On the plain, the black mist crawled in front of everyone like a scourge.

The moment people were engulfed by the black mist, the black mist also stopped spreading.

When the monks outside saw the black mist, they were also in a cold sweat. No one could escape from the black mist.

Li Chang gritted his teeth angrily. When the black mist enveloped him, he found that the surrounding space seemed to be cut off by something. He turned his head and wanted to retreat, but found that he could not find the way back.

It seems to be retreating backward, but it is like walking blindfolded, and it will never walk in a straight line.

The people around hadn't dispersed, they were all crowded together, looking at the darkness ahead, they were frightened for a while.

"What? What should we do?"

As mortals, they had never seen such a battle before, and they lost their minds for a while.

But we are all mortals, without the control of the monks, besides the terror, our minds became active for a while.

"Ma De, those bastard gods, let us die, we will not die, just stay where we are, and see what they do."

"I heard that there are terrible monsters here. It's useless to stay where we are. We'd better find a cave or dig a hole to hide in."


Just as the crowd was chattering, a low-pitched beast roar came from afar. This roar seemed to penetrate people's minds, hit the soul directly, and instantly defeated everyone's psychological defense.


I don't know who screamed, and the scene was chaotic in an instant, and people fled around.

"Ah, no, pfft, help!"

Suddenly, there was a miserable cry from a distance. People heard the sound and looked, and saw a figure being swallowed by a two-meter-long four-legged monster.

This made people run faster, Li Changsheng also looked shocked, and fled around with a group of people.

At this time, no one cares about other people's lives, life-saving is the most important thing, and Li Changsheng is no exception.

His eyes quickly adapted to the dimness, and he couldn't tell what was what in the distance. He could only roughly know what was a tree and what was a stone, as if his eyes had lost the ability to distinguish colors.


There was another beast roar, and a four-legged monster suddenly popped out from the darkness in the distance and rushed towards the figure in front.

Li Changsheng was right behind. Seeing this scene, he slashed at him without saying a word.


To Li Changsheng's shock, he just stabbed hard, and the monster was split in half by him like tofu. Warm blood sprayed all over his body. The monster just struggled on the ground for a while before losing its vitality.

This scene made everyone stop and looked at Li Changsheng in disbelief.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. This monster will be weak when it is weak, and strong when it is strong. As long as we work together, we will definitely kill them."

Li Changsheng calmed down and said to appease everyone.

"Big brother said, why didn't we expect that this monster will be weak when it is weak, and strong when it is strong. In fact, we don't have to be afraid of them at all."

"Yes, if you are weak, you will be weak, and if you are strong, you will be strong. This monster is not very powerful."

For a while, everyone gradually calmed down.


There was another roar, and everyone looked nervously, only to see a monster pounce on it again.

The complexion of a strong man in front of him sank, he yelled and killed him alone.

What is surprising is that the monster and the strong man were evenly matched.

"This monster is not strong, you still have to come and help."

Hearing the strong man's shout, everyone came back to their senses one after another, and at the same time raised their swords and killed him.

Sure enough, with the joint efforts of everyone, the monster was hacked to death with no effort at all.

This made everyone feel relieved, as if they knew the method, they were all pleasantly surprised.

Seeing this scene, Li Changsheng also felt that these monsters were too weak and not as scary as imagined.

Li Changsheng immediately gathered dozens of mortals around him to form a team, and the others all ran away, and Li Changsheng led the team to start looking for those people.

Naturally, some monsters were encountered on the way, but they were all beheaded one by one by Li Changsheng and others.

Soon, Li Changsheng gathered more than two hundred people together.

According to Li Changsheng's analysis, these monsters are weak when they are weak, so it is only necessary to put the weakest person at the front and the strongest person in the middle, so as to ensure that the monster is always weak.

According to this method, everyone killed hundreds of monsters in a row without any emergencies.

When they were tired, they roasted the monster's beast, which was very delicious. They lit a fire, and everyone saw the monster's appearance clearly.

This monster has the head of a sheep and the tail of a crocodile. It has no hair on its body, and it is more like human skin. It is black in color and red in blood.

Completely different from the monsters in the outside world, very ugly.

In order to better replenish sleep, everyone had to take turns to stand guard, and then set out on the road again after resting.

On the way, they found that the person who came in before had turned into a corpse, with only stumps and broken arms left in his body, and half of his head had been eaten.

Soon, Li Changsheng gathered more than 400 people, and there were no more people, and everyone basically dispersed.

The combat power of more than 400 people is not small, even if they encounter dozens of monsters, they still have enough confidence to kill them quickly.


"It's a miracle that this group of newly entered mortals persisted for a long time."

Outside the fog, two middle-aged men sat on the high platform of the camp and looked at the fog.

"Maybe it's just luck, and it's not difficult for a month."

"Sigh, I never thought that we cultivators would rely on mortals one day."

"We monks also climbed out of the crowd of mortals. Ordinary people are the roots. Many monks have probably forgotten this."

"That's right, I hope they can hold on for a little longer. If they can find a solution to the black mist, that would be great."

"Don't expect so much from them, we have nothing to do, let alone mere mortals."

In the past, when the mortal army entered, it lasted for about half a year at most, and that was the result of the entry of tens of thousands of troops.

If thousands of people go in for a month or two, they will not be able to support it.

Time passed by little by little, no one thought that one month had passed, two months had passed.

Three months have passed, and the black mist has not moved at all, which means that more than a thousand people who entered recently have not died yet.

Four months have passed, and the black mist is still motionless, which makes the monks outside very excited.

Five months have passed, and the black mist is still as motionless as before.

Six months have passed, and the monks outside have been shocked. More than a thousand people are still alive, which has exceeded their cognition and subverted their imagination.

Seven months have passed, which is completely beyond the previous record of half a year.

eight months...

nine months...

one year...

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