Late at night, new house.

Fourteen sat shyly on the new bed, with his head lowered, his little face was hot, and his little hands were already twisted into twists.

Lin Caichen couldn't help but smile to herself when she saw this. She must be such a shy and lovely woman.

"Ahem, madam, it’s late at night, we should go to bed!"

"ah! Going to bed now? Then I, I... will go to sleep first..." Fourteen exclaimed, and then wrapped himself in the quilt in a panic, his heart beating thumping.


Lin Caichen laughed dumbly, this silly cuteness is really too cute So cute

"Madam, tonight is our wedding night, do you know what you should do?"

Fourteen was stunned when he heard the words, and then he remembered the knowledge learned from the Three Cardinal Guidelines and Five Constant Rules as well as Nujie. Of course, there was also a picture album that a maid gave her before, but she just took a look at the picture album and put it away, because It's so insulting to politeness

"I, I know! Husband, you, come up too!"After saying that, she had rolled to the corner and gave up half of the outside to Lin Caichen.

She was so pure���, depending on her kind character and style since childhood, if it were her sisters, they would have known what to do next, and might have taken the initiative.

Lin Caichen shook his head, then took off his coat and lay down. Listening to the thumping heartbeat of Shi Shi around him, he pretended to say:"Madam, if you wrap yourself up in quilt alone, your husband will get cold.""

"ah!"Fifteen exclaimed, quickly turned around, pulled up the quilt and covered Lin Caichen, but her body was also next to Lin Caichen.

"Husband, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Seeing her apologetic look, her heartbeat calmed down, and Lin Caichen held her in his arms.

"Haha, you are so cute, my husband loves you to death!"Then he kissed her lips.


Only then did Fourteen come back to his senses, but she was already doomed.

"Well, husband, you are a big bad guy and a big liar.……"

Listening to the noise coming from the room, there were also whispers around the yard and rockery.

"Wow! It turns out that the fourteenth sister doesn’t understand anything! Strange!"

"Yes, it’s really embarrassing for us vixens."

"yes! Sister Fourteen is really stupid, she still needs her brother-in-law to take the initiative"

"Maybe my brother-in-law likes this kind of pure woman? I heard that humans must marry an innocent woman when they want to marry. If you don't understand, how can you fall into the eyes of your brother-in-law?"Nineteenth sister said weakly.

Her words made the others stunned for a moment, and they all looked sad. Then they lost their mood to listen to the corner and left one after another.

Nineteenth sister was stunned when she saw this,"I was wrong. Have you spoken? still……"

The eighteenth person next to him said faintly:"You are right, it is us who are wrong. You are still young, maybe there is hope that you can make your brother-in-law treat you differently."


"Hello! Sister Eighteen, what do you mean, can you explain it to me clearly?"Nineteenth sister chased eighteenth and left the yard.

But a figure came out from the other corner. She looked at the vague shadow on the window and listened to the voice inside, with a trace of hatred flashing in her eyes.

"snort! Innocent? What's so great about this! You say it as if no one has ever experienced it?"

Although he said this, his tone was sour, and at the same time, he secretly hated himself in his heart for why he had lost his innocence in the first place.


The next day, Shi Shi woke up and looked at Lin Caichen holding her in his arms. She felt satisfied and her eyelashes fluttered.

"I am already my husband's woman~"

Seeing that Lin Caichen was about to wake up, she immediately closed her eyes and pretended to still be sleeping.

Even though Lin Caichen knew that she was pretending to be asleep, she did not expose her, but got up carefully by herself. , because he knew that Shi Shi was thin-skinned and was embarrassed to face him early in the morning.

Hearing Lin Caichen leave the room, Shi Shi opened his eyes, patted his pink face, and rolled around in the quilt. Go, then I breathed a sigh of relief

"Phew~ It was so dangerous, my husband almost caught me peeking at him."

Outside the door, Lin Caichen observed her with his spiritual consciousness. When he saw her rolling around on the bed, his heart almost melted.

"Ah! I really married a cute little creature."

No longer looking at Shi Shi, he absorbed the true fire of the sun in the yard.

Last night, he got Shi Shi's golden elixir stage cultivation, and his golden elixir became bigger again.

And the entire golden elixir has been absorbed by the true sun. Two-thirds of it is melted by fire. As long as he persists, the golden elixir will become the sun god elixir sooner or later.

Once the golden elixir becomes the god elixir, his body will also be baptized by the true fire of the sun and become the sun god body.

The divine body is an ancient physique. According to legend, only the legendary ancient demon emperor has the divine body of the sun.

However, these things are too far away to be verified.

"Brother-in-law, I'm here to ask you and Sister Fourteen to have breakfast."Nineteen is just a little fox who has just turned one hundred years old, which is equivalent to ten human years. Even the fox ears on his head have not been completely transformed.

"It’s the nineteenth sister-in-law! You go ahead, I got it!"

"oh! Then come quickly!"

After Nineteen finished speaking, he jumped away again. This was a child.

Lin Caichen came to the room and found that Fourteen had gotten up and was sitting in front of the dressing table. She had pulled her girlish hairstyle into a woman's hairstyle. People's hair and hair have matured a lot in every move, as if they have really grown up. Maybe they have done something to each other, which represents true growth.

"Madam, just now Nineteen asked us to have breakfast."

"Okay, I'll be fine soon!"


After breakfast, Father Fox called Lin Caichen aside, and then said:"Fourteen has been obedient since she was a child. She has found her lover. Although you are a human, I have no objection. No matter what in the future, I will I hope you can treat her well"

"Don’t worry, Shi Shi is not only your daughter, she is also my wife. I will not let her get any harm in this life."

"With your words, I feel relieved. Okay, it's time for us to leave. You can go back!"

Looking at Father Fox leaving, what Lin Caichen saw was not an old man, but a great father.

"Brother-in-law, remember to miss us~"

"Brother-in-law, you must remember us!"

A group of vixens reluctantly said goodbye to Lin Caichen. They really didn't want to leave the Lin Mansion. It was luxurious and luxurious, and the beds were soft and big. They didn't know how they would survive if they returned to the previous fox den.

"There will be plenty of opportunities to meet in the future, so let’s go back too!"


Lin Caichen took Shi Shi back to the Lin Mansion, and life returned to a peaceful state.

During the day, she absorbed the true fire of the sun, and at night, she ate silly and cute Shi Shi.

But even though they met each other frankly every day, Shi Shi was still so thin-skinned.

(I got it on the 14th, please support me with flowers if you are a caring veteran, please vote!!)

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