling the force of the sword formation, and countless stars converged to form one after another jade-like sword light, each of which was more than one hundred meters long, and slashed towards the "Yin and Yang Two Qi".

After losing a few sword formations, the yin and yang two qi cuts were split instantly, but the dark long sword shattered like a bamboo, smashing the hundred-foot-long sword one after another into shatters.

The power of the emperor-level gods is too great. Although the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Array is a top-notch imperial-level sword formation, it can fight across four realms at its limit, but Xuantian currently lacks the Emperor-level spirit sword. His Great Zhoutian Xingchen The sword formation is far from reaching its limit.

With his current strength, he can at least control the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation with the Seven Sword Formations overlapping, but now he only has 1,800 Emperor-Level Spirit Swords, and can only achieve the overlapping of the five sword formations.

Sikongxiang possessed an emperor-level magic weapon, and his combat power almost rivaled that of an eighth-level emperor. It was probably not much worse than the six-sword formation overlapping the Great Zhoutian Stars Sword Formation, and it should be very close.

And if Xuantian had enough emperor-level spirit swords to reach the overlap of the seven sword arrays, it would be the terrifying power of killing eighth-level emperors across four realms, which would be far ahead of Sikongxiang.

Therefore, Xuantian has both the skill of the Nine Turns Sword Pill and the Sword Formation Master. Both are known for their terrifying attack power. It is not that the skill of the Nine Turns Sword Pill and the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation are not as good as Sikongxiang, but It was the sword pill technique and the sword formation Xuantian who hadn't practiced to the limit, so the Sikongxiang who was holding the emperor-level divine weapon was weakened.

Si Kongxiang held an emperor-level **** weapon and cut it down with a single move of "Yin Yang Two Qi Slash", the sword formation and sword light could not resist.

Xuantian even removed three hundred and sixty imperial-level spirit swords and went directly to resist the emperor-level gods.

There was a clear voice, although the imperial spirit sword was sharper and stronger than the imperial treasure, but it could not be compared with the imperial **** soldier.

The imperial spirit sword collided with the imperial **** soldiers, and they were all shaken back quickly.

Sikongxiang's combat power was so strong that Xuantian had to retreat. He controlled the imperial spirit sword freely. The flying imperial spirit sword quickly turned into starlight and merged into the sword formation in the sky.

"Xuantian, with this strength, you dare to threaten to kill this **** son, hahaha...! Hahahaha...!" Si Kongxiang held an emperor-level magic weapon, his body was as fast as lightning, and he chased Xuantian, laughing loudly Up.

The emperor-level gods in his hand repeatedly displayed powerful swordsmanship, at least the top imperial-level swordsmanship, and possibly even the emperor-level swordsmanship, with amazing power.

Under Si Kongxiang's offensive, Xuantian quickly retreated, backing several kilometers in the blink of an eye, and quickly withdrew dozens of miles away.

The powerhouses in the Sunset Tower looked at the battle in the sky, and looked nervous. Sikongxiang’s strength was indeed terrifying. He deserved to be the name of the son of God, and Xuantian’s ability to leapfrog challenges was only stronger than that of several perverted evildoers. They all beat their opponents by leapfrogging, and they were beaten back after another in the same realm. All the strong spectators had never seen or heard of them.

"The Son of God deserves to be the Son of God, mortals are mortals after all...!"

"Yeah, Xuantian is a mortal after all. No matter how abnormal the combat power is, it is only for the strong mortal, how can he really rebel against this sky, how can he rebel the **** son who descended from the gods above the sky...! "


Someone sighed.

Yin and Yang Two Qi Slash——

Water and Fire Golden Lotus Slash-


Sikong's sword was like rain, and his offensive was like a torrential rain and thunder, and he slew towards Xuantian.

Soon Xuantian withdrew more than a hundred miles away, and there was also an imperial sword in his hand. It controlled the sword formation and performed swordsmanship. It was resisting Si Kongxiang's attack, but he was also very embarrassed and the situation was dangerous.

Especially when Sikongxiang displayed the water and fire golden lotus cut, this was the enhanced version of the water and fire pregnant golden lotus that Xuantian had faced before, a true profound and righteous fusion sword move.

That sword aura was like a lotus flower, petal after petal, even Xuan Tian used the Great Zhoutian Stars Sword Formation, unable to stop the endless lotus sword aura attack.

Thirty-six counts, take the best plan!


A moving rune suddenly appeared in Xuan Tian's hand, and then his body disappeared in a flash, teleporting for more than a million miles through the gate of space.

Xuantian couldn't fight Sikong to death if he couldn't beat him. Anyway, he came and went freely, with unparalleled speed, and walked as he wanted, no one could catch up.

Sikongxiang was able to kill Xing. Seeing that Xuantian was about to be defeated, he was beheaded, but Xuantian suddenly disappeared, how willing he was.

"Xuantian, you can't escape to the end of the world and the corners of the world, you can't escape the palm of this **** child." Sikongxiang shouted, his body disappeared in a flash.

When Xuantian disappeared just now, he leaned towards the east, and Si Kongxiang immediately judged that Xuantian had teleported to the east.

As a **** son, Sikongxiang had been to Jianzhou, where the sword emperor was like a cloud, and moving magic runes was not a rare item. Sikongxiang knew it naturally.

However, he did not react at once. Using the moving rune to teleport, it disappeared directly, and the direction of disappearance could not be seen. However, Xuantian just stepped to the east and took a step. This way of teleporting, Teleporting by moving the rune is a little different.

All the strong spectators were excited at the time. Because the battle was going fierce, Xuantian was about to lose. But suddenly Xuantian and Sikong disappeared. They were very disappointed, and both of them also turned to Eastern Teleport chased it.

However, their speed is naturally a thousand miles away compared to Xuantian and Si Kongxiang.

It is said that Xuantian stepped more than a million li in one step, put away the moving magic rune in his hand, and was watching from all directions, distinguishing the position, because the situation was urgent just now, Xuantian just stepped out indiscriminately, he didn't know what he was. Which side is it going?

Xuantian hadn't fully realized what was going on. After only ten breaths, he suddenly palpitated, and saw the void in the distance burst, and the figure of Si Kongxiang suddenly appeared, killing him again.

As for the speed of Si Kongxiang, Xuan Tian was taken aback. He stepped over a million li in one step, and Si Kongxiang caught up with him in only about ten breaths, and the speed was incredible.

However, Xuantian disagreed, but Si Kongxiang never wanted to catch up with Xuantian.

An extra moving magic rune appeared in Xuan Tian's hand, and then he stepped out one step at a time, and disappeared again.

This time, Xuantian took several steps continuously, teleported millions of miles continuously, completely abandoning Sikongxiang, and then stopped.

When Xuantian stepped out of the void for the last time, his eyes brightened. Thousands of miles away, a huge sword that was thousands of feet high plunged into the sky.

This huge sword is divided into ten sections, which is the famous Sky Profound Sword Tower.

Seeing the Sky Profound Sword Tower, Xuan Tian suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling.

His Ultimate Star Attracting Art, Jie Zun Sword Art, were harvested from the tenth floor of the Sky Profound Sword Tower, which was the inheritance of the sword world Jie Zun Tianchen in the ancient times.

Now his Ultimate Star Attracting Art has been cultivated to a certain level, and the Jie Zun Sword Art has also begun to cultivate, and seeing the Sky Profound Sword Tower has a very cordial feeling.

Correct! kind! Uncommon kindness!

That kind of feeling is like an arm that has been broken for many years, and suddenly it is connected to it one day, and the familiar feeling of the past will appear, very cordial.

With one step, Xuantian traveled through the void to the side of the Heavenly Profound Sword Tower.


The entire Sky Profound Sword Tower shook suddenly and let out a soft moan.

The Ultimate Star Attracting Art was instinctively operating, and Xuantian felt that there was an aura between the Profound Sky Sword Tower and the Sky Profound Sword Tower.

Xuantian's expression suddenly shook, then turned into a surprise!

The Sky Profound Sword Tower seems to be conscious He received a message from the Sky Profound Sword Tower.

What Xuantian didn't expect was that the Sky Profound Sword Tower turned out to be a sword, an emperor-level magic weapon, a top emperor-level sword!

Xuantian ran the Ultimate Star Attracting Art, and gently supported the Sky Profound Sword Tower. The Sky Profound Sword Tower suddenly shrank and turned into a long sword about one meter long with nine knots in the middle, dividing the long sword into ten. cut.

The thousand-foot-long giant sword turned into a meter long and flew into Xuantian's hand.

From now on, the Profound Sky Sword Tower has completely disappeared, and there are only the top emperor rank divine weapons-the Profound Sky Emperor Sword!

"Master, I have been silent for many years, and finally wake up... Hahaha! You have to lead me to fight the world like the old master, and be invincible in the world, hahaha...!" The Emperor Profound Sky Sword fell into Xuantian His hand, a voice came from the Emperor Profound Sky Sword.

ek chocolate says

I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance! ! ! ! !


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