The next morning, Lu Mingyu got up early and went for a morning run as usual. He kept doing this in the hope that he would grow some abdominal muscles one day.

After the morning run, he came to the fitting mirror, lifted up his clothes and looked at his body without any muscles. However, it was much better than before. If people saw this body before, they would definitely say it was thin and it always felt a little weak. Fortunately, others could not tell his gender and he escaped the disaster. Besides, after the conditioning in the past period of time, it was still acceptable.

Thinking of Gin's perfect eight-pack abs, Lu Mingyu subconsciously touched his flat belly. He didn't make a video call last night. He looked at the time and it was already 8 o'clock. Zhu Fu Jingguang and the others would not come until the afternoon, so he simply made another video call to Gin.

But as soon as the call was made, Lu Mingyu regretted it a little. Gin should have been on a mission last night and must be very tired now. His work and rest time is completely different from others. When he is ruthless, he doesn't even leave himself some rest time.

【It’s over, it’s over. Lu Mingyu, why are you so ignorant?!

Gin just picked up the phone and heard the voice next to him. Seeing that the person on the phone hadn’t spoken yet, he was sure that it was the little ghost’s voice.

【Is it too late to hang up now? Or should I just say it was a wrong number? Oh no! This idiot can see it, how can Gin be so stupid?】


Gin felt that his intelligence was insulted, and watching the little man on the screen in a hurry made people want to tease him.

【Hey!! Why didn't you hang up on me this time? This is really over. My life is in danger.(┯_┯)】

【Amitabha, Amitabha... Forget it, even God can't protect me, so I might as well go all out and attack! 】 Gin just listened to his inner drama quietly. If those who didn't know how to read minds had waited for this, they would have hung up the phone long ago.

"Good morning, uncle.^ω^"

But the other party was silent for a while. I looked at the phone screen and thought he hung up... Ugh! I thought he hung up.

"Uncle, have you finished your work?"

"Uncle, have you had breakfast?"

"Uncle, are you on your way back?"

"Uncle, you have to take a good rest."

Lu Mingyu greeted him in a series of greetings, but Gin seemed to be teasing him and the conversation died down.

Gin:"I’m just about to take a rest."

Lu Mingyu’s heart skipped a beat after hearing this, and then the air was silent for 30 seconds. He could only give it a go.

Lu Mingyu:"Uh, haha… Actually, I… I miss my uncle.(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)That's why I couldn't wait to call my uncle. I didn't mean to disturb my uncle's rest."

【It's strange, why am I talking more and more like the system?⊂((・x・))⊃】

System: What's that smell? Host, please explain it clearly.

Lu Mingyu, who was hiding his embarrassment, didn't dare to look directly at Gin on the other side of the phone. His fingers were fiddling nervously, and his palms were sweating.

Gin just stared at Lu Mingyu's expression of wanting to see but not daring to see him. He found his reaction very interesting. While thinking about it, Gin unconsciously raised the corners of his lips.

Although he didn't know what this little thing wanted to do, he was always afraid that he would get rid of him but still wanted to get close to him. If he couldn't hear the little thing's inner voice, he would indeed suspect that he was a rat who wanted to sneak into the organization.

But he felt it was unlikely. With his porcelain doll-like body that would break if touched, and a person who couldn't stop panting even when running, what threat could he pose to him?

While Gin was still thinking about Lu Mingyu's identity, Lu Mingyu was looking at Gin's faint smile on the screen. He knew that it was just a smile that he would occasionally show when teasing him, but his heart couldn't help but beat fast.

Lu Mingyu looked at Gin's handsome face. Although his eyes were always blocked by his hat, it could not hide his super high appearance. After looking for a long time, Lu Mingyu blushed unconsciously and became hot all over. The old man was really too foul.(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

He put his phone on the dining table and got up to get some water. Gin also heard the noise from the phone and instantly came to his senses and looked at the screen. The person was gone, but the camera was pointing at the ceiling. He heard the sound of water pouring, but he heard more than just the sound of water pouring.……

【Why is my face suddenly getting hot?】

【No, if the old man saw me like this, he would definitely laugh at me again.】

【Why do I always blush in front of him? Lu Mingyu, you are too easy to tease. He is an old fox. Why are you blushing like a bubble teapot?

Hmm? You have become an old fox this time?

You don't even want to be a human?

When Lu Mingyu finished drinking the water and was about to go back to his seat, Gin suddenly said something that made Lu Mingyu trip over his left foot and almost fall flat on his face.

"Put on your shoes.

Lu Mingyu was shocked and looked down at his bare feet. Because he always wore a pair of leather shoes in his previous life, he felt that he was going to get athlete's foot, so he decided not to wear shoes at home in the future. After that, he developed the habit of not wearing shoes at home.

【Hmm? That shouldn't be the case. How did he know I wasn't wearing shoes?? Was there a surveillance camera installed? Or did he hack into my home surveillance camera?

Haha, you really overestimate yourself. He doesn't have the time to hack into his home surveillance camera to monitor him. Why monitor him? Although it is clear that he knows their identities. But from what he said, it seems that he has no intention of revealing their information, but has been getting closer to me. I also investigated Xiao Gui's schedule some time ago and found out that he has been busy preparing to open a store and has no time at all.

"Uncle, how do you know I'm not wearing shoes?" Lu Mingyu thought about it and couldn't help asking.

"……Footsteps" Gin paused after hearing it and felt helpless. The kid's IQ didn't seem to be very good either.(눈_눈)

【No, don't look at me like that, it makes me look stupid. I only lower my IQ a little in front of you. I am still very smart in front of other people. 】

Gin:……Then I'll go?

"It's okay not to wear shoes at home." Lu Mingyu didn't want to wear shoes, so he took his phone and shone his feet at his lower body.

Gin responded with a commanding tone and only said two words indifferently.

"Put them on."

Lu Mingyu was startled when he heard the words, knowing that the tone must be unhappy... He could only accept his fate and put on the white plush slippers with cat ears.

Lu Mingyu deliberately pointed the camera of his mobile phone at his little feet, and reported to Gin in a coquettish manner,"Report to uncle, the shoes have been put on."

Gin listened to the little boy's sweet voice reporting to him and closed his eyes helplessly. He is getting more and more good at acting like a spoiled child to him. I don’t know how he is used to his every move, and why he has a sense of déjà vu of an old father... Hmm?! It’s really a bit dangerous to have such an idea.

Not long after chatting with Gin, he had another task to do... Ouch?! He seems to have completely occupied his rest time.

【Oh no, I can't stop talking and forget that the old man hasn't rested yet. 】


Lu Mingyu could only smile awkwardly and apologize to Gin.

"I'm sorry,'s all my fault for wasting your rest time."

"Well, it's really your fault" that you are so cold and heartless?!!!

【No, how should I respond to this? (⊙x⊙;)Why don't you follow the routine? Shouldn't you say it's okay? Can we still have a pleasant chat?

Gin quietly looked at the helpless kid opposite him and found it a little funny. In fact, it didn't matter whether he took a break or not. The word"rest" was dispensable to him. And now he just talked and didn't do anything... But he just wanted to tease him.

"Um...well, I will make it up to uncle."

【So please spare my life!

Gin was confused. Why did the kid always think he would attack him? He was afraid of losing his life but still wanted to provoke him? What was wrong with him??

"Uncle, I will take you to have fun when you are done with work."

The uncle said that it was not necessary, and he would be thankful if you did not bother him.

Seeing that Gin was silent, Lu Mingyu got a little anxious, thinking that he was angry, so he planned to... hang up first. He quickly raised his paw and hung up with a snap. Then he sent a message to Gin in a row

[Little Deer: Uncle, I will really make it up to you]

[Little Deer: Come to me when you are done with work, I will take you out to play]

[Little Deer: Or I can tell your boss to let you take a day off]

[Little Deer: I guarantee you will be happy physically and mentally afterwards!]

Gin was hung up and was about to do other things, but unexpectedly, the next second the message alert on his phone kept ringing. Looking at what Lu Mingyu sent, he felt exhausted physically and mentally... He was afraid that if he killed him one day, he would still dare to go to his boss. He thought his life was too long.

��Mingyu was secretly thankful at home that he died quickly and saved his life. Little did he know how dangerous the message he had just sent was.

He found that it was only 8:30 and he still had a lot of time to go to the Mihua Department Store to buy some cat supplies. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to have his own car, otherwise it would be more convenient. Suddenly, he looked up and remembered an important thing... He didn't have a driver's license yet, so how could he drive a car?

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