It was a pale face with blood spattered all over it.

There were bloodstains in the pupils, and the slightly opened mouth was full of blood red. This scene was like a ghost, and Li Changsheng almost suffered a cardiac arrest.

"Our child is dead, woo woo woo..."

With a dull expression, she threw herself into Li Changsheng's arms with grievance and sadness.

At this moment, Li Changsheng felt the coldness of Gu Xia's body, like a freezer, which made Li Changsheng tremble.

He quickly pushed her away gently and said.

"Who killed it?"

"Msanggong killed him, he killed our child, so I killed him."

Gu Xia's eyes were wide open and her face was full of madness, which made Li Changsheng panic even more.

"I avenged our children, I avenged our children..."

She kept repeating this sentence in her mouth, but her body was trembling constantly, she didn't know whether it was excitement or fear.

But Li Changsheng felt the coldness coming from his hands, and there was only one consciousness in his mind, and the woman in front of him was also a dead person.

A living dead without temperature.

"It's okay, it's okay, let's deal with the corpse first."

Li Changsheng just wanted to escape from here at this moment, he suppressed nausea and fear and comforted him.

"No, you can't touch our child, you don't touch her!"

Suddenly, Gu Xia screamed, like the scream of a corpse, which made people's soul tremble.

"Okay, okay, I won't touch it, there should be corpses underneath."

Li Changsheng's scalp was numb, and he went downstairs while talking. He wanted to run, but when he reached the first floor, he suddenly trembled and looked inside in horror.

"I'm here, I can't move now, please wait a moment, please?"

A gentle voice came from the depths, and a strange figure came out from the side door, it was Gu Xia.

Suddenly, Li Changsheng's mind was in chaos. Looking at the figure deep in the corridor, and then at the figure upstairs, two ancient clouds came into view.


This word was printed in my mind, and an inexplicable fear came to my heart, as if the whole world had changed.

Li Changsheng ran out frantically, he never came here again, just when he ran to the gate, the gate suddenly opened, and a figure walked in.

"Bamboo basket seller, what's wrong with you?"

"Xiaohong, there is a ghost here, your lady is..."

At this time, Li Changsheng lowered his head and gasped for breath, but in the next second, his pupils shrank suddenly, Xiaohong's hands turned blood red, and when he raised his eyes slightly, bright red blood was flowing on her body, a strong bloody smell The smell seeps through the clothes.

In a trance, a terrifying energy fluctuation suppressed.


The sound of wriggling sounded above the head, and the figure of the year ago turned into a pile of standing mixed flesh and blood, like a monster whose intestines and pieces of meat were randomly mixed together.

Li Changsheng didn't dare to look up at this moment, a terrifying coercion had already shattered his mind, and he no longer had the courage to look up.

In a trance, Li Changsheng seemed to have returned to the black mist, and only the disgusting and rotten indescribable thing was in his mind. This was the deepest fear that had been buried in his heart, and it fully manifested at this moment.


In Ten Thousand Snakes City, there lived a handsome boy who made a living by weaving bamboo baskets.

The bamboo baskets he weaves are beautiful and practical, and many people like to buy his bamboo baskets.

One day, Miss Gu's family saw Zhulan Xiaosheng and fell in love at first sight.

But as a lady, she couldn't express it.

I can only arrange for the servant girl Xiaohong to buy his bamboo basket every day and let him send it to the house.

That bamboo basket niche fell in love with Gu Xia the first time he saw her.

The two fell in love once and twice, and even made peace together.

But who would have thought that Gu Xia had already been married as a wife, and her husband was a monk who worked hard all the year round, commuting to and from the border of the Xiluo Empire.

I won't come back for three to five years.

Without anyone to accompany her, Gu Xia secretly had an affair with Zhulan Xiaosheng and became pregnant with a child.

After Xianggong came back, the child had already been born and was four or five years old. Naturally, he was very angry and threw the child to death in front of Gu Xia and dismembered him.

Gu Xia couldn't prevent the tragedy from happening at all, she hated her husband deeply and went crazy.

"Even if I turn into a ghost, I won't let you go."

After Gu Xia said this, she hanged herself, but the husband-in-law would not let the adulterer and adulterer go, and immediately dismembered Gu Xia's body and threw it into the ancient well.

At the same time, he discovered the bamboo basket niche. In order to take revenge on this mortal, he did not kill the bamboo basket niche, but designed the most terrifying reincarnation formation.

From that day on, Zhulan Xiaosheng fell into an endless loop.

He died of madness within a month. Before he died, he was tortured so much that his whole body was covered in blood from his own hands, his face was completely disfigured, and his eyeballs were slammed down by him. His death was extremely miserable.

And Xiaohong was tortured to death, and the old woman was also killed in the hut.

After doing all this, Xianggong wanted to dismantle his magic circle, but the magic circle kept running and could not be disarmed.

Only then did I realize that Gu Xia really turned into a ghost and has been circulating in this magic circle.

Seeing this, the gentleman found that Gu Xia's incarnate ghost could not be eliminated at all, so he immediately fled to the Xiluo Empire and never came back.


On the bed, Li Changsheng sat up in shock. The moment he opened his eyes, he found that he was already sweating profusely and drenched all over.

Looking at the surrounding furnishings again, amidst the magnificence, there is a black mist flowing in the room.

In the blink of an eye, he saw a red-clothed female ghost with a pale face, bloodstained eyes, and terrifying blackness all over her body standing beside her.

"Gu Xia, I'm not a bamboo basket niche, I'm just an ordinary monk, very good, very good, don't hurt me."

Seeing such a terrifying Gu Xia, Li Changsheng trembled all over, and broke out in a cold sweat from fright.

Nima, people scare people, scare people to death, ghosts scare people, scare people to death.

"Help me kill my husband, and I will let you go."

Gu Xia stopped pretending at this moment, a terrifying divine thought came into Li Changsheng's mind, and they communicated with each other.

"Here, what's your husband's name, and I don't know what cultivation level..."

"His name is Ming Gaohai, a Soul Formation Stage monk."

Hearing this, Li Changsheng was shocked.

"Sister, I'm only Qi Refining Stage, you want me to kill Soul Formation Stage experts? Why don't you just kill me."

Not to mention Soul Formation Stage monks, even Core Formation Stage monks, he has no way to kill the other party. Doesn't this mean courting death?

"If you don't help me, I will kill you now!"

During the speech, Gu Xia turned into a terrifying ghost, and the monstrous resentment filled the room.

Seeing this terrifying scene, Li Changsheng immediately fell into a state of deep thought.

"I think it can still be considered."


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