After the golden lion Shiji left, all the navies breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if it is as strong as a red dog, it is secretly palpitating, this is the legendary character, even if the three admirals come out together, they can’t help the golden lion Shiji.

In this battle, the main combat strength of both sides did not lose anything, and most of the dead were those small pirates, as well as those low-level navies, which can be regarded as invincible.

However, both sides in this battle came for the Flame Fruit, but Navy Dusty got the Flame Fruit, so really speaking, the Navy won, and the Golden Lion Pirates came for nothing.

At the port of the naval base in Rogue Town, the three generals and Jack and others re-boarded the warship, and not far away, Smogg’s father saw off the three generals.

“The news of this battle will soon spread throughout the New World, and when those sea thieves in the New World know that we are not in the New World, they will definitely cause some trouble, and we have to rush back to the naval headquarters as soon as possible.”

Akainu said in a deep voice.

The green pheasant and the yellow ape nodded, they came out in secret this time, and now that this secret has been exposed, they must rush back.

Those sea thieves in the New World are not dry food, and after knowing that there are no three generals sitting in the naval headquarters, they must be more arrogant than before.

After all, when Sengoku and Karp were already old, the only people in the New World who dared to continue to pursue the sea pirates were these three admirals.

They are the pinnacle combat power of the navy, which represents the strength of the navy.

“This little girl is lucky, originally her talent is not qualified to go to the headquarters, but now she is well deserved.” The yellow ape smiled and looked at Dusty on the side and said.

The green pheasant nodded and said, “Flame Fruit, this is the same Devil Fruit that I specially restrained, and its achievements will not be worse than mine in the future. ”

The red dog nodded irrefutably, the flame fruit is very powerful, the only drawback seems to be his magma fruit, but it is all navy, even if he looks at Dusty unpleasantly, it is impossible to deal with Dusty.

One thing is undeniable, they really received a few good seedlings when they came out this time.

First, Jack, a super genius who comprehended the domineering color of the overlord, and now there are two natural Devil Fruit ability people in the natural system, Smog and Dusty, and if they grow up in the future, they may be the three admirals of the navy.

“These three little guys all have the potential to grow into generals, and if the Marshal of the Warring States knows, he will definitely train them as our successors.” Yellow Ape said.

“Now that the four emperors of the New World are dominating, and there is the unstable factor of the Seven Wuhai, even the legendary sea thief of the Golden Lion Shiji has appeared, if our navy does not add some new blood, it will indeed be very troublesome at that time.” The pheasant nodded.

“Okay, let’s go, these imps can be handed over to Karp to manage when the time comes!” The red dog shouted loudly and ordered the fleet to accelerate towards the naval headquarters.


Marin Fandor!

The location of the headquarters of the Navy is also the place where the “big event” and “war on top” will take place in the future. It has always been a symbol of power and justice. Located in the heart of the “Great Passage”, close to the Chambordi Islands, the Red Earth Continent and the “Holy Land” Malichoa. Between the “Justice Island” Ainies Hall and the “Imper” Undersea Prison, three “Justice Gates” surround the formation of a whirlpool current for the exclusive use of the government.

The island looks like a crescent moon, and in addition to combat facilities, there are also resident facilities, and the inhabitants of the island are the families of the navy. The headquarters building is built on the mountainous terrain, and the interior is a spacious room with tatami and abundant training facilities.

“Well, little ones, in the next few years, you will study and cultivate here, and I hope you will complete your studies as soon as possible and become a truly qualified admiral.” The green pheasant said to Jack and the others with a smile.

Ghost Spider and the others suddenly looked excited and expectant.

This is the headquarters of the Navy, where they dreamed of coming, where the highest power in the world navy is. Especially in the naval school here, the hero Karp is the principal, but all the admirals who come out of this school are at least a rear admiral.

This naval school is a place to train high-level combat capabilities for the navy.

The next thing is very simple, the red dog and the yellow ape go to the Warring States to regain their lives, and the green pheasant takes Jack and the others to see Karp.

“General Qinghe, Lord Karp is not here, he teaches a group of trainees in the martial arts arena.” In Karp’s office, a Navy soldier said to the pheasant with a respectful face.

The green pheasant nodded, and then smiled at Jack and the others: “Let’s go, I think you must want to see this legendary hero, right!” ”

Jack and the others all nodded, except for Jack, even Smogg and Dusty looked adoring and admiring.

If the Warring States is the most powerful person in the world’s navy, then Karp is the most admired person in the world’s navy.

One of them holds the highest power, the other holds the highest prestige, and the two join forces to compete with One Piece Roger.

Even the Golden Lion Shiji was imprisoned by them in Advance City that year.

The combination of the two of them is definitely the most feared object of the sea pirates in the New World.

Fortunately, now these two people are old, they have retreated to the background, and they are no longer involved in pursuing those sea thieves, otherwise I am afraid that even the four emperors such as Whitebeard and Shanks will be jealous.

“Haha, you smelly boys, you still want to graduate with this strength? All of them give me to stay in school obediently, and when I reach the eighth or ninth order, I am eligible to graduate. ”

It was still far away from the martial arts arena, and Jack and the others heard a hearty laugh.

Everyone’s eyes lit up, no need to guess, this must be the naval hero Karp.

“Another legendary figure, even the strongest person in the navy, even if he is old now, I am afraid that his combat effectiveness is above the general.” Jack thought secretly.

After a while, everyone came to a huge square, surrounded by tall walls, very thick.

In the center of the square, a group of young men are besieging an old man with gray hair, this is none other than naval hero Karp.

As for these young people, they are all some naval geniuses above the fifth rank and below the eighth order, but even if dozens of them join forces to besiege, they can’t hurt a single hair of Karp, but they are beaten by Karp with a pair of fists.

“It’s too weak, it’s really too weak, aren’t you little rabbits working hard enough? You are not allowed to eat tonight, if you want to eat, go to the sea to catch sea kings to eat. Karp shouted angrily.

“It’s unfathomable!” Jack glanced at it from a distance, his face was full of sighs, Karp did not use the domineering and overlord domineering, and even suppressed the cultivation to the same level as those trainees, but he easily defeated this group of trainees.

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