At this time, Lin Caichen's soul had been compressed to the size of three inches, and it could be said that all the essence of his body was concentrated to the extreme.

Just when he was about to retreat, the eye between the three-eyed giant's eyebrows suddenly shot out a stream of light, piercing into Lin Caichen's soul.


The soul was stabbed, and Lin Caichen felt an explosion of pain in her body. This feeling was simply worse than death.


The soul retreated and returned to the body. At this time, Lin Caichen only felt that her whole body was relaxed and her mind was clear. A kind of A feeling of emptiness.

But when he opened his eyes, there was another eye between his eyebrows. He looked at Xiaoqing and saw her green snake prototype.

Xiaoqing pointed at his forehead and exclaimed:"Guanren." , you have an extra eye between your eyebrows."

Lin Caichen took out the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror. There was indeed an extra eye between her eyebrows. It looked a little weird, but it looked a lot like Erlang Shen.

She controlled that eye and then slowly closed it. Her forehead was still smooth and dewy. Nen, cough cough.

At this time, he already knew the function of this eye. This eye is called the Eye of Deception. Inwardly, that is, being able to see what others are thinking.

Very scary eyes. If you can know what others are thinking, isn't it a mind-reading skill? It's better to gain something than nothing. Looking at the three-eyed giant again, I found him. The eye no longer exists between the eyebrows

"There's nothing left here, let's go out!"


The two of them left the palace, and the palace door closed automatically. But the moment it was closed, a sigh sounded in the hall.

"Alas~ Immortal Road... Divine River... Nirvana... Hope……"

Then the giant finally closed his eyes, the big hole in his heart began to rot, and the entire body turned into powder and disappeared.

When Lin Caichen and Xiaoqing were swimming in the water, they turned around and found that the previous palace was sinking and then disappearing.

"Who is the three-eyed giant? And who is such a powerful person who can penetrate his heart so that he cannot recover. Lin

Caichen's doubts were getting heavier and heavier. Who was the owner of the ice coffin in his system package? Why did it give people the terrifying feeling that they would die if they opened it?

"Phew~ Forget it, these are not things I should worry about. I can cultivate my immortality with peace of mind. My goal is to attract all the women in the sky and the world. Kill ten thousand people? What a joke!"


A water column exploded from the lake, and Lin Caichen and Xiaoqing rose into the sky hand in hand.

"where are we going? Lin Caichen asked.

Xiaoqing leaned against him,"I will go wherever the officials go, but I have always heard that there is heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below. Why don't we go to Hangzhou!""


Lin Caichen glanced at Xiaoqing and thought to himself: Is this Xiaoqing really that Xiaoqing, that is, Bai Suzhen will also have it?

If this is true, things will be interesting. Then he will also try the feeling of Xu Xian's Snake , if there really is Bai Suzhen, then nothing will happen to Xu Xian

"Okay, let’s go to Hangzhou and have a look"


Hangzhou is indeed famous all over the world. It is very lively. Looking down from above, the entire scenery of Hangzhou comes into view.

However, wherever there is liveliness, there are also cold places, and although the city is lively, there is darkness lingering in every corner.

These black qi are either ghost qi or demon qi, there are also green qi, which are the Taoist temples and temples of righteous monks, and yellow qi, which is the humane luck of the entire city of Hangzhou.

If the human destiny is prosperous, evil will not suppress the good. If the human destiny declines, evil spirits will take advantage of the victory and rise.

When a country declines, there must be monsters.

This sentence is not just talk.

Moreover, in the direction of the imperial capital, a huge demonic energy shot straight into the sky. This demon had already taken shape and had strong cultivation. Therefore, even if ordinary monks knew about it, they would not risk their own death to eliminate the demonic guardian.

Therefore, Lin Caichen would not commit suicide before he became stronger.

Lin Caichen bought a yard on the edge of the West Lake. He planned to live here for a while.

Because the city of Hangzhou is full of interesting things that he wants to explore, such as monsters and monsters, the important thing is that he has to wait to see if the legendary Bai Suzhen will come.

But tonight is destined to be a night where his night is worth a thousand dollars. Because there is a little goblin on the bed, will he still stay alone in the empty room?

The bed curtain falls and the red waves roll

"Ding! The host enters negative distance contact and turns on the satisfaction percentage... 5%……10%……"

After Xiaoqing's satisfaction reached 100%, she no longer wanted to move, and Lin Caichen also gave her the power of pure Yang.

After obtaining the huge True Yuan of the Golden Elixir stage, Lin Caichen's Golden Elixir has grown again. It was only the size of a pigeon egg before, but now it is almost the size of a native egg.

However, he also wondered why he had already reached the peak of the golden elixir stage, why he had not broken through yet, and instead only increased the size of the golden elixir.

"Ding! All of this is because the host's cultivation level has grown too fast, causing the state of mind to be unable to keep up, like duckweed with five faculties, so the host has been unable to make a breakthrough."

Mood state?

After hearing the system's explanation, he finally knew the reason.

If the state of mind cannot keep up, he may become obsessed and suffer severe direct physical and mental collapse.

"System, how can I improve my mood?"

System:"As long as the host's outlook on life, values, and world are clear, there will be no hindrance to your state of mind."


God, you have to have correct views!

Lin Caichen's face turned dark,"Speak like a human being!" system:"……That means seeing yourself clearly, seeing others clearly, and seeing everything clearly."

So that's it, Lin Caichen fell into deep thought.

"What's my purpose here? With the system in place, what will I do in the future? Do I define myself as a good person or a bad person?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Lin Caichen realized that she didn't know what to do.

"Ahem, if I have to have one purpose, it is to become an immortal and become the ancestor of the supreme being. Ten thousand immortals will come to court, and then return to the earth to kill those four monsters and let them know how powerful I am."

"If I were asked to do something, it would be to recommend women. My system asked me to be the furnace, so what else could I do if I didn’t recommend women?"

"As for whether I want to be a good person or a bad person, it depends on my mood! I'm not a virgin bitch, I'm just me, a different kind of fireworks."

After thinking about this clearly, Lin Caichen felt relaxed, and the bottleneck that had not been loosened for a long time disappeared. Now he can break through the Nascent Soul stage at any time and achieve great power.

But the system was stunned,"Is this okay? Do you see yourself clearly like this? Host, your three views are completely destroyed!"

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