At this moment, Li Changsheng has already blocked the five senses. In the world of heavy senses, he can even block his own breath from being discovered.

If you were an ordinary person, even if you couldn't detect a specific monk, you could still detect the existence of vitality.

This is why Li Changsheng can not be found in the water.

In the world of heavy senses, Li Changsheng 'saw' two figures, one is Zhu Yan's, and the other must be the emperor Zhu Zhu.

However, at this moment, Li Changsheng was a little confused, because he could no longer tell which of the two was Zhu Yan and which was Zhu Zhu.

If the emperor finds out that there is a man hiding in the pool, wouldn't he have to kill the nine clans? Although he has no Nine Clans anymore.

Li Changsheng has been submerged in the water for a long time, and the two of them can't hear or feel what they said. The world of heavy senses can be cultivated to a very high level, but he hasn't cultivated to the level of integration with the five senses.

Suddenly, his hand paused slightly, as if he had thrown something, there was a heavy feeling, in the heavy feeling world, he thought it was the butt, if this was a valley, there would not be such a heavy feeling.

But at this moment, outside, Zhu Zhu's expression was startled, and his beautiful eyes moved around, and he looked at Zhu Yan strangely.

‘This Yan’er, why did you touch her ass? '

Both of them only showed above their fragrant shoulders, their hands were underwater, Zhu Zhu couldn't believe that Zhu Yan had this habit.

But seeing that Zhu Yan's hand hadn't moved away, she was startled, and she couldn't say anything.

After all, we are all women, so it is only natural for us to meet when we bathe together.

Moreover, Zhu Yan was still her junior, so it was even more difficult to say, so she could only look at Zhu Yan with kind eyes as if nothing had happened.

"Guzu, Yan'er has a sweetheart~"

Zhu Yan said shyly.

"Uh, do you have a sweetheart? Whose son is it?"

Zhu Zhu looked startled, and suddenly became interested, but felt a little helpless in her heart, this Yan'er, can you stop moving your hands, it's too naughty.

"I can't say this yet, the horoscope has not been written yet, so it's hard to say~"

Zhu Yan said vaguely, she naturally dared not say it, if the emperor knew that her man was in the pool, then Li Changsheng would have to suffer from cramps.

"It's hard to say, then don't..."

Zhu Zhu smiled knowingly, Yan'er in her house was not an outsider, and it's normal for a girl to be shy, but before she finished speaking, suddenly, her expression froze, and a blush flashed on her delicate face.

She stared at Zhu Yan, and looked at Yan'er with strange eyes.

"Yan'er, why are you groping me with your hands, you're already in the valley, do you want to compare?"

At this time, Zhu Zhu reminded with a smile, after all, she had never acted so intimately with anyone, and she never expected Yan'er to be so bold.

And Zhu Yan's expression was shocked when he heard this, hand? Her hands remained in the water without moving.

Suddenly, she realized something, she was startled, could it be...

She quickly tossed and turned in the water, and as expected, she felt Li Changsheng's hands moving in the water.

'This scoundrel, wouldn't he take my aunt as her, would he? ! '

"Ah, huh, aunt, your valley is so beautiful, I..."

Zhu Yan could only talk in embarrassment, not knowing what to do for a while.

The atmosphere was extremely embarrassing, she is not that kind of person, and now she has to admit that she did it, which is very shameful.

"The girls of our Zhu family are all in good shape, and Yan'er's figure is almost surpassing mine now."

As soon as Zhu Zhu heard this, she smiled calmly. It turned out that Yan'er was envious of her figure, but Yan'er's figure will definitely be better than hers in the future, but her cultivation base has basically stabilized at the Body Integration stage.

If it can break through to the Mahayana Stage, maybe it can be developed again.

But the Mahayana Stage has always been a pain in her heart.

She is now stuck at the peak of the Body Integration stage, and has been struggling to break through to the Mahayana Stage.

From the Body Integration period to the Mahayana Stage, it is not just about cultivation, but the most important thing is understanding and a flash of inspiration.

This kind of feeling can only be relied on by oneself. Some people have reached the level of understanding but have not reached the level of cultivation, and some people have reached the level of cultivation but cannot reach the level of understanding.

And even if she has reached her cultivation base but not her comprehension, she can't rely on others, it can only depend on chance.

Maybe one day, once I have an epiphany, maybe I will suddenly break through, and I can't force it.

"Yan'er doesn't have the figure of my aunt. My aunt has such a good figure, why don't you find a Taoist companion? It feels like a waste."

Zhu Yan was extremely nervous at the moment, she kept groping for something in the water, and finally caught Li Changsheng, trying to get his bad hands away.

"I also want to look for it, but I have been busy with government affairs, so I don't have time to look for it, not to mention how many good men above the Mahayana Stage are there."

Hearing this, Zhu Yan couldn't help feeling sympathetic.

The higher a woman's cultivation base is, the higher her vision will be. You can't find a man with a lower cultivation base than yourself, that would be embarrassing.

Guzu has been cultivating in the cultivation world and managing the government affairs of the empire. Naturally, his vision is extremely high, and ordinary men also look down on him. This is not how it is left.

This is also the sorrow of female cultivators. The higher the cultivation level of male cultivators, the more they will not lack the company of women, and there will be no shortage of Taoist companions.

But female cultivators can't do it. The higher the cultivation level, the more reluctant female cultivators are to give in, otherwise they will suffer and be deceived, and they will not be able to hold their heads up for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, the higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it is for female cultivators to find a companion.

At this moment, in the water, Li Changsheng frowned, as if he had touched something.

Sure enough, the world of heavy senses is a bit uncomfortable. If it can be integrated with the five senses, then the feelings will be a hundred times the feelings of the predecessors.

Come to think of it, what he is holding in his hand should be Zhu Yan's proud valley.

She hasn't resisted until now, it must be hers.

It's a pity, it's a pity, the light can be touched but not felt, it's a bit depressing.

While lamenting her incomparable greatness, Li Changsheng felt the heaviness of the valley carefully. It seems that he can temper his own sense of heaviness by weighing in this way.

This weight should weigh four or five catties, which is enough.

What Li Changsheng didn't know was that at this moment Zhu Zhu was already blushing and couldn't speak.

Why is this cigarette still addicted? He praised her with his mouth, but he never left his hand.

But after all, Yan'er is from her junior blood, so it's understandable to be a little naughty, but why does this feel so indescribable.

Usually, I don't have such a deep feeling when I touch it myself, but Zhu Yan can bring her a very strange feeling.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but tremble in her heart.

'Could it be that I actually like women? ? ? ? '

As soon as this idea appeared, she was taken aback, and looked at Zhu Yan with a strange expression.

In a daze, she closed her eyes, as if she wanted Zhu Yan to keep it, and never take it away.

But this made her feel even more strange.


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