The next morning, Lu Mingyu successfully negotiated a contract with the two shop owners, and then contacted the shop renovation engineers to have them renovate the shop.

After giving instructions, Lu Mingyu drank juice and read a magazine at home. At this time, Doudou ran to Lu Mingyu's lap and asked

【Host, you already have a shop, but where are the chefs and shop assistants? Don't you want to find them first?】

【What's the hurry? The shop hasn't been renovated yet, and I've already found a suitable chef.

Lu Mingyu calmly turned to the next page of the magazine.

【Huh? Host, when did you go to look for it?]

Lu Mingyu closed the magazine and talked to Doudou (the system) who was sitting on his lap.

【Remember when I tried to save Conan but got hit on the head?】

【Oh, I remember, the host was emo because of this incident.

Suddenly, a blow hit Doudou's head directly.

【Ouch, host, why did you hit me?

Doudou cried out in grievance

【I didn't ask you to remember this.】

【I was thinking that this body must have lost its memory before. When it was hit on the head, some memory fragments suddenly appeared in my mind.]

The system was puzzled.

【Ah? Amnesia? Why didn't they find out?】

Lu Mingyu didn't explain to the system and continued to talk.

【I just told you that there is a reason why I found the right person for the chef position. That person is in that incomplete memory. 】

The system felt a little confused - quietly waiting for Lu Mingyu's answer

【That was a person who was supposed to die in the comic world, but was saved by the original body. The codename Scotch, who was an undercover member of the organization, was also a Japanese public security police officer, Morobushi Kagemitsu. He was about to commit suicide because his undercover identity was exposed, but he did not expect that the original body appeared and directly prevented this tragedy from happening.】

【Host, this should have affected the development of the plot.

Lu Mingyu leaned back on the sofa, looking up at the crystal chandelier above his head, his thoughts drifting, and he was a little puzzled.

【Yes, it has violated the rules. After all, this character is connected to Amuro Toru, so the original body saving Scotland has affected Amuro Toru's route. The plot has been changed, and the original body has received the punishment it deserves.】

【Hmm? Punishment? What punishment? Host, generally speaking, if the plot is changed by someone, the Lord God will directly erase him from this world, but the original body is still fine? Why is that?】

【System, don't you understand? The reason why the original body lost his memory was the punishment from the Lord God you mentioned. He should have saved other people before. When my soul came into this body, I only had information about Ishida Ichiro, but I couldn't find any memories from more than ten years ago. It can be said that it was a blank.】

【Ugh! I can't figure it out anymore.】

【This punishment should be considered light, but... there seem to be many doubts. Why was the punishment given to the original person so light? Or was it because the original person suffered from moderate depression?……】

【Wait! Depression! Host, when did this happen?]

The system feels like the brain CPU is about to burn out

【I had a full body checkup at the hospital two days ago. I didn't expect to have depression. Tsk, I don't know what happened in the past that caused the original body to have an emotional breakdown. I can't empathize with it without my previous memories.

Lu Mingyu sighed, thinking that the original body's suicidal thoughts should not only be due to Ishida Ichiro's matter, so the system went directly to ask the main system.

【Host, I just asked the main system, and he said he can only tell me the reason after I upgrade.……】

Lu Mingyu felt even more tired

【Do you need points to upgrade?】

The system ran directly to Lu Mingyu and looked at him with its big squirrel eyes. Oh, it should be points.

【I try my best……】

Lu Mingyu was planning to ask Zhu Fujingguang out for a talk, but then he thought of something and went to the next room and took out the bug from his backpack.

【Um... Host, is this a bug? Who is so bold to put it in your bag! 】

Holding the bug in his hand, he walked to a painting on the wall next to the corridor and took down another bug on the frame. There was also one on the side of the bedside table in the room where Gin had stayed before.

Lu Mingyu held three bugs and smiled.

【Look, how nice the old man is. He gave me three good things the first time he came to my house. Haha!】

【Host, calm down. Maybe Gin just wants to get to know you better~】

【What? You're helping him now?

Lu Mingyu glared at the system with an unhappy look on his face. Even if he wanted to know, wouldn't it be better to know it in person? The more Lu Mingyu thought about it, the angrier he got. He shouted directly at the bug.

"Bad uncle!!!"

In a black Porsche, Gin took off the earphones. He almost went deaf.

Tsk, kid...

Gin frowned, and heard a voice coming from the earphones again. He put them on again and listened. A soft and aggrieved voice came into his ears.

"Uncle, if you want to understand me, then just ask me directly next time we meet. I don’t like the feeling of being eavesdropped, it makes me a little scared, but if uncle really wants to listen, then I’ll try to adapt to it."

Gin felt a little depressed after listening to it. He stared at the number in his phone and sent a text message and ignored it.

On the other side, Lu Mingyu put the three eavesdropping devices in the box and felt his phone vibrate. He took it out and took a look. It was a familiar number, but the content made Lu Mingyu feel shy.

Gin:"Speak nicely, don't act like a spoiled child."

Looking at these words, Lu Mingyu seemed to hear Gin's cold voice saying these words in his ear.

"Humph! I will act like a spoiled child to you." Lu Mingyu's face was slightly red, and he muttered a few words.

The system looked at Lu Mingyu with an aunt's smile on its face. Oh, hey,,Ծ^Ծ,,���I love sour smells.

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