The Sweetest Medicine

Chapter 484: Love, caught off guard

Chapter 484 Love, caught off guard

Lu Xuechen raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows. Suddenly he thought of Gan Gan.

Why didn’t you think about Gan Gan before? Her medical skills are so good, there must be problems, and the trouble will be solved soon...


Looking for Gan Gan!

In spite of the fact that it was late in the middle of the night, Lu Xuechen immediately took the phone and got through the phone of Gan Gan.

In Gan Gan, he was confused and connected to the phone. Like Lu Xuechen, he heard Lin Jiayu sent to the hospital in the middle of the night and immediately sat up from the bed.

Fang Zhihan also woke up and went with Gan Gan.

When the two of them arrived at the hospital, Lin Jiayu had been pushed from the emergency room to the ward to rest.

Although it is not so painful now, Lin Jiayu’s face is still pale and weak in bed.

When Gan Gan sat down to the bed, he reached out and took Lin Jiayu’s hand and asked Lu Xuechen: “How? What the doctor said.”

Lu Xuechen replied: "The child is fine, she is a stomachache."

"Stomach pain?"

"Eat too much, stomach stomach caused by stomach food."

Lu Xuechen repeated the doctor's words to Gan Gan, and he was puzzled and said: "We have dinner at night, and I haven't read how much I eat, how can I have a stomachache?"

The hand holding Lin Jiayu took the opportunity to put it on her pulse, then closed her eyes and carefully examined it. At the same time, she said with a calm face: "Pregnant people should pay more attention to eating, absolutely can not mess, can not eat too Less, you can't eat too much."

Lin Jiayu smiled and said: "I have nothing to do."

After Gan Gan took the pulse, the problem was not serious, and he secretly sighed.

She said: "In this time, you must avoid spicy, irritating, non-digestible foods. Never eat too much in the future. If you are hungry, eat less and eat less, and eat less sugary. Food, definitely do not eat too much high-calorie food, drink plenty of warm water, and finally pay attention to a reasonable rest, go to bed early and get up early."

Lin Jiayu looked at her and honestly "oh".

When Lin Jiayu and Yu Gangan spoke softly, Lu Xuechen and Fang Zhihan walked out of the ward and sat in a chair outside the ward.

Lu Xuechen, who has been tense, heard that after Gan Gan said that Lin Jiayu had nothing to do, he sat in a chair and relaxed in a posture with a trace of fatigue.

For the first time, he felt the ultimate fear.

The exhaustion at the moment is not the body, but the heart, but also a hint of guilt.

He is really too careless, and she feels that she wants to eat, then do more food, knowing that it may be stored, and not in mind.

I think that the person who just hurts is him, and it is him who bears everything.

what happened to him?

Could it be that he really fell in love with Lin Jiayu?

At this moment, he did not understand a bit, obviously because of the children, obviously just think that since they are married, and have children, it is better to make a fake, anyway, for him, who is married.

Love, this kind of thing does not exist for him.

The people of Lujia are more ruthless, and they will not stay for a woman. It is a cold, family with interests first.

Whether it is his father or his mother, he knows very well that Lin Jiayu can marry into Lujia, and she has no relationship with his girlfriend, and has little to do with the children in her stomach.

Just because he is Lin Jiayu, her father is the chairman of Lin, and her mother is the deputy mayor of Baiyang City.

(End of this chapter)

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