As soon as the system finished speaking, the woman's eyelashes trembled, and then a surge of momentum spread out, and her clothes returned to their original state.

"What a powerful cultivation level! Lin Caichen sighed inwardly, but the figure had already shot out and entered another road. If he didn't go, his life would be decided here.

Not long after he left, the woman woke up and counted with her fingers. Her beautiful brows wrinkled slightly, her red lips parted slightly,"It has only been sixty years, why did I wake up early?"

Walking out of the ice room, the spiritual weapon outside the door has disappeared. The woman's face turned dark,"Who is it? No, if I wake up early, it must be someone who is destined to wake me up. Could it be……"

Thinking of this, she regained her composure, but she felt a little bit cold deep in her heart. She smiled and said,"Hey, little thief, I put that mirror with you first as a token of love. I will definitely find you when the time comes!""

After saying that, she also left the passage, but the passage here seemed to be changing randomly. The passage Lin Caichen left before was completely different from the passage the woman took. It was really magical.


Lin Caichen walked hurriedly when a rippled barrier appeared in front of her. Without saying a word, she walked out.

When he reappeared, he was in a hot spring. He held his breath and floated to the surface. Unexpectedly, he saw two slender white legs, and he could clearly see the places he shouldn't have seen. this?

Lin Caichen almost had a nosebleed, so she had no choice but to turn on the Zhen Gang Concealing Aura Mask and hide under the water, not daring to go out.

After a long time, the woman above seemed to have left the hot spring, and then Lin Caichen slowly floated up.

When he came out of the water, he looked around and found that this was a woman's bath, and the aroma was very familiar to him.

"She was the woman just now……"

At this moment, a melodious bell sounded in the distance, ringing three times in a row.

Hearing the bell, the entire Jade Girl Palace disciples rushed towards Jade Girl Peak, including the woman who was in the hot spring before.

After everyone left, Lin Caichen dried her clothes and left the bath to go to a boudoir. She took a deep breath of the intoxicating aroma and left the Snow Lady Palace in a big way.

That's right, the owner of the two big white ones before was Xue Nu, the master of Concubine Xue Qian, the woman Lin Caichen also wanted to possess.

"The previous secret realm was at Jade Girl Peak, but the exit is at Snow Girl Peak. This secret realm is really magical."

No longer thinking about those things, he returned to Concubine Xue Qian's ice palace, only to find that she was looking for him anxiously wearing a thin dress and bare feet.

Seeing him come back, she threw herself into his arms like the wind, Holding him tightly,"Where have you been? I thought you didn't want me anymore."

Listening to her crying words, she was really pitiful. Lin Caichen suddenly realized that she was a little selfish. If a woman with a cold personality can be like this, then this woman really cares about him.

Touching her hair, Lin Caichen Comforting:"Why don't I want you? You are my wife, I am just going out for a walk."

He picked her up from the waist, entered the bedroom, and gently put on her dress and boots.

Seeing this, Concubine Xue Qian let him move, but there was a hint of sweetness in her eyes,"This is it. Is the happiness that Master said? If this is it, then I have it! Having a husband is actually pretty good."

After everything was sorted, she pulled Lin Caichen and said,"Husband, let's go to Jade Girl Peak quickly. The bell that sounded before was the palace master's summons. Lin

Caichen was a little surprised and said,"Isn't it true that men can't participate in this kind of thing?""

"You are different, you are my husband, not that kind of Taoist couple."Xue Qianfei explained.

Lin Caichen nodded to express her understanding, and then pulled her out of the hall,"Okay, let's go too!"

The two of them turned into streams of light and rushed towards Yunv Peak. When they entered the main hall, they were all beauties of the same color, and the fragrances of various makeup and powders were mixed together.

As a direct disciple of Yunv Peak, Xue Qianfei naturally wanted to go to Yunv Peak.

The two arrived Behind Xue Nu, Xue Nu glanced at Lin Caichen, and then ignored her.

Lin Caichen looked up, and the woman sitting on the throne was the woman he released in the secret realm before,"I had guessed it before, but I didn't expect her to be real. It's Bai Ye, the master of Jade Girl Palace."

The whole hall is full of women. Lin Caichen is naturally a very prominent man, even more prominent than the waist disc.

He successfully attracted the attention of all women, including the palace owner Bai Ye.

Lin Caichen was looked at by so many beauties, although she was too shameless It's very thick, but it also feels a bit hot, but she also enjoys it.

Xue Qianfei's expression remains unchanged, but her right hand is holding Lin Caichen's palm tightly underneath.

"I left the palace early, but I sensed the arrival of a destined person. I think you all know the importance of this destined person to this palace and the palace."Bai Ye no longer looked at Lin Caichen, but looked at everyone and said

"What the senior sister said is absolutely true!"

"If the destined person really comes, my Jade Girl Palace will reach a higher level."

"Congratulations, senior sister!"

The other elders of the Seven Peaks were complimenting each other, but the old god Xue Nu was sitting there silently, as if thinking about a problem.

Seeing this, Bai Ye looked at Xue Nu and asked,"I wonder who the man behind Junior Sister is? Concubine

Xue Qian was about to speak, but was interrupted by Xue Nu holding out her hand. She smiled slightly and said,"Haha, senior sister is interested. He is my disciple's husband.""


Everyone was stunned, but Bai Ye nodded slightly,"Yes, Concubine Qian has learned your essence in this regard, but... I feel that the destined person is in my Jade Lady Palace, so I want to let you. All the men are gathered together, none of them can be missing."

Elder Qifeng's face also darkened slightly. Their Taoist companions have been cultivated by themselves through hard work, and they are also considered their private property. If they are allowed to be inspected by other women like this, it will make their faces look brighter. ?

This is equivalent to letting other men pick and check your women, which is unacceptable.

Bai Ye also saw their faces, and then said:"Forget it, Elder Bafeng has known the truth for so many years."

When she said this, these elders breathed a sigh of relief.

"Senior Sister Shengming!"

"Um! Bai Ye nodded and looked at the female disciples in the main hall,"As long as your Taoist companion is a destined person of this palace, I will personally accept her as a close disciple.""

"Yes, Palace Master!"

As soon as these words came out, all the female disciples changed their previous dissatisfaction and called for their Taoist companions, the palace master's closed disciples, which are much more valuable than the Taoist companions. If the Taoist companion is gone, you can find another one, but the closed disciples only have Once.

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