"Boss, how much is this bamboo basket?"

"900 taels."

"Okay, I'll buy ten."

The maid touched her body and only found out a tael of silver.

"I don't have that much money with me, come back tomorrow."

"It's okay, where do you live? I'll go get it with you."

Li Changsheng asked tentatively.

"Okay, come with me."

To Li Changsheng's surprise, the servant girl agreed without hesitation.

I saw the girl leading the way, and Li Changsheng followed behind. When she reached the corner, the girl's body blurred and finally disappeared.

Li Changsheng stood there blankly, with a bewildered expression on his face.

"I haven't got in the car yet, hey, I haven't gotten in the car yet."

After shouting, the maid had long since disappeared, and Li Changsheng waited for a long time but did not wait for the maid to come back to pick her up.

After returning home, Li Changsheng thought that the way he spoke must be wrong, and he will try another word tomorrow.

Sure enough, the next day, the maid came again.

"Don't ask, you take the 2 taels of silver."

Seeing the maid, Li Changsheng said directly.

There was a hint of doubt on the servant girl's face.

"Okay, I'll buy 10."

The maid touched her body and only found out a tael of silver.

"I don't have that much money with me now, come back tomorrow."

"Come on, you've been here for three years. Where do you live? I'll go get it with you."

Li Changsheng said in a hurry.

"My family lives in the old house of the Gu Family in the West District, so come with me."

The maid said a word and walked forward, but Li Changsheng knew that the so-called old house of the ancient family was the big courtyard that he had been to before.

Besides, this direction is not right.

Followed the servant girl into the alley, the servant girl disappeared, but the others were still...

There must be a bug somewhere, Li Changsheng thought for a long time, and glanced at the booth.

He immediately walked towards the old house with a bamboo basket.

When he reached the gate of the house, Li Changsheng took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Boom boom boom...

The door opened, and a weird old woman stuck her head out.

"Who are you looking for?"

"I'm sending the bamboo basket."

"come in."

The old woman let Li Changsheng in, and in a blink of an eye, the door closed, and the old woman ignored Li Changsheng with her back on her back and walked towards the small room next to her.

This scene gave Li Changsheng a chill.

When the old woman walked into the house, Li Changsheng, who was by accident, followed her.

The autumn wind was bleak and cold, and as expected, under Li Changsheng's shocked eyes, the old woman disappeared from the house.

"Old woman, are you there?"

There was no response, and Li Changsheng bravely began to search in the hut with a whoosh behind him.

The hut was a bit messy, with a dilapidated wooden bed, some broken bowls and tables, and some gadgets that no one else wanted.

Li Changsheng's gaze turned to the wooden bed covered with a thin quilt.

Li Changsheng cautiously walked to the bedside, the vitality in his body circulated, and after confirming that there was no living breath, he slowly lifted the quilt.

With a sound of 'shua', more than a dozen black shadows rushed out suddenly.

Li Changsheng's expression froze for a while, a thick white bone was exposed under the quilt, and the wild mice had already regarded this place as their home.

This old woman has been dead for many years.

No matter how courageous Li Changsheng was, he couldn't stand such a toss, not to mention that he was really not courageous. Facing such a terrifying scene, he quickly retreated.

boom boom boom~

There was a sound of footsteps in the distance, Li Changsheng turned around quickly but found nothing.

"Is anyone here?"

Li Changsheng asked, but there was no response.

"I'm sick, I can't come during the day, I have to come at night."

Li Changsheng cursed secretly, and immediately walked out of the yard with the basket in hand.

But in the next second, the world changed, and when he passed through the gate, the surrounding environment suddenly became gloomy.

The dogs in the distance disappeared, and so did the figures on the street, and the surroundings were dark and deserted.

Li Changsheng was shocked, and hurried to the street. The ground was desolate, the streets were covered with leaves, and the shops in the distance were no longer alive.

Only a few lanterns glowed with a cold red flame.

The surrounding air became clammy and cold. Li Changsheng looked into the distance, shrouded in mist, as if a figure was moving. Suddenly, a dark figure came out of the room in the distance.

Li Changsheng was overjoyed, and hurried over to say hello.

But he didn't see clearly when he was halfway, what kind of figure was there, it was clearly a black ghost, he couldn't see the face or figure clearly, it was a completely inhuman existence.


The black figure seemed to have spotted Li Changsheng. It stopped and turned to look at Li Changsheng.

"Hurry up like a law, and the ghosts and ghosts will appear quickly."

Li Changsheng was so frightened that he took out a talisman and chanted a spell that he didn't know would work, but it was obvious that the spell was useless.

The ghost came towards him, and Li Changsheng hurriedly ran away in shock.

For a moment, the entire Ten Thousand Snakes City turned into a ghost town, with bleak scenery everywhere, without color, and it was extremely desolate.

Vaguely, Li Changsheng heard the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling, which made people get goosebumps in fright.

Li Changsheng found his own house according to the original memory. To Li Changsheng's surprise, it was the same as before. His bamboo basket and bamboo chair were still there, which was incredible.

But the surrounding area was already desolate, there was nothing, no people, nothing in the shop, like a dead city.

Li Changsheng hid at home. Through the window, he could see black shadows passing by outside from time to time. They had no faces at all, and they couldn't speak. They were all like ghosts.

Could it be hell here?

I don't know how long it has passed, but Li Changsheng still feels sleepy, but his scalp is numb.

Suddenly, he saw a dark figure walking in front of his booth.

Seeing the black shadow, Li Changsheng felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Li Changsheng rushed out quickly, looked at the black shadow and said.

"Where is this? I know you are that girl, take me out of here quickly."

The black figure looked at Li Changsheng, was silent for a long time, then suddenly nodded, as if he understood Li Changsheng's words.

Li Changsheng was overjoyed and hurriedly followed the shadow.

This time the black shadow did not go the wrong way, but led him towards the old house of the Gu family.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when the black shadow led him into the alley, a voice came from his ear.

"My young lady doesn't like to receive outsiders. When you get to the house, you have to be cautious in your words and deeds."

Li Changsheng's eyes widened, the scene in front of him gradually became clear, and the black figure in front gradually turned into the appearance of a maid.

Looking back, the streets are also colorful, but there are still very few people, almost none.

Li Changsheng grabbed the maid's hand excitedly.


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