The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 252: Coo coo

When Murakami talked, Kimura and Shu also noticed the little ghost on the other's shoulder. They kept squeaking and stood up with their hands on hips as if very proud.

Especially when Kimura and Shuki and Shiba Chiba came to see, this dark-skinned little ghost would grin and grin.

Chiba Shiori was afraid at first, but after reading it for a long time, there was no fear. Of course, it was mainly Kimura and the tree beside her, and her sense of security was natural. Of course, she also found this little ghost, as if she couldn't live without Ayumi Murakami's shoulders.

When entering the comic editing room, Murakami almost performed a flat fall for them again, but fortunately Shiba Chiba's eyes were quick and he held the other side.

Aura of gratitude emerged from Murakami's pale face. This sudden fall is a emotional blow. Murakami has never wrestled much in her life. Now she has to pay attention to her feet all the time, so that her mental strength is a little out of focus. The most important thing is psychological torture ...

Because you never know when the next moment will fall, so you do n’t know when to wrestle ... the night ’s changes are nothing terrible to her.

As soon as the three of them came in, they were noticed by the editors.

They ignored the sight of Ayumi Murakami almost falling, after all, it was just an accident.

As soon as she entered the editing room, Ayumi Murakami said with a smile, "You go on, I just brought Mr. Yanji to visit."

"Mr. Yanji?"

"Is that the teacher who wrote" Read Tokyo "?

"God, so young?"

"My God, isn't that the minister? Is the other party the teacher of the temple?"

At this moment, the editors of the comic editor's room were no longer quiet, and Ayumi Murakami's words surprised them.

Teacher Yan Si came to Qingji Club?

Is Yanji teacher Kimura and tree?

No ... Mr. Yanji came to Qingjisha, so?

For a moment, countless thoughts filled the mind. Everyone looked at Shiba Chiba and Kimura and Shuki, and they all looked surprised.

No matter who is the Yansi teacher, the two are wearing school uniforms enough to surprise them as young.

But everyone didn't say anything, just looked curiously. Of course, also in the editor's chat group crazy water group.

"Reading Tokyo" is a light novel, but if you want to adapt the animation, it will usually be done at the same time. Especially this kind of phenomenal light novel is almost no exception.

While the comic editors chatted in a low voice, at this time a young girl, bracing her courage, came over with water, her face was a little red, and she was obviously quite embarrassed.

Kimura and Shuki took the plastic cup, and Miyamoto Rina left without saying a word.

That's right, Rena Miyamoto. At that time, when Kimura and Shunan dressed as women's clothing and turned into Kimura Kazuko, the comic editor of the young season club was called by Otake to press him.

I didn't expect to meet here again. And ... he looked at Rena Miyamoto's side, and the warrior with a grimace was guarding the other side.

However, the next moment ... Kimura and Shuki's eyes set off a wave. He saw the dark red ghost standing on Murakami's shoulder, and suddenly made a face at the ghost-faced samurai. The next moment, the ghost-faced warrior who had not changed anything, looked up at the little ghost with a look of expression, and scared the little ghost's head.

This interaction, Shiba Chiba also looked at. She didn't expect to see such strange things in this comic editing room.

However, there are many people here, and Shiba Chiba didn't ask much.

On the contrary, Murakami took the plastic water cup, looked at the back of Miyamoto, smiled softly and said, "The editor of this Miyamoto took her brother to Qingjisha half a month ago. I was asked to see it. I learned that I had brought my younger brother to visit, and I reprimanded him. I never expected the other party to remember it. "Duancha poured water is generally a new employee who joins the company, and Miyamoto Reina is the official editor. Apologies for what happened before.

After all, Rena Miyamoto is the editor of the comic editing room, and she is the chief editor of the light novel editing room.

Kimura and Shu were thoughtful. When he was in the Weir apartment, his face and identity conquered Rena Miyamoto, so he talked to each other a lot. I also learned that the other party had a younger brother ... The other party's younger brother was originally a squatting mansion, but it has changed recently. At that time, he speculated that the ghost warrior might be related to the other brother. Murakami Ami, the dark red ghost, seems to interact with the ghost-faced samurai.

Then Bacheng has something to do with Miyamoto Rena's younger brother Miyamoto.

All the way down, Ayumi Murakami took them to visit the entire Qingji Club, and also went to the dubbing room, animation production room, light novel editing room ... It took nearly an hour to walk through the Qingji Club, and took them in the Qing Season. Chiba Shiori praised the restaurant's beautiful dining room.

When she said goodbye, Shiba Chiba gave Ayumi Murakami a day off at home. She thought the other person's weakness was related to long hours of work.

Of course ... Mainly Shiba Chiba knows that the little ghost on the other side's shoulder ~ ~ has been raised by Kimura and Shuki. Murakami does not need to be tortured by this little ghost afterwards.

As for Chiba Shiori's kindness, Ayumi Murakami naturally did not refuse, and said with a smile.

After leaving, Shiba Chiba looked curiously at the imps of Kimura and Shuki. She couldn't help but said, "Can I touch it?"

"Yes." Kimura and Shumi looked cautiously at Shiba Chiba. He laughed. "This thing is not a ghost or a grudge. So you don't need to be nervous, and it can't hurt you."

When Kimura and the tree caught the little ghost, they investigated it for the first time and found that the little ghost was between the soul body, but not the soul body. There is no aura in the opponent's body, and even the consciousness is simple.

It's like ... someone created it.

Shiba Chiba naturally didn't know it, but after listening to Kimura and Shuki ... she thought of the ghost-faced samurai she saw in the comic editing room. She couldn't help but said, "Will this little ghost be related to the grimace warrior we saw ..." After all, this little ghost and the grimace warrior had interacted, and when she thought of talking to Ayumi Murakami, the other side revealed Information, could not help but say, "When Murakami's accident happened, it seemed to be ten days ago ... and she rebuked the Miyamoto editor half a month ago ... It is likely that the Miyamoto editor retaliated against her."

"You guessed it." Kimura and Shu paused. "But the truth is, we have to investigate." He looked at the little ghost in his hand, took out a tracking sign, and stuck it directly on the little ghost.

The next moment, the dark red ghost shuddered and dissipated directly into the air. The tracker flicked into a white dove, the size of a thumb.

Coo coo ...

The pigeon flapped its wings and flew towards the front.

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