Gin leaned against the sofa in the living room, drinking the drink in his hand dully while listening to the noises of fighting coming from his phone.

Thinking of the three eavesdropping devices he had placed in Lu Mingyu's house before, he heard some words that were both familiar and unfamiliar to Gin.

First, he heard that Scotch, who had previously infiltrated the organization as an undercover and obtained the code name, had his undercover identity exposed three years ago.

The person who should have been dealt with is still alive and well, but they are still looking for his whereabouts, but...

now Lu Mingyu has asked him to be a chef, which makes Gin a little embarrassed.

If he changes the chef, the kid will definitely not agree.

He may quarrel with him and stay away from him.

He originally wanted to hold on to this lively treasure and couldn't let him run away.

And I heard that he wanted to conquer others. The kid is a little fickle, but fortunately he gave up in the end.<(`^´)>

However, the Scottish matter could only be put aside for the time being. He was also confused by the mess of unfamiliar words he heard, such as the soul traveling through this body, the plot being changed, the main god punishing the original owner, and the mention that when he saved someone, he would lose the memory of the person he saved. What surprised him most was that the child had depression and amnesia...

The more he thought about it, the more puzzles there were. Gin rubbed his eyebrows in annoyance. For the first time in his life, he felt that his brain was not enough. After all, this kind of thing was too incredible. If he was a soul traveling through time as Lu Mingyu said, then where did the real Lu Mingyu go?

And he had not found out about depression before. Could it be that the relevant information was destroyed?

Although he could only hear Lu Mingyu's voice, he also got a piece of news worthy of attention.

As for Miyano Akemi's affairs, Gin didn't take them seriously at all.

However, Akemi Miyano's recent behavior is indeed suspicious.

She wants to take Shirley away.

He doesn't care.

It's not so easy to leave the organization.

Generally, the grass on the grave of those who want to escape the organization is already three feet high.


the child said in her heart that she would complete a task given by the organization.

Robbing 10 billion yen from a bank is indeed a large amount of money.

Whether this news is true or not needs to be confirmed first, but thanks to the blessing of hearing Lu Mingyu's voice, things are becoming more and more interesting.

Besides, there are too many secrets about Lu Mingyu. Just checking the information will not find any useful information.

Thinking of this, Gin drank the wine in one gulp, then put down the wine glass in his hand, listening to the noisy sound coming from the phone, he felt that the child's sweet smile appeared in front of him, and he kept calling uncle over and over again. Although he was a 176 boy, he could use the words petite and cute in front of him.

Although the other party likes to cry, he doesn't hate it. As long as he thinks of that charming and lovable face, well, he wants to bully him even harder.

After a few minutes, there was no useful information from the other side. He pressed the exit button with a cross on the phone and directly exited the monitoring screen. He flipped through the unread messages and looked at the full schedule in the next few days. He looked up and closed his eyes helplessly.

It seems that the time to be alone with the children will have to be postponed again.

As for the Miyano sisters, Gin didn't pay too much attention to them. With two powerless idiots, they would not be able to make any waves... He decided to wait and see.

However, a small warning is still given.



On the other side, a beautiful and gentle woman in the Black Organization was wearing a light green dress and a pair of off-white high heels. She had long straight hair that was split 3:7 on the right side of her forehead. Her hair color was black, and her pupils were also green. Her eyes were slightly drooping. She was standing there waiting happily, waiting for her sister to arrive at the agreed time.

But after a long time, she still couldn't see her sister. She looked at the hands on her watch and couldn't help feeling confused. She wanted to go find her sister, but was stopped by someone who was coming and said to cancel the meeting tonight.

She asked angrily, but the other party didn't respond and turned away. She wanted to continue to pursue the matter, but then she thought that they were all controlled by someone and couldn't resist them at all, so she could only stand there silently.

The people in the organization's research room also received the information, staring at those who blocked her from seeing her sister with indifference, arguing with them, but they didn't care and just looked at them expressionlessly.

In this way, the opportunity for the two sisters to meet was directly ruined.

Lu Mingyu sneezed and felt a chill on his back. I wonder if it was his illusion.

System: [Host, you are not catching a cold again.]

Lu Mingyu: [No, I just feel that someone is saying bad things about me. By the way, Tong, do I have to be involved in the protagonist's affairs all the time?]

System: [Actually, I am brushing up the protagonist's affection value just in case.]

Lu Mingyu:【??What does it mean?】

System:【Host, because you want to capture the villain Gin, if the protagonists find out that you are with Gin, their affection values will definitely change, so if you can gain more affection values now, do so, or……】

Lu Mingyu listened carefully to the system's words, and couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

System: [Or the host can choose to stand directly against the protagonists, and there is no need to continue to improve their emotional values.]

After hearing the end, Lu Mingyu finally understood. On one side of them is the brilliant light, and on the other side is endless darkness. If he really doesn't have enough emotional values of the protagonists until the last moment, what should he choose? If he gives up the side of light, will those friends he knows also leave him? But he doesn't want to stand on the opposite side of that person. It's not easy to have the company and care of these people, he doesn't want to lose any of them.

Lu Mingyu was silent. He thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he fell. Is it only by working hard to improve the emotional value of the protagonists that he can get over this hurdle? If he doesn't do this, will it be another ending?

It took Lu Mingyu a few minutes to come back to his senses. Uh...-_-||, the story has just begun and he is already worried about the final outcome...

There is no other way. He has not thought of another way out yet, so he can only take it one step at a time.

System: [Host, please rest assured that you can take your time to improve the protagonist's affection value. There is no rush. After your previous series of rescues, the protagonist's affection value is not low. ]

Lu Mingyu: [Well, I was planning to put the affection value aside for now. I have to open my small shop quickly to get more points.(-`д´- 。)】

He hasn't forgotten that he still owes a lot of debt(இдஇ; )For the first time in his life, he felt very poor. He had never thought about it this way in his previous life. Although it was different from being poor in name, he was still very poor. Making money was quite simple for him, but the points earned by points were very few, and the cost was too much.

System:【(ಥ_ಥ)Woohoo, the child has grown up and I don't need to worry about him anymore】


Lu Mingyu:!!!

Lu Mingyu: [Fuck you, damn system! How dare you take advantage of me!]


So the man and the mouse started a chase in the house again!

The next morning, after Lu Mingyu finished his breakfast, he put the cat ornaments he had made into the box, and took these things and the system with him to go to the store, intending to clean up first. When he arrived in front of the store, Lu Mingyu looked at the whole layout and was quite satisfied, but he felt that something was missing.



Hmm! The sign above seemed too monotonous. Walking into the store, Lu Mingyu took out a piece of paper and sat at the cashier to write and draw. After a while, a cat's paw was drawn on the paper, and the words"Cat Dessert House" were next to it. There was also a pattern of a small cat's paw below the words, and there was another design below, but the cat's paw was replaced with a cat's head.

Lu Mingyu took the design drawings to find someone to make another sign, but it would take some time to complete it, so he went to other places in his spare time and came to the front door of the department store. He remembered that there seemed to be Kamen Rider here. He had never seen such a thing and was full of curiosity, but he didn't expect to see the members of the Junior Detective League here, and of course the protagonist was there.

Lu Mingyu stood aside and watched a few little ones shouting Kamen Rider excitedly, while Conan next to him showed a half-moon eye expression and a helpless look on his face, which was exactly what he meant by why a high school student had to come to see this.

And even if he was listless, he had to look energetic to respond to Yoshida Ayumi beside him. He felt a little funny looking at Conan.

Lu Mingyu did not continue to pay too much attention to them, and also started watching Kamen Ultraman. He had never even watched a cartoon before, and he felt that these things were very rare. When he was a child, he was either studying or on the way to study. When he grew up, he didn't even have the chance to touch a TV or a mobile phone. If he had, he would focus on his studies and career.

After watching the Kamen Ultraman scene, Lu Mingyu did not bother the Junior Detective Team. When he turned around to leave, suddenly an uncle handed him a balloon and said jokingly:

"I noticed that you don't look very energetic, is it because Kamen Ultraman failed to cheer you up?"

Lu Mingyu was stunned for a while when he looked at the balloon handed to him, then he stretched out his hand to take the balloon from the man's hand, and replied in a flat tone:"No, I think it's very interesting, but I've never seen these things before, so I came here to have a look out of curiosity."

The man was also stunned when he heard Lu Mingyu's answer. From these words, it can be heard that the boy in front of him seemed to have never had a complete childhood, and his tone did not show any interest in Kamen Ultraman at all.

If ordinary people really haven't seen these, their eyes should be full of expectations and curiosity, but there is no emotion in his eyes, and when he looks at Kamen Ultraman, his eyes are also empty.

It's like the illusion that he has looked down on all this.

The other party didn't know what to say when he saw this, but just asked him to watch more cartoons when he has time, which should make up for him. There might be a small void in his heart. He sighed that if there were no children with childhood, then his childhood life would have been completely depressing.

I just hope he can be happy...

The man didn't say anything more. He said goodbye to Lu Mingyu and turned around to continue giving balloons to other children.

Lu Mingyu listened to his words and thought about it. This suggestion seemed not bad. Watching all the cartoons that he had never watched before could make up for the life without childhood, hehe! o(≧v≦)o

System: [If the host needs it, we have some discs that are not in this world~(≧▽≦)】

Lu Mingyu: [Yes, yes, yes. Show me any good discs you have]

System: [Okay~(ಡωಡ) 】

Lu Mingyu didn't notice the strange tone of the system at all, his attention was completely drawn to the discs he hadn't watched.

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And thank you very much to those who follow me and give me ratings, love you guys

(*´・з・`*)Chirp ♪

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